The Complete Peanuts Vol. 16

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 16 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2011-08-10

Total Pages: 341

ISBN-13: 1606994719


In Snoopy-family news, Spike is drafted into the Infantry (don't worry, it's only Snoopy's imaginary World War I army), and a brand new brother, "Marbles" (with the spotty ears) takes his bow. We also see two major baseball-oriented stories, one in which Charlie Brown joins Peppermint Patty's team, and another in which Charlie Brown and his team lose their baseball field.

The Complete Peanuts 1981-1982

The Complete Peanuts 1981-1982 PDF

Author: Charles M. Schulz

Publisher: Conangate Books Limited

Published: 2014-11-06

Total Pages: 344

ISBN-13: 9781782111023


The Complete Peanuts marches into the 1980s as Snoopy's brother Spike is drafted into the Infantry and a second brother, 'Marbles', takes his bow. Also in this volume, Peppermint Patty witnesses the 'butterfly miracle', Sally gets fat, Charlie Brown's team loses its baseball field, Linus is still not Sally's 'Sweet Babboo', more Beagle Scout adventures with Snoopy, and Molly Volley and 'Crybaby' Boobie return for a rematch.

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 13

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 13 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2010-04-21

Total Pages: 342

ISBN-13: 1606993453


These years are especially fecund in terms of new canine characters, as Snoopy is joined by his wandering brother Spike (from Needles), his beloved sister Belle (from Kansas City), and... did you know he had a nephew? In other beagle news, Snoopy breaks his foot and spends six weeks in a cast, deals with his friend Woodstock's case of the "the vapors," and gets involved in a heated love triangle with Linus over the girl "Truffles."

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 18

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 18 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2012-09-12

Total Pages: 335

ISBN-13: 1606995723


Peanuts reaches the middle of the go-go 1980s in this book, which covers 1985 and 1986: a time of hanging out at the mall, "punkers" (you haven't lived until you've seen Snoopy with a Mohawk), killer bees, airbags, and Halley's Comet. And in a surprisingly sharp satirical sequence, Schulz pokes fun at runaway licensing, with the introduction of the insufferably merchandisable "Tapioca Pudding." Also in this volume: Peppermint Patty wins the "All-City School Essay Contest" with her "What I Did During Christmas Vacation" essay, but snatches defeat from the jaws of victory with a disastrous acceptance speech... Charlie Brown, Linus, Sally and Snoopy go to "rain camp" one year, and "survival camp" the next... The World War One Flying Ace gets the flu and is nursed back to health by a French Mademoiselle (Marcie)... Sally gives Santa Claus a heart attack (literally!)... Lucy talks Charlie Brown into posing in swim-trunks for their school's "Swimsuit issue"... Peppermint Patty gains a crabby tutor... Linus suffers a crisis when addressed for the first time as "Mister"... plus another return appearance by Molly Volley, Snoopy's accidental destruction of his dog house (with a cannon!), and lots of near-Beckettian strips set in the desert starring this volume's cover boy, the one and only Spike! It's another two years of hilarious, heartwarming strips from the great Charles M. Schulz.

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 12

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 12 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2009-01-07

Total Pages: 339

ISBN-13: 0857864084


The twelfth volume of Peanuts features a number of tennis strips and several extended sequences involving Peppermint Patty's friend Marcie (including a riotous, rarely seen sequence in which Marcie's costume-making and hairstyling skills utterly spoil a skating competition for PP), so it seems only right that this volume's introduction should be served up by Schulz's longtime friend, tennis champion Billie Jean King.

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 2

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 2 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2004-10-20

Total Pages: 339

ISBN-13: 1560976144


The second volume is packed with intriguing developments, as Schulz continues to create his tender and comic universe. It begins with Peanuts' third full year and a cast of eight: Charlie Brown, Shermy, Patty, Violet, Schroeder, Lucy, the recently-born Linus, and Snoopy. By the end of 1954, Pigpen and his dust cloud join the crowd. Linus, who still doesn't speak, begins to emerge as one of the most complex and endearing characters in the strip: garrulous and inquisitive yet gentle and tolerant. And, in this volume, he acquires his security blanket! Charlie Brown is becoming his best-known self, the lovable, perpetually-humiliated round-headed loser, but he hasn't yet abandoned his brasher, prankish behavior from Volume One. And, Lucy, this book's cover girl, has grown up and forcefully elbowed her way to the center of the action, proudly wearing her banner as a troublemaker, or, in Schulz's memorable phrase, a "fussbudget". For readers unfamiliar with the early years of the strip, Snoopy's appearances here may come as the biggest surprise: he behaves, for the most part, like a dog! But, although he doesn't yet walk upright, sleep on top of his doghouse, or possess a fantasy life, Snoopy has started thinking for himself and his evolution continues its fascinating course within these pages. If you watch carefully, you'll catch his very first shark impression. The vast majority of the daily and Sunday strips collected here are not currently available in any in-print Peanuts collection. Dozens of them have not been reprinted since their initial appearance in newspapers over 50 years ago.

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 14

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 14 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2010-09-29

Total Pages: 343

ISBN-13: 1606993755


As the 1970s wind down, the last two recurring Peanuts characters have fallen into place: Snoopy's brother Spike and the youngest Van Pelt sibling, Rerun. But that doesn't mean Schulz's creativity has diminished; in fact, this volume features an amazing profusion of hilariously distinctive new one- (or two-) shot characters!

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 15

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 15 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2011-04-13

Total Pages: 338

ISBN-13: 1606994387


The Complete Peanuts 1979-1980 includes a number of classic storylines, including the month-long sequence in which an ill Charlie Brown is hospitalized (including a particularly spooky moment when he wonders if he's died and nobody's told him yet), and an especially eventful trek with Snoopy, Woodstock, and the scout troop (now including a little girl bird, Harriet). And Snoopy is still trying on identities left and right, including the "world-famous surveyor," the "world-famous census taker," and Blackjack Snoopy, the riverboat gambler.

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 4

The Complete Peanuts Vol. 4 PDF

Author: Charles Schulz

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books

Published: 2005-10-19

Total Pages: 338

ISBN-13: 1560976705


As the 1950s close down, Peanuts definitively enters its golden age. Linus, who had just learned to speak in the previous volume, becomes downright eloquent and even begins to fend off Lucy's bullying; even so, his security neurosis becomes more pronounced, including a harrowing two-week "Lost Weekend" sequence of blanketlessness. Charlie Brown cascades further down the hill to loserdom, with spectacularly lost kites, humiliating baseball losses (including one where he becomes "the Goat" and is driven from the field in a chorus of BAAAAHs); at least his newly acquired "pencil pal" affords him some comfort. Pig-Pen, Shermy, Violet, and Patty are also around, as is an increasingly Beethoven-fixated Schroeder. But the rising star is undoubtedly Snoopy. He's at the center of the most graphically dynamic and action-packed episodes (the ones in which he attempts to grab Linus's blanket at a dead run). He even tentatively tries to sleep on the crest of his doghouse roof once or twice, with mixed results. And his imitations continue apace, including penguins, anteaters, sea monsters, vultures and (much to her chagrin) Lucy. No wonder the beagle is the cover star of this volume.