Euclid's Elements (the Thirteen Books)

Euclid's Elements (the Thirteen Books) PDF

Author: Euclid


Published: 2017-12-17

Total Pages: 404

ISBN-13: 9781420956474


Euclid was a mathematician from the Greek city of Alexandria who lived during the 4th and 3rd century B.C. and is often referred to as the "father of geometry." Within his foundational treatise "Elements," Euclid presents the results of earlier mathematicians and includes many of his own theories in a systematic, concise book that utilized a brief set of axioms and meticulous proofs to solidify his deductions. In addition to its easily referenced geometry, "Elements" also includes number theory and other mathematical considerations. For centuries, this work was a primary textbook of mathematics, containing the only framework for geometry known by mathematicians until the development of "non-Euclidian" geometry in the late 19th century. The extent to which Euclid's "Elements" is of his own original authorship or borrowed from previous scholars is unknown, however despite this fact it was his collation of these basic mathematical principles for which most of the world would come to the study of geometry. Today, Euclid's "Elements" is acknowledged as one of the most influential mathematical texts in history. This volume includes all thirteen books of Euclid's "Elements," is printed on premium acid-free paper, and follows the translation of Thomas Heath.

The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid

The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid PDF

Author: John Casey


Published: 2019-08-17

Total Pages: 212

ISBN-13: 9781686928512


This edition of the Elements of Euclid, undertaken at the request of the principalsof some of the leading Colleges and Schools of Ireland, is intended tosupply a want much felt by teachers at the present day-the production of awork which, while giving the unrivalled original in all its integrity, would alsocontain the modern conceptions and developments of the portion of Geometryover which the Elements extend. A cursory examination of the work will showthat the Editor has gone much further in this latter direction than any of hispredecessors, for it will be found to contain, not only more actual matter thanis given in any of theirs with which he is acquainted, but also much of a specialcharacter, which is not given, so far as he is aware, in any former work on thesubject. The great extension of geometrical methods in recent times has madesuch a work a necessity for the student, to enable him not only to read with advantage, but even to understand those mathematical writings of modern timeswhich require an accurate knowledge of Elementary Geometry, and to which itis in reality the best introduction