Speculations about reincarnation and materialized spirits

Speculations about reincarnation and materialized spirits PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-01-30

Total Pages: 23



The doctrines of Theosophy are simply the faithful echoes of Antiquity. Man is a Unity only at his origin and at his end. But the rabble was the same in every age: superstitious, self-opinionated, materializing every most spiritual and noble idealistic conception and dragging it down to its own low level, and ever adverse to divine philosophy.

Spirit and Périsprit

Spirit and Périsprit PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-01-23

Total Pages: 9



Périsprit is constituted of the ethereal substance that fills the universe, hence it is derived from the cosmic astral fluid, which is not spirit at all, because although intangible, impalpable, this astral fluid is objective matter as compared with spirit. Owing to its complex nature, the périsprit can ally itself intimately enough with the corporeal nature, to escape the moral influence of a higher life. In the same way it can unite closely enough with the spirit proper to partake of its potency, in which case its vehicle, the physical man, can appear as a God, even during his terrestrial lifetime. If such a union, of the spirit and the périsprit, does not take place, a man does not become immortal as an entity: the périsprit is sooner or later dissociated.

Two Spirits United in the Elysian Fields

Two Spirits United in the Elysian Fields PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2020-10-07

Total Pages: 16



The propensity to seek defects in natural beauty is not proof of taste, but evidence of its absence. Who can possible know his Self, while living in the mephitic atmosphere of the material world? Sinnett weaves seamlessly lucid metaphysical insights in a prosaic story of everyday life. The real and the illusive aspects of our being are always next to each other, like twin parallel lines, but they never meet unless the animal tendencies created by selfishness are conquered, and the devil of the duad annihilated. Two spirits were finally united in the limited nirvanic state of devachan, from whence no traveller returns.

Blood is the first incarnation of Universal Fluid

Blood is the first incarnation of Universal Fluid PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-01-07

Total Pages: 21



Blood is the vehicle for Kama, Prana, and Linga-sharira. Its essence is Kama, permeated by Prana, which is the vehicle of Linga-sharira. Its red cells are drops of electric fluid, carrying Fohatic energy to Shtula-sharira. Its white cells ooze out of Linga-sharira, which is curled in the spleen: they are the Sweat-born of the Chhaya. Enriched by the life-giving Prana, white cells vitalise and energise every part of the body with Kama. When Kama leaves, the blood clots. But when lightning strikes, the blood doesn’t clot. Blood is the seventh and lowest principle of our body. The Sun is the first and highest. Animal blood is an individualised but fleeting state of the One Life. In ancient rites of initiation, “Atonement” meant “Baptism of Blood.” At the last moment of the Supreme Initiation, either the Hierophant or the “newly born,” the worthier of the two had to “die,” since two Adepts of equal power must not live. In its highest aspect, blood is sunlight-yellow; in its lowest, blood is red, the colour of Black Magic. The spilt blood of gods vivifies man and all that lives. Soul, life, and blood are synonymous in every language. By offering his blood to the Supreme God, mortal man can become immortal. Cain’s fratricide was blood-shedding, not life-taking. Atlanteans were the first anthropomorphists who worshipped form and matter. Cain and Abel are the sacrificed and sacrificing couple, both immolating themselves (as permutations of Adam and Eve, or the double-sexed Jehovah), and shedding their blood “of separation and union.” They are the “divine Hermaphrodite” of the Third Root-Race who, after the loss of spiritual potency, transformed humanity into wholly physical men. Life-giving water is the blood of the Earth. There is a fountain of life in the bowels of the Earth and in the North Pole. It is the blood of the Earth, an electro-magnetic current that circulates through its arteries and veins: it is stored in the “navel” of the Earth, which is located in the very centre of the North Pole. The Centre of Being is the blood of the World. From the central point in the circle of life (Animal Mundi), the Universal Archæus (Liquor Vitæ) diffuses itself over the whole body of the microcosm where it appears as blood, the Great Arcanum of Life. Fohat is the blood of the Sun. Throughout our solar system, of which the Sun is the heart, there is a regular circulation of vital fluid, the same as that of the human blood that throbs in the heart of every man, but whose Life Essence the lower mind dimly perceives.

Three deaths and a fourth

Three deaths and a fourth PDF

Author: Cicero, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Éliphas Lévi, William Quan Judge

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2018-01-12

Total Pages: 23



Neither death is evil, nor we have a duty to lament over it. Antahkarana is our only link with our immortal self. Vedanta teaches that Raja-Yoga can be attained if the Higher Mind is by-passed. Theosophy asserts that no communication with Atman is possible, except through Buddhi-Manas. If we destroy Antahkarana before the personal is absolutely under the control of the impersonal Ego, it is like destroying a bridge over an impassable chasm. Bardo is a three-phase period between death and rebirth: 1. Kama Loka, lasting from hours to years, 150 years on average. The disembodied souls of the depraved can in limbo for centuries. 2. Gestation state. The 7th and 6th of exceptionally good men, plus the higher parts of the 6th extracted from the lower mind of the average men, can enter the rupa-loka of Devachan. The irredeemably wicked are barred from Devachan, for, their Antahkarana is permanently severed. 3. Devachan. Its ratio to earth life is 21:1, on average.

Western religion alone is to blame for the cruelty to animals

Western religion alone is to blame for the cruelty to animals PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2021-04-30

Total Pages: 11



Is it possible for me, who loves animals, to learn how to get more power than I have to help them in their sufferings? Why do the noblest animals suffer so much at the hands of men? I need not enlarge or try to explain this question. Cities are torture places for the animals who can be turned to any account for use or amusement by man! And these are always the most noble. Why should a harmless creature be burnt alive, or vivisected? Suffering is the cause of knowledge, so that the incarnating entity gains experience, although the organism is tortured to death. In China frogs are under the protection of law. We award the palm of superiority to the Chinese over the English legal documents, for the mellifluous, kindly, and fatherly appeal of the philobatrachian Chinese is far superior to dry, commaless, and incomprehensible legal twaddle of the British lawyer.

The Voice of the Will is the Atomic Point, the Logos of the Silent All

The Voice of the Will is the Atomic Point, the Logos of the Silent All PDF

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2022-01-01

Total Pages: 125



Part 1. The Voice of the Will is the Atomic Point, the Logos of the Silent All, a veil concealing Itself from the perception of lower minds. Part 2. The mediumistic state of passivity is dangerous, for passivity paralyzes the connection between man’s lower and higher principles. Part 3. Life is identical with Will, and Will is a property of the Kabbalistic Astral Light. Part 4. There is no special organ of will, any more than there is a physical basis for the activities of self-consciousness. Part 5. Insights to the laws governing compulsion and obsession. Part 6. The Yogi performs his wonders by exercising his Will-Power and Thought. Part 7. Free will is a nameless Intelligent Force, guiding and shaping the imprisoned intelligence and force inherent in every atom of matter. Part 8. Hypnotism is the new scientific name for the old “superstition” variously called fascination and enchantment. Part 9. Will is the offspring of the Divine, Desire, the motive power of animal life.