The Genitive

The Genitive PDF

Author: Anne Carlier

Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing

Published: 2013-07-17

Total Pages: 366

ISBN-13: 9027291055


This volume, the fifth in the series Case and Grammatical Relations across Languages, is devoted to genitive constructions in a range of Indo-European languages (Russian, French, Romanian, German and Swedish), as well as Finnish, Bantu languages and Northern Akhvakh (Northeast Caucasian). Definitions of genitives typically start out from the notion of an inflectional marker, often suffixal, that marks dependency relations of a noun phrase with respect to another noun phrase and conveys possessive meaning. The contributions in this volume demonstrate a huge range of variation in genitives, semantically (from possessive meaning to generalized dependency), morphologically (from affixes to different types of clitics) and syntactically (from adnominal uses to argument relations and adjunct uses). The volume contains both general surveys of genitives and case studies of the semantics, pragmatics and historical development of specific genitive constructions. It will be of interest to scholars and students in syntax, semantics, morphology, typology, and historical linguistics.

Conversational Complicity

Conversational Complicity PDF

Author: Rodica Amel

Publisher: Editura Universității din București - Bucharest University Press

Published: 2016-01-01

Total Pages: 309

ISBN-13: 9735589427


Conversation is an autonomous word-world. In an anlternation of utterances, conversation is a spontaneous activity deprived of a precise communicative intent, a fortuitous joining of people in an exchange of speech, or it can be an intentional cooperation, directed towards an abstract goal having a meaningful substance. The complex psychological and intellectual motivation engenders a common world, conscious or not of its own existence. By trying to stress the idea that conversation is an autonomous universe, we appeal to the concept of conversational complicity. We call the solidarity and the cohesive responsibility that is manifested inside the linguistic interaction a CONVERSATIONAL COMPLICITY. Engaged in weaving their communicative interests, partners commit themselves to reciprocal solidarity. The concept of conversational complicity is used metaphorically, enabling us to perceive the inter-actional solidarity in the form of a co-agency, a multi-level cooperative activity.

Studii de dialectologie generală şi română

Studii de dialectologie generală şi română PDF

Author: Andrei Avram


Published: 2015

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 9789732726044


"Cele mai multe dintre articolele adunate în volumul de față au apărut inițial (1962-2014) în periodice din țară ('Studii şi cercetări lingvistice', 'Limba română', 'Revue roumaine de linguistique', 'Fonetică şi dialectologie', 'Anuar de lingvistică şi istorie literară', 'Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Etnologice şi Dialectologice') sau din străinătate ('Revue de linguistique romane', 'Annales publiées trimestriellement par l'Université de Toulouse - Le Mirail'); câteva sunt reproduse din volume omagiale, din actele unui congres şi dintr-o culegere de studii editată în Italia"--Page 7