La vérité sur l'affaire Harry Quebert

La vérité sur l'affaire Harry Quebert PDF

Author: Joël Dicker

Publisher: Rosie & Wolfe

Published: 2022-03

Total Pages: 864

ISBN-13: 9782889730087


Été 1975, dans le New Hampshire. Nola Kellergan, une jeune fille de quinze ans, disparaît dans des conditions mystérieuses. Au printemps 2008, à New York, Marcus Goldman, jeune écrivain à succès, est dans la tourmente): il est incapable d'écrire le nouveau roman qu'il doit remettre à son éditeur. Dans l'espoir de retrouver l'inspiration, il décide de se rendre à Aurora, auprès de son ami et ancien professeur d'université, Harry Quebert, l'un des écrivains les plus respectés du pays. C'est peu après le retour de Marcus à New York que tout bascule): le cadavre de Nola Kellergan est retrouvé dans la propriété de Harry Quebert. Celui-ci, accusé du meurtre de la jeune femme, est immédiatement arrêté par la police. Convaincu de l'innocence de Harry, Marcus abandonne tout pour se rendre dans le New Hampshire et mener sa propre enquête. Il est rapidement dépassé par les évènements.

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair PDF

Author: Joël Dicker

Publisher: Hachette UK

Published: 2014-04-30

Total Pages: 624

ISBN-13: 1848663250


A CRIME STORY. A LOVE STORY. A WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON. MORE THAN 2 MILLION COPIES SOLD "It's that most engaging of treats, a big, fat, intelligent thriller" SIMON MAYO "It's a terrific story and I'm loving it" PHILIP SCHOFIELD August 30, 1975. The day of the disappearance. The day Somerset, New Hampshire, lost its innocence. That summer, struggling author Harry Quebert fell in love with fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan. Thirty-three years later, her body is dug up from his yard, along with a manuscript copy of the novel that made him a household name. Quebert is the only suspect. Marcus Goldman - Quebert's most gifted protégé - throws off his writer's block to clear his mentor's name. Solving the case and penning a new bestseller soon merge into one. As his book begins to take on a life of its own, the nation is gripped by the mystery of 'The Girl Who Touched the Heart of America'. But with Nola, in death as in life, nothing is ever as it seems. Translated from the French by Sam Taylor

The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair

The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair PDF

Author: Joël Dicker

Publisher: HarperPerennial

Published: 2015-05-19

Total Pages: 512

ISBN-13: 9781443435666


August 30, 1975. The day of the disappearance. The day Aurora, New Hampshire, lost its innocence. That summer Harry Quebert fell in love with fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan. Thirty-three years later, her body is dug up from his yard along with a manuscript copy of his career-defining novel. Quebert is the only suspect. Marcus Goldman--Quebert's most gifted protege--throws off his writer's block to clear his mentor's name. Solving the case and penning a new bestseller soon blur together. As his book begins to take on a life of its own, the nation is gripped by the mystery of "The Girl Who Touched the Heart of America". But with Nola, in death as in life, nothing is ever as it seems. Joel Dicker's phenomenal European bestseller is a brilliantly intricate murder mystery, a hymn to the boundless reaches of the imagination, and a love story like no other. Nothing you've read or even felt before can prepare you for The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair.

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker (Book Analysis)

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker (Book Analysis) PDF

Author: Bright Summaries


Published: 2015-10-08

Total Pages: 29

ISBN-13: 2806269156


Unlock the more straightforward side of The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair with this concise and insightful summary and analysis! This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joel Dicker, an admirable novel with an intoxicating plot mixing shady past and shifting present. It recounts the investigation of Marcus Goldman, a successful novelist, who attempts to clear the name of his former professor, accused of having murdered a young girl. Dicker's work has been translated into over 39 languages and he has received many awards for his work, including a Prix Goncourt and a prize from the French Academy, which are both highly coveted honours. Find out everything you need to know about The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair in a fraction of the time! This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you: • A complete plot summary • Character studies • Key themes and symbols • Questions for further reflection Why choose Available in print and digital format, our publications are designed to accompany you in your reading journey. The clear and concise style makes for easy understanding, providing the perfect opportunity to improve your literary knowledge in no time. See the very best of literature in a whole new light with!

Adevărul despre cazul Harry Quebert

Adevărul despre cazul Harry Quebert PDF

Author: Joël Dicker

Publisher: Trei

Published: 2013-08-08

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9737078489


1975, New Hampshire: Nola Kellergan, o adolescentă în vârstă de 15 ani, dispare fără urmă. 33 de ani mai târziu, scriitorul de succes Harry Quebert este acuzat de crimă, atunci când trupul fetei este descoperit în timpul unor săpături în grădina casei sale. Tânărul Marcus Goldman, scriitor în pană de inspirație, nu ezită să plece la New Hampshire și să înceapă propria anchetă pentru a-l ajuta pe Harry, mentorul și prietenul său. Acolo este depășit rapid de evenimente: investigația intră în impas, iar Marcus începe să primească amenințări. Pentru a dovedi nevinovăția lui Harry și a-și salva cariera de scriitor, e absolut necesar să răspundă la trei întrebări: cine a omorât-o pe Nola Kellergan? Ce s-a întâmplat în New Hampshire în vara lui 1975? Și cum se scrie un roman de succes? „Roman noir, roman polițist fără îndoială, dar și roman psihologic cu răsturnări de situație surprinzătoare sau hilare, Adevărul despre cazul Harry Quebert prezintă moravurile societății americane, bine ascunse în spatele unei fațade impecabile.“ – Le Figaro „Exploatând un fapt divers, Joël Dicker a construit un thriller alert care este, în același timp, un roman în roman, un studiu sociologic asupra Americii clasei de mijloc înainte de alegerea la președinție a lui Barack Obama, ancheta unei crime și un curs de literatură. Ca un maestru, Dicker alternează epocile, registrele stilistice (raportul poliției, transcrierea unui interogatoriu, extrase din roman) și explorează America în toate excesele ei – mediatice, literare, religioase, meditând, în același timp, asupra condiției scriitorului. O lecție de scris și o lecție de viață.“ – L’Express „— Știi, a zis el, Nola mi-a schimbat viața. Și puțin ar fi contat pentru mine să devin marele Harry Quebert, uriașul scriitor. Puțin ar fi contat gloria, banii și mărețul meu destin dacă aș fi putut să o păstrez pe Nola. Nimic din ce-am putut face de când ea a dispărut nu a dat atâta sens vieții mele ca vara pe care am petrecut-o împreună. — Pentru prima dată de când îl cunoșteam, îl vedeam pe Harry așa de zguduit. După ce m-a privit o clipă, a adăugat: — Marcus, nimeni n-a știut despre povestea asta. Ești acum singurul care o cunoaște. Și trebuie să păstrezi secretul.“

Frères Ennemis

Frères Ennemis PDF

Author: William Cloonan

Publisher: Liverpool University Press

Published: 2018-09-25

Total Pages: 320

ISBN-13: 1786949350


An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library.Frères Ennemis focuses on Franco-American tensions as portrayed in works of literature from approximately the mid-nineteenth-century to the present. An Introduction is followed by nine chapters, each focused on a French or American literary text which shows the evolution/devolution of the relations between the two nations at a particular point in time. While the heart of the analysis consists of close textual readings, social, cultural and political contexts are introduced to provide a better understanding of the historical reality influencing the individual novels, a reality to which these novels are also responding. Chapters One through Five, covering a period from the mid-1870s to the end of the Cold War, discuss significant aspects of the often fraught relationship from the theoretical perspective of Roland Barthes’ theory of modern myth, described in his Mythologies. Barthes’ theory helps situate Franco-American tensions in a paradigmatic structure, while at the same time it is supple enough to allow for shifts and reversals within the paradigm. Subsequent chapters explore new French attitudes toward the powerful, potentially dominant influence of American culture on French life. In these sections I argue that recent French fiction displays more openness to the American experience than has existed in the past, and as such contrasts with the more static American approach to French culture.

Language Contact and the Future of English

Language Contact and the Future of English PDF

Author: Ian Mackenzie

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2017-12-15

Total Pages: 188

ISBN-13: 1351366580


This book reflects on the future of the English language as used by native speakers, speakers of nativized New Englishes, and users of English as a lingua franca (ELF). The volume begins by outlining the current position of English in the world and accounts for the differences among native and nativized varieties and ELF usages. It offers a historical perspective on the impact of language contact on English and discusses whether the lexicogrammatical features of New Englishes and ELF are shaped by imperfect learning or deliberate language change. The book also considers the consequences of writing in a second language and questions the extent to which non-native English-speaking academics and researchers should be required to conform to ‘Anglo’ patterns of text organization and ‘English Academic Discourse.’ The book then examines the converse effect of English on other languages through bilingualism and translation. This volume is essential reading for students and scholars in English language, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, and language policy.