Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time

Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart

Published: 2022-03-18

Total Pages: 29



You've seen those "10 things to do to save the Earth" lists. They usually mention many of the same things. Well, here's something different you can do to save the Earth. Shave Consciously. Every little bit we do to save the Earth helps. And this is one of those things you can do your own way. How much you shave, how long you shave, and what you use to shave with are all covered in this book, plus different styles of beards. I start this book with a very funny story from my childhood of how I learned to shave. And, if you can't grow a beard, this book may still have some helpful hints for shaving other parts of your body or for giving to someone how can grow a beard.

Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time

Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2017-05-29

Total Pages: 26

ISBN-13: 9781547012282


Saving the Earth - One Beard at a Time available at Amazon, starts with the amusing story of how I learned to shave. It helps you understand the reasons why you shave and helps you figure out how to shave less and still be you. Different razor types and beards are covered. How does shaving less save the earth? Less razors and blades tossed and fewer chemicals down the drain to mention a couple. Others are in the book. Saving the Earth - One Beard at a Time, takes a look at how being mindful in one daily activity can save the Earth. Imagine, if we were all mindful in a few of our daily activities, how much more that would save the earth. What daily activity will be the one you're mindful in, which you can use to save the earth? It may be much more practical for you to modify your shaving habits than to install a green roof, buy an Electric Vehicle, or purchase 100% green electricity. It's also good to do those things, but you may not be in a position where you can do them. This you can probably do. Save the Earth Length: 25 Pages Reading Ease: Easy; Reading Level: 6th Grade Maturity: General Audience; Target Audience - Those who shave (not only beards) and those who don't. Even if you don't shave, there are tips in this book which you can use to help save the earth. And you probably know somebody who shaves.

Sing Ho Saves a Lion

Sing Ho Saves a Lion PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart

Published: 2024-03-10

Total Pages: 37



Sing Ho was innocently walking down the street minding his own business. Then he noticed a FedEx Truck driving down the street. There was nothing unusual about today. There was nothing unusual about the Fedex Truck. The normal amount of people were milling about. The normal number of cars and trucks were on the road. There was the normal number of buildings. Then, for a single second, Sing Ho and that FedEx Truck were the only two objects in the world. Then there was only one, and Sing Ho's world went completely dark. Normalcy had just taken a left turn on the road to nowhere. Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 4th Grade; Longest Word: Transportation

Backyard Paradise: Turning Your Backyard into Nature's Paradise

Backyard Paradise: Turning Your Backyard into Nature's Paradise PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 63



Tired of Yard Work? Want to spend time in Paradise in the comfort of your own backyard? This book is for you. I explore composting, replacing your lawn, play, pruning, companion planting, edible forest gardens, tree guilds, perrenial plants, and creating your own microclimate. I also explore how to listen to the ways in which your backyard is already becoming Paradise.

Solutions Galore

Solutions Galore PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 211



Most of us see the world as a mess of Problems. There’s Global Warming, or more politically correct, Global Climate Change, or more technically correct, Comprehensive Climate Chaos. And besides, that last one is alliterative – each word starts with the same letter. There’s overpopulation. There’s increasing homelessness (houselessness) and poverty. There’s disparity, job loss, and permanent unemployment. The ocean’s becoming a garbage dump, the Great Barrier Reef is dying, and the seas are overfished. There are wars. The political parties are at each other’s throats. And there are too many guns in the hands of dangerous criminals. I could keep going. However, you are probably already suffering from mild depression having just read the above. And I’m now a basket case. Yes, the world is full of Problems. Notwithstanding, the world is also full of Solutions. It’s hard to find Solutions in the news. The media focuses on Problems. For some reason they think that will drive readership / viewership up. So you really have to search for any good news. And Solutions are even harder to spot. In spite of that, good things are happening in the world. Enough Electric Vehicles are being sold in the US that in 2019, incentives for buying a Tesla started to be phased out. Renewable Energy is on the rise. Even though the world population continues to rise, several countries are seeing population decline. Miracles are being discovered to help restore the Great Barrier Reef and to extract plastic from the ocean. Solutions are even being unearthed which can prevent Comprehensive Climate Chaos. Feeling a little better? Great! It’s daybreak. It’s time for us to start seeing a world of Solutions Galore. It’s time to jump onto the Solutions Bandwagon. For every Problem, there are a myriad of Solutions. Quite often, you only need to discover one. The purpose of Solutions Galore is to present methods to Solve Problems. There are Solutions in this book, mostly by way of example. But that is not the main purpose of this book. The purpose is to help you more easily Create Solutions to any Problem.

Take Control of Your Internet Posts: Blog Your Own Way

Take Control of Your Internet Posts: Blog Your Own Way PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 119



I create my own Websites using HTML and CSS. I've blogged with WordPress for many years. However, I'm always fighting with it to get things formatted my way. I figured if I created my own blogging system, I wouldn't have to do that. So, I created my Radical Blogging Method. You can use it too. I used HTML for the webpage and CSS for the styling. I also used my very easy-to-use Javascript Library to make my webpage more expressive, and to save me a few steps. This can all be done without any Javascript, if you wish. First, I had to figure out what a blogging system does. Then I had to replicate it, well, at least the important steps. My blogging method uses HTML and CSS, just like my webpages do. So, I just write my posts, like I write my webpages. The theme is the same as the other pages of my website, with a few extra features for the Posts. In addition to the posts, there's a list of all the posts. I made that very simple to maintain. And, there's a Feed. This Feed File tells others sites about your posts and it let's readers subscribe to your post. I've set things up, so that it's easy to maintain this feed file. In this book I explain why I did this, how I did it, and how you can use it too. Then I let you draw your own conclusion. Using my Radical Blogging Method saves me time and makes blogging a joy again.

Make Your Home Free of Toxic Chemicals

Make Your Home Free of Toxic Chemicals PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 87



Nobody wants toxic chemicals in their home. However, many people do have such chemicals where they live, but are unaware of these lurking dangers. We live in a culture where toxic chemicals are just a part of life. Or so it sometimes seems. And they just seem to creep into our homes. Once toxic chemicals are in our homes, it may seem daunting, almost impossible, to get them out. We try everything, short of exorcism, to be rid of them. Sometimes nothing seems to work. Over 30 years of attempts, failures, and successes at ridding our homes of toxic chemicals have led to the creation of this plan. It takes a lot of work. And you will no doubt be overwhelmed by it at first. But the plan does work. And the end results are worth both the time and the effort. Removing toxic chemicals from a home often results in the inhabitants being better able to breathe, being sick less often, and having more energy. It takes time. But it can be accomplished step by step. Do as much as you can. And do what works for you. Then move on to the next step. You may need to come back to the first steps and perform the remaining tasks. But eventually, you will work out what works for you. You will work out what rids your home from toxic chemicals to the point that you can live at peace with your home again.

Expressive Websites

Expressive Websites PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 210



Is your website blah or bleh? Does it reflect who you or are company truly is? On second thought maybe you just want it to project a certain persona. How can you achieve this? More importantly, how can you achieve this easily? My book Expressive Websites, tells you several ways that you can make your website more expressive. Maybe you want colors or emojis. What about forms and graphs? Simple graphics? Tired of that same old font? Change it or add another. I only use HTML, CSS, and simple cut-and-paste executions of Javascript functions. In this book I tell you how to easily use my Javascript Library to enhance your website. Some people say that all you have to do to make your website less boring is add a video. I think there's a whole lot more to it.

The Train to the Forgotten Shires

The Train to the Forgotten Shires PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 35



Meet AMBROSIA, one of GITCHI MANITOU’s HELPERS.AMBROSIA tells the story of the BEGINNING. In the BEGINNING, GITCHI MANITOU created the EARTH in which we live. First GITCHI MANITOU created the CREATURES of LIGHTS, MOUNTAINS, TREES, FISH, BIRDS, and MAMMALS. At this time GITCHI MANITOU also created the SHIRES of EDEN, AGARTHA, ATLANTIS, SHAMBHALA, AZTLAN, and CAMELOT. Over time, the CREATURES start to forget about the SHIRES so GITCHI MANITOU creates the TRAIN to take them to the SHIRES so they can better remember them. AMBROSIA is a marvelous story teller, telling all about the CREATURES and the other HELPERS. Besides loving to talk, AMBROSIA also loves to eat and interrupts the story from time to time to talk about what they’re eating right then. Some more memorable quotes: FISH also came in a variety of styles, but it wasn’t as interesting a variety as with TREES. I’m just saying, personally, I don’t think three really counts as variety. FISH might argue that point, but I don’t think they have a strong case. Ah, lunch time! Sanjits is it? Surprise, surprise! You could be so kind as to pass me one of them, pretty please. And some mayonnaise. And some mustard. No, I’m not eating two sanjits. I’m eating one double-decker sanjit. Now, where was I? Oh yes. The CREATURES. Of course there’s no CREATURES on this sanjit. Don’t be daft! Those are my hands! Now what happened in the BEGINNING? Oh yes, I remember. No, don’t remind me. I remember. It was a long time ago, it just took me a few seconds to call up that particular memory. Yes, I know, you all could tell it better. Yes, you were there too. But I’m telling this story. Somebody else can tell the next one. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Intrinsicalities

The Dancer II

The Dancer II PDF

Author: Dale Stubbart

Publisher: Dale Stubbart


Total Pages: 44



In the second story in this series, Dancer, a Chief, a Shaman, a God who is a horse, and Dancer’s other close friends must heal the holes that have developed between the worlds. These holes have developed because Dancer and her friends opened them by using their magic. Of course, their magic alone wasn’t enough to open these holes. Their magic had acted on their desires, their desires for things to be different. Once the holes were opened, Dancer and her friends continued to use them, which made the holes larger. But now people are falling through who have no magic to fall back through the other way. People are falling through unintentionally. And somehow that had to stop. This story is told from Jamil, the Artist’s, perspective. So, I thought it appropriate to include a short story about another artist at the end. It’s titled, The Artist. Creative, I know. This artist has always wanted to be an artist, but has to give up his dream because he can’t make enough money at it and because it’s not an accepted profession. Eventually, he does become an artist. However, there’s one thing he cannot paint – a sunset. And he won’t be able to paint a sunset until he understands the beauty behind a sunset.