Thinking-Driven Testing

Thinking-Driven Testing PDF

Author: Adam Roman

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2018-03-20

Total Pages: 305

ISBN-13: 3319731955


This book presents a new paradigm of software testing by emphasizing the role of critical thinking, system thinking and rationality as the most important skills for the tester. It thus approaches software testing from a different perspective than in past literature, as the vast majority of books describe testing in the context of specific tools, automation, documentation, particular test design techniques or test management. In addition, the book proposes a novel meta-approach for designing effective test strategies, which is based on recent advances in psychology, economics, system sciences and logic. Chapter 1 starts by introducing the fundamental ideas underlying software testing. Chapter 2 then describes meta-strategies in software testing, i.e. general approaches that can be adapted to many different situations that a software tester encounters. Next, Chapter 3 presents the concept of Thinking-Driven Testing (TDT). This approach utilizes the concepts discussed in the two previous chapters and introduces the main ideas that underlie a reasonable and optimal approach to software testing. Chapter 4 builds on this basis and proposes a specific approach to testing, called TQED, that makes it possible to increase creativity in the context of delivering effective, optimal test ideas. Chapter 5 provides an overview of different types of testing techniques in order to understand the fundamental concepts of test design, while Chapter 6 details various pitfalls a tester may encounter and that can originate from a wide range of testing process areas. Lastly, Chapter 7 puts all this into practice, as it contains several exercises that will help testers develop a number of crucial skills: logical thinking and reasoning, thinking out of the box, creativity, counting and estimating, and analytical thinking. By promoting critical, rational and creative thinking, this book invites readers to re-examine common assumptions regarding software testing and shows them how to become professional testers who bring added value to their company.

Lessons Learned in Software Testing

Lessons Learned in Software Testing PDF

Author: Cem Kaner

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2011-08-02

Total Pages: 326

ISBN-13: 1118080556


Softwaretests stellen eine kritische Phase in der Softwareentwicklung dar. Jetzt zeigt sich, ob das Programm die entsprechenden Anforderungen erfüllt und sich auch keine Programmierungsfehler eingeschlichen haben. Doch wie bei allen Phasen im Software-Entwicklungsprozess gibt es auch hier eine Reihe möglicher Fallstricke, die die Entdeckung von Programmfehlern vereiteln können. Deshalb brauchen Softwaretester ein Handbuch, das alle Tipps, Tricks und die häufigsten Fehlerquellen genau auflistet und erläutert, damit mögliche Testfehler von vornherein vermieden werden können. Ein solches Handbuch ersetzt gut und gerne jahr(zehnt)elange Erfahrung und erspart dem Tester frustrierende und langwierige Trial-und-Error-Prozeduren. Chem Kaner und James Bach sind zwei der international führenden Experten auf dem Gebiet des Software Testing. Sie schöpfen hier aus ihrer insgesamt 30-jährigen Erfahrung. Die einzelnen Lektionen sind nach Themenbereichen gegliedert, wie z.B. Testdesign, Test Management, Teststrategien und Fehleranalyse. Jede Lektion enthält eine Behauptung und eine Erklärung sowie ein Beispiel des entsprechenden Testproblems. "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für jeden Software Tester.

Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir

Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir PDF

Author: Fred Hebert

Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf

Published: 2019-01-17

Total Pages: 497

ISBN-13: 1680506544


Property-based testing helps you create better, more solid tests with little code. By using the PropEr framework in both Erlang and Elixir, this book teaches you how to automatically generate test cases, test stateful programs, and change how you design your software for more principled and reliable approaches. You will be able to better explore the problem space, validate the assumptions you make when coming up with program behavior, and expose unexpected weaknesses in your design. PropEr will even show you how to reproduce the bugs it found. With this book, you will be writing efficient property-based tests in no time. Most tests only demonstrate that the code behaves how the developer expected it to behave, and therefore carry the same blind spots as their authors when special conditions or edge cases show up. Learn how to see things differently with property tests written in PropEr. Start with the basics of property tests, such as writing stateless properties, and using the default generators to generate test cases automatically. More importantly, learn how to think in properties. Improve your properties, write custom data generators, and discover what your code can or cannot do. Learn when to use property tests and when to stick with example tests with real-world sample projects. Explore various testing approaches to find the one that's best for your code. Shrink failing test cases to their simpler expression to highlight exactly what breaks in your code, and generate highly relevant data through targeted properties. Uncover the trickiest bugs you can think of with nearly no code at all with two special types of properties based on state transitions and finite state machines. Write Erlang and Elixir properties that generate the most effective tests you'll see, whether they are unit tests or complex integration and system tests. What You Need Basic knowledge of Erlang, optionally ElixirFor Erlang tests: Erlang/OTP >= 20.0, with Rebar >= 3.4.0For Elixir tests: Erlang/OTP >= 20.0, Elixir >= 1.5.0

The Cucumber Book

The Cucumber Book PDF

Author: Matt Wynne

Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf

Published: 2017-02-17

Total Pages: 476

ISBN-13: 1680504967


Your customers want rock-solid, bug-free software that does exactly what they expect it to do. Yet they can't always articulate their ideas clearly enough for you to turn them into code. You need Cucumber: a testing, communication, and requirements tool-all rolled into one. All the code in this book is updated for Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5. Express your customers' wild ideas as a set of clear, executable specifications that everyone on the team can read. Feed those examples into Cucumber and let it guide your development. Build just the right code to keep your customers happy. You can use Cucumber to test almost any system or any platform. Get started by using the core features of Cucumber and working with Cucumber's Gherkin DSL to describe-in plain language-the behavior your customers want from the system. Then write Ruby code that interprets those plain-language specifications and checks them against your application. Next, consolidate the knowledge you've gained with a worked example, where you'll learn more advanced Cucumber techniques, test asynchronous systems, and test systems that use a database. Recipes highlight some of the most difficult and commonly seen situations the authors have helped teams solve. With these patterns and techniques, test Ajax-heavy web applications with Capybara and Selenium, REST web services, Ruby on Rails applications, command-line applications, legacy applications, and more. Written by the creator of Cucumber and the co-founders of Cucumber Ltd., this authoritative guide will give you and your team all the knowledge you need to start using Cucumber with confidence. What You Need: Windows, Mac OS X (with XCode) or Linux, Ruby 1.9.2 and upwards, Cucumber 2.4, Rails 5, and RSpec 3.5

Test-Driven JavaScript Development

Test-Driven JavaScript Development PDF

Author: Christian Johansen

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Published: 2010-09-09

Total Pages: 626

ISBN-13: 0321684052


For JavaScript developers working on increasingly large and complex projects, effective automated testing is crucial to success. Test-Driven JavaScript Development is a complete, best-practice guide to agile JavaScript testing and quality assurance with the test-driven development (TDD) methodology. Leading agile JavaScript developer Christian Johansen covers all aspects of applying state-of-the-art automated testing in JavaScript environments, walking readers through the entire development lifecycle, from project launch to application deployment, and beyond. Using real-life examples driven by unit tests, Johansen shows how to use TDD to gain greater confidence in your code base, so you can fearlessly refactor and build more robust, maintainable, and reliable JavaScript code at lower cost. Throughout, he addresses crucial issues ranging from code design to performance optimization, offering realistic solutions for developers, QA specialists, and testers. Coverage includes • Understanding automated testing and TDD • Building effective automated testing workflows • Testing code for both browsers and servers (using Node.js) • Using TDD to build cleaner APIs, better modularized code, and more robust software • Writing testable code • Using test stubs and mocks to test units in isolation • Continuously improving code through refactoring • Walking through the construction and automated testing of fully functional software The accompanying Web site,, contains all of the book’s code listings and additional resources.

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests PDF

Author: Steve Freeman

Publisher: Pearson Education

Published: 2009-10-12

Total Pages: 762

ISBN-13: 0321699769


Test-Driven Development (TDD) is now an established technique for delivering better software faster. TDD is based on a simple idea: Write tests for your code before you write the code itself. However, this "simple" idea takes skill and judgment to do well. Now there's a practical guide to TDD that takes you beyond the basic concepts. Drawing on a decade of experience building real-world systems, two TDD pioneers show how to let tests guide your development and “grow” software that is coherent, reliable, and maintainable. Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce describe the processes they use, the design principles they strive to achieve, and some of the tools that help them get the job done. Through an extended worked example, you’ll learn how TDD works at multiple levels, using tests to drive the features and the object-oriented structure of the code, and using Mock Objects to discover and then describe relationships between objects. Along the way, the book systematically addresses challenges that development teams encounter with TDD—from integrating TDD into your processes to testing your most difficult features. Coverage includes Implementing TDD effectively: getting started, and maintaining your momentum throughout the project Creating cleaner, more expressive, more sustainable code Using tests to stay relentlessly focused on sustaining quality Understanding how TDD, Mock Objects, and Object-Oriented Design come together in the context of a real software development project Using Mock Objects to guide object-oriented designs Succeeding where TDD is difficult: managing complex test data, and testing persistence and concurrency

Writing Test Items to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking

Writing Test Items to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking PDF

Author: Thomas M. Haladyna

Publisher: Prentice Hall

Published: 1997

Total Pages: 280



Here's a book intended to help readers develop better test questions aimed at measuring their students' or future students' higher level thinking abilities such as writing, reading, mathematical or scientific problem solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking.

The Thinker's Guide to Scientific Thinking

The Thinker's Guide to Scientific Thinking PDF

Author: Richard Paul

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

Published: 2019-06-01

Total Pages: 71

ISBN-13: 1538133849


The Thinker’s Guide to Scientific Thinking focuses on developing the intellectual skills inherent in the well-cultivated practice of every area of scientific research and study. It helps students and practicing scientists come to reason within the logic of science and to see the field as a cohesive whole. From astronomers to zoologists and physicists to chemists, skilled scientists use careful analysis to question data, test theories, draw logical conclusions, and propose feasible solutions. Students in science courses, and scientists themselves will find their analytical abilities enhanced by the engaging framework of inquiry set forth by Richard Paul and Linda Elder in this guide. As part of the Thinker’s Guide Library, this book advances the mission of the Foundation for Critical Thinking to promote fairminded critical societies through cultivating essential intellectual abilities and virtues across every field of study across world.

Thinking Clearly with Data

Thinking Clearly with Data PDF

Author: Ethan Bueno de Mesquita

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Published: 2021-11-16

Total Pages: 400

ISBN-13: 0691215014


An engaging introduction to data science that emphasizes critical thinking over statistical techniques An introduction to data science or statistics shouldn’t involve proving complex theorems or memorizing obscure terms and formulas, but that is exactly what most introductory quantitative textbooks emphasize. In contrast, Thinking Clearly with Data focuses, first and foremost, on critical thinking and conceptual understanding in order to teach students how to be better consumers and analysts of the kinds of quantitative information and arguments that they will encounter throughout their lives. Among much else, the book teaches how to assess whether an observed relationship in data reflects a genuine relationship in the world and, if so, whether it is causal; how to make the most informative comparisons for answering questions; what questions to ask others who are making arguments using quantitative evidence; which statistics are particularly informative or misleading; how quantitative evidence should and shouldn’t influence decision-making; and how to make better decisions by using moral values as well as data. Filled with real-world examples, the book shows how its thinking tools apply to problems in a wide variety of subjects, including elections, civil conflict, crime, terrorism, financial crises, health care, sports, music, and space travel. Above all else, Thinking Clearly with Data demonstrates why, despite the many benefits of our data-driven age, data can never be a substitute for thinking. An ideal textbook for introductory quantitative methods courses in data science, statistics, political science, economics, psychology, sociology, public policy, and other fields Introduces the basic toolkit of data analysis—including sampling, hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, regression, experiments, instrumental variables, differences in differences, and regression discontinuity Uses real-world examples and data from a wide variety of subjects Includes practice questions and data exercises

API Testing and Development with Postman

API Testing and Development with Postman PDF

Author: Dave Westerveld

Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd

Published: 2024-06-24

Total Pages: 359

ISBN-13: 1804616001


Avoid common API coding pitfalls and make test automation effortless with Postman and the Newman CLI Key Features Learn the tenets of effective API testing and design with workflow testing and more Gain an in-depth understanding of Postman’s new and existing features, including Mock Servers Know when and how to use Postman to create high-quality APIs for software and web apps Book DescriptionPostman is an invaluable tool for exploration and testing of web APIs and helping testers and developers figure out how an API works. With Postman, you can create effective test automation for any APIs, and this guide will help you unleash its full potential. API Testing and Development with Postman is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to create a good quality API, but isn't sure how to go about it. This guide will help you unleash the full potential of Postman’s test automation capabilities. A combination of theory coupled with real-world examples will help you learn how to use Postman to create well-designed, documented, and tested APIs. After you’ve familiarized yourself with the theory, you’ll move on to hands-on projects that will teach you how to add test automation to an existing API. You’ll also learn some of the new and powerful features that Postman has that can help you avoid introducing bugs. This second, fully updated edition features new chapters on workflow testing, creating and using mock servers, API security testing, and performance testing. The new and expanded information in this edition will help you future-proof your APIs. By the end of this book, you'll be able to use Postman to set up and run API tests for any API that you are working with.What you will learn Find out what is involved in effective API testing Leverage Postman to improve the quality of you API Use data-driven testing in Postman to create scalable API tests How to create and use a Mock Server in Postman Verify and improve the quality of an API using contract testing Understand the basic principles of security testing Get to grips with functional and non-functional testing of an API Discover how to use industry standards such as OpenAPI and mocking Who this book is for The book is for software testing professionals and software developers looking to improve product and API quality through API test automation. You’ll also find this book useful if you have a basic understanding of APIs and want to build your skills for creating, testing, and documenting them. The book assumes beginner-level knowledge of JavaScript and API development.