The End

The End PDF

Author: Herbert E. Douglass

Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 196

ISBN-13: 9781572582170


This book focuses on how all Christians should relate to the current worldwide emphasis on the end of the world, and reviews the various conflicting voices within Christianity describing how and when the end will come, including Noah's experiences before the flood, Jesus' description of people ready for His return, and the practical questions Seventh-day Adventists the world over today are now discussing.

The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan

The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan PDF

Author: Ellen Gould Harmon White

Publisher: Library of Alexandria

Published: 2020-09-28

Total Pages: 1033

ISBN-13: 1465503331


Before the entrance of sin, Adam enjoyed open communion with his Maker; but since man separated himself from God by transgression, the human race has been cut off from this high privilege. By the plan of redemption, however, a way has been opened whereby the inhabitants of the earth may still have connection with heaven. God has communicated with men by His Spirit, and divine light has been imparted to the world by revelations to His chosen servants. “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:21. During the first twenty-five hundred years of human history, there was no written revelation. Those who had been taught of God, communicated their knowledge to others, and it was handed down from father to son, through successive generations. The preparation of the written word began in the time of Moses. Inspired revelations were then embodied in an inspired book. This work continued during the long period of sixteen hundred years,—from Moses, the historian of creation and the law, to John, the recorder of the most sublime truths of the gospel. The Bible points to God as its author; yet it was written by human hands; and in the varied style of its different books it presents the characteristics of the several writers. The truths revealed are all “given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16); yet they are expressed in the words of men. The Infinite One by His Holy Spirit has shed light into the minds and hearts of His servants. He has given dreams and visions, symbols and figures; and those to whom the truth was thus revealed, have themselves embodied the thought in human language. The ten commandments were spoken by God Himself, and were written by His own hand. They are of divine, and not of human composition. But the Bible, with its God-given truths expressed in the language of men, presents a union of the divine and the human. Such a union existed in the nature of Christ, who was the Son of God and the Son of man. Thus it is true of the Bible, as it was of Christ, that “the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14. Written in different ages, by men who differed widely in rank and occupation, and in mental and spiritual endowments, the books of the Bible present a wide contrast in style, as well as a diversity in the nature of the subjects unfolded. Different forms of expression are employed by different writers; often the same truth is more strikingly presented by one than by another. And as several writers present a subject under varied aspects and relations, there may appear, to the superficial, careless, or prejudiced reader, to be discrepancy or contradiction, where the thoughtful, reverent student, with clearer insight, discerns the underlying harmony. As presented through different individuals, the truth is brought out in its varied aspects. One writer is more strongly impressed with one phase of the subject; he grasps those points that harmonize with his experience or with his power of perception and appreciation; another seizes upon a different phase; and each, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, presents what is most forcibly impressed upon his own mind—a different aspect of the truth in each, but a perfect harmony through all. And the truths thus revealed unite to form a perfect whole, adapted to meet the wants of men in all the circumstances and experiences of life. God has been pleased to communicate His truth to the world by human agencies, and He Himself, by His Holy Spirit, qualified men and enabled them to do this work. He guided the mind in the selection of what to speak and what to write. The treasure was intrusted to earthen vessels, yet it is, none the less, from Heaven. The testimony is conveyed through the imperfect expression of human language, yet it is the testimony of God; and the obedient, believing child of God beholds in it the glory of a divine power, full of grace and truth.

The Late Great Planet Earth

The Late Great Planet Earth PDF

Author: Hal Lindsey

Publisher: Zondervan

Published: 2016-10-11

Total Pages: 149

ISBN-13: 0310531063


The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the "no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding -- all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey's insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you're a church-going believer or someone who wouldn't darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that's unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.

The Great Controversy—Illustrated

The Great Controversy—Illustrated PDF

Author: Ellen G. White

Publisher: Digital Inspiration


Total Pages: 304

ISBN-13: 142761430X


The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. V.— The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy. Heritage Edition—Some 125 Century-Old Illustrations, 558 pages. This volume is a portrayal of the history and future of the Christian Church from the destruction of ancient Jerusalem in A.D. 70 until the establishment of the New Jerusalem as God’s eternal capital of the universe on this earth restored, with emphasis upon the end-time prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. A clear description is provided of the over-arching great controversy between Christ and Satan, which began in heaven but is presently battling over the souls of mankind and will be brought to an end here on this earth. CONTENTS Preface ............................................ 7 Author’s Introduction ................................ 10 SECTION I.— FROM FAITHFUL TO HARLOT 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem ....................... 20 2. Persecution in the First Centuries ...................37 3. An Era of Spiritual Darkness (The Apostasy)..... 46 SECTION II.— FROM REMNANT TO REFORMATION 4. The Waldenses ................................... 58 5. John Wycliffe ......................................... 71 6. Huss and Jerome ................................... 85 7. Luther’s Separation From Rome................. 104 8. Luther Before the Diet ............................ 124 9. The Swiss Reformer ............................. 143 10. Progress of Reform in Germany ........... 154 11. Protest of the Princes .............................. 164 12. The French Reformation ........................ 175 13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia ........... 195 14. Later English Reformers ............................ 201 15. The Bible and the French Revolution ......... 218 SECTION III.— TRIALS IN THE NEW WORLD 16. The Pilgrim Fathers ................................ 240 17. Heralds of the Morning.......................... 249 18. An American Reformer ........................... 263 19. Light Through Darkness ............................ 282 20. A Great Religious Awakening ................. 292 21. A Warning Rejected ................................ 308 SECTION IV.— BIBLE TRUTHS REDISCOVERED 22. Prophecies Fulfilled ................................. 321 23. What Is the Sanctuary? ......................... 335 24. In the Holy of Holies ................................. 346 25. God’s Law Immutable ............................. 354 26. A Work of Reform................................... 367 27. Modern Revivals................................... 374 28. Facing Life’s Record (The Investigative Judgment)... 387 29. The Origin of Evil .................................... 396 30. Enmity Between Man and Satan ................. 406 31. Agency of Evil Spirits............................... 411 32. Snares of Satan ................................... 417 33. The First Great Deception ..........................426 34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (Spiritualism) ....... 441 SECTION V.— TRIALS AT THE END 35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened (Aims of the Papacy).. 450 36. The Impending Conflict ............................ 468 37. The Scriptures a Safeguard ........................ 477 38. The Final Warning ................................... 484 39. The Time of Trouble .............................. 491 SECTION VI.— TRUTH TRIUMPHANT 40. God’s People Delivered ..............................507 41. Desolation of the Earth ...........................520 42. The Controversy Ended ........................... 527 Appendix ............................................... 540 The Companion Volumes are: Vol. I.— Adam and Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Vol. II.— King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer — Prophets and Kings Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — The Acts of the Apostles * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future * — TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —


Countdown PDF

Author: Carol Zarska

Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Published: 2016-02-29

Total Pages: 122

ISBN-13: 1479605808


Trumpets were extremely important in the lives of the people of ancient Israel. Through the use of trumpets God spoke to them, guided them, warned them, and directed them. It was the duty of the priests to sound the trumpets at the appropriate times. But sometimes God Himself spoke to them directly, such as at Mt. Sinai, when in awful and terrifying grandeur the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder as the mighty God of heaven descended in fire, and the mountain trembled violently. This spectacular demonstration was to prepare the hearts of the people to receive with reverence and awe the pronouncement of His holy ten commandment law (Ex. 19:16 – 20:21). In fact, trumpets were often connected with the law and the ark of the covenant, which contained it. Priests blowing trumpets were to precede and accompany the ark whenever it was transported. An example of this is found in Joshua 6:1-20, where 7 priests blowing 7 trumpets marched before the ark around the city of Jericho for 7 days, and on the seventh day they blew the trumpets 7 times, and as the people shouted, the walls of the city collapsed. Is the God of heaven any less zealous for His sacred law today than He was in ancient times? Could it be that even now in our day He is allowing trumpets to blow to warn of the impending collapse of the cities of the nations, which are so filled with crime and corruption? Will He not rise from His throne and oversee the final dispensation of justice upon a world, which is careening toward self-destruction? Read the pages of this book and discover the meaning of the extraordinary events that have been happening since the turn of the century, and find the way into the safety of God’s pavilion.

The Rapture 2028: America’S Countdown to Apocalypse!

The Rapture 2028: America’S Countdown to Apocalypse! PDF

Author: David Netherton

Publisher: WestBow Press

Published: 2015-01-02

Total Pages: 284

ISBN-13: 1490850457


A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls! After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about while studying Biblical manuscripts in their original Greek. I was given a project by my Greek professor to research the Dead Sea Scrolls. This research changed my life, my belief about time and the books of the Bible. While researching the Dead Sea Scrolls, I found two historical books that were in the Bible during Jesus time on this Earth. So I ask this question: Why did man remove these books? The deeper I studied I discovered that our Bible should have seventy books instead of sixty-six. Six is the number of man and a number representing incompletion. Sixty-six doubles its meaning, and the number 666 needs no explanations. Men do resist Gods will today (2 Peter 3:9). While researching the subject I encountered extreme opposition. The books of the Bible should be divisible by seven. So, we are missing one New Testament book and three Old Testament books to make a seventy book Bible. Have we been deceived by our religious leaders and science community? Does all time truly consist in a 7,007-year window? This book is written from the complete seventy-book Bible which was revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Do the scrolls reveal angels mating with the daughters of Adam? Where did the giant human originate? Have we all been lied to about Genesis 6 and the events during the days of Noah? Are angels and demons masquerading as aliens and UFOs in a great end of time deception? Will the dollar collapse by 2022? Will the U.S. be destroyed in one day by 2028? However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come, (John 16:13-14).

Should We Ever Say, "I Am Saved"?

Should We Ever Say,

Author: Herbert E. Douglass

Publisher: Pacific PressPub Assn

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 158

ISBN-13: 9780816319671


What it means to be assured of salvation -- NowThe compelling insights found in Should We Ever Say, I Am Saved? summarize doctor Herbert E. Douglass's study and personal discovery through the years of what it means to be assured of salvation. In these pages you will learn the difference between genuine and false assurance; how to have genuine assurance now; what Ellen White really said about assurance; how Grace relates to faith; what works, legalism, and perfection have to do with assurance, and much more. If you long to be a happy child of God, delivered from doubt and filled with faith, this book is must-reading.