Thermal Expansion

Thermal Expansion PDF

Author: Y. S. Touloukian

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1975

Total Pages: 1458



"The volume comprises three major sections: The front text on theory, estimation, and measurement together with its bibliography, the main body of numerical data with its references, and the material index."--Intro. Highly accurate and technical data. Published 1975.

Thermal Radiative Properties

Thermal Radiative Properties PDF

Author: Yeram Sarkis Touloukian

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1970

Total Pages: 1670



In 1957, the Thermophysical Properties Research that about 100 journals are required to yield fifty Center (TPRC) of Purdue University, under the percent. But that other fifty percent! It is scattered leadership ofits founder, Professor Y. S. Touloukian, through more than 3500 journals and other docu began to develop a coordinated experimental, ments, often items not readily identifiable or ob theoretical, and Iiterature review program covering tainable. Nearly 50,000 references are now in the a set of properties of great importance to science and files. technology. Over the years, this program has grown Thus, the man who wants to use existing data, steadily, producing bibliographies, data compila rather than make new measurements himself, faces tions and recommendations, experimental measure a long and costly task if he wants to assure hirnself ments, and other output. The series of volumes for that he has found all the relevant results. More often which these remarks constitute a foreword is one of than not, a search for data stops after one or two these many important products. These volumes are a results are found-or after the searcher decides he monumental accomplishment in themselves, re has spent enough time looking. Now with the quiring for their production the combined knowledge appearance of these volumes, the scientist or engineer and skills of dozens of dedicated specialists. The who needs these kinds of data can consider hirnself Thermophysical Properties Research Center de very fortunate.