Understanding Farmers' Perceptions and Adaptations to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of the Limpopo Basin, South Africa

Understanding Farmers' Perceptions and Adaptations to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of the Limpopo Basin, South Africa PDF

Author: Glwadys Aymone Gbetibouo

Publisher: Intl Food Policy Res Inst

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 52



Climate change is expected to have serious environmental, economic, and social impacts on South Africa. In particular, rural farmers, whose livelihoods depend on the use of natural resources, are likely to bear the brunt of adverse impacts. The extent to which these impacts are felt depends in large part on the extent of adaptation in response to climate change. This research uses a "bottom-up" approach, which seeks to gain insights from the farmers themselves based on a farm household survey. Farm-level data were collected from 794 households in the Limpopo River Basin of South Africa for the farming season 2004-2005. The study examines how farmer perceptions correspond with climate data recorded at meteorological stations in the Limpopo River Basin and analyzes farmers' adaptation responses to climate change and variability. A Heckman probit model and a multinomial logit (MNL) model are used to examine the determinants of adaptation to climate change and variability. The statistical analysis of the climate data shows that temperature has increased over the years. Rainfall is characterized by large interannual variability, with the previous three years being very dry. Indeed, the analysis shows that farmers' perceptions of climate change are in line with the climatic data records. However, only approximately half of the farmers have adjusted their farming practices to account for the impacts of climate change. Lack of access to credit was cited by respondents as the main factor inhibiting adaptation. The results of the multinomial logit and Heckman probit models highlighted that household size, farming experience, wealth, access to credit, access to water, tenure rights, off-farm activities, and access to extension are the main factors that enhance adaptive capacity. Thus, the government should design policies aimed at improving these factors.

Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural West Africa

Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural West Africa PDF

Author: Joseph A. Yaro

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2016-04-12

Total Pages: 244

ISBN-13: 3319314998


This book presents conceptual and empirical discussions of adaptation to climate change/variability in West Africa. Highlighting different countries’ experiences in adaptation by different socio-economic groups and efforts at building their adaptive capacity, it offers readers a holistic understanding of adaptation on the basis of contextual and generic sources of adaptive capacity. Focusing on adaptation to climate change/variability is critical because the developmental challenges West Africa faces are increasingly intertwined with its climate history. Today, climate change is a major developmental issue for agrarian rural communities with high percentages of the population earning a living directly or indirectly from the natural environment. This makes them highly vulnerable to climate-driven ecological change, in addition to threats in the broader political economic context. It is imperative that rural people adapt to climate change, but their ability to successfully do so may be limited by competing risks and vulnerabilities. As such, elucidating those vulnerabilities and sources of strength with regard to the adaptive capacities needed to support successful adaptation and avoid maladaptation is critical for future policy formulation. Though the empirical discussion is geographically based on West Africa, its applicability in terms of the processes, structures, needs, strategies, and recommendations for policy transcends the region and provides useful lessons for understanding adaptation broadly in the developing world.

Livelihood and Landscape Change in Africa: Future Trajectories for Improved Well-Being under a Changing Climate

Livelihood and Landscape Change in Africa: Future Trajectories for Improved Well-Being under a Changing Climate PDF

Author: Sheona Shackleton

Publisher: MDPI

Published: 2019-10-08

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 3039214691


This book is based on a Special Issue of the journal LAND that draws together a collection of 11 diverse articles at the nexus of climate change, landscapes, and livelihoods in rural Africa; all explore the links between livelihood and landscape change, including shifts in farming practices and natural resource use and management. The articles, which are all place-based case studies across nine African countries, cover three not necessarily mutually exclusive thematic areas, namely: smallholder farming livelihoods under new climate risk (five articles); long-term dynamics of livelihoods and landscape change and future trajectories (two articles); and natural resource management and governance under a changing climate, spanning forests, woodlands, and rangelands (four articles). The commonalities, key messages, and research gaps across the 11 articles are presented in a synthesis article. All the case studies pointed to the need for an integrated and in-depth understanding of the multiple drivers of landscape and livelihood change and how these interact with local histories, knowledge systems, cultures, complexities, and lived realities. Moreover, where there are interventions (such as new governance systems, REDD+ or climate smart agriculture), it is critical to interrogate what is required to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of emerging benefits.

African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation

African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation PDF

Author: Nicholas Oguge

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-05-20

Total Pages: 2822

ISBN-13: 3030451062


This open access book discusses current thinking and presents the main issues and challenges associated with climate change in Africa. It introduces evidences from studies and projects which show how climate change adaptation is being - and may continue to be successfully implemented in African countries. Thanks to its scope and wide range of themes surrounding climate change, the ambition is that this book will be a lead publication on the topic, which may be regularly updated and hence capture further works. Climate change is a major global challenge. However, some geographical regions are more severly affected than others. One of these regions is the African continent. Due to a combination of unfavourable socio-economic and meteorological conditions, African countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change and its impacts. The recently released IPCC special report "Global Warming of 1.5o C" outlines the fact that keeping global warming by the level of 1.5o C is possible, but also suggested that an increase by 2o C could lead to crises with crops (agriculture fed by rain could drop by 50% in some African countries by 2020) and livestock production, could damage water supplies and pose an additonal threat to coastal areas. The 5th Assessment Report produced by IPCC predicts that wheat may disappear from Africa by 2080, and that maize— a staple—will fall significantly in southern Africa. Also, arid and semi-arid lands are likely to increase by up to 8%, with severe ramifications for livelihoods, poverty eradication and meeting the SDGs. Pursuing appropriate adaptation strategies is thus vital, in order to address the current and future challenges posed by a changing climate. It is against this background that the "African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation" is being published. It contains papers prepared by scholars, representatives from social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing climate change projects in Africa, and working with communities across the African continent. Encompassing over 100 contribtions from across Africa, it is the most comprehensive publication on climate change adaptation in Africa ever produced.

Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa

Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa PDF

Author: Cyndi Spindell Berck

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2018-03-05

Total Pages: 438

ISBN-13: 1351369512


A changing climate is likely to have a drastic impact on crop yields in Africa. The purpose of this book is to document the effects of climate change on agriculture in Africa and to discuss strategies for adaptation to hotter weather and less predictable rainfall. These strategies include promoting opportunities for farmers to adopt technologies that produce optimal results in terms of crop yield and income under local agro-ecological and socioeconomic conditions. The focus is on sub-Saharan Africa, an area that is already affected by changing patterns of heat and rainfall. Because of the high prevalence of subsistence farming, food insecurity, and extreme poverty in this region, there is a great need for practical adaptation strategies. The book includes empirical research in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, and other Sub-Saharan countries, and the conclusion summarizes policy-relevant findings from the chapters. It is aimed at advanced students, researchers, extension and development practitioners, and officials of government agencies, NGOs, and funding agencies. It also will provide supplementary reading for courses in environment and development and in agricultural economics.

International Perspectives on Climate Change

International Perspectives on Climate Change PDF

Author: Walter Leal Filho

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2014-03-24

Total Pages: 316

ISBN-13: 3319044893


This collected volume deals with emerging issues related to climate variation, climate change and adaptation technologies, with a special focus on Latin American countries. Presenting a variety of adaptation strategies and projects currently being undertaken and implemented, the book showcases how Latin American nations are struggling to meet the challenges of climate change. Latin America as a whole and Central America in particular is one of the most vulnerable regions of the world and is severely affected by recurrent extreme climate-related events. This volume documents and analyzes the main challenges and lessons learned, serving to disseminate knowledge beyond the region and enhance international research and policy cooperation.

Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Regional Aspects

Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Regional Aspects PDF

Author: Christopher B. Field

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2014-12-29

Total Pages: 695

ISBN-13: 1107058163


This latest Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will again form the standard reference for all those concerned with climate change and its consequences, including students, researchers and policy makers in environmental science, meteorology, climatology, biology, ecology, atmospheric chemistry and environmental policy.

The role of ligneous vegetation for livestock nutrition in the sub-Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa: Potential effects of climate change

The role of ligneous vegetation for livestock nutrition in the sub-Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa: Potential effects of climate change PDF

Author: Nouhoun Zampaligre

Publisher: Cuvillier Verlag

Published: 2012-10-17

Total Pages: 122

ISBN-13: 3736942508


Kurzbeschreibung Aufgrund der starken Abhängigkeit von Niederschlägen und natürlichen Ressourcen gelten Ackerbau und Viehzucht im subsaharischen westlichen Afrika als besonders anfällig für klimatischen Wandel. Verstärkt wird dies durch das geringe Anpassungsvermögen der lokalen Bauern und Viehzüchter an die neuen Umstände. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung der zu erwartenden Einflüsse zukünftiger Klimaveränderungen auf die Tierernährung und Weidenutzung in der südlichen Sahelzone und der nördlichen und südlichen Sudanzone in Burkina Faso. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden von 2009 bis 2010 drei Studien durchgeführt; dafür ausgewählt wurden die Dörfer und Dorfgebiete (100 km²) von Taffogo (südliche Sahelzone), Nobere und Safane (nördliche Sudanzone) und Sokouraba (südliche Sudanzone). Die Wahl von zwei Dörfern in der nördlichen Sudanzone war begründet durch die Dichotomie zwischen intensiver landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung und hoher Bevölkerungsdichte in Safane und geringer ackerbaulicher Nutzungsintensität in der Pufferzone zwischen dem Dorf Nobere und dem Nationalpark Pô. Unter Verwendung globaler Navigations- (GPS) sowie Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) wurden räumliche und zeitliche Veränderungen in der Weidenutzung sowie im Fressverhalten von Rindern, Schafen und Ziegen in den vier Dörfern untersucht. Hierzu wurden pro Dorf jeweils drei Herden der genannten Haustierarten über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr beobachtet (Kapitel 2). Die längsten Weidewege (km/Tag) waren während der heißen Trockenzeit (März – Mai) festzustellen. Schafe (18,8) und Rinder (17,4) legten dabei signifikant größere Distanzen zurück als Ziegen (10,5; p0,05). Die tägliche Weidedauer lag zwischen sechs und elf Stunden und war bei den Rindern länger als bei den kleinen Wiederkäuern (p0,05). Artunabhängig wurden 52–72% des Weidetages mit der Aufnahme von Futter verbracht. In der südlichen Sahelzone verbrachten die Herden mehr Zeit pro Tag auf den Weideflächen und legten zudem größere Distanzen zurück als in den beiden sudanischen Zonen (p0,01); die effektive Fresszeit war dagegen in der südlichen Sudanzone am längsten (p0,05). Eine proportionale Abnahme von Ruhephasen war während der Regenzeit (Juni - Oktober) im Vergleich zur kühlen (November - Februar) sowie heißen Trockenzeit zu beobachten (p0,05), während gleichzeitig der proportionale Anteil der Marschzeit zunahm. Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit erfolgte die Futteraufnahme in der südlichen Sahelzone bei allen drei Arten signifikant häufiger in bewaldeten Bereichen (Baumdeckung 5-10% oder Strauchdeckung 10%), während sie sich in den beiden sudanischen Zonen vornehmlich auf Waldflächen (Baumdeckung 10%) konzentrierte. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass bei gleichzeitiger Ausdehnung von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen verbleibende Waldinseln und baumreiche Bereiche, einschließlich älterer (und damit buschbestandener) Brachflächen wertvolle Weidegründe für die lokalen Wiederkäuerherden darstellen. Es sollten daher Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um dem Rückgang solch bewaldeter Bereiche entgegenzuwirken und gleichzeitig den Schutz sowie die (Wieder-)Anpflanzung dürretoleranter Futterbäume aktiv zu fördern. In einer weiteren Studie (Kapitel 3) wurde die Futterselektion der genannten Herden weidender Rinder und kleiner Wiederkäuer untersucht, und 75 Tierhalter zum Weideverhalten ihrer Tiere sowie zur Behandlung von Tierkrankheiten mit traditionellen pflanzlichen Medikamenten befragt. Ziel war es, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Ernährung und Gesundheit der Nutztiere zu erfassen. Über alle drei untersuchten agro-ökologischen Zonen hinweg zeigen die Ergebnisse eine bevorzugte Nutzung holziger Futterpflanzen durch die drei Tierarten. Der Anteil der auf Selektion solcher Pflanzen verwendeten Zeit an der Gesamfreßzeit war dabei bei Ziegen signifikant höher als bei Schafen und Rindern (p

Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate

Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate PDF

Author: Walter Leal Filho

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2023-06-01

Total Pages: 648

ISBN-13: 3031287282


This book includes information, experiences, practical initiatives and projects around the subject matter and makes it available to a wide audience. It addresses the scientific, social, political and cultural aspects of climate change impacts and respective solutions in an integrated and coherent way. Climate change as a global phenomenon imposes new challenges for survival. Extreme weather events including heat waves, storms, droughts as well as rising sea levels, warming oceans and melting glaciers threaten people's livelihoods and communities, ecosystems and habitats. Furthermore, it affects the entire food chain and increases competition for natural resources fuelling socioeconomic tensions. The results of the latest IPCC report highlight the urgent need for combating climate change. The adaptation measures to be undertaken range across sectors, thematic fields and geographical locations. Based on this need, the book focuses on the high-quality, interdisciplinary contributions on the scientific, social, economic, political and cultural aspects of climate change challenges and solutions

Socio-Economic Issues of Climate Change

Socio-Economic Issues of Climate Change PDF

Author: Luni Piya

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2019-02-21

Total Pages: 202

ISBN-13: 9811357846


This book conducts a holistic analysis of climate change perceptions, vulnerabilities, impacts, and adaptation, based on the primary household-data collected from the Chepang community residing in the rural Mid-Hills of Nepal. Socio-economic and demographic data from the household survey is integrated with meteorological and spatial data to conduct an integrated analysis. Quantitative analysis is also supplemented by qualitative information. Given the context of ongoing climate change, the livelihoods issues of a highly marginalized Chepang community form the center-point of analysis. The book demonstrates that balanced assets possession is a prerequisite to strengthen the adaptive capacity of the households. Furthermore, the ability of translating adaptive capacity into adaptation actions is determined by the households’ ability to correctly perceive the changes and their access to various assets. The book recommends to ensure the availability of non-farm livelihood opportunities along with access to formal/vocational education and skill development training as these are the key factors contributing to reduce the vulnerability. The book concludes that mainstreaming of climate change into development efforts is a must for sustainable development.