Su-35 第二冊:機體‧動力‧控制‧飛行

Su-35 第二冊:機體‧動力‧控制‧飛行 PDF

Author: 楊政衛

Publisher: 楊可夫斯基

Published: 2019-03-31

Total Pages:



為什麼研究Su-35? 這世上有那麼幾款武器,即使不是軍事迷也能叫得出名子,Su-27就是其中之一。他是蘇聯在冷戰末期開發來對應美國F-15、F-16的戰機,所以自然與之齊名。1990年代以後,由於「萬惡共匪」中共大批引進Su-27家族戰機甚至包括生產線,使得Su-27的名氣隨著「中國威脅論」又被渲染開來。不論是自身的技術實力還是話題性,都可謂經典。邁入2000年代,俄羅斯航空工業終於在蘇聯解體後的廢墟中站起來,開始發展對應美國F-22的第五代戰機PAK-FA(現在的Su-57)。PAK-FA計畫為Su-27家族注入新的能量,成為具有第五代戰機前期技術的超級大改型Su-35。 對俄羅斯而言,戰機不只是軍事武器,還是石油天然氣以外的重要外匯來源,也是國家科技實力的象徵。因此像Su-35、Su-57這類不屬於敏感戰略武器的系統,即使是最先進的,也會被當成重大宣傳品適度的在各大展覽、科普文獻公開。從Su-35身上,可以看到俄羅斯最先進戰機的設計思路,這包括美國等先進國家最先進戰機的作戰想定、設計思想,以及俄羅斯的取捨。因此不論是科技追蹤還是歷史探尋,Su-35都是很好的研究對象。 Su-35的技術特徵| Su-35在2003年開始發展,將Su-27的技術等級從4+代的Su-30MK拉升到逼近第五代的4++代。俄國媒體稱其為「在五代腳邊」。他之所以可以跟第五代扯上邊,絕不只是局部系統的性能提升如雷達增強、發動機增推而已,而是有架構上、概念上的提升。其發展之初就設定成要超越所有當時已存在的改良型戰機,包括F/A-18E/F、Su-30MKI等。 Su-35雖然沿用Su-27的外型設計,但航電架構、控制系統等方面反而大異於Su-27而更接近第五代戰機T-50,基本上可視為「沒有匿蹤外型的第五代戰機」。不過其與Su-27系出同源,氣動特性相近,當初選擇將第五代戰機T-50的部分技術用在Su-27上成為Su-35就是考慮到Su-27的氣動特性已被摸熟,因而可以加速試驗進度與成軍速度。 Su-35的最重要特徵是資訊整合與硬體架構的扁平化。以往飛機的每個系統有自己的電腦,而在Su-35上次系統僅保留初步資料處理能力,資訊處理與決策完全由中央電腦負責。新的架構下,可以移除第二飛行員,並將絕大多數的飛行任務與作戰任務自動化。沒有第二名飛行員、航電系統高度簡併、再加上現代電腦性能優異的同時都很輕巧,構成結構設計上的良性循環:飛機不增重的情況下,結構可以加強、空間更多,再搭配推力提升的發動機後,飛機的空戰機動能力更好,有效酬載比例更大,這反映在更強的攔截、戰鬥能力,以及火力投射能力。 關於本書| 飛行性能對現代戰機作戰能力的影響權重比起二次大戰時大為下降,航電與武器性能在現代戰機的重要性更大。Su-35的航電與武器性能才是重頭戲,提升幅度比飛行性能多得多。但所謂萬丈高樓平地起,強大的航電與武器也是要以飛機為平台載到天上,才能發揮作用。嚴格的戰場環境也是由平台來承受。 本冊就聚焦在Su-35的「平台」性能,包括飛機本體、匿蹤技術、發動機、電力系統、座艙介面、飛行員維生、控制系統、飛行能力等八大章節。每一個重要的技術細節,除了列出技術數據外,都盡可能交代其發展的來龍去脈;在技術分析比較的部分,也詳細說明分析方法與過程,盡量讓讀者不只知其然,還能知其所以然,幫助讀者在面對網路世界海量的資訊時,不隨波逐流、積非成是。不論是航空迷、軍事迷研究收藏之用;還是入門「打底」之用,本書都能滿足需要。 2003年之前,筆者就像全球航空迷一樣期盼著「超級側衛會是什麼樣子?」,2007年莫斯科航展在現場親手摸到剛出廠的Su-35,2012年出版前作「玄武雙尊-俄羅斯第五代戰機」,在書中逆著輿論潮流指出Su-35的優越性、以及指出中共極可能購買Su-35。如今俄軍的Su-35在敘利亞戰爭中大獲好評,甚至反過來威脅「正宮」Su-57的訂單,而中共訂購的24架Su-35已全數交付完畢並且執行出海巡邏大任,足證前作論點一一言中。這一切有如看著鄰居小孩成長一般微妙。2019年,新機首飛11年,謹以此書為這個「鄰居小孩」慶生,也向這群既是工程師又是藝術家的設計人員致敬!

Sukhoi Su-27 & 30/33/34/35: Famous Russian Aircraft

Sukhoi Su-27 & 30/33/34/35: Famous Russian Aircraft PDF

Author: Yefim Gordon


Published: 2018-10

Total Pages: 720

ISBN-13: 9781910809181


The Sukhoi Design Bureau was tasked in 1969 with developing a fourth-generation heavy fighter and thus began the story of the Su-27, known to the western world as the Flanker--an aircraft which turned out to be one of the most successful Soviet fighter designs. This book tells the story of how the original project developed, how the final configuration of what was known as the T-10 was selected and why the brave decision to scrap the original project and rework it as the T-10S was taken, a decision that proved to be justified. The book covers the design and testing of the prototypes in both configurations, the production entry of the basic Su-27 single-seat fighter and the Su-27UB two-seat combat trainer together with the efforts of Sukhoi to keep them up to date with mid-life upgrades to Generation 4++' (Su-35S) level. The operational histories of Su-27 versions including the Su-30/Su-34/Su-35 are also described. When the Soviet Navy decided to bolster its fleet with carriers optimized for conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) aircraft, Sukhoi responded by developing the Su-27K, which later entered service as the Su-33, Russia's first operational CTOL shipboard fighter. These naval variants are included in the book as is a chapter describing the story of how China purchased license manufacturing rights for the Su-27 and went on to develop its own versions with indigenous avionics and weapons, including the basic J-11 fighter and the J-15 Flying Shark--a clone of the Su-33. The post-Soviet republics included, the Su-27/Su-30/Su-34/Su-35 family has seen service with nearly 20 nations, including places as far apart as Vietnam, Malaysia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Angola, India and Venezuela. The book describes in depth the development and operational career of the Su-27 family, including mid-life upgrades and the latest variants, and features detailed fleet lists. Richly illustrated with color photographs, line drawings and color profiles of the various color schemes carried by the type, this is the definitive work on a truly outstanding aircraft.

Korea in the 21st Century

Korea in the 21st Century PDF

Author: Seung-Ho Joo

Publisher: Nova Publishers

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 278

ISBN-13: 9781560729907


At the turn of the second millennium, Koreans face multiple challenges at home and abroad. South Korea is still in the throes of democratisation and economic reforms, while North Korea faces food shortages and other economic difficulties. The two Koreas need to manage the unification process so as to bring about national harmony and promote economic prosperity. The Korean people need to devise a new security strategy for a unified Korea to ensure its survival and independence in the early 21st century. This collection is divided into three parts, and each addresses an important issue area confronting the Korean people in the 21st century. Part I examines South Korea's democratisation and economic reforms against the backdrop of the East Asian financial crisis. Part II discusses the problems and prospects for inter-Korean relations and the characteristics of North Korea's foreign policy behaviour. Part III analyses South Korea's security relations with the four major powers at the turn of the new millennium. All chapters are written by renowned experts in their fields and offer valuable insights into the dynamics of the two Korean's domestic politics and foreign policy.

Russia, the Asymmetric Threat to the United States

Russia, the Asymmetric Threat to the United States PDF

Author: John Wood

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA

Published: 2009-06-22

Total Pages: 222

ISBN-13: 0313359423


Exploring themes critical to understanding the current world order, this book lays bare the reality of the new Russia that emerged under Vladimir Putin. Russia holds the world's largest natural gas reserves, the second largest coal and uranium reserves, and the eighth largest oil reserves. Europe is dependent on Russia for 25 percent of its oil and gas. Russia is also positioning itself to play a similar role with respect to China. The key to this strategy is a network of new oil and natural gas pipelines that Russia is in the process of constructing, which will by-pass the problematic Ukraine, Georgia, Poland and the Baltic States in the West, and lock-in the enormous potential of China in the East. Further, as the Western economies including the USA begin themselves to recover, their growing energy dependence will come back into the forefront, and therefore the need to ensure that Russia does not fail in its opening up of new energy resources in the Arctic and Eastern Siberia. Russia is no longer a superpower, in the Cold War sense of the word, because its military is significantly weaker, and as such is incapable of conducting a regional let alone global war against either the United States or NATO. It is precisely because of its military weakness that Putin has been forced to adopt an asymmetric approach. Thus, the pipeline spigot and the proliferation of missiles and aircraft have become Russia's weapons of choice, along with an ever growing reliance on its strategic nuclear forces to provide it with the necessary deterrent to foreign aggression. In addition, Putin and Medvedev have no interest in an arms race with the United States, it is too costly and detracts from their priority, which is economic reform. From Putin's perspective, America is in the process of imposing "absolute security" or as Joint Vision 2020 put it: "full spectrum dominance" over the world. As the sole remaining superpower, the United States enjoys a massive strategic imbalance in its favor, which it has used first to contain, but now with the intent to control the world. How? NATO expansion lays the groundwork for a U.S. global missile defense system to contain perceived adversaries, such as Russia, which in turn secures the dominance of America through its Prompt Global Strike (PGS) capability – the ability to strike anywhere on the planet with impunity within 90 minutes of the order being given by The President. Thus, PGS will be to the 21st Century, what British Gun Boat Diplomacy was to the 19th Century. In such a context, Russia is forced to respond asymmetrically.

The Air War in Ukraine

The Air War in Ukraine PDF

Author: Dag Henriksen

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Published: 2024-08-01

Total Pages: 253

ISBN-13: 1040098908


This book provides a comprehensive account of the use of airpower in the first year of the Ukraine conflict. Airpower has been central to political, military, and public debates from the outset of the Russo‐Ukrainian war. After having started with whether the US and NATO should attempt to establish a No‐Fly Zone over Ukraine to protect the civilian population, the international discussion soon focused on the underperformance of Russian airpower. The fact that the initial contest for air superiority over Ukraine ended in an uneasy state of mutual denial came as a surprise to Western analysts, who suspected Kyiv would fall within a relatively short period of time. The surprise and relief that it did not only fueled urgent and ongoing discussions on how NATO nations could support the Ukrainian war effort. Regardless of nationality, age, level of education, or ethnicity, the near‐daily footage of Russian missiles, bombs and drones hitting residential areas and bombarding infrastructure to deprive an entire population of electricity and water has been emotionally imprinted on generations who have only known peace. Why the Russians have used airpower with such brutality, and how Ukraine and its allies have defended against this threat, is an important topic to understand even outside a specialist military audience. The aim of this book, therefore, is to provide an analysis on why the air war over Ukraine unfolded as it did during the first year of the war. This book will be of much interest to students of air power, military and strategic studies, Russian and eastern European politics, and International Relations.

China's Arms Acquisitions from Abroad

China's Arms Acquisitions from Abroad PDF

Author: Bates Gill

Publisher: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Published: 1995

Total Pages: 180

ISBN-13: 9780198291961


This book assesses current Chinese arms imports in the light of China's historical efforts to modernize its weapon-production capacity through foreign acquisitions. It considers the implications of these imports for future security developments in the East Asian region.

History and Evolution of Aircraft

History and Evolution of Aircraft PDF

Author: Ahmed F. El-Sayed

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2024-07-31

Total Pages: 687

ISBN-13: 1040048749


History and Evolution of Aircraft reviews the history of aviation from early history to the present day, including the evolution milestones of military aircraft, civil aircraft, helicopters, drones, balloons, airships, and their engines. It also provides the background and development of different types of aircraft, including manned and unmanned vehicles, aircraft carriers, fixed or rotary wings, air, sea, and amphibian flight vehicles. Covering current and developing applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the book highlights the prospects of future flying vehicles including automotives and jetpacks. It follows the transition from piston to jet engines that include shaft-based engines (turboprop, turboshaft, and propfan), turbine-based engines (turbojet and turbofan), and athodyd engines (ramjet, turbo-ramjet, and scramjet). The book explores flight vehicles’ technological advancements and evolution, including their geometrical features and performance parameters. It will also include nine appendices resembling databases for all types of aircraft. The book will be a useful reference for academic researchers and aviation, aerospace, and mechanical engineering students taking aerodynamics, aircraft structures, aircraft engines, and propulsion courses. Aviation history enthusiasts will be interested in the scope of the content as well. Instructors can utilize a Solutions Manual for their course.