The Mind of God and the Works of Nature

The Mind of God and the Works of Nature PDF

Author: James Orr


Published: 2019

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9789042937628


Historians of science have long considered the very idea of a law-governed universe to be the relic of a bygone intellectual culture that took it largely for granted that a divine lawmaker existed. Many philosophers of science today insist that the claim that laws of nature are hardwired into the fabric of physical reality is laden with implausibly theological assumptions, preferring instead to treat them as theoretical axioms in an optimal description of nature's regularities, or else as robust patterns of causal connections or causal powers whose status can be reconciled to the stringent demands of metaphysical naturalism. Yet the metaphor of lawhood has proven more difficult to dislodge than the theistic commitments it once presupposed, not least because it preserves the widespread intuition that the task of scientific inquiry is not to stipulate the difference between a lawful and an accidental regularity in nature, but to discover it. Taking its cue from the repeated failure to find naturalistic alternatives to divine lawmaking, this book undertakes a retrieval and reappraisal of a high-scholastic philosophy of nature that grounds lawlike regularities in the conceptual and causal powers of God and, having done so, concludes that the metaphysical framework of classical theism yields a more powerful and parsimonious explanation of the rhythms and patterns of the natural world than its secular rivals.

The Mind of God

The Mind of God PDF

Author: Dr. Jay Lombard

Publisher: Harmony

Published: 2018-09-11

Total Pages: 226

ISBN-13: 0553418696


For fans of Deepak Chopra, Rudy Tanzi, and Andrew Newberg. A renowned behavioral neurologist provides insights to some of the most curious spiritual questions we all face. Is there a God? It’s a question billions of people have asked since the dawn of time. You would think by now we’d have a satisfactory, universal answer. No such luck…Or maybe we do and we just need to look in the right place. For Dr. Jay Lombard that place is the brain, and more importantly the mind, that center of awareness and consciousness that creates reality. In The Mind of God, Dr. Lombard employs case studies from his own behavioral neurology practice to explore the spiritual conundrums that we all ask ourselves: What is the nature of God? Does my life have purpose? What's the meaning of our existence? Are we free? What happens to us when we die? For Lombard, these metaphysical questions are a jumping-off point for exploring the brain in search of the seat of the soul. It is neuroscience, the author contends, and how we and our brains interpret what’s going on around us that can lead us to a deeper and more fulfilling faith. Mixing his personal experiences in the medical field (including compelling cases such as the male patient who really thought he was pregnant and a woman who literally scared herself to death) along with his own visionary insight into spiritual experience, Lombard has much to tell us about the nature and power of belief—and what we can do to focus our beliefs in a positive direction. If you want to find more meaning in your life or are searching for a deeper understanding of why we believe what we believe, then this book can lead to an exciting transformation in the way you see and understand the world around you. With cutting-edge research and provocative case studies, renowned behavioral neurologist provides insights to some of the most curious spiritual questions of mortality.

Classic Teachings on the Nature of God

Classic Teachings on the Nature of God PDF

Author: R. C Sproul

Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 410

ISBN-13: 1598564684


R. C. Sproul has committed his life to clearly communicating deep, practical truths from God's Word to students and laypeople. His lucid teaching style brings clarity to the most difficult--and often contentious--biblical and theological questions. Gathered here in one volume are three of his best-selling books--over $40 worth of reading at a great low price. From Rudolf Otto's" mysterium tremendum" to Martin Luther's "insanity"and Jonathan Edwards's fiery sermons, Sproul's classic "The Holiness of God"illuminates history and Scripture to help readers understand--and live with--the tension that exists between God's terrifying holiness and his inexplicable grace. In "Chosen by God," Sproul tackles the divisive subject of predestination, and discusses God's sovereignty and the problem of evil, human freedom, and the task of evangelism. He explains that there is a mystery in God's ways but not contradiction; and paints a picture of a loving--not spiteful or whimsical--God who provides redemption for radically corrupt people."Pleasing God" explores the topic of sanctification--how we satisfy God by pursuing righteousness. Sproul examines the constant battle Christians wage against sin--pride, slothfulness, dishonesty. He reveals how many Christians have tragically abandoned the struggle, but that God delights in those who press on. Although Sproul brings a Reformed background and approach to topics, his work is not just for Calvinists but for all Christians who want to understand and build on the foundations of their faith.

The Mind of God and the Works of Man

The Mind of God and the Works of Man PDF

Author: Edward Craig

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 1996

Total Pages: 364

ISBN-13: 0198236824


Craig surveys the history of modern thought and argues that it is dominated by two pictures of man. One portrays human beings as made in the image of God; the other sees us as autonomous creators of our own environment and values.

God and the New Physics

God and the New Physics PDF

Author: P. C. W. Davies

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 1984-10-16

Total Pages: 276

ISBN-13: 0671528068


Argues that the discoveries of twentieth-century physics--relativity and the quantum theory--demand a radical reformulation of the fundamentals of reality and a way of thinking, that is closer to mysticism than materialism.

Gleanings in the Godhead

Gleanings in the Godhead PDF

Author: Arthur W. Pink


Published: 2011-09-01

Total Pages: 178

ISBN-13: 9781612033389


"Few who occasionally read the Bible are aware of the awe-inspiring and worship-provoking grandeur of the divine character. That God is great in wisdom, wondrous in power, yet full of mercy is assumed by many as common knowledge. But to entertain anything approaching an adequate conception of His being, nature, and attributes, as revealed in the Scripture, is something which very few people in these degenerate times have done. God is solitary in His excellency. "Who is like unto Thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?" (Ex. 15:11). Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.

Mind and Cosmos

Mind and Cosmos PDF

Author: Thomas Nagel

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2012-11-22

Total Pages: 141

ISBN-13: 0199919755


The modern materialist approach to life has conspicuously failed to explain such central mind-related features of our world as consciousness, intentionality, meaning, and value. This failure to account for something so integral to nature as mind, argues philosopher Thomas Nagel, is a major problem, threatening to unravel the entire naturalistic world picture, extending to biology, evolutionary theory, and cosmology. Since minds are features of biological systems that have developed through evolution, the standard materialist version of evolutionary biology is fundamentally incomplete. And the cosmological history that led to the origin of life and the coming into existence of the conditions for evolution cannot be a merely materialist history, either. An adequate conception of nature would have to explain the appearance in the universe of materially irreducible conscious minds, as such. Nagel's skepticism is not based on religious belief or on a belief in any definite alternative. In Mind and Cosmos, he does suggest that if the materialist account is wrong, then principles of a different kind may also be at work in the history of nature, principles of the growth of order that are in their logical form teleological rather than mechanistic. In spite of the great achievements of the physical sciences, reductive materialism is a world view ripe for displacement. Nagel shows that to recognize its limits is the first step in looking for alternatives, or at least in being open to their possibility.

The Good Book of Human Nature

The Good Book of Human Nature PDF

Author: Carel van Schaik


Published: 2016-05-24

Total Pages: 482

ISBN-13: 0465074707


"In The Good Book of Human Nature, evolutionary anthropologist Carel van Schaik and historian Kai Michel advance a new view of Homo sapiens' cultural evolution. The Bible, they argue, was written to make sense of the single greatest change in history: the transition from egalitarian hunter-gatherer to agricultural societies. Religion arose as a strategy to cope with the unprecedented levels of epidemic disease, violence, inequality, and injustice that confronted us when we abandoned the bush--and which still confront us today, "

How Nature Works

How Nature Works PDF

Author: Per Bak

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2013-11-11

Total Pages: 229

ISBN-13: 1475754264


Self-organized criticality, the spontaneous development of systems to a critical state, is the first general theory of complex systems with a firm mathematical basis. This theory describes how many seemingly desperate aspects of the world, from stock market crashes to mass extinctions, avalanches to solar flares, all share a set of simple, easily described properties. "...a'must read'...Bak writes with such ease and lucidity, and his ideas are so intriguing...essential reading for those interested in complex will reward a sufficiently skeptical reader." -NATURE "...presents the theory (self-organized criticality) in a form easily absorbed by the non-mathematically inclined reader." -BOSTON BOOK REVIEW "I picture Bak as a kind of scientific musketeer; flamboyant, touchy, full of swagger and ready to join every fray... His book is written with panache. The style is brisk, the content stimulating. I recommend it as a bracing experience." -NEW SCIENTIST