Speak Japanese Today -- a Little Language Goes a Long Way!

Speak Japanese Today -- a Little Language Goes a Long Way! PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2006-02

Total Pages: 191

ISBN-13: 0914778463


Japanese for the World! Compiled by Japanologist/author Boy Lafayette De Mente, Speak Japanese Today is designed for anyone who comes into contact with Japanese and wants to communicate with them in their own language. The first portion of the book provides an introduction to the pronunciation of Japanese and an easy overview of the structure of the language. It also includes basic greetings, farewells, telling time, everyday expressions about the weather, giving directions, telling distances, counting, money, telephoning and much more. Speak Japanese Today is unique in that it also provides vocabulary and sentences for airline pilots, stewardesses, Immigration officials, Customs officials, hotel staff, restaurant staff, bartenders, shop clerks, taxi drivers, tour guides, doctors, people hosting Japanese students, and more. With a little practice, a person can communicate as many as 500 key concepts using only a 100-word vocabulary. Speak Japanese Today contains more than 700 key words which is close to the total number of words most people use in their own language in the course of a day. All of the words and expressions in the book are given in Romanized Japanese along with an easy-to-master pronunciation phonetic system that uses standard English. Just pronounce the phonetics as if they were English, and the sounds come out in Japanese!

CHINA Understanding and Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business!

CHINA Understanding and Dealing with the Chinese Way of Doing Business! PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2012-02-29

Total Pages: 177

ISBN-13: 1470125838


China has emerged on the world scene as a major economic and political force that appears destined to surpass the United States-a portent of the future that goes well beyond anything the U.S. has faced before. The business practices of today's China are a mixture of traditional values and customs combined with Western concepts and practices that, despite bumps in the highway, are propelling the country forward at warp speed. This book addresses both the traditional and modern-day aspects of how business is done in China, and offers valuable insights in how to deal with them effectively. It also covers aspects of China's appearance on the international scene and the globalization of its economy that are political in nature. It is an ideal handbook for businesspeople, consultants, educators, and students.


Japan PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 198

ISBN-13: 1469986167


Dramatic changes have occurred in Japan's way of doing business since the late 1980s and early 1990s when its economic juggernaut was literally stopped in its tracks. The rapid rise of global competition and te fact that the Japanese real estate and financial industries copied the doomed American practices added to Japan's woes.

The Incredible Power of Serendipity!

The Incredible Power of Serendipity! PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2012-05-22

Total Pages: 204

ISBN-13: 1477468358


How Serendipity Shaped the Lifeof Author Boyé Lafayette De MenteThis is the personal memoir of author Boyé Lafayette De Mente, the 4th of ten children born to poor parents in an isolated valley in the Ozark Hills of southeast Missouri, and raised during the Great Depression of the 1930s.He went on to have a remarkable life which he attributes to the incredible power of serendipity. As editor of The IMPORTER magazine in Tokyo in the late 1950s and early 1960s and as the author of numerous pioneer books on the mindset and business practices of the Chinese, Japanese and South Koreans he made major contributions to the initial rise of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China as economic superpowers. He played a leading role in helping to launch the career of Thunderbird School of Global Management alumnae brother Merle Hinrichs who became the largest trade magazine publisher in Asia, a major financial donor to Thunderbird and member of the board of directors. And he launched the publishing career of Kentucky hillbilly Larry Flynt who achieved great wealth and notoriety as the publisher of HUSTLER magazine and champion of freedom of speech. [On the day De Mente met Flynt he told his wife that he had just met a 26-year old man who had the intelligence and drive to become president of the United States by the time he was old enough to qualify for the office.] De Mente's encounters and relationships with such extraordinary individuals as Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, America's ranking naval officer during World War II; Akio Morita, co-founder and leading light of what was to become the Sony empire; Toshio Karita, former protocol officer for the Imperial Family of Japan; and Daisetzu Suzuki, Japan's leading Zen master, plus many more, were experiences he could not have even dreamed about before they happened. His story is an example of the potential of ordinary individuals to achieve significant things when life presents opportunities and they follow up on them.

Cultural Failures That Are Destroying the American Dream! - The Destructive Influence of Male Dominance & Religious Dogma!

Cultural Failures That Are Destroying the American Dream! - The Destructive Influence of Male Dominance & Religious Dogma! PDF

Author: Boye Lafayette De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2011-02-20

Total Pages: 193

ISBN-13: 091477817X


Author Boy Lafayette De Mente blames male dominance, invalid and inhuman religious dogma, a new morality based on money and a political system that is dysfunctional for all of problems besetting the United States.De Mente says that the primary cause of the failures of human cultures since day one has been males who put power over females, tribalism, territorialism and race above the rights of people in general."As the eons passed there was a growing awareness among male leaders of the need for rules to control the animalistic attitudes and behavior of men but all of the institutions they created-including religions-continued to reflect the primitive nature of human males-and this nature is responsible for the mess the world is in today," he added.This book details the negative consequences of male dominance in every area of human endeavor, beginning with religions and including business, politics, education, entertainment and the news media, and suggests remedies for the cultural morass that threatens the American dream and imperils the rest of the world.Among the topics dealt with in the book: the harmful influence of advertising, sleaze entertainment, prostitution, the rise of pornography as a major industry, child abuse, sexual abuse, violence, the excess consumption syndrome, the ongoing anti-female dogma of religions, the growth of newspeak to control people, and the good and the bad of the Internet.One of the more unusual recommendations in the book is that parents around the world should emulate the samurai, the hereditary warrior class that ruled Japan from 1192 until the late 1860s, in educating their children. "The 26 attributes samurai parents taught their children reflect wisdom that is still rare in today's world" De Mente said. The 26 attributes are included in the text of the book.

The Bizarre and the Wondrous from the Land of the Rising Sun!

The Bizarre and the Wondrous from the Land of the Rising Sun! PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2010-12-22

Total Pages: 165

ISBN-13: 1456424750


The Bizarre and the Wondrous from the Land of the Rising Sun highlights unique aspects of Japan-ancient and modern-that have made the country fascinating to Westerners since they first stumbled upon the islands in 1543. These unusual attractions range from high-tech robots that do such things as act as tourist guides and perform delicate surgery, to festivals that go back more than two thousand years and strike many foreign visitors as being bizarre. Among the celebrations that could be labeled as bizarre are annual fertility festivals that feature authentic-looking replicas of the male penis carved in wood, from purse-size versions to ones that are over two meters long and weigh up to 800 pounds. The best known of the fertility festivals is the one staged each March 15 by the Tagata Shrine near the city of Nagoya. The largest wooden penis is carved anew each year, and after the ceremony is kept on display in the main shrine building until the following year when it is sold to private buyers. On the day of the festival the large version of the erect male organ is pulled through the streets on a wheeled cart by up to 12 men to the delight of raucous crowds and child-bearing-age women who try to touch the replica in order to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. Other penis replicas are edible versions made like candy and cookies that are sold to visitors as snacks and souvenirs to take home. Also on the incredible side is a legend that the young Jewish man now known and worshipped by Christians as Jesus Christ the son of God did not die on the cross-that, in fact, he lived and died in Herai Village in Japan. According to the Christian Bible Jesus was born in Israel. There is no further mention of him in the Bible until he is 12 years old when he appears at a Jewish synagogue and lambasts the rabbis for their un-Christian like behavior. The next mention of Jesus in the Bible is when he is in his early 30s and shows up at the Jordan River to be baptized by John, a well-known Jewish preacher. According to the Japanese legend, Jesus and his brother Isukiri spent most of those missing years in Japan, returning to Judea when Jesus was 34 years old. The story goes on to say that after he was betrayed to the Roman authorities he fled back to Japan, and it was his brother who was crucified. The story adds that Jesus married a Japanese girl, became a rice farmer, and lived the rest of his life in Herai [later renamed Shingo]. There is a tomb in Herai that has long been known as the burial place of Jesus [Jehova], the son of Mary. In the book, De Mente goes on to explain how the legend and the tomb became known to present-day Japanese authorities and was publicized in English for the first time in 1935. De Mente says he learned about the story in Tokyo in the early 1950s when he was editor of a monthly cultural magazine, including seeing a photograph of documentary evidence from a museum in Herai. Other fascinating stories in the book include how the infamous secret agents and assassins known as ninja [neen-jah] became a major part of Japanese history; why and how Japan became the first nation in the world to have a national network of roadside inns spaced one day's march apart; why the Japanese are so skilled at producing arts and crafts of extraordinary beauty; why single Japanese girls and men have a hard time hooking up; why Japan's izakaya are more fun than Irish pubs; why rice and other vegetables grow on top of buildings; how the Japanese came up with a new reason for wearing clothes...and some 50-plus other fascinating stories.

The Mexican Mind!

The Mexican Mind! PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2011-12-10

Total Pages: 324

ISBN-13: 1468033298


Author Boyé Lafayette De Mente [known internationally known for his books on the business practices, customs and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico] asserts that most people are ignorant of the amazing cultural heritage and character of the Mexican people. He says that when most people think of great cultural accomplishments they think of Europe and when they think of the exotic and perhaps the erotic they think of the Orient, while unknown to them they have overlooked one of the most unusual and fascinating countries on earth. De Mente uses key words in the Mexican language to identify and explain the contradictions and paradoxes of Mexico—the omnipresent trappings of Catholicism, the macho-cult of Mexican males, the conflicting treatment of females, the savage brutality of the criminal and the rogue cop, the gentle humility of the poor farmer, the warmth, kindness and compassion of the average city dweller and the extreme sensuality of the Mexican mindset. The book also explains why Mexicans are so attached to the culture and why so many foreigners find it so seductive and satisfying that they prefer to live in Mexico.

Mistress-keeping in Japan

Mistress-keeping in Japan PDF

Author: Boye De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 134

ISBN-13: 0914778722


Mistress-keeping was traditional in Japan because virtually all marriages were arranged, love was not involved, and a nation-wide legal prostitution system catered to men (over and above the thousands of geisha). Times have changed, but mistress-keeping is still common. Old Japan hand and internationally known author of books on Asia Boye Lafayette De Mente takes an insider's and often humorous look at mistress-keeping in Japan then and now. The book is illustrated with provocative kanji characters. His insights into Japan's mizu shobai (water business), or the entertainment trades, are invaluable for businessmen and tourists alike.

Arizona's Lords of the Land!

Arizona's Lords of the Land! PDF

Author: Boye Lafayette De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2010-05-24

Total Pages: 134

ISBN-13: 1452882738


Arizona's Navajo Indians, the largest tribe of Native Americans in the U.S. with a Reservation larger than 10 of the smaller states, arrived in the area several thouand years agos--an amazing event chornicled in their oral history and in key words in their language. Author Boye Lafayette De Mente has used these key words to reveal not only the history but the extraordinary culture and wisdom of the Navajos. Far from being simple savages when they first encountered white men in the 1500s, they had a long tradition of poetry and healing that equaled that of European nations. The book also details the virtual extinction of the Navajos in the 1860s by the U.S. military and their comback from this "Fearing Time"--an amazing saga of American arrogance, ignorance and inhuman treamtment of an extraordinary people.

Amazing Arizona!

Amazing Arizona! PDF

Author: Boye Lafayette De Mente

Publisher: Cultural-Insight Books

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 280

ISBN-13: 0914778714


Arizona is unique among American states, not only in its geography and geology but also in the diversity of its climate, in its indigenous animal and plant life, and in the history of its first inhabitants-communities of Indians whose ancestors arrived on the scene more than 20,000 years ago. Arizona is also the youngest of the contiguous mainland states of America...precisely because of these very same factors. Its climate, geography and Indian tribes were major barriers that prevented the territory from becoming widely populated by the Spanish, Mexicans and early European-Americans, and from being used as a cross-roads by American fur/pelt trappers, gold prospectors and settlers who began pushing west in the mid-1800s. Now, it is exactly these same factors that make Arizona a great place to live as well as a world-famous travel destination. The stories of how Arizona finally became what it is today are as amazing as the lay and the beauty of the land. Great background reading for residents and visitors alike, and an ideal gift.