Archaic Theosophy is pre-Buddhist Wisdom-Religion

Archaic Theosophy is pre-Buddhist Wisdom-Religion PDF

Author: William Quan Judge

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2021-08-07

Total Pages: 33



Theosophy is the Aletheia of Occult Science and the Religion of Reason. Prerequisites and qualifications and for aspirants. The fundamental propositions of the Secret Doctrine. First proposition — Cosmogenesis. Second proposition — Law governs Cosmos and Man. Third proposition — Anthropogenesis. “Spiritual” nature cannot be “cultivated.” A sincere lover of the race can accomplish more in three incarnations during Kali-Yuga, than he could in a much greater number in any other age. What is the “moment of choice”? The elementals are spirits of the four elements of the terrestrial world. Our Earth is densely populated by these mystifying centres of energy. By coalescing around our thoughts, and being coloured by them, they act as impartial agents of karma. Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. As universal law contains within itself the means for its own accomplishment, and the punishment for its violation, it requires no further authority to carry out its decrees. The origin of man, his “original sin,” and his destiny. The doctrine of reincarnation. The inner constitution of man. The real hell is life on earth. The bliss of “paradise” is a delusion of the lower self stemming from the “heresy of individuality,” which heresy determines the monad’s future birth. Upheld through Eternity, Karma decrees harmony across the Universe. Since Compassion is the Spirit of Truth, karma follows its behests and manifests as the Law of ethical causation. It is the One Law that governs the World of Being impartially, to Cosmos, Man, and Angel alike. The universal onward march of evolutionary progress proceeds along contrary directions — spirit falling gradually into matter, and matter ascending to its original condition, that of a pure spiritual substance. Greatness is measured by the standard of genuine spiritual (not psychic) development, i.e., the acquirement of soul-wisdom by personal effort and merit. Heart-wisdom and head-learning are divergent paths. A mountain abyss separates the two, so hopelessly impassable and obstructive to the traveller. The law of spiritual development supersedes the purely intellectual growth; the latter is more of an impediment than of help. Theosophy, being the only system of true religion and philosophy, offers lucid explanations and solutions to the puzzles of life. A rebuke to the Theosophical Publication Society: We are not seeking to cater to fiction readers and curiosity hunters, but to the pressing needs of earnest minds. The United States contain more theosophists and possible subscribers and readers than the whole of Europe. They do not want fiction. They want no padding in their search for truth. They are perfectly able to grasp that which the Theosophical Publication Society in London deems to be “too advanced.”

Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom

Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2019-09-17

Total Pages: 19



Truth lingers even now among the masses. But it is only in the trans-Himalayan fastnesses that the Esoteric “Good Law,” or the “Heart’s Seal,” lives to the present day in all its pristine purity. Neither the Indian nor the Buddhist system can be understood without a key, nor can the study of comparative religion become a “science” until the symbols of every Religion yield their final secrets. The “Eye Doctrine” means dogma and dead-letter form, church ritualism intended for those who are content with exoteric formulæ. The “Heart Doctrine,” or the “Heart’s Seal” is the only real one. The essential difference between the “Eye” and the “Heart,” or the outward form and the hidden meaning, i.e., Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom, is clearly demonstrated in several volumes on Chinese Buddhism, written by sundry missionaries. It is useless to enumerate an endless string of the finest Oriental scholars who are credited with having exposed to view the ancient Hindu world, by revealing the sacred and secret books of Buddhism. But the world they revealed has never been veiled. Is it those who belong to the most anthropomorphic religion in the world, who have a right to take ancient Philosophers to task for an exaggerated religious awe and veneration? The pseudo-Buddhism of Joseph Edkins is unmasked. We fear the learned writer is on a false track as to Nirvana and Amita-Buddha. When the misuse of dogmatic Buddhist Scriptures had reached its climax, and the true spirit of the Buddha’s Philosophy was nearly lost, several reformers appeared from India, who established an oral teaching. Lord Buddha states that it is better to believe in a future life, in which happiness or misery can be felt: for, if the heart believes therein, it will abandon sin and act virtuously; and, even if there is no rebirth, a good life will bring a good name, and the reward of men. But those who believe in extinction at death will not fail to commit any sin that they may choose because of their disbelief in a bright and glorious future. Why has Truth to hide like a tortoise within its shell? Because no one can be entrusted with the knowledge of the Secret Science before his time.

When pure love is perverted humanity quivers

When pure love is perverted humanity quivers PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Nicomachus of Gerasa

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-07-07

Total Pages: 21



Oh, the unspeakable hypocrisy of our age! The age when everything under the Sun and Moon is for sale and bought! Though centuries lapse and decades of ages drop out of the lap of time, great reforms take place, empires rise and fall and rise again, and even whole races disappear before the triumphant march of civilization, in his terrific selfishness the “man” that was is the “man” that is. In their internal, or rather, essential constitution, both nature and man are at one, as their essence is identical. All grows and develops and strives towards perfection on the former planes of externality or, as well said by a philosopher, is “ever becoming”; but on the ultimate plane of the spiritual essence all is, and remains therefore immutable. It is towards this eternal Esse that everything, as every being, is gravitating gradually, almost imperceptibly, but as surely as the Universe of stars and worlds moves towards a mysterious point known to, yet still unnamed by, astronomy and called by the Occultists — the Central Spiritual Sun. Yet there are still men who, notwithstanding the present chaotic condition of the moral world and the sorry débris of the best human ideals, still persist in believing and teaching that the now ideal human perfection is no dream, but a law of divine nature; and that, had mankind to wait even millions of years, still it must someday reach it and rebecome a race of gods. For the loving essence cannot be extinguished but only perverted. Without this saving redemptive power, embodied in Satan, he simply appears as the nonsensical failure of omnipotent and omniscient imbecility which the opponents of theological Christianity sneeringly and very justly make him; with it, he becomes a thinkable Entity, the Asuras of the Puranic myths, the first breaths of Brahm?, who, after fighting the gods and defeating them, are finally themselves defeated and then hurled on to the earth where they incarnate in Humanity. Thus Satanic Humanity becomes comprehensible. After moving around his cycle of obstacles Satan may, with accumulated experiences, after all the throes of Humanity, emerge again into the light. The All-denying protestors, Atheists, Nihilists, and Anarchists men of Terror, they are just Satan himself; for he is the ideal synthesis of all discordant forces and each separate human vice or passion is but an atom of his totality. In the very depths of the heart of this Human Satanic totality burns the divine spark, all negations notwithstanding. It is called Love for Humanity, an ardent aspiration for a universal reign of Justice — hence a latent desire for light, harmony and goodness. Where do we find such a divine spark among the proud and the wealthy?

Our God is Humanity and our cult, the love of our fellow-man

Our God is Humanity and our cult, the love of our fellow-man PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-06-29

Total Pages: 22



The only God whom we should serve is Humanity, and our only cult should be the love of our fellow man. Doing evil towards him, we wound God and make him suffer. This is our religion and only dogma. There now follows the response of Madame Blavatsky to an article by Charles Limousin, Editor of the Journal Acacia. A. The scientific aristocracy is full of vanity and struts on stilts of its own fabrication. B. A ray feeble light from the Sun of Truth worths much more than the artificial lights offered by physiologists and pathologists, and those elevated to the ranks of psychologists. C. The supernatural does not exist in Nature when one knows how to awaken the latent principle that animates matter. D. Divine wisdom rests on esoteric philosophy and facts of nature. E. A solitary ascetic is a living symbol of the most cowardly egotism. F. Universal Esotericism presents a periodic cosmic and human genesis which is logical and based on natural sciences, as well as on a pure transcendental philosophy. G. Budhist Esotericism has nothing to do with the Buddhist religion (note the difference in spelling). H. Theosophy is the forbear of modern science, though greatly transcending it in logic; and its metaphysics are vaster, far more beautiful and powerful than any emanating from a dogmatic cult. I. Happiness cannot exist where Truth is absent and egotism reigns supreme. It is merely a house of cards tumbling down at the first whiff. J-K. As long there is no room in the human heart for love of one’s fellow man for his own sake, and not for personal gratification, poor and rich man alike will always be unhappy. Modern science opposes to a natural force another natural force more powerful on the physical plane. Esoteric science opposes to a physical force, a spiritual or psychic force. L. Theosophists see in the priest of any religion a useless if not a pernicious being. M. The first law of the Sacred Science is never to use one’s knowledge for one’s own interest, but to work with and for others for their health and happiness. N. If a fusion of opposing and competing interests does not come about, individuals and nations will end devouring each other. O. Theosophy has nothing to do with Brahmanism, except to combat its abuses, remove the opium of superstition, and expose ecclesiastical cruelty. P. True Theosophists strive to be useful to their fellows, more especially to the disinherited ones of the world. Q. As long as the Brotherhood of Man remains an empty phrase in the air, progress will accomplish no other function than that of executioner of the poor and the downtrodden. R. As long as moral progress slumbers in inactivity, paralyzed by the ferocious egotism of everybody, the rich as well as the poor, happiness will remain a pie in the sky. S. The Secret Doctrine shows that at the beginning of the periodic evolution of our globe and its beings, the processes of generation offered varieties not even suspected in the modern laboratories. T. The infinite cannot associate with the finite; the unconditioned ignores the conditioned and the limited. Neither Brahmanas nor Bonzes, in their most acute exoteric delirium, have ever accepted the finiteness of Kosmos. U. Material progress, the so-called modern civilisation, has served only to provide the rich with enjoyments unknown in the centuries of barbarism. V. The West has not always refused the hand extended to it by the Eastern Adepts. X. Exoteric Brahmanism will soon be replaced by Esoteric Vedism, and Brotherly Love will bring about a fusion of the two Aryan Races. Z. But the mass has always bitten the hand that offered it help.

How Theosophy rekindled True Brotherhood on the sacred soil of India

How Theosophy rekindled True Brotherhood on the sacred soil of India PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2020-12-05

Total Pages: 13



The seeds of the True Brotherhood of Man, not of brother-religionists or sectarians only, have been finally sown on the sacred soil of India. No Theosophist has ever spoken against the teachings of Christ, no more than he did against those of Krishna, Buddha, or Shankaracharya. If Europeans cry against Brahmanical tyranny, caste, infant and widow marriage, and call every religious dogmatic rule idiotic, pernicious, and devilish, why should we not denounce the abuses and defects of Christian theology and sacerdotalism? The Christian missionaries degrade the pure ethics of Christ by their Jesuitical and deceptive attitude towards the natives by proselytising and enticing them to an inferior kind of worship.

Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H.P. Blavatsky

Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H.P. Blavatsky PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alfred Percy Sinnett, Tallapragada Subba Row, Boris de Zirkoff

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2024-06-11

Total Pages: 37



The Secrets of Nature and of Occult Sciences cannot be revealed to the profane, who will desecrate them and turn into a weapon against humanity. They can only be imparted to a regular chela of many years’ standing, pledged to silence and secrecy during his successive initiations. Such Secrets do exist and are defended with one’s life. Occult Truth is Nature without the illusory veil of the Five Senses. Reason is purely human; instinct, an endowment of Deity. Sixth Sense is Reason over instinct, i.e., Mental Fire perceiving and registering the other Five. The Sixth Sense is spiritual clairvoyance, as opposed to psychic. The former is normal and real; the latter, abnormal and counterfeit. Not before developing his Sixth Sense, will the man of science concede the error of his theories as to the solar spectrum, unless he retracts his marked weakness for conditional and disjunctive syllogisms ending in eternal dilemmas. Appearances are deceitful, says a Master of Wisdom. While the astronomer has elucidated the visible relations of the orbs of space, he knows nothing of their inner constitution. Similarly, the knowledge of geologist and physiologist is confined to man’s outer shell. The Adept cannot cross bodily the limits of the solar system, yet he knows that far stretching beyond the telescopic power of detection there are systems upon systems, the smallest of which would, when compared with the system of Sirius, make the latter seem like an atom of dust imbedded in the great Gobi desert. Divine Wisdom alone can carry us to the perfect state of Jivanmukta, by teaching us what is true and what is false. Till then, the next best thing to learning what is true is to ascertain what is not true. With biographical notes on Frederick W.H. Myers, Sir William Crookes, and Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner.