Why is ISKCON so Wishywashy?

Why is ISKCON so Wishywashy? PDF

Author: Bhakti Vikas Trust

Publisher: Bhakti Vikas Trust


Total Pages: 57

ISBN-13: 9382109714


What happened to this dynamic spiritual movement? It is not that the movement is completely devoid of life, but what happened to the hope, the mission, and the revolutionary spirit of changing the world by bringing Kṛṣṇa consciousness to others? Many people who are joining now may not have any idea of this and may think that the way it is now is the way it should be. How did ISKCON become so wishy-washy? Well, obviously it didn’t happen overnight. There is a history behind that which we can learn for educational purposes. Such an account may be somewhat subjective and some facts may not be fully correct as it is difficult to chart the course of history in ISKCON when there have been different factors at work and multiple events unfolding simultaneously. Discussing these subjects may not be appreciated by all the members of ISKCON, but there are those who appreciate it. This discussion is not directly spiritual, but it is educational. We shouldn’t pretend that everything in the movement is glorious and wonderful. In one sense, it is and in another sense, it isn’t. One should have a realistic understanding of the history of the movement. This book is a composite of the edited transcripts of a series of talks titled ‘Why is ISKCON so Wishywashy?’, given by His Holiness Bhakti Vikāsa Swami in Croatia in 2019. Many people today do not have the time required to hear lectures, which is considerably longer than the time required to read the same subject matter in a book format. Hence, Bhakti Vikas Trust is publishing this important discourse in an e-book format.

Teachings of Lord Caitanya

Teachings of Lord Caitanya PDF

Author: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust


Total Pages: 415

ISBN-13: 9171495436


A Summary Study of Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita Taking the role of His own devotee, Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Krishna Chaitanya about five centuries ago in Bengal, India, and began a great social and spiritual revolution that has profoundly affected the lives of millions worldwide. His conversations with the great scholars, kings, and mystics of the day form the basis of Teachings of Lord Chaitanya.

Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy

Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy PDF

Author: Richard L. Thompson

Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publ.

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 256

ISBN-13: 9788120819542


The mysteries of the fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam have long puzzled students of Vedic cosmography and astronomy. Confronted with a description of the universe that seems much at variance with the information provided by our senses and standard astronomical calculations, foreign observers and even Indian commentators from the middle ages up to the present have concluded that the Bhagavatam`s account elaborated in other Puranas must be mythological. On the other hand the same persons have been much impressed with vedic astronomical treatises the jyotisasastras which provide remarkably accurate measurements of the solar system.

The Guru Business

The Guru Business PDF

Author: Mukunda Dasa


Published: 2020-09-24

Total Pages: 434



Sulocana Prabhu was murdered May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m., Los Angeles, two days after compiling his book "THE GURU BUSINESS", which describes how the Leaders of the Hare Krishna movement deviated from the pure path as taught and exemplified by its founder, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Sulocana was one of the first devotees to realize the complete hoax of the GBC policy to rubber-stamp eleven unqualified personalities as the exclusive 'diksa-guru' successors to Srila Prabhupada in 1977. Let us be quite clear that this policy was an unqualified lie as to the intentions of Srila Prabhupada post-samadhi 1977. As the eleven self-declared gurus "paramhamsa-parivakacaryas" established their zonal power centers by initiating anyone in sight and throwing out of ISKCON even the most slightly dissenting godbrothers, Sulocana researched Srila Prabhupada's statements and fearlessly wrote a book exposing this fraud in the name of disciplic succession. From his research he also realized the trouble Kirtanananda had been causing Srila Prabhupada right from the time of his sannyasa. This was pertinent, as Sulocana had lost his wife when Kirtanananda had maniplulated her away, initiated her, and married her away to one of his money collectors at New Vrndavana. Sulocana also came to know of the sexual and otherwise corruption that was rife amongst practically all the "exclusive eleven". Moreover, Kirtanananda in New Vrndavana was living a hypocritical life as an active predatory homosexual pedophile, simultaneously taking worship as a paramahamsa. "The Guru Business" was the first realistic and comprehensive view of the topic false gurus, based on quotes given by Srila Prabhupada. PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK (by Sulocana dasa) 1) It must be revealed to the world exactly who Srila Prabhupada is and how he has nothing whatsoever to do with the corruption going on amongst ISKCON's leaders today. 2) There is a crying need to increase and even rekindle love for Prabhupada from his own disciples. To a large extent, they have left Prabhupada's mission out of frustration and discouragement. 3) An effort should be made to clean up ISKCON and remove the influence of personally motivated leaders. In other words, we should fully awaken the devotees to the politics and duplicity going on behind the facade. 4) There is now a new imperative to inspire married couples to be bold and go out to open temples. This was Srila Prabhupada's desire from the beginning. "Anyone who has read The Guru Business will have at once felt the powerful and illuminating clarity in the words of Sulocana prabhu. The way in which he has strung together Prabhupada's words, like pearls on the thread of his own amazing realizations, came from his total surrender to the instruction of Srila Prabhupada. Sulocana prabhu was prepared to die rather than not execute Prabhupada's mission properly. Because of this faith not only did the Lord manifest Prabhupada's previously hidden letters to Sulocana but he revealed their purport in his heart." Mukunda dasa from Killing For Keith, Chapter Seven. "Sulocana prabhu, you totally abandoned all personal considerations and sacrificed your life to expose the demoniac activities of these rogues and nondevotees and their apa-siddhantic philosophy. Such a perfect disciple as yourself, who fought so bravely to take serious charge of Prabhupada's mission and execute it correctly, has surely seen the Supreme Personality of Godhead and become liberated back to Godhead, or at least you have become an exalted soul on a heavenly planet. "Mukunda dasa - Foreword to The Guru Business - March 2020

The World's Religions in Figures

The World's Religions in Figures PDF

Author: Todd M. Johnson

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2013-03-25

Total Pages: 340

ISBN-13: 1118323033


Created by two of the field’s leading experts, this unique introduction to international religious demography outlines the challenges in interpreting data on religious adherence, and presents a contemporary portrait of global religious belief. Offers the first comprehensive overview of the field of international religious demography – detailing what we know about religious adherents around the world, and how we know it Examines religious freedom and diversity, including agnostics and atheists, on a global scale, highlighting trends over the past 100 years and projecting estimates for the year 2050 Outlines the issues and challenges related to definitions, taxonomies, sources, analyses, and other techniques in interpreting data on religious adherence Considers data from religious communities, censuses, surveys, and scholarly research, along with several in-depth case studies on the global Muslim population, religion in China, and the religious demography of recently created Sudan and South Sudan Argues against the belief that the twentieth-century was a ‘secular’ period by putting forward new evidence to the contrary Provides resources for measuring both qualitatively and quantitatively important data on the world's religious situation in the twenty-first century

Hope This Meets You In Good Health

Hope This Meets You In Good Health PDF

Author: Prahladananda Swami

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2019-10

Total Pages: 268

ISBN-13: 9781723167584


People in their youth sometimes sacrifice their health to gain money and then when they are older they sacrifice their money to get health. The introduction to the book, "Hope This Meets You in Good Health, is from Dr. Vasant Lad, the world renowned ayurvedic physician. The first part of the book, Srila Prabhupada, a spiritually realized person, who worked as a health expert in India for decades, in his lectures, books, and letters reveals what is health and how to obtain it. Also, in the first part, there are stories about health from the ancient Srimad Bhagavatam. The second part of the book contains articles about ayurveda written by Prahladananda Swami, a student of Srila Prabhupada and a monk for more than 50 years. He also studied ayurveda under the guidance of different ayurvedic physicians.The combination of both gives practical and clear insight what health should play in our daily lives and how to maintain it without confusion.

The Schools of Vedanta

The Schools of Vedanta PDF

Author: Nagaraja Rao P

Publisher: Martindell Press

Published: 2008-11

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 1443730998


THE SCHOOLS OF VEDANTA by P. NAGARAJA RAO M. A. WITH A FOREWORD BY SIR S. RADHAKRISHNAN BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN BOMBAY. CONTENTS: Foreword Preface Chapter I. Science and Philosophy II. Resume of Indian Philosophy III. The Philosophy of Sahkara IV. Advaita and the New Social Order V. The Philosophy of Ramanuja VI. The Philosophy of Madhva VII. TheUpanisads VIII, The Bhagavad Gita IX. The Vedanta Sutras Index Page vii viii 1 15 27 59 69 82 91 105 120 129 Some Publications of ihe Bhavan under Print 1 The Glory That Was Gurjaradesa fl The Mulraj Solanki Commemoration Volume. Edited by Shri K. M. Munshi. 2 rcrcr an Apabhramsa poem edited by Acharya Jinavijayaji. 3 sfrh Rh STOJI a grammatical work in Sanskrit edited by Acharya Jinavijayaji. 4 3 5 i 5RT T fa edited by Acharya Jinavijayaji. 5 fewrg T a Prakrit work on Omens edited by ProifT A. S. Gopani. 6 Devabodhas Commentary on Udyogaparva of the Mahabharata edited by Dr. S. K. De. 7 Epic and Puranic Studies by Dr. A. D. Pusalker. 8 The Indus Valley Civilization by Dr. A. D. Pusalker. - 9 TCfa Eft by Prof. S. D. Gyani. 10 V-M The Meeting of Religions transla tion of Sir S. Radhakrishnans Essays. ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Nos, 12-23 under the General Editorship of Acharya Jinavijayaji. FOREWORD In this little book Mr. P. NAGARAJA RAO puts up a spirited defence for the study of Philosophy. Science in itself cannot give us a scheme of values and each one of us has his own view of the ends of life though he may not be able to support it by a learned metaphysics. Among the Hindus the values are conveyed through systems o Philosophy which are associated with the three great acaryas, Sahkara, Ramanuja and Madhva. Mr. NAGA RAJA RAO gives us here in simple and clear language the central features of the three systems. As an introduction to their detailed study this book will serve a valuable purpose. S. RADHAKRISHNAN Benares, 25 July, 1943. PREFACE This book was prepared by me as the Say a ji Rao Fellow of the University. But for the liberal aid and other facilities extended to me by the Government of Baroda, it would not have been possible for me to have got the book ready for publication. I am deeply grateful to His Highness for graciously allowing me to dedicate the volume to his grand-father, the late Maharaja of Baroda. In the preparation of the book I have drawn freely from the writings and speeches of my esteemed professor Sir S. RADHAKRISHNAN. For the chapter on Advaita I am deeply indebted to my late Professor S. S. Suryanarayana SASTRI, Reader in Indian Philosophy, University of Madras. My thanks are due to Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit A. Chinnaswami SASTRIAR for having helped me to read the original texts and works on Vedanta. My thanks are also due to my friend Mr. N. R. BHUVARAHAN, Sub-Editor, Indian Express, Madras, and Dr. C. Narayana MENON of the English Department of the Benares Hindu University for having looked through the proofs and made valuable suggestions. I owe the index to Mr. C. G. VISVANATHAN of the Benares Hindu University Library. My special thanks are due to the authorities of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for having consented to publish this book in these hard and difficult times. The Director and the staff of the Bhavan have helped me considerably in getting the book through the press. My thanks are also due to the editors of the various periodicals for permitting me to use the material that first appeared as articles in their pages and especially to Srimati Sophia WADIA, Editor of the Aryan Path for her help and suggestions in the preparation of Chapter IV. Benares Hindu University, P, NAGARAJA RAO 10th August, 1943. J CHAPTER I Science and Philosophy We live in an age the intellectual environment of which is largely determined by science. Science in some manner or other has affected and influenced our world view...