Stand Fast in Your Christian Liberty

Stand Fast in Your Christian Liberty PDF

Author: Barry S. Ross

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2014-01-15

Total Pages: 62

ISBN-13: 9781494242381


Christian liberty is one of the most debatable doctrines within the Christian faith. It is because of this doctrine that there are many divisions within the Church in our modern time. Most sincere Christians are tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine thus running from Church to Church. Most that profess the name of Christ do so without bibilical knowledge of bibilical doctrines of the Christian faith because they do not take the time to study their own bibles. God have said that his people perish for the lack of knowledge. There are lots of judgmental spirits within every Church which is forbidden of God in the Scriptures. These spirits cause divisions within the body of Christ. Most are not like the Christians in Berea, that searched the Scriptures being more noble than the Christians in Thessalonica in that those of Berea received the word of God with all readiness of mind, searching the Scriptures daily to see for themselves whether the teachings of the apostles were in fact the things written in the Scriptures. Most today fail terribly in this area, thus taking the word of those that claim to be delivering God's word to them and thereby many are deceived. These do not know where they stand in Christ Jesus! Christians are no longer under the law but under grace! Jesus Christ have redeemed us from the curse of the law becoming a curse for us that we might become the righteousness of God through him. There is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For under the new dispesation of the gospel we are under grace. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus have set us free or have liberated us from the law of sin and death! Therefore we have liberty in Christ Jesus! Paul asked the question, Why should my liberty by judged by another man's conscience? We are liberated by Christ Jesus but we are not to use liberty for an occasion to the flesh or to sin nor are we to allow our individual liberty to become a stumbling block to cause others to fall into sin but we are to serve one another in love! Paul said that all things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but all things edify not. Paul said that he kept under his body and bring it into subjection. He said all things are lawful for him but he would not be brought under the power of any! The apostles warned of those who have crept into the Church unaware that would attempt to chain us again to the law of bondage from which Jesus have broken the link in the chain setting us free. Under the new dispensation Christians are free to do or eat what one please so long as it is done or consumed in faith for anything done or consumed which is not in faith is sin! If the thing allowed is not against God or the law of the land Christians have the liberty to do it as long as their liberty does not cause another Christian to stumble. Scripture says, Happy is the he that condemeth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. Don't allow another man's convictions intrude on your individual liberty! God is not going to judge you by another man's conscience but your own, in the things which you allow! On the other hand, the apostle says it is wriong to allow your liberty, to cause another to stumble. He said the right thing to do in this matter is to keep from eating meat drinking wine or doing anything else that will make another believer fall. Keep what you believe then, between yourself and God and leave judgment to the Judge, of whom we all must stand before, and give an account of ourselves! Scripture instruct Christians to Let no man therefore judge you in meat or drink or in respect to any holy day or the new moon or the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ! Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. This book is a must read to every sincere believer!

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife PDF

Author: Nan Jones

Publisher: Lighthouse Publishing

Published: 2015-06-19

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9781941103777


When pastors and their wives step out as ministry partners all hell breaks loose. When the Word of God is preached with power and boldness, the devil attacks. Nan Jones understands the frustrations and stress pastors' wives face. She's experienced the pressures and loneliness that comes from ministry burnout, social isolation, frantic schedules, and unrealistic expectations. She learned to rely on God's faithfulness when self-righteous pew warmers whispered behind her back. When her knees ached from prayers of protection for her family and home, she chose to serve God and rested in His love. In The Perils of a Pastor's Wife, Nan offers a hand to hold, aha moments of healing, and soul-strengthening biblical insight. If you're a pastor's wife struggling with your calling, Nan presents a lifeline of hope and encouragement. As a wife and mother, she offers wisdom for the many roles the pastor's wife plays. Be empowered to fight spiritual battles with God's grace and love, protected by His armor. Learn creative ways to stand up for yourself while standing by your man. Feel the blessing of your calling as a ministry helper, marriage partner, and mother. Discover how to respond when all hell breaks loose. The Perils of a Pastor's Wife will guide you through the calamities of life and restore your confidence in God's purpose and plan for your life and ministry.

The Jesus Paradigm

The Jesus Paradigm PDF

Author: David Alan Black

Publisher: Energion Publications

Published: 2009-05-28

Total Pages: 165

ISBN-13: 1893729753


The church is in disarray. Theologians and commentators speak of the demise of evangelicalism. Are they alarmists? Is Christianity as we know it in the process of dying? Writer, scholar, teacher, and missionary Dr. David Alan Black thinks that the answer does not lie in the politics of the left or the right. In fact, he doesn't think that Jesus tells us what our politics should be. He doesn't see answers in Christian nationalism. But even further, he sees serious flaws in the very structure of our churches and denominations that prevent us from truly being obedient to the gospel. The solution lies, not in renewal, revival, or even in reformation, but rather in restoration-a restoration of the church organized as Jesus intended it and according to the example provided by the earliest church sources in the New Testament. To make the church and its members true servants of Jesus Christ again, we need to change our entire paradigm-to The Jesus Paradigm.

Standing Fast in Christ

Standing Fast in Christ PDF

Author: Shirley T. Woodruff


Published: 2012-04-27

Total Pages: 114

ISBN-13: 1105706532


To be faithful in our walk with Christ requires that we "Stand Fast" in the truths from God's Word, His strength and the joy that is ours as a child of God yet ever going forward for His glory. With my study of the book of Galatians I pray that I have been able to convey the realities of God's love promises for His child. It is my desire that the seeds of these truths be spread out to the younger generation and be nurtured by one who cares for their souls.