Roads to Reconciliation Between Groups in Conflict / Theology in a World of Ideologies: Authorization or Critique?

Roads to Reconciliation Between Groups in Conflict / Theology in a World of Ideologies: Authorization or Critique? PDF

Author: Zsolt Görözdi

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Published: 2021-05-01

Total Pages: 273

ISBN-13: 3374063993


Dieser Band versammelt die Beiträge der 10. und 11. Konferenz des Comeniusrats protestantisch-theologischer Fakultäten in Mittel- und Osteuropa und den Niederlanden: "Wege zur Versöhnung zwischen Konfliktparteien" fand 2015 in Komárno, Slowakei, statt, "Theologie in einer Welt der Ideologien: Autorisierung oder Kritik?" 2018 in Kampen, Niederlande. Die Autoren erörtern eine Vielfalt von (inter)disziplinären Fragen, konkreten Aspekten und Implikationen des christlichen Glaubens für die Gegenwart. Zu diesen gehören die Suche nach Wegen zu individueller und gesellschaftlicher Versöhnung auf christlicher Grundlage, die Vermischung von Theologie und Ideologie, wie Kernelemente christlicher Existenz – (biblische) Geschichten, Traditionen, Formen der Erinnerung – die Grenzen zwischen Theologie und Ideologie klären oder verwischen und wie diese Elemente die religiöse Mobilisierung fördern. This volume collects papers from the 10th and 11th conferences of the Comenius Committee of Protestant Theological Faculties in Central and Eastern Europe and the Netherlands: "Roads to Reconciliation Between Groups in Conflict" took place in Komárno, Slovakia, in 2015, "Theology in a World of Ideologies: Authorization or Critique?" was hold in Kampen, Netherlands, in 2018. The authors address a range of (inter)disciplinary issues, concrete questions and implications of the Christian faith for the contemporary world. These include exploring roads to Christian inspired individual and societal reconciliation, conflation(s) of theology and ideology, the ways in which core elements of Christian existence – (biblical) narratives, traditions, memory practices – contribute to erasing or maintaining the boundaries between theology and ideology, and how these elements contribute to religious mobilization.

Investigations on the "Entangled History" of Colonialism and Mission in a new Perspective

Investigations on the

Author: Moritz Fischer

Publisher: LIT Verlag Münster


Total Pages: 258

ISBN-13: 364391413X


The book investigates the "Entangled History of Colonialism and Mission" in a historical, global, regional-political, social, post-colonial, ethical, cultural-anthropological, religious, as well as missiological perspective. Past injustices and failures, as well as sustainable developments must be methodically clarified and understood that conclusions can positively influence our understanding. Traumata of the colonial past and its entanglement with mission shape the self-understanding of since long independent churches. Reflections on their experiences are important for an ongoing culture of remembrance.

After Brexit?

After Brexit? PDF

Author: Matthias Grebe

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Published: 2019-07-31

Total Pages: 198

ISBN-13: 3374061591


The political, social and cultural dimensions of European unity are going through a period of unsettling change and challenge. Whatever direction it takes, Brexit marks a crossroad from which there is no easy return to the way things were before. How do the churches of Europe make sense of what is happening, and how should they respond? Is the unity between them, the focus for a century of ecumenical endeavour, a strength on which they can draw, or does that unity itself face new threats? "After Brexit" is a vital resource for all those interested in these questions, bringing together contributions from scholars and church leaders. It reviews the role of the churches in European integration as a post-war project, analyses the current political and social landscape, and identifies key issues for the future of ecumenism in Europe. [Nach dem Brexit? Europäische Einheit und die Einheit der europäischen Kirchen] Die politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Dimensionen der europäischen Integration erleben eine Zeit tiefgreifender Veränderungen und Herausforderungen. In jeder Hinsicht ist der Brexit eine Weichenstellung, die eine Rückkehr zu früheren Verhältnissen nahezu unmöglich macht. Wie sollen die Kirchen in Europa diese Entwicklungen interpretieren und wie darauf reagieren? Ist die Einheit zwischen den Kirchen – die den Fokus auf die ökumenische Zusammenarbeit legt – ein Plus, von dem sie zehren können, oder wird diese Einheit erneut in Frage gestellt? "After Brexit" ist eine reichhaltige Ressource für alle, die sich für diese Fragen interessieren, und beinhaltet Beiträge von Akademikern und Kirchenleitenden. Das Buch hinterfragt die Rolle der Kirchen bei der europäischen Integration als einem Nachkriegsprojekt, analysiert die aktuelle politische und soziale Situation und identifiziert Schlüsselthemen für die Zukunft der Ökumene in Europa.

Neo-Calvinism and Roman Catholicism

Neo-Calvinism and Roman Catholicism PDF


Publisher: BRILL

Published: 2023-06-05

Total Pages: 299

ISBN-13: 9004546081


In their theological and historical interactions, neo-Calvinism and Roman Catholicism have often met in moments of conflict and co-operation. The neo-Calvinist statesman Abraham Kuyper polemicized against the Roman Catholic Church and its theology, whilst building bridges between those traditions by forging novel political coalitions across ecclesiastical boundaries. In theology, Gerrit C. Berkouwer, a neo-Calvinist critic of Roman Catholicism in the 1930s, later attended the Second Vatican Council as an appreciative Protestant observer. Telling their stories and others—including new research on lesser-known figures and neglected topics—this book presents the first scholarly volume on those dynamics of polemics and partnership.

Glaube und Theologie / Faith and Theology

Glaube und Theologie / Faith and Theology PDF

Author: Wolfram Kinzig

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Published: 2019-07-31

Total Pages: 589

ISBN-13: 3374058086


Glaube und Theologie stehen seit den Anfängen des Christentums in produktiver Spannung zueinander, die die Reformation mit ihrem Prinzip des sola fide einerseits und mit ihrer Institutionalisierung einer schriftzentrierten akademischen Theologie andererseits in besonderer Weise aktualisiert hat. Dadurch entwickelte sich in den neu entstandenen Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultäten eine "wissenschaftliche Theologie" auf höchstem Niveau, die weltweit rezipiert wurde. Diese Theologie sieht sich allerdings in jüngster Zeit kritischen Anfragen ausgesetzt. Säkularisierungsprozesse führen zu einem massiven religiösen Bildungsverlust und damit zu einer Trivialisierung von Theologie. Zeitgleich breiten sich weltweit christliche Gruppen aus, die auf eine akademische theologische Ausbildung keinen Wert legen. In Anbetracht dieser Situation entsteht die Frage, inwiefern die Theologie reformatorischer Tradition auch in Zukunft religionsproduktiv sein und eine für die Kirchen grundlegende Arbeit leisten kann. Um diese Frage zu diskutieren, trafen sich auf Einladung des Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultätentages, der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie und der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland im Oktober 2017 Theologinnen und Theologen unterschiedlicher christlicher Konfessionen in Wittenberg zu einer internationalen Konferenz. Deren wegweisende Beiträge sind in diesem Band veröffentlicht. Since the beginnings of Christianity, there has been a fundamental tension between faith and theology. The Reformation, with its principle of sola fide on the one hand and its institutionalisation of a scripture-based academic theology on the other hand, drew particular attention to the tension and suggested new answers to that problem. That effort contributed to a fundamental transformation of academic theology within the faculties of Protestant Theology which emerged as a result of the movement. In the past decades, however, academic theology has come under considerable pressure. [In much of Europe and North America,] The process of secularization has led to a massive decline in religious education and – partially as a reaction to this – to a trivialization of academic theology. At the same time, one can observe a global proliferation of evangelical and Pentecostal groups. These groups sometimes display a certain indifference towards academic theological training, or even reject it altogether. In view of this development the question arises to what extent the relationship between faith and theology as defined in the wake of the Reformation will in future continue to be religiously productive and may thus serve the churches and their congregations.

befreit-verbunden-engagiert | liberated-connected-committed

befreit-verbunden-engagiert | liberated-connected-committed PDF

Author: Mario Fischer

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Published: 2019-11-18

Total Pages: 316

ISBN-13: 3374061435


Europa lebt. Die 8. Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa tagte im September 2018 mit ca. 200 Delegierten aus ganz Europa im Münster zu Basel. Der Dokumentationsband enthält Berichte, Beschlüsse und deren Begründungen, Vorträge, Predigten, Grußworte, Fotos und ein Friedenswort zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges vor 100 Jahren. Die Dokumente sind ein Abbild für die gelebte Kirchengemeinschaft der evangelischen Kirchen in Europa. Die Vollversammlung hat sich – weiterhin unter dem Leitgedanken der versöhnten Vielfalt - mit der innerkirchlichen Einheit wie auch mit den ökumenischen Partnern und dem Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft beschäftigt. Der Hauptvortrag von Andrea Riccardi, dem Gründer der Gemeinschaft von Sant'Egidio in Rom, ist neben wegweisenden Predigten von Mitgliedern des Präsidiums und dem Schlussbericht mit den Zukunftsthemen im Dokumentationsband enthalten. [liberated-connected-committed. Documents of the 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) Basel, Switzerland, September 13-18, 2018] Bringing Europe alive. The 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe brought together some 200 delegates from all over Europe in September 2018 to gather in Basle Cathedral. This volume of documents contains the reports, resolutions and their reasoning, speeches, sermons, addresses, photos and the message of peace commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War. These records reflect the church communion experienced between the Protestant Churches in Europe. Continuing to move forward under the guiding principle of reconciled diversity, the General Assembly addressed unity between the churches and with their ecumenical partners as well as the relationship with society as a whole. The keynote speech by Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, is also included in this volume of documents, together with directional sermons from members of the Presidium and the Final Report outlining the key issues for the years ahead.

Kirche – Volk – Staat – Nation // Church – People – State – Nation

Kirche – Volk – Staat – Nation // Church – People – State – Nation PDF

Author: Mario Fischer

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Published: 2019-08-31

Total Pages: 206

ISBN-13: 3374060226


Die erstmals 2001 veröffentlichte Studie widmet sich in exegetischen, historischen und systematischen Analysen sowie Fallbeispielen aus einzelnen Ländern dem spannungsvollen Verhältnis der evangelischen Kirchen zu Staat und Nation. Sie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Protestantismus gerade aufgrund seiner Vielfalt und seiner Verwurzelung in nationalen und territorialen Identitäten eine besondere Rolle bei der Einigung Europas zu spielen hat. In Zeiten von Europaskepsis und wachsendem Nationalismus hat sie neue Aktualität gewonnen. [Church – People – State – Nation. A Protestant Contribution on a Difficult Relationship] First published in 2001, this study deals with the fascinating relationship of Protestant churches to state and nation. This is shown in exegetical, historical and systematic analyses as well as case studies from different countries. It comes to the conclusion that Protestantism has a special role to play in the integration of Europe, precisely because of its diversity and roots in national and territorial identities. In times of Euroscepticism and growing nationalism, the study has only gained in relevance.

Peace and Reconciliation

Peace and Reconciliation PDF

Author: Pauline Kollontai

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2016-05-13

Total Pages: 242

ISBN-13: 1317082893


Establishing a shared identity is an important part of any process of peace and reconciliation. This book discusses issues and theories of identity formation that can be implemented for peace and reconciliation from the perspectives of theology and religious studies, whilst interacting with politics, socio-cultural studies and economics. By focusing on the theme of peace and reconciliation, and employing an interdisciplinary approach, this volume will make a significant contribution to the discussion of the situation of the Korean peninsula, and wider global contexts. The volume explores theoretical issues such as political and economic implications of reconciliation; interfaith and biblical perspectives; and the role of religion in peace making. Furthermore the contributors examine practical implications of the theme in the contexts of Germany, Northern Ireland, South Africa, India, East Asia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Korean peninsula. The book offers invaluable insights for policy-makers, academics, and lay leaders, besides being an important tool for researchers and students of theology, religion, sociology, politics and history.

The Reconciliation of Peoples

The Reconciliation of Peoples PDF

Author: Gregory Baum

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2009-06-01

Total Pages: 207

ISBN-13: 1606088009


Modern ethnic tension and conflict, fueled by poverty and despair, have led to a worldwide escalation of hostility among peoples. From Bosnia to Rwanda to Sri Lanka there seems to be no end to the list of countries in conflictÑand the deep divisions along religious lines that become fuel for the fires. Ethnic conflict challenges peacemakers and, in particular, peacemakers in the churches. The Reconciliation of Peoples: Challenge to the Churches, this collection of fifteen original essays, reports on the efforts of church-based groups to foster reconciliation between former combatants in many different contexts. The opening essay by coeditor Harold Wells explores biblical perspectives on forgiveness, reconciliation, and grace. The essays on particular conflicts reflect upon actual efforts and achievements by Christian churches, organization, and individuals to bring about reconciliation among former enemies. These conflicts include peoples divided (the Irish, the Koreans, the Rwandans/Burundians), peoples persecuted internally by their own ruling elite (the Chileans, the Fijians), peoples tragically deprived of land and home (the Palestinians), and peoples torn apart by war (the Germans, the Poles, the peoples of the Balkans). Reconciliation in these contexts is the only way for two parties to rewrite their histories and enter upon a new path. The concluding essay by coeditor Gregory Baum reflects theologically on the meaning and demands of reconciliation, and on why it is at times so difficult for churches to take on the role of mediator.

Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation

Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation PDF

Author: Jerald D. Gort

Publisher: Rodopi

Published: 2002

Total Pages: 426

ISBN-13: 9789042011663


Religion plays a part in many conflicts in the world. But what role? Is conflict usually economic and/or ethnic at root, with religion becoming a part of it only secondarily? Or does the very formation of a religious community itself lead to isolation, exclusion and conflict? Reconciliation often has religious roots: through religion people often come to understand that they are part of a greater whole and to realize that they must work at restoring good relationships with others in situations of deep conflict, and especially after direct conflict has ended. Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation: Multifaith Ideals and Realities, the authors of which represent five religious traditions, provides the reader with broad perspectives on the role of religion in conflict and reconciliation, with regard to both the actual processes involved and the central insights of the major religious traditions of the world.