The Nameless. Life is a Story -

The Nameless. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Irsa Besirevic

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-09-03

Total Pages: 66

ISBN-13: 3710886635


A young girl living in a small cottage with her grandma who is known as the keeper of the Nameless. For decades, the Nameless have washed up on her porch, none of them identyfiable. Left by the authorities and society, grandma commits her life to taking care of them, but grandma cannot live forever. As the old woman's health declines, the young girl is forced to overtake her grandma's duties in keeping the Nameless safe. More difficult than she thought, she learns their stories and is forced to write new ones on her own. Will she continue her grandma's legacy or write a story that could end it all?

Nameless. Life is a Story -

Nameless. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Alice Jane

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-08-24

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3710859077


Was bedeutet es zu leben? Sind es die Erfahrungen, die Momente die gebündelt das Leben ausmachen, selbst wenn es nicht das eigene Leben ist? Delilah wusste bereits von Anfang an, dass ihr Name nicht mehr als nur eine Persona war, die ihr auferlegt worden war. Eine Maske, die nicht ihre zu sein schien. Als Delilah sich jedoch an einen Mitschüler erinnert, an den sich die Anderen nicht zu erinnern scheinen, sieht sich Delilah gezwungen ihre eigene Realität und Identität zu hinterfragen. Welche Rolle spielte sie in diesem Leben? Die Bibliothek mit seinem Hüter, dessen Bücher das Leben aller Menschen im Universum und ihren jeweiligen Zeitlinien mit Tinte und Papier versiegelte, offenbart Delilah schmerzlich den Wert eines Namen. Ein Name, der dazu verdammt ist, vergessen zu werden. Kann Delilah gegen ihr eigenes Schicksal ankämpfen oder ist ihre Geschichte bereits fertig geschrieben?

Nameless. Life is a Story -

Nameless. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Kim Neumann

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-02-04

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3711503497


Männer... sie sind seit Anbeginn der Zeit die größten Monster unserer Geschichten. Auch wenn sie dazu neigen diese anders zu erzählen. Schon unser Göttervater Zeus hatte sich diese Aufgabe zu eigen gemacht. Wie hatten die Menschen anders werden sollen. Eine Göttin, die hinabstieg um ihre Schwestern zu rächen. Ein von seiner Vergangenheit geplagter Polizist auf der Jagd nach einem Phantom. Eine junge Frau zwischen den Fronten der Gerechtigkeit. Und das Kribbeln der Ungewissheit im Angesicht des Todes.

My anger is kindness. Life is a Story -

My anger is kindness. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Christina Obmann

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-09-01

Total Pages: 74

ISBN-13: 3710826187


The human brain has a necessary tendency to connect dots, to make a whole out of parts, to see stories everywhere. What kind of stories can you find in here? This poetry collection is for all the souls who seek more in less, for whom three words can mean more than a whole dissertation - the language lovers, whose heart yearns for epiphany in choice words. Experimenting with different forms and non-forms, the author seeks to find truth and beauty in the vast spectrum of human experience: as bodies - in nature - in community - as self.

The Grass Is No Longer Green. Life is a Story -

The Grass Is No Longer Green. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: S. G. Rosin

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-03-11

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3711524265


Studying as an art student in a nameless town, the protagonist narrates snippets of their life. All while remaining nameless themselves, they record the alienation, loneliness, and depression that often come with being alive and how, eventually, they learn to live with it. Throughout the novel, the narration paints a picture of the consistent struggle that is life itself, and of the beautiful moments in between.

The Ballad of the Dragon Queen. Life is a Story -

The Ballad of the Dragon Queen. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Vik Boldt

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-08-26

Total Pages: 73

ISBN-13: 3710893410


Elves and Dragons lived together for hundreds of years in peace, with heroes and villains woven into their story. Then, humans appear. A young elven girl stands up to the terror the humans cause, her actions hated and loved by many. She will go on to be known as the Dragon Queen, the Flaming Rider.

The Pink Mistress Mysteries Vol. 60. Life is a Story -

The Pink Mistress Mysteries Vol. 60. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Hape W. Pfau

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-09-19

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3710837561


Also by the Author: To Be or Not Tobago Lost Lust in Lusaka Howls at the Mosteiro The Purrfect Crime: Citronellas and Murder A Serious Case of the Sauna Blues: A Return to Hell(sinki) Murder on the 541 to Manila The Hounds of that Little Wooded Area Across the Street Lab-made Labradors from Lapland Helen in Tibet Reviews for previous works: Truly the only author working today with the talent and work ethic of a second rate porn star. I say that in reverence. - Stephen King. I dont know who sent me this, but I would like to unsubscribe to this newsletter. - B.O. I'm not giving you a quote! - Anonymous

These Nameless Things

These Nameless Things PDF

Author: Shawn Smucker

Publisher: Revell

Published: 2020-06-30

Total Pages: 276

ISBN-13: 1493423134


Before Dan opened his door to find a wounded woman who had escaped from the tormentors in the mountain, his life had become rather quiet. He and the eight other people in the mostly abandoned town had become friends. They spent peaceful evenings around the campfire and even made vague plans to journey east one day and leave the ominous mountain behind. But the woman's arrival changes everything. Who is she? How does she know so much about Dan's brother, who is still held captive in the mountain? Why are long-forgotten memories rising to the surface? And why does Dan feel so compelled to keep her presence in his house a secret? Visionary writer Shawn Smucker is back with an unsettling story that invites us to consider two challenging questions: To what lengths will we go to assuage our own guilt? and Is there a limit to the things we will do for the people we love?

Null Cipher. Life is a Story -

Null Cipher. Life is a Story - PDF

Author: Philemon Niedermann

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-08-28

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3710889235


The era of the Swinging Sixties was coming to an end. A New Age was about to replace the old. But during these changing times, one man lives seemingly isolated from this cultural centre. Corney O'Cassidy, a man with a strange occupation. He is a spiritual correspondent, that is to say, he exorcises ghosts. But what is a ghost? They are remnants of the past lingering in the warm darkness. They seep into our minds, causing migraines and unexplainable ailments. Being the only person with the ability to glimpse into this otherworldly milieu with his naked eye, he has been called many things such as looney, nitwit, heretic, phoney, troglodyte, warlock; in short, an eccentric. These titles mean nothing to him. It is his solemn duty to step into the minds of these wraiths, spectres and revenants; understand their nature, and end their existence before they end him.