Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings(無量義經講述)

Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings(無量義經講述) PDF

Author: 釋證嚴

Publisher: 靜思人文

Published: 2021-08-01

Total Pages: 708

ISBN-13: 6269503620


Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings is compiled from the teachings expounded during the seven-day Buddhist retreats in 1972 and 1973. Master Cheng Yen explained the sutra word by word, verse by verse, and complemented it with many analogies and real-life stories, connecting matters to principles.The book is organized as follows: The first volume includes the Preface, which describes the background of the teachings and Master Cheng Yen’s karmic affinity with the Sutra of Infinite Meanings, as well as her commentary on the first chapter of the sutra, “Chapter on Virtues.” The second volume includes the commentary on the second and third chapters of the sutra, “Chapter on Expounding the Dharma,” and “Chapter on the Ten Merits.” As for the last passage in the “Chapter on the Ten Merits,” “At this time, Great Magnificent Bodhisattva-Mahasattva and the eighty thousand bodhisattva-mahasattvas then rose from their seats” to, “At this time, all in the assembly rejoiced. They paid their respects to the Buddha and accepted and upheld the teachings as they departed,” the audio tape of Master Cheng Yen’s teaching on this section has been lost. Therefore, only the sutra passages have been kept without any additions.《無量義經講述》編纂依據一九七二年及一九七三年佛七開示《無量義經》內容,證嚴上人逐字逐句講述經文,輔以較多譬喻、生活點滴,事理相應。此書章節編輯,將上人與《無量義經》因緣、背景等段落,輯成「前言」一章,而〈德行品〉、〈說法品〉、〈十功德品〉,則各自獨立成章。第一冊包含了「前言」以及〈德行品〉;第二冊則包含了〈說法品〉以及〈十功德品〉。唯〈十功德品〉最後一段經文「是時大莊嚴菩薩摩訶薩,與八萬菩薩摩訶薩,即從坐起,……爾時大會皆大歡喜,為佛作禮,受持而去」,因錄音帶佚失,闕漏當時開示此段經文的內容,故僅保留經文未作增補。

The Essence of Infinite Meanings

The Essence of Infinite Meanings PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: 靜思人文志業股份有限公司

Published: 2015-01-01

Total Pages: 495

ISBN-13: 9866661806


The Sutra of Infinite Meanings is a very important Buddhist sutra. It can be seen as a turning point in the Buddha teachings, coming after He had already expounded the Dharma for over forty years. It is also an introduction to the Lotus Sutra. Therefore, Master Cheng Yen often stresses that the Sutra of Infinite Meanings contains the essence of the Lotus Sutra. The Sutra of Infinite Meanings is divided into three chapters - Virtues, Expounding the Dharma, and The Ten Merits. These Infinite Meanings arise from One Dharma; this One Dharma is of non-appearance. As living beings have infinitely varying capacities, the Buddha used an infinite number of teachings. Since there are infinite teachings, their meanings are also infinite. The world is fundamentally this simple and pure - without appearance - yet humans stubbornly remain attached to appearances. The Buddha taught the Sutra of Infinite Meanings and the Lotus Sutra to eliminate the habitual tendencies humans have accumulated and to teach the multitudes of living beings with severe habitual tendencies and desires how to return to the Great Bodhi Path. A commentary Master Cheng Yen gave on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings was published several years ago. The adapted verses of the Sutra of Infinite Meanings were compiled by Mr. Wang Tuan-Cheng, who distilled the central ideas of the sutra and turned them into lyrics that could be set to music. It thus enables people to carry the Buddha in their hearts and live out the Dharma. In this book, Master Cheng Yen expounds each of the verses from the musical adaptation of the Sutra of Infinite Meanings in the hopes of getting straight to the core of the sutra's teachings. While explaining the main principles of this sutra, the Master also brings in relevant teachings from the Lotus Sutra and other Buddhist sutras. The body text is interwoven with her explanations on the sutra verses and her reflections and comments, making it an insightful and inspiring read. Readers will be able to see how the Dharma manifests in Tzu Chi's work worldwide over the past 40-plus years, thus gaining a better understanding of the underlying spirit of the Jing Si Dharma-lineage and the Tzu Chi School of Buddhism as well as the mission of a modern-day Buddhist practitioner. This book is translated by the Tzu Chi USA Editorial Team, which specializes in translating Master Cheng Yen's books, including Dharma As Water (Volume 1 & 2), The Path to Truth, etc. It includes footnotes explaining terms and references to facilitate readers' easy understanding of the contents.

Illuminations:words of insight from Dharma Master Cheng Yen. Vol. 1 : On living and dying

Illuminations:words of insight from Dharma Master Cheng Yen. Vol. 1 : On living and dying PDF


Publisher: Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd.

Published: 2022-04-01

Total Pages: 287

ISBN-13: 626956249X


本叢書收錄證嚴法師針對各類疑問的解惑及開示數千則,年代最早是一九八〇年蔣經國總統至花蓮靜思精舍拜訪,法師說明慈濟功德會救濟的對象、範圍和運作;最近是今年二〇二一年四月,臺鐵太魯閣號在花蓮發生出軌重大傷亡事故,法師對在第一時間投入現場關懷服務的慈濟志工,表達人傷我痛的悲憫。史料前後長達四十一年,跨越了兩個世紀。 第一冊為生老病死篇。生死是很自然的現象,要看得開、放得下,不要掛礙,也不要執著。雖然生命有限,慧命卻是永恆。學佛要看淡生死,滋養慧命;要去除心中的雜質污染,回歸天真的清淨本性。 This book series contains thousands of Master Cheng Yen’s teachings or responses to questions on all sorts of matters. The earliest teaching documented in this series was given in 1980, when then president, Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo, visited the Jing Si Abode in Hualien. During this visit, Master Cheng Yen shared about the groups Tzu Chi Merit Association helped, the kinds of help provided, and its operating process. The most recent teaching was given in April 2021, after a Taroko Express train operated by the Taiwan Railways Administration derailed in and caused serious casualties. Master Cheng Yen expressed her empathy and compassion to the volunteers who went to the accident site right after the incident to provide help. The historical materials span as long as forty-one years and across two centuries. Volume One covers topics on living and dying. Life and death are natural phenomena. When we look at them with a broader perspective, we will be able to let them go. As such, we can be unhindered and unattached. Though life is limited, wisdom life lasts forever. Thus, for Buddhist practitioners, life and death can be taken more lightly; it is more important to nourish our wisdom life. We must eradicate the defilements in our minds and return to our innocent, pure, intrinsic nature.

The Cycle of Beauty: Lifetime After Lifetime 美的循環-談生生世世(修訂版)

The Cycle of Beauty: Lifetime After Lifetime 美的循環-談生生世世(修訂版) PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: 靜思人文志業股份有限公司

Published: 2022-01-01

Total Pages: 212

ISBN-13: 6269562430


Master Cheng Yen told stories from the Buddha’s time and instances from daily life. This book includes three parts: In part one of this book, “The All-Pervasive Heart,” a young child deposits coins in a piggy bank every day in order to “help Grandmaster build the hospital.” In this child’s young heart, a window of love is opened, and as she grows up, the goodness in her heart will continue to grow. In part two of this book, “Self-Refinement,” there is a story from the Buddha’s time about an elder who asked the Buddha how to eliminate illness. The Buddha told him, “If one’s mind remains well even when one’s body is sick, one can achieve liberation from the pain of illness. Unenlightened beings are all afflicted by the Five Aggregates (form, feeling, perception, action, and consciousness). Once we fall ill, our lives become enshrouded by pain and fear. If we can fully understand that our body is merely an illusory form, and that aging, illness, and death are natural, our bodily suffering will not be as intense.” The final part of this book, “Serenity at Life’s End” provides many real examples to show that even at life’s end, we can transcend the afflictions of birth and death so long as we can let go of our attachments. In this part of the book, there is the story of a cancer patient who endures the pain of illness and refuses chemotherapy in order to preserve his body for medical research. There is also the story of elderly people who live out the final stretch of their lives in a state of peace and ease. 證嚴法師講述了真實人生故事以及佛典故事。本書共分為三個部分: 在本書上篇〈心香處處聞〉中,年幼的孩童日日投硬幣存撲滿,為的是「幫忙師公蓋醫院」,在幼小的心靈開啟一扇愛的窗,延續到他們成長後,心中的善依舊不斷增長。 本書中篇〈自我的焠煉〉中,提及佛陀在世時,有位長者請示佛陀,如何去除病苦。佛陀告訴他,若能身病、心不病,病痛即可解脫。凡夫都有五蘊(色、受、想、行、識)的煩惱,一旦生病,更使生活籠罩在痛楚與死的恐懼中;若能徹底了知身體是假色,使老、病、死的一切歸于自然,身體的病痛自然不會如此強烈。 於本書下篇〈自在的終點〉即以諸多實例,呈現出縱使到了生命的盡頭,只要能放下執著就能超越生死的煩惱。其中或有癌症患者,忍住病痛不做化療,為的是捐出大體供醫學研究;也有老人們在臨終時,以安詳自在的心境,譜下生命的休止符。

Free From Dust, Light Is Revealed: The Path to Wisdom

Free From Dust, Light Is Revealed: The Path to Wisdom PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: 靜思人文

Published: 2021-12-01

Total Pages: 189

ISBN-13: 6269562422


Using true life stories as a mirror, Dharma Master Cheng Yen explains the profound Buddha Dharma through simple words. Like a pure stream, these stories wipe away the dust covering our minds; like a bright light, they guide us to purify ourselves and bring harmony to our societies. 證嚴法師以真實人生故事為鏡,法深言淺地拂去世間塵埃,是一泓清泉洗滌人心;又如一盞明燈,導引著人心淨化,以期社會祥和。

The spirit of great love. Volume one

The spirit of great love. Volume one PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd.

Published: 2022-03-01

Total Pages: 216

ISBN-13: 6269562465


This is a book that showcases the love in our world through short stories about daily living or from Buddhist sutras. These stories about everyday people are like music notes that make up a symphony that reflects our modern times. We can also liken them to paintings that tell of undying love in this world. Through these stories, we go from understanding and caring about life, to celebrating and creating life. 《生命的至情》透過各篇章的生活小故事或是佛典故事,述說著大地生命之愛;藉由群眾的生命音符,演奏一曲現今時代的樂章;憑藉一幅幅生命圖畫,繪製出人間不朽的愛。使我們能夠認識生命、關懷生命,進而發揚生命、創造生命。

Pure wisdom

Pure wisdom PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd.

Published: 2022-10-01

Total Pages: 102

ISBN-13: 6269645255


人生的煩惱歸結起來,不離家庭、事業和感情,究其根源,則不外多欲多求——名利、物欲、愛情、親情,永遠都在無止境的追求中,渾然不覺自己生活在人間,而人間事原本就無法事事如意啊! 本書收羅證嚴法師與眾生歷年之問答,話題包含信仰、病苦、往生處理、經營理財以及持家等。書中文字啟發人人本有的智慧,學得少欲知足,身心自然輕安自在。 What people worry about can often be summarized into three categories: family, business, and relationships. Greed and desire are often the root cause of people’s worries. People tirelessly pursue fame and fortune, material goods, family love, and romantic relationships, yet they completely forget that they live in the human world, where one cannot have everything as one wishes! This book compiled questions and responses over the years between Dharma Master Cheng Yen and disciples or visitors: the questions may be about faith, suffering of illness, managing wealth, managing the household, etc. The words in this book will inspire people to bring out their inherent wisdom and learn to have fewer desires, so they will be able to live peaceful lives.



Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: 靜思人文志業股份有限公司

Published: 2015-01-01

Total Pages: 252

ISBN-13: 9866661873


'What is karma?' 'Which is more important: harmony or principles?' 'How can we understand ourselves?' 'How can we be understanding toward others?' 'What is true spiritual cultivation?' Dharma Master Cheng Yen answers these and other questions from people seeking guidance in their spiritual journey. Infinite TEACHINGS, Infinite MEANINGS is a collection of questions and answers that are organized based on the key concepts in Chapter Two of the Sutra of Infinite Meanings ─ 'Expounding the Dharma.' In this book, Dharma Master Cheng Yen wisely answers questions related to a variety of issues people encounter in daily life, such as parent-child relations, education, career, marriage, living and dying, etc., as well as offers guidance on the Buddhist faith, morality and ethics. This book includes three parts: Contemplate the Truth of All Dharma, Turn the Great Dharma-wheel, and Attain the Path, and Achieve Fruition. The Master's compassion and eloquence, which shine through every page of the book, exemplify how Bodhisattvas impart infinite teachings with infinite meanings to suit the different capacities and dispositions of sentient beings. The pure wisdom found in each of the answers she provides not only enlightens readers, but also inspires them to guide others onto the path of awakening.

Spacious Hearts and Pure Thoughts: Pursuing a Life of Beauty and Goodness

Spacious Hearts and Pure Thoughts: Pursuing a Life of Beauty and Goodness PDF

Author: Shih Cheng Yen

Publisher: 靜思人文志業股份有限公司

Published: 2022-05-01

Total Pages: 299

ISBN-13: 6269598931


本書收錄了證嚴法師所講述之真實人生故事以及佛典故事。正如證嚴法師所說:「心寬是善,念純是美,心寬念純能令人歡喜,也就是人文的根本。」期待本書可以啟發更多發心菩薩,秉持真誠的愛心、純真寬大的心胸而付出,共同成就美善人間。 This book includes stories from the Buddha’s time and instances from daily life. Master Cheng Yen says, “A spacious heart is goodness, and pure thoughts are beauty. An open heart and pure thoughts bring joy and are the foundation of our humanistic culture.” She hopes that there will be more aspiring bodhisattvas who hold onto sincere love and benefit others with pure and open hearts. In doing so, we can create a world of goodness and beauty together.