
Torahism PDF

Author: R. L. Solberg

Publisher: Williamson College Press

Published: 2019-10-22

Total Pages: 198

ISBN-13: 9781733672115

DOWNLOAD EBOOK → - Are Christians required to keep the Law of Moses? How about the Ten Commandments? Was Jesus divine? Join R. L. Solberg in his new book, TORAHISM, where he confronts a modern heresy and dives into these and other critical questions related to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. "It all began with a series of Facebook posts that an old friend posted just after Thanksgiving. He was aggressively taking Christians to task for celebrating the 'pagan' holiday of Christmas. This struck me as odd because I'd always known he and his wife to be strong Christians. And while I've debated with plenty of atheists over the alleged pagan roots of Christmas, I'd never heard this charge leveled by a fellow Christian. So I decided to chime in on his posts and soon discovered that I had stepped into a mystery of, well, biblical proportions..." ENDORSEMENTS: "Over a decade ago, I came to know Rob Solberg. He impressed me back then with his searching heart, scholarly mind, and passion for apologetics. He has now offered a masterful work, well researched and very well-argued. Were I still a seminary professor, I would require my students to write reviews on this volume." Dr. Stephen Drake, Former Professor of Ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "Impressively written and researched! Aberrant theologies have existed throughout time, requiring trusted biblical guides to bring much-needed reproof. Rob Solberg does this superbly in his book, Torahism. And, he accomplishes this task with much 'gentleness and respect' (1 Peter 3:15). Even if you are not immediately confronted with this heresy, a careful reading of Rob's book will deepen your understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ." Ed Smith, Ph.D., President, Williamson College "Engaging and well-developed content on a tough topic. Rob addresses lofty theological issues with incredible accessibility and application. He reminds us to not just stay in our heads and win arguments but to love people well as we fight for what is true." Derek Bareman, Lead Pastor, Church of the City Spring Hill "This is an excellent, balanced, scholarly refutation of the heretical teaching of Torahism. Solberg does so with a wide array of Scripture, great Christian writers across the centuries, and impeccable logic. Not only does it address and answer the challenge of this new heresy, it serves as an apologetic in the best tradition of Christian scholarship. Exceptional work. I have reviewed thousands of books in 30 years. This book deserves to be read!" Reverend David "Doc" Kirby (retired), Host of the On The Bookshelf podcast FROM THE FORWARD BY PAUL WILKINSON, Ph.D. - "The best conversations are those that happen spontaneously amongst sincere, passionate seekers wanting to learn, mature, and progress in their faith and life. R. L. Solberg has blessed us by inviting us into just such a conversation . . . This book is a read that flows because it originates in genuine conversations between friends and passionate believers. It is reminiscent of the ancient dialogues with questions, points, and counterpoints. But be sure to catch this truth: Solberg's work is not about how to do the least work for the most grace, nor is it about how to avoid obligations, duties, and work. No, much more than that, Solberg's question is about how we who claim to be children of God best glorify, worship, and obey him . . . Solberg wants to know what it means to be "godly" and "righteous" in light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. I invite you into Rob and his friends' conversation. I was challenged, encouraged, and taught by the insights he brings to the fore. I pray that you heed his call to take seriously what it means for the Christian to live the godly life; to be like Jesus."

Our Sufficiency in Christ

Our Sufficiency in Christ PDF

Author: John MacArthur

Publisher: Crossway

Published: 1998-07-10

Total Pages: 170

ISBN-13: 1433516748


Christ's divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. —2 Peter 1:3 Pure Christianity needs no embellishment whatsoever. We find complete sufficiency in Christ and His provision for our needs. But too many Christians have bought in to the notion that all the spiritual resources we gain at the moment of salvation are not adequate to meet the real needs in today's complex world. So they look for something more—an emotionally exciting and self-edifying experience not found in God's Word. This failure to understand the sufficiency of Christ has opened the door to all kinds of worldy influences, causing many modern believers to mix biblical truths with seemingly helpful man-made methods such as mysticism and psychology. As a result, they wallow in a watered-down, pseudo-Christanity that has been drained of its vitality, effectiveness, and security. In this book John MacArthur exposes the main ways Christians have displaced their spiritual resources and explains how to avoid making the same error. It will make you newly aware of how completely God provides—and give you a renewed understanding of what it means to be "complete in Christ."

The Fall Feasts Of Israel

The Fall Feasts Of Israel PDF

Author: Mitch Glaser

Publisher: Moody Publishers

Published: 1987-08-08

Total Pages: 256

ISBN-13: 9781575678160


Understanding the purpose and traditions of the Jewish feasts will give you a deeper appreciation for your God, your heritage, and the gift of redemption provided by the sacrificial death of Christ. The Fall Feasts of Israel will help you understand three of Israel's most significant festivals: Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. A complete examination of each feast includes a look at its biblical institution, its celebration in the time of Christ, and its observances by Jews today. "The feasts and laws of the Lord were a tutor to lead the Israelites to the Savior...the festivals find their fulfillment in Christ and His New Covenant." This book will give you insight into what God originally intended for the sacrificial offerings.

God's Holy Day Plan

God's Holy Day Plan PDF

Author: United Church of God

Publisher: United Church of God

Published: 2013-05-01

Total Pages: 33

ISBN-13: 0557615712


The Creator of mankind does have a plan for you, and He reveals it through an annual cycle of festivals called Holy Days described in the Scriptures. It is an astounding plan offering an incredible future to every man, woman, and child who has ever lived. The Bible study aid ebook, God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind, will help you understand the incredible truth about what lies ahead for all humanity. Chapters in this ebook: -- Introduction: God's Holy Day Plan -- Are God's Holy Days Relevant Today? -- God's Festivals in the New Testament -- The Passover: Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die? -- The Feast of Unleavened Bread: Replacing Sin With the Bread of Life -- The Feast of Pentecost: The Firstfruits of God's Harvest -- The Feast of Trumpets: A Turning Point in History -- Atonement: Removal of Sin's Cause and Reconciliation to God -- The Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Christ Reigns Over All the Earth -- The Eighth Day: Eternal Life Offered to All -- What Is the Fate of the Unrepentant? -- How God's Festivals Teach Us About Jesus Christ -- How Should We Observe God's Festivals? -- Colossians 2:16 Shows Gentile Christians Observed the Biblical Holy Days -- The Annual Festivals of God - Holy Day Calendar Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "Paul and all the apostles taught a consistent message of the Christian's obligation to follow the example of Jesus Christ in all matters." "Keeping the Passover each year reminds us that God is the forgiver of sin who grants us eternal life in His Kingdom through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Passover." "Our observance of the Days of Unleavened Bread helps us realize our crucial need for Jesus' help in overcoming our weaknesses." "Pentecost serves as an annual reminder that our Creator still works miracles, granting His Spirit to those called to be the firstfruits of His spiritual harvest, empowering them to carry out His work in this world." "Jesus Christ will return to raise His followers from death and establish God's perfect rule over the earth. This is the wonderful, inspiring meaning of the Feast of Trumpets." "The Day of Atonement thus pictures the loving reconciliation all people can have with God through Christ's sacrifice. It also shows the remarkable truth that Satan, the author of sin, will eventually be removed so that humanity can at last attain reconciliation with God on a universal basis." "The Feast of Tabernacles offers a marvelous opportunity for salvation to those left alive at Christ's return, as well as their physical descendants during the Millennium." "What is the fate of those who die with no real knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? What hope is there for the billions who have lived and died without knowledge of God's purpose? The Scriptures show that these are not cut off without hope. He will bring them back to life and give them their opportunity for eternal salvation!"

The Feasts of Israel

The Feasts of Israel PDF

Author: Andrea C. Paterson

Publisher: Word Alive Press


Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 1770696482


This book is a synopsis of the Hebrew Sabbath and the seven major Feasts of Israel- Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, Shavuot (Pentecost), Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Do they have relevancy to the Christian Church? This book will help Christians, and others, expand and grow both in their faith and in the knowledge of the faith of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son.

Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion

Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion PDF

Author: United Church of God

Publisher: United Church of God

Published: 2014-02-03

Total Pages: 127

ISBN-13: 0557949548


The Bible reveals that conversion is a process that begins with God's calling, followed by repentance, baptism and the receiving of the Holy Spirit—finally climaxing with the return of Jesus Christ, when the dead in Christ are resurrected to immortality and given eternal life. That is the ultimate transformation, being changed from a mortal to an immortal being! Inside this Bible study aid: - Praying for a Right Spirit and New Attitude - We Must Change Our Way of Thinking - What Is Sin? - What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? - What's So Bad About Sin? - Must We Obey God's Commandments? - Why Be Baptized? - The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power - Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? - Is the Holy Spirit a Person? - A High Priest Eager to Help Us - Growing to Spiritual Maturity - Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth - How to Stir Up God's Spirit - The Prayer God Will Hear - Repentance Must Be With Faith - Does God Set Conditions on His Gift of Eternal Life?

Christ the King

Christ the King PDF

Author: Shirley Lucass

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2019-03-12

Total Pages: 197

ISBN-13: 1532632274


"How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. (Luke 24:25-27) There's a selfish part of me that wanted to write everything that I know at this point, and the amateur in me wanted to write it all in one book, on the definitive way of understanding Jesus through the Jewish Festivals and through the themes that emerge, but I felt the Lord had commissioned me to sing a new song--not a whole opera, just one song that told the story, a royal ballad. If we understand kingship as the background and framework into which all the other stories fit, then we will be a good way along the path of understanding what it was that Jesus was trying to explain to the disciples. This road to Emmaus won't tell us everything, but it will have started us off on a journey with signposts we can continue to follow all our lives.

One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time PDF

Author: Lea Karen Kivi

Publisher: Xulon Press

Published: 2009-12

Total Pages: 248

ISBN-13: 1615795480


The gift to be "born again" each day could sum up the impact of this book. It is an inspired personal journey through the Bible. As such it provides energy and hope during the difficult days of that journey as well as praise and thanksgiving for the gifted days of joy and happiness. A precious companion for those searching for personal nourishment from the Scriptures. - Joseph Grassi, Professor Emeritus, Santa Clara University This book will be a rich resource for many people. The reflections and questions help to focus on selected key points in a way that leads to personal application and prayer. - Dr. Eileen Schuller, Professor of Religious Studies, McMaster University In a day when addiction issues are permeating society, looking carefully at Scripture and some of the more difficult issues of life is a great investment of time. - Dr. Steve Stiles, Professor of Addiction Studies, Bethany University Lea Karen Kivi, M.A. is a technical writer who has worked in Silicon Valley, California and in Toronto, Canada. Outside of work, her writings touch on both the light side and dark side of community life, with a view to bringing unity, healing, and forgiveness where needed. Topics of her articles range from reporting on community celebrations to the analysis of particularly painful and sensitive issues such as domestic violence, sexual harassment, and clerical abuse. She has studied philosophy and French literature at the University of Toronto, biblical languages and exegesis at Regis College, and pastoral ministry at Santa Clara University. In her faith life, she has studied Hebrew at a synagogue, spoken at an interfaith conference hosted by a Muslim community, and been a member of several Christian denominations. Currently, her spiritual home is St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto.