The Truth About Hair Loss

The Truth About Hair Loss PDF

Author: Robert Richard

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-03-30

Total Pages: 92

ISBN-13: 9781986835244


If you want to regrow your lost hair or stop that thinning hairline, it is possible to regrow every strand of hair and look great as quickly as possible. This can be done without expensive "Big Pharma" drugs, wasting ridiculous amounts of time massaging your hair, or spending money on supplements... If that sounds like you; then you want to read this book. Here's the deal: Regrowing your hair fast; isn't nearly as complicated as the hair industry wants you to believe it is. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars per month on the worthless big pharmaceutical drugs that those doctors "swear by" You don't need to constantly put garlic, chili or other types of greasy products on your head that these "experts" claim to work You don't need to spend a couple of hours every day doing tons of massaging on your head, all day long You don't need to completely change your ways and devote your life to your hair regrowth schedule; these methods are simple and quick! Those are just a few of the harmful myths that keep guys like you from ever achieving that full head of perfectly shiny hair that you fully deserve.And in this book, you're going to learn something most people will never know... The exact hair building nutrition and specialist methods that make regrowing your hair a breeze... and it only takes a few weeks to see REAL results. This book reveals things like... The relationship between hair loss and scalp blood circulation, an in-depth explanation of what the heck is going on with your head! DHT, the hormonal destroyer for hair; what's it all about? And how to stop it, forever! Treating and resolving scalp conditions with easy techniques that cost you nothing! A top secret (no-BS guide) hair growth supplement that will save you from wasting THOUSANDS of dollars each year on debunked science and marketing hype! How to do a few simple and unique techniques to build the mane of your dreams in just a few minutes a day! What not to eat, what to eat, and a fruit that will greatly help. It's the "little" things like this that make hair regrowth plans maximally effective. Non-Fap? That's right; I'll explain why not doing a non-fap method could be causing you more hair loss - massively! And a whole lot more! Imagine... just 12 weeks from now... being constantly complimented on how great you look and asked how the heck you did it... Imagine enjoying the added benefits of high confidence levels, no embarrassment, staying in better spirits, and knowing that your hair is growing back every day... The bottom line is: you CAN achieve that "Hollywood Hairline" and that extra body without having your life revolve around it. Scroll up, click the "Buy" button now, and begin your journey to a Full Head of Hair! Check out what other people are saying: "I have been utilizing Robert's techniques and after 2 weeks I have seen fuzz on my bald spots, already! I can't thank the author enough for this book." - Dustin Robinson "I've been doing this for just under two months and my frontal hairline is coming back." - Timothy Walker "I was skeptical at first but it was easy to do, and I had nothing to lose. I just can't believe I'm getting results. My wife loves touching my hair again." - Anthony Ferrer "I was frustrated with my hair loss and then I got this title; all I can say is 'WOW'" - Jeremiah Tobias "I came to this book as a last-ditch effort to try something new. Thank goodness I found it. A fantastic, real, understandable guide which has led to me getting my social life back." - Richard Tomkins

The Bald Truth

The Bald Truth PDF

Author: Spencer David Kobren

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2000-03

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 0671047639


With the introduction of Propecia™ the drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of male pattern baldness, and Rogaine™ 5%, regrowth of regular or "terminal" hair -- not peach fuzz -- is finally a reality. Yet thousands of products in the $7 billion hair-loss treatment and restoration industry claim their effectiveness too. Now in The Bald Truth, consumer advocate Spencer David Kobren offers the antidote to decades of hair-raising hype. In this comprehensive, authoritative book, Kobren examines the largely unregulated baldness treatment industry and tells how, after years of research, he successfully treated his own hair loss -- and how you can too. IN THE BALD TRUTH YOU'LL LEARN ABOUT: * the latest in hair restoration -- including a thorough review of the breakthrough drugs Propecia and Rogaine 5%, and how they work * how to keep from getting scalped by botched surgical procedures * how nutrition can supercharge treatment -- the diet that helps hair grow * the power of herbal treatments * hair systems -- what they are and where to find the good ones Exploring case histories, the latest scientific studies, and new treatments being developed, The Bald Truth proves that male pattern baldness can be combated -- and helps you make an educated decision about the best alternatives available today.

Hair Loss Dossier

Hair Loss Dossier PDF

Author: John Vincent

Publisher: John Vincent

Published: 2018-12-10

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 1732548447


“Hair Loss Dossier” Exposes the Perpetrators of The Big Lie about Hair Restoration and Reveals the Truth About the Real Answers to a Common Problem. The book explains “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” options to hair loss. According to Dr. Ken Washenik, Bosley Hair Restoration Medical Director, "Hair loss is not life threatening. It's life changing!" A powerful statement summarizes the impact hair loss has on a woman’s self-image, "Losing your hair is like losing a part of your soul!" Although baldness is not funny to those experiencing a vanishing hairline, equally, self-esteem diminishes as does one’s hair. Fact: 50% of men and 40% of women experience this annoying, debilitating condition in their lifetime. The experience can lead to a frantic search for answers and mistaken choices can result in lasting disappointment. The book "pulls back the curtain" on unscrupulous companies that intentionally mislead the public. It exposes the unattractive underbelly of businesses that prey on the hair loss sufferer's insecurities and desperation for a “fix.” The Dossier zeros in on all popular hair treatment claims and dissects the pros and cons of each. Wigs and hairpieces...worn by celebrities, high-profile figures and everyday citizens are critiqued, as are elaborate hair styling techniques, such as the one implemented by the current US President to disguise his hair problem. The real story about hair transplantation as a lifetime answer to thinning hair is revealed, as is the truth about the wealth of temporary treatments that never get to the “root of the problem.” Unfortunately, the public is vulnerable to the relentless marketing of “miracle" products. Most of the information found in the media and online is intended to sell or promote a product or service, often with the implication these are permanent answers to thinning hair or baldness. This exposé will dispel the misinformation that is widely disseminated and provide a message of optimism and a valid treatment strategy for hair loss sufferers. The underlying message is, "There is no cure for baldness, only treatment." Millions of dollars are wasted each year on worthless products. Although this condition is overwhelmingly caused by a genetic predisposition to thinning and balding, the book offers hope and a roadmap to prevent further loss and to encourage growth. Travel on a journey to discover how the choices of hair transplantation, drugs, topical treatments, camouflage products, light therapy and utilizing your own stem cells can work for you. Learn about the pros and cons as the author directs you to pursue a path to what he terms Hair Preservation.


Baldness PDF

Author: Kerry Segrave

Publisher: McFarland

Published: 1996-01-01

Total Pages: 226

ISBN-13: 9780786401932


Each year, men spend an enormous amount of time and money searching for a cure to male pattern baldness. Numerous psychological assessments indicate that the reasons behind their futile efforts are sound: attitudes toward bald men are overwhelmingly negative. From the first torturous attempts at hair implants early in this century to the faddish, well-hyped drug treatments of today, the extremes to which men have gone in an effort to regrow hair or cover their bald scalps are examined in this work. The various causes for baldness advanced by credible members of the medical establishment over the years are detailed, as well as instances of outright quackery prompted by numerous individuals and companies. Wigs, weaving, transplants, flaps and scalp reduction are among the techniques explained.

Hair Thinning!! the Simple Truth

Hair Thinning!! the Simple Truth PDF

Author: Iris Trussell


Published: 2008-04

Total Pages: 81

ISBN-13: 0615205607


Find out some of the common causes of hair thinning, and how illnesses, medications, and other factors play a part. Millions of Americans, both men and women, suffer from hair loss. This is not a black or white issue, it's universal! In this book, you will find a list of medications and illnesses that are known to cause hair thinning. You will also find charts to help you select the right products for your hair, including shampoo's, conditioners, permanent waves, relaxers, and styling aids. In addition to these charts, you will learn what you can do to help provide better care for your hair and scalp. This book is short and simple to understand, but full of vital information. Don't let the size fool you.

Reversing Your Hair Loss - A Practical Scientific Guide

Reversing Your Hair Loss - A Practical Scientific Guide PDF

Author: Robert J. Hall


Published: 2013-12-08

Total Pages: 135

ISBN-13: 1456620169


It is a sad fact that we will all lose our hair at some stage, even if only through old age. The real problem is when it happens to us before then. Very few people have any clear idea why premature thinning and loss occurs, but collectively we spend an extraordinary amount to try and reverse it. The hair restoration industry is worth more than ten billion US dollars per year. Yet, the alarming truth is that there is little to no regulation of the industry and most of the 'cures' simply do not work. If you are concerned about your hair loss (and it does not matter whether you are young or old, male or female, completely bald or just thinning) then this book will almost certainly help you. The first few chapters deal with hair itself; what it is and how it grows. Armed with the facts you can immediately start sorting truth from fiction regarding products and services. The second section deals with actual hair-loss. From what we read and what we are told, we are generally led to believe that hair-loss is a single, time-driven, linear process that is as inevitable as it is simple. The truth is, though, that it most certainly none of these. Again, some parts may surprise you, whilst others may even shock you. The last part deals with restoring your hair. Outlined in these chapters are therapies and supplements that can replace the current drug treatments on offer. Other therapies are highlighted that, if added to your existing routine, could make significant improvements to your overall strategy. Lastly, some of the therapies suggested have success rates touching over ninety percent just by themselves. The very last chapter of the book highlights companies offering treatments that will be available in the very near future. These treatments promise complete regeneration of your hair, however long you may have been bald.

Hair Loss Explained

Hair Loss Explained PDF

Author: C. K. Murray

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-03-25

Total Pages: 50

ISBN-13: 9781986821728


Don't lose out to hair loss and premature balding The solutions offered in this book are scientifically proven to slow, stop, and even reverse hair loss and premature balding. When it comes to going bald, nobody is happy. Baldness makes us feel different, old, a shell of our former selves. Seeing a once thick head of hair thin and fade before our eyes is nothing short of disheartening. But premature balding doesn't have to be! Hair loss does not have to define us or leave us insecure. If you seek the cure, you're in the right place! Whether a man or woman-clearly balding or barely losing hair--it is never too soon to act. Take charge of your scalp, and embrace natural solutions to regrow hair TODAY. "Hair Loss Explained" is a concise yet comprehensive guide to everything you need to know. Each natural solution, scalp treatment, food, supplement, and lifestyle 'tweak' is explained so that you can grow new hair IMMEDIATELY. Are you tired of losing hair? Growing worried that your hair loss or premature balding will only get worse? Have you experimented with different conditioners, shampoos and other methods, without the success you expected? Are you ready for natural hair care, natural scalp treatment, and other natural remedies and solutions? "Hair Loss Explained" will detail the whole range of remedies and cures. This hair loss life guide provides not only the fundamentals of hair loss and hair growth, but also uncovers specific natural remedies for your biggest worries. You don't have to undergo invasive surgeries or take potentially dangerous medicines. So do the natural thing, and make thinning hair and hair loss a thing of the past! 'Hair Loss Explained' answers such questions as... What is hair loss? What are the stages of hair loss? Why does hair loss occur? What is normal hair loss and what isn't? How do I treat premature balding naturally? What foods and vitamins help with hair loss & balding? What homemade remedies are good for hair regrowth? How do I make natural remedies for hair loss? What can I do if I'm already bald? What is the best natural hair care? What am I doing wrong or right? And so much more! This hair loss guide also includes: How to brush, comb, shower and dry your hair When to use shampoos and conditioners The truth of balding and genetics The difference between female and male pattern baldness The main hair loss conditions and disorders How to treat the main hair loss conditions and disorders How DHT causes you to lose hair Common hair care mistakes Understanding the future of your hair And more... So top living with hair loss and premature balding! Get the natural solutions TODAY. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW Tags: natural hair care, thinning hair, scalp treatment, balding, cure, going bald, remedies, Natural Solutions, Hair Loss, Premature Balding, balding men, losing hair, lose hair, male pattern baldness