The Biography of the Prophet (Sirat Al Nabi) and the Orientalists - Volume 1.B (From the Early Phase of the Prophet's Mission to His Migration to Madina)

The Biography of the Prophet (Sirat Al Nabi) and the Orientalists - Volume 1.B (From the Early Phase of the Prophet's Mission to His Migration to Madina) PDF

Author: Muhammad Mohar Ali

Publisher: Dar UL Thaqafah

Published: 2008-04-06

Total Pages: 498

ISBN-13: 9789388850384


The orientalists have been studying the seerah of the prophet with a view to casting doubt and raising suspicions and discrediting the life and personality of the Prophet (saw). Their approach has evolved over the period of time. At times they have been vicious in their attacks as was the case in the 18th century which with time during the 19th and 20th century became seemingly sympathetic to his life. This study by Dr Mohammad Mohar Ali critically analyses the works of three famous orientalists, William Muir, D.S Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt. Dr Ali refutes the charges levelled by them against the life and character of the Prophet (saw) with an erudition which the treatment of such a subject requires. This work has been selected by scholars as culturally important. This book has remained out of print and circulation for a long time, therefore, It has been reproduced from the original artifact and it remains as true to the original work as possible. You will see the original copyright references, library stamps and other notations in the work. As a reproduction of an artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant, marks etc. Scholars believe and we concur that this work is important enough to preserved, reproduced and made generally available to the public. We appreciate the support of the preservation process, and thank for you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Sirat Al Nabi and the Orientalists - Vol. 1 B

Sirat Al Nabi and the Orientalists - Vol. 1 B PDF

Author: Muhammad Mohar Ali

Publisher: Dar UL Thaqafah

Published: 2018-12-27

Total Pages: 498

ISBN-13: 9789960770789


The orientalists have been studying the seerah of the prophet with a view to casting doubt and raising suspicions and discrediting the life and personality of the Prophet (saw). Their approach has evolved over the period of time. At times they have been vicious in their attacks as was the case in the 18th century which with time during the 19th and 20th century became seemingly sympathetic to his life. This study by Dr Muhammad Mohar Ali critically analyses the works of three famous orientalists, William Muir, D.S Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt. Dr Ali refutes the charges levelled by them against the life and character of the Prophet (saw) with an erudition which the treatment of such a subject requires. Table of Contents Section 1: The sources and the Background Chapter 1: the source of the Sirah Chapter 2: The Background Chapter 3: The Orientalists on some background Topics Chapter 4: On the Materialistic Interpretation of The rise of Islam Section 2: Birth, Boyhood and Youth Chapter 5: Family Background, Birth and Childhood Chapter 6: The orientalists on the Prophet's family Chapter 7: Adolesence and Youth Chapter 8: Adolesence and Youth: The Orientalistss' Views Chapter 9: Watt's Theory about the Harb Al Fijar and Hilf al Fudul Chapter 10: The allegation of ambition and preparation Chapter 11: The theme of judaeo-Christian Influence Chapter 12: The Alleged contemporary Errors in the Qur'an Section 3: On the eve of the Call of Prophethood Chapter 13: On the eve of the call: The Hanifs and the Affair of Uthman ibn Al-huwayrith Chapter 14: The orientalist and the Hanifs: The Jeffery-Bell theory Chapter 15: The orientalists and the Hanfis: Watts' views Section 4: Receipt of Wahy and inception of the Mission Chapter 16: Divine communication (wahy) and inception of the mission Chapter 17: Wahy and the Orientalists: The views of Muir and Margoliouth Chapter 18: Wahy and the Orientalists: Bell's views Chapter 19: Wahy and the Orientalists: Watt's Treatment of the Al-Zuhri's report Chapter 20: Wahy and the Orientalists: The Theory of Intellectual Locution Section 5: The early phase of the Mission Chapter 21: The Early phase of the mission Chapter 22: Margolioth's theory of 'Islam and a secret society" Chapter 23: The bell-Watt theory about the contents of early revelations Chapter 24: The early phase of the mission and Watt's socio-economic interpretation Section 6: The Makkan Opposition Chapter 25: The makkahn Opposition: Nature, causes and immediate allegation Chapter 26: Organized Oppostion: 1 - Objections, Argumentation and demand for Miracles Chapter 27: Organized Opposition: 2- Dissuasion, Enticements, Violence and Persection Chapter 28: The Migration to Abyssinia Chapter 29: The spurious story of the 'Satanic verses' Chapter 30: The climax of opposition and calamity Chapter 31: The makkan opposition and the Orientalists: 1 - Watt's theory about the causes and beginning of opposition Chapter 32: The Orientalists on the extent and nature of the opposition Chapter 33: The unbeliever's objection vis-a-vis the Orientalists Chapter 34: The Abyssinian Migration and the Orientalists Section 7: The late Makkan Phase and Migration too Madina Chapter 34: Looking beyond makkah for Support Chapter 35: Al Isra and Al Miraj Chapter 36: Preliminaries to the Migration Chapter 37: The migration to Madina Chapter 38: The Orientalists on the Migration to Madina

A Biography of the Prophet of Islam

A Biography of the Prophet of Islam PDF

Author: Mahdī Rizq Allāh Aḥmad

Publisher: Darussalam

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 464

ISBN-13: 9789960969022


This work on the life history of the Prophet (S) stands out from other works in quite a few ways. First, every detail mentioned has been traced back to original sources, whose authenticity has been discussed extensively in the footnotes. Second, the events of the Prophet's life have been related to modern times and lessons drawn for the benefit of those who happen to face similar situations in their struggle to spread the Prophetic message.

Sîrat Al-Nabî and the Orientalists

Sîrat Al-Nabî and the Orientalists PDF

Author: Muhammad Mohar Ali

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-01-27

Total Pages: 496

ISBN-13: 9781984146762


The orientalists have been studying the seerah of the prophet with a view to casting doubt and raising suspicions and discrediting the life and personality of the Prophet (saw). Their approach has evolved over the period of time. At times they have been vicious in their attacks as was the case in the 18th century which with time during the 19th and 20th century became seemingly sympathetic to his life. This study by Dr Mohammad Mohar Ali critically analyses the works of three famous orientalists, William Muir, D.S Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt. Dr Ali refutes the charges levelled by them against the life and character of the Prophet (saw) with an erudition which the treatment of such a subject requires.

The Noble Life of the Prophet: From some important historical events before the advent of Islam until the beginning of revelation ; Revelation descends and the phase of secret preaching begins ; Open preaching and the means employed by the polytheists to oppose the Prophet's dawah ; Migration to Abyssinia and the ordeal of Taaif and the gift of al-Israa ; The Prophet seeks support from other tribes and the companions later begin migrating to al-Madeenah

The Noble Life of the Prophet: From some important historical events before the advent of Islam until the beginning of revelation ; Revelation descends and the phase of secret preaching begins ; Open preaching and the means employed by the polytheists to oppose the Prophet's dawah ; Migration to Abyssinia and the ordeal of Taaif and the gift of al-Israa ; The Prophet seeks support from other tribes and the companions later begin migrating to al-Madeenah PDF

Author: ʻAlī Muḥammad Muḥammad Ṣallābī

Publisher: Darussalam

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 648

ISBN-13: 9789960967875


Sirat Al-nabi and the Orientalists

Sirat Al-nabi and the Orientalists PDF

Author: Muhammad Ali Al-hanbali

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2017-09-21

Total Pages: 506

ISBN-13: 9781977527066


The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Orientalists, with special reference to the writings of William Muir, D.S. Margoliouth and W. Montgomery Watt. volume 1. This book is a Muslim apologetics masterpiece answering the many allegations levelled against the Prophet, sal Allahu 'alayhi wasallam, and his biography from the time he was born up until the latter period of the Makkan experience. May Allah illuminate the late author's grave for such a contribution to the field of Muslim apologetics, defending the faith and the integrity of the revered Messenger of Allah, sal Allahu 'alayhi wasallam

Muhammad : The Messenger of God

Muhammad : The Messenger of God PDF

Author: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Publisher: Al-Ma‘ãrif Publications


Total Pages: 17

ISBN-13: 0920675263


This text briefly introduces the personality of Muhammad. It describes his birth, upbringing, & family. It then goes on to cover the Prophetic mission of Muhammad, his migration to Medina, & the process of establishing an Islamic community. It also explores the various encounters & interactions he had in battles, treaties which were forged, his final pilgrimage & more.

The Life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) - Volume 1

The Life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) - Volume 1 PDF

Author: Imam Ibn Kathir

Publisher: Dar UL Thaqafah

Published: 2020-10-04

Total Pages: 424

ISBN-13: 9789388850407


Compiled in the 14th century AD by a prominent Syrian scholar, the al-sira al-Nabawiyya of Ibn Kathir is a full examination in chronological order, of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Drawn from the earliest and most reliable Arabic sources, it offers, in this close English translation, the fullest available account of the historical circumstances and personalities most important in the founding of Islam. Ibn Kathir's work offers a fine example of Islamic scholarship; the quotations and anecdotes that constitute its core are evaluated in terms of the trustworthiness of their sources. Variant wordings that are related through differing lines of transmission are noted, and Ibn Kathir gives both his own assessments and those of the earliest Islamic authorities concerning the likely authenticity of these records. The comments and conversations, derived from ancient texts, that are quoted in this work constitute the basis of our knowledge of Islam during the lifetime of its founder. Volume 1 (of this 4 volume series) relates the history of the Arab tribes who were the Prophet's forebears, the lives of his parents, and the accounts of unusual events surrounding his birth. It then goes on to relate anecdotes regarding his childhood, the signs of the Prophethood, and the first revelations.