Epistemology and Logic in the New Testament

Epistemology and Logic in the New Testament PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2016-11-30

Total Pages: 278

ISBN-13: 1532608160


Biblical contributors express an oral stage engaging Christianity within a properly basic communal worldview similar to Alvin Plantinga advocates. This approach includes a communal Christian application of common sense realism within a worldview and rhetoric similar to Hillite Pharisaism. Each biblical contributor provided vivid testimony using rabbinic language and thought forms. For example, Jewish-Christian midrash re-appropriates Old Testament quotes and narrative in a new performative pesher manner to present Jesus as the Christ. Moving beyond the word studies of biblical epistemologists, Pharisaic-rabbinic Judaism use of biblical revelation, mystical vision, dream, or audible divine voice frame mystical empiricism similar to William Alston. Non-foundational realism facilitates a communal resilient oral tradition similar to the rabbinics. Additionally, Luke-Acts extensively engages Hellenistic historiographic method and the concept of "witness." When multiple interpretations occur concerning miracles, epistemic dualistic non-foundational Lockean epistemology emerges to contribute to the authority of communal kingdom testimony. Occasionally, this Lockean approach adds an internal transformation much as Jonathan Edwards modified Locke to set forth his religious affections as a divine virtue epistemology confirming the authentic narrow way through Peircean pragmatism. This internal knowledge provides self-referential confirmation for a personal relationship and filial knowledge. Each of these expressions of knowledge fosters an ultimate Kierkegaardian commitment to the Trinitarian Christian God.

A Critical Realist's Theological Method

A Critical Realist's Theological Method PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2013-02-21

Total Pages: 456

ISBN-13: 1620327163


A Critical Realist's Theological Method explores a systematic theology method grounded in critical realism in the wake of Alister McGrath, Imre Lakatos, Nancey Murphy, N. T. Wright, and Dale Allison. Kennard surveys philosophical and traditional theological approaches for contributions and limitations in order to set out a method for theology and science. Kennard extends this method to a Thiselton-Ricoeur hermeneutic that can fund insightful exegesis and Biblical theology in the wake of Ladd, Dunn, Vos, and Goldingay. This Biblical theology method is illustrated by wisdom literature, the traditional reef of the discipline and then developed for the contributions toward systematic theology as Gabler had originally envisioned. With contextualized Scripture sourcing most of the content for systematic theology the trajectory is shown in the subtitle Returning the Bible and Biblical Theology to be the Framer for Theology and Science. The method is exampled in exegesis of creation texts which frame possibilities for science. Likewise, Biblical theology frames a bio-ethics integration of psychology and theology setting out a transactional model for psychological recovery with University of Chicago professor Paul Holmes. A theology for peer review and work is also framed.

Toward a Healthier Contextualization among Muslims

Toward a Healthier Contextualization among Muslims PDF

Author: Wonjoo Hwang

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2019-01-23

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 1532647131


Various ministry approaches have been utilized in Muslim nations in the past in order to lead lost souls into God's Kingdom. One noticeable trend in recent years in the ministry is an increasing emphasis on contextualization. While the evangelical missiological community searches for more effective contextualization models, some ad hoc proposals have complicated the issue. One representative case is the Insider Movement among Muslims, whose advocates contend that Muslim followers of Isa (Jesus) can remain within their own Islamic socio-religious community while continuing in Islamic religious practices. What is urgently needed in the contemporary discussion on contextualization is to develop a comprehensive analytical framework based on a sound biblical-theological foundation for evaluating any missiological model. After reviewing the historical development of Muslim evangelism models, this study provides such an analytical framework for developing a healthier contextualization model among Muslims and applies this framework to the Insider Movement by critically evaluating the biblical interpretations and missiological reasonings of the Insider Movement advocates. The writer calls for a healthier contextualization model among Muslims that is biblically authentic and culturally relevant.

Epistemology and Logic in the New Testament

Epistemology and Logic in the New Testament PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2016-11-30

Total Pages: 278

ISBN-13: 1532608152


Biblical contributors express an oral stage engaging Christianity within a properly basic communal worldview similar to Alvin Plantinga advocates. This approach includes a communal Christian application of common sense realism within a worldview and rhetoric similar to Hillite Pharisaism. Each biblical contributor provided vivid testimony using rabbinic language and thought forms. For example, Jewish-Christian midrash re-appropriates Old Testament quotes and narrative in a new performative pesher manner to present Jesus as the Christ. Moving beyond the word studies of biblical epistemologists, Pharisaic-rabbinic Judaism use of biblical revelation, mystical vision, dream, or audible divine voice frame mystical empiricism similar to William Alston. Non-foundational realism facilitates a communal resilient oral tradition similar to the rabbinics. Additionally, Luke-Acts extensively engages Hellenistic historiographic method and the concept of "witness." When multiple interpretations occur concerning miracles, epistemic dualistic non-foundational Lockean epistemology emerges to contribute to the authority of communal kingdom testimony. Occasionally, this Lockean approach adds an internal transformation much as Jonathan Edwards modified Locke to set forth his religious affections as a divine virtue epistemology confirming the authentic narrow way through Peircean pragmatism. This internal knowledge provides self-referential confirmation for a personal relationship and filial knowledge. Each of these expressions of knowledge fosters an ultimate Kierkegaardian commitment to the Trinitarian Christian God.

Petrine Theology

Petrine Theology PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2022-09-23

Total Pages: 379

ISBN-13: 1725271168


Using a similar method to Kennard’s biblical theology of Jesus, Hebrews, and Isaiah, Kennard’s Petrine Theology makes contributions to Peter’s theology, including: Peter’s Jewish heritage, bridging from Jesus to Paul, expressing compatible sovereignty and free will, high Christology, missional Trinity, Hebraic anthropology, Jewish atonement, redemption and new exodus, gospel as allegiance to Christ, contextual sociological ecclesiology, suffering and spiritual warfare in a narrow virtuous way to kingdom, and nuanced consistent eschatology. The companion volume, Petrine Studies, fills out background issues, narrative biographical theology, and practical life concerns from Mark. Following a combination of Mark, Peter’s sermons in Acts and Petrine epistles, Gene Green claims that Petrine theology makes unique contributions to Christian theology. Pheme Perkins concurs, “Peter is the universal ‘foundation’ for all the churches . . . There is no figure who compasses more of that diversity than Peter.” F. J. Foakes-Jackson concluded, “the very fact that Peter was singled out by the unanimous voice of the writers of the NT for pre-eminence is sufficient reason why he should demand our serious attention.” James Dunn celebrated, “Peter was probably in fact and effect the bridge-man (pontifex maximus!) who did more than any other to hold together the diversity of first-century Christianity.”

Petrine Studies

Petrine Studies PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2022-10-18

Total Pages: 237

ISBN-13: 1725260018


Using a similar method to Kennard’s biblical theology of Jesus, Hebrews, Isaiah, and Peter, Kennard’s Petrine Studies fills out background issues, narrative biographical theology and practical life concerns from Mark. The companion volume, Petrine Theology, makes contributions to Peter’s theology, including: Peter’s Jewish heritage, bridging from Jesus to Paul, expressing compatible sovereignty and free will, high Christology, missional Trinity, Hebraic anthropology, Jewish atonement, redemption and new exodus, gospel as allegiance to Christ, contextual sociological ecclesiology, suffering and spiritual warfare in a narrow virtuous way to kingdom, and nuanced consistent eschatology. Following a combination of Mark, Peter’s sermons in Acts and Petrine epistles, Gene Green claims that Petrine Theology makes unique contributions to Christian theology. Pheme Perkins concurs, “Peter is the universal ‘foundation’ for all the churches…There is no figure who compasses more of that diversity than Peter.” F. J. Foakes-Jackson concluded, “the very fact that Peter was singled out by the unanimous voice of the writers of the NT for pre-eminence is sufficient reason why he should demand our serious attention.” James Dunn celebrated, “Peter was probably in fact and effect the bridge-man (pontifex maximus!) who did more than any other to hold together the diversity of first-century Christianity.”

The Gospel

The Gospel PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2017-10-26

Total Pages: 308

ISBN-13: 1532632649


This book is about stating gospel, especially in the Bible. After surveying historical statements of gospel within their respective soteriology, biblical contexts are explored that identify either: 1) as gospel; 2) promise forgiveness; 3) promise everlasting life; 4) promise kingdom; or 5) promise resurrection with Christ. These five statements indicate the outcomes that are normally associated with the gospel across Christendom. This framework provides legitimate biblical gospel statements within exclusive salvation in Christ. This volume presents and appropriates biblical gospel patterns as a new reformation for fullness of salvation in Christ and His earthly kingdom. This variety of biblical gospel statements provoke: 1) unity around Jesus Christ and God’s gracious salvation; 2) toleration concerning rival statements of Christian gospel; and 3) jettisoning unsupported traditional frameworks. For example, ticket Christianity with little or no life change except past faith and an experience prepare Jesus Christ to say to a major section of the church, “Depart from Me, I never knew you!” Better to hear the eschatological Christ say, “Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . . . because to the extent that you did to these brothers of Mine, even the least, you did to Me.”

Biblical Covenantalism

Biblical Covenantalism PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2015-12-04

Total Pages: 896

ISBN-13: 1625646607


VOLUME ONE: Biblical Covenantalism in Torah: Judaism, Covenant Nomism, and Atonement. 330 pages. VOLUME TWO: Biblical Covenantalism in Prophets, Psalms, Early Judaism, and Gospels: Judaism, Covenant Nomism, and Kingdom Hope. 264 pages. VOLUME THREE: Biblical Covenantalism in New Testament Epistles: Engagement of the New Perspective and New Covenant Atonement. 302 pages. Biblical covenantalism is the backbone of the Old Testament and the root of salvation and ethics. This book offers a nuanced exploration of biblical theology with an emphasis on how biblical covenants set a complex trajectory for Israel's covenant relationships, salvation, ethics, and eschatology. Suzerainty treaty form positions the Mosaic covenant in a Deuteronomistic framework that elects Israel and rewards them with blessings based upon obedience to the stipulations of the covenant within which God has embraced them. Such a framework fits within covenant nomism (law), especially considering the majority of the stipulations' similarity to ancient Near Eastern law codes. This perspective deepens awareness of biblical trajectory in interaction with early Jewish and Christian sources. Jewish metaphors inform Old Testament, rabbinic, and Messianic atonement. This view positions itself between the New Perspective and traditional Reformation views as well as Covenant theology and Dispensationalism, even as it distances itself from American Covenantalism, Theonomy, Natural law, and the prayer of Jabez. The biblical and second temple Jewish material provides a nuanced new perspective of Judaism. From this same covenantal root, the Biblical covenants ground an eschatological hope for the nation of Israel.

Biblical Covenantalism, Volume 3

Biblical Covenantalism, Volume 3 PDF

Author: Douglas W. Kennard

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2015-12-04

Total Pages: 303

ISBN-13: 1666732745


VOLUME ONE: Biblical Covenantalism in Torah: Judaism, Covenant Nomism, and Atonement VOLUME TWO: Biblical Covenantalism in Prophets, Psalms, Early Judaism, and Gospels: Judaism, Covenant Nomism, and Kingdom Hope VOLUME THREE: Biblical Covenantalism in New Testament Epistles: Engagement of the New Perspective and New Covenant Atonement Biblical covenantalism is the backbone of the Old Testament and the root of salvation and ethics. This book offers a nuanced exploration of biblical theology with an emphasis on how biblical covenants set a complex trajectory for Israel’s covenant relationships, salvation, ethics, and eschatology. Suzerainty treaty form positions the Mosaic covenant in a Deuteronomistic framework that elects Israel and rewards them with blessings based upon obedience to the stipulations of the covenant within which God has embraced them. Such a framework fits within covenant nomism (law), especially considering the majority of the stipulations’ similarity to ancient Near Eastern law codes. This perspective deepens awareness of biblical trajectory in interaction with early Jewish and Christian sources. Jewish metaphors inform Old Testament, rabbinic, and Messianic atonement. This view positions itself between the New Perspective and traditional Reformation views as well as Covenant theology and Dispensationalism, even as it distances itself from American Covenantalism, Theonomy, Natural law, and the prayer of Jabez. The biblical and second temple Jewish material provides a nuanced new perspective of Judaism. From this same covenantal root, the Biblical covenants ground an eschatological hope for the nation of Israel.