The Otter Who Loved to Hold Hands

The Otter Who Loved to Hold Hands PDF

Author: Heidi Howarth

Publisher: QED Publishing

Published: 2014-05-05

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781781711286


Every evening Otto's family come together to hold hands when they sleep. But in the morning Otto doesn't want to let go Poor Otto's parents can't get anything done with him holding on to them, but he's just too worried and afraid to be left on his own. Until one day Mum opens a special shell with a pearl inside that sparks Otto's attention

Storytime: The Otter Who Loved to Hold Hands

Storytime: The Otter Who Loved to Hold Hands PDF

Author: Heidi Howarth

Publisher: QEB Publishing

Published: 2014-07-29

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781609924669


Every evening Otto's family comes together to hold hands when they sleep. But in the morning Otto doesn't want to let go! Poor Otto's parents can't get anything done with him holding on to them, but he's just too worried and afraid to be left on his own. But one day Mom opens a special shell with a pearl inside that sparks Otto's attention! It's beautiful and he can see another otter inside of it, reaching out to him! Otto takes the pearl into his hands -- and realizes that he's not holding on to his Mom or Dad anymore, and he feels fine! Each title in the Storytime series features beautiful artwork that children will love and a moral they'll remember. They are the perfect stories to read with a loved one and even alone.

Working with Worry

Working with Worry PDF

Author: Melissa L. Kilbride, LICSW

Publisher: Bull Publishing

Published: 2021-03-02

Total Pages: 180

ISBN-13: 1945188464


Working with Worry is designed to give parents practical tools they can use to support their children as they try to manage their anxiety in today's increasingly stressful world. It is a hands-on workbook that you can turn to for easy-to-understand information, recommendations, and support.Parents will learn about what anxiety looks like in children, reflect on their own experiences with anxiety, and find a wealth of intervention activities to try with their children. The activities use proven techniques including mindfulness, creativity, and self-regulation, and are organized by type of intervention, age, and areas of interest. This book is unlike any other workbook available on this subject because it offers both education and guidance around supporting children, while helping parents understand the need to be self-reflective about their own relationships with anxiety. Key features of this book: Over 60 interventions and activities organized by type, age, and areas of interest An entire chapter dedicated to helping parents understand their own anxiety, their ability to influence their children's experience of anxiety, and also how to "keep their stuff together" A chapter focused on how to combine the gains of parents and their children in a successful maintenance plan for the whole family Easy to understand language from authors who are not only experts offering professional guidance, but are also parents themselves who can relate to the challenges of raising children today

Cheer Up Love

Cheer Up Love PDF

Author: Susan Calman

Publisher: Two Roads

Published: 2016-05-05

Total Pages: 272

ISBN-13: 147363203X


SUSAN CALMAN AKA WONDER WOMAN & QUEEN OF DRAGONS AS SEEN ON STRICTLY COME DANCING 2017 'DEEPLY HONEST, SURPRISINGLY HILARIOUS AND UPLIFTING' The Pool 'HEART-WARMING: UNMISSABLE' Damian Barr, Metro Susan Calman is a well-known comedian and writer who has appeared on countless radio and television programmes from The News Quiz and Just a Minute on BBC Radio 4, presented Armchair Detectives and Secret Scotland, hosts the podcast Mrs Brightside and stole the nation's hearts in STRICTLY COME DANCING 2017. Her solo stand up show, Susan Calman is Convicted, was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and dealt with subjects like the death penalty, appearance and depression. It was the overwhelming and positive reaction to the show she wrote about mental health that made Susan want to write a more detailed account of surviving depression when you're the world's most negative and anxious person. The Crab of Hate is the personification of Calman's depression and her version of the notorious Black Dog. A constant companion all her life, the Crab has provided her with the best, and very worst of times. This is a very personal and affecting memoir of how, after many years and with a lot of help and talking, Susan has embraced her dark side and realised that she can be the most joyous sad person you'll ever meet. CHEER UP LOVE IS FUNNY, POIGNANT AND (HOPEFULLY) INFORMATIVE. IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO TALK AND TO REALISE YOU ARE NOT ALONE. *Susan Calman's new book, Sunny Side Up, publishes September 2018*

The One Year Experiencing God's Love Devotional

The One Year Experiencing God's Love Devotional PDF

Author: Sandra Byrd

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Published: 2017-10-03

Total Pages: 399

ISBN-13: 1496413180


One of Called Magazine's Favorite Fall Releases When was the last time you took a break to experience God's love? To experience something is to live it, to encounter it, to understand it, to explore with our hearts, minds, and souls as well as with the five physical senses and our God-given spiritual ones. Every action we do with and for God, every good day and bad day, we walk hand-in-hand with God, experiencing Him. Experiencing God's love takes time. Love unfurls its blossoms in our lives when we concentrate all of our senses on the small gifts we pass by every day. Time slows, and we finally get to hear God's beautiful background hum to our lives. The One Year Experiencing God's Love Devotional helps you intentionally carve out those moments in your day to savor God and his love for you.


英文閱讀素養課 PDF

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2021-02-24

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9864414348


〔適用讀者〕 適合想增進英語閱讀能力的學生及一般讀者。 ▶〔本書主打特點〕 F 建立英語素養題組解題能力! F 符合108課綱新理念,提升英文閱讀實力! F 精選22篇閱讀文章,教你22個閱讀技巧! F 從閱讀文本到深度思考,打造英文讀寫能力! F 將英語閱讀理解力,實際運用於生活中! ▶ 如何精進自己的英文閱讀能力? 大量閱讀文章以及配合練習做題目,從中培養閱讀語感,本書編輯精選22篇閱讀文章,教你22個閱讀技巧,讓你在閱讀完這本書後,閱讀實力大大升級。 ▶ 為何非買這本書不可? 本書運用108課綱理念,搭配混合題型練習,就要讓你提升英文閱讀實力!在這個資訊爆炸的時代,如何更有效地汲取訊息,是現代人可以好好學習的一項技能。而本書就是要告訴讀者一些實用的閱讀技巧,幫助你迅速掌握重點,同時不只學語言知識,還要學習如何深入閱讀,透過文本訊息來歸納、分析,甚至跳脫文本理解背後的言外之意。 此外,十二年國教的新課綱強調三面九項跨領域學習的核心素養,英文科不再只是著重字彙、片語、文法等語言知識的學習,而是強調將這項技能轉化為「知識 + 技能 + 態度」的素養能力。因此,在本書中,我們收錄了各種題材的閱讀文本,並且藉由文本訓練一項閱讀技巧,再透過靈活、多樣的測驗題型來訓練讀者全方面的閱讀理解力,更期盼讀者能將這些閱讀技能運用到其他各種文本上,幫助你在浩瀚書海中,可以有效率地汲取知識。 目錄介紹 Unit 1 Ways to Stay Healthy That Don’t Involve Exercise 不用運動的保健方法 Reading Skill: Skimming and Scanning Unit 2 A New Year, a Better You許下新年志願,迎接更好的自己 Reading Skill: Identifying Main Ideas Unit 3 The Real Johnny Appleseed美國傳奇人物——蘋果籽強尼 Reading Skill: Identifying the Writer’s Purpose Unit 4 King Arthur: History or Legend? 亞瑟王是否真有其人? Reading Skill: Identifying the Topic Sentence Unit 5 Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal? 早餐真的是最重要的一餐嗎? Reading Skill: Identifying Reasons Unit 6 Introducing Margot Robbie實力與外型兼具的瑪格.羅比 Reading Skill: Distinguishing Facts from Opinions Unit 7 Are Superfoods Really Super? 破解超級食物的「超級」迷思 Reading Skill: Understanding Vocabulary Words through Context Clues Unit 8 Birds of Paradise: Nature’s Beauties天堂鳥:絕美的化身 Reading Skill: Visualizing and Identifying Descriptions Unit 9 The Masque of the Red Death〈紅死病的面具〉 Reading Skill: Making Predictions Unit 10 Which Came First: The Turkey or Thanksgiving? 火雞和感恩節孰先孰後? Reading Skill: Asking Questions for Improved Reading Comprehension Unit 11 The Life-Changing Effects of Keeping a Journal 改變人生,從寫日記開始 Reading Skill: Elements of an Argumentative Essay Unit 12 The Black Poodle〈黑色貴賓犬〉 Reading Skill: Plot and Sequencing Unit 13 A Trip to the Fringe熱鬧非凡的愛丁堡藝穗節 Reading Skill: Identifying Mood and Tone Unit 14 Gift-Giving Customs around the World 送禮送到心坎裡:各國送禮習慣大不同 Reading Skill: Compare and Contrast Unit 15 Thinking in Binaries: Is It Right or Wrong? 二元性思考對或錯? Reading Skill: Cause and Effect Unit 16 Facts about Bats關於蝙蝠的小知識 Reading Skill: Identifying Supporting Information Unit 17 The Benefits of Argan Oil大自然的獻禮:摩洛哥油 Reading Skill: What Are Transitions? Unit 18 A Peek into Bhutan一窺幸福的國度:不丹 Reading Skill: Reading Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams Unit 19 Under the Spell of Shopping超市消費停看聽 Reading Skill: Making Inference Unit 20 The Climate Change Debate: Caused by Nature or Human Beings? 大自然或人類,誰才是氣候變遷的元凶? Reading Skill: Recognizing the Writer’s Attitude and Biases Unit 21 The Unbreakable Blockchain翻轉未來:區塊鏈的N種應用 Reading Skill: Summarizing Unit 22 Science Says What?! 別被新聞標題牽著走! Reading Skill: Synthesizing

Close at Heart

Close at Heart PDF

Author: Jill Turner

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2015-04-21

Total Pages: 32

ISBN-13: 9781508750451


Did you know that sea otters hold hands while they sleep? Learn why in this fable that takes you through the journey of two adorable sea otters who drift away from each other one night. These precious otters remind us of the importance of friendship and of remaining close to those we love. Whether this story is presented as a read-aloud or as a bedtime story, it will captivate both the young and the young at heart.

Dream Big

Dream Big PDF

Author: Bob Goff

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Published: 2020-06-23

Total Pages: 256

ISBN-13: 1400219507


Are you ready to uncover and reach your biggest dreams? Bob Goff, the New York Times bestselling author of Love Does and Everybody, Always, is on a mission to help you recapture the version of your life that you dreamed about before fear started calling the shots. It's time to dream big again. We want to be the kind of people who release amazing things into the world and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. In this revelatory yet utterly practical new book, Bob takes you on a life-proven journey to rediscover your dreams and turn them into reality. Based on his enormously popular Dream Big workshop, Bob draws on a lifetime of living and dreaming large to help you reach your larger-than-life dreams. Consider it your guide to knowing what you want, why you want it, and what you're going to do about it. In Dream Big, Bob gives you the encouragement and the tools you need to: learn to clearly define your dreams for yourself identify the obstacles that are holding you back establish a specific plan for reaching your big (and little) goals develop the tools that will help you act on the plan Dream Big is the only book you need to uncover the wild and exciting dream you've kept hidden from yourself--and help you take the steps necessary to achieve it. Join Bob as he reminds you that there is a path to discover and release your most beautiful and lasting ambitions into the world.