Principal Short-term Findings of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study

Principal Short-term Findings of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study PDF

Author: James D. McIver


Published: 2012

Total Pages: 210



Principal findings of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) study are presented in an annotated bibliography and summarized in tabular form by site, discipline (ecosystem component), treatment type, and major theme. Composed of 12 sites, the FFS is a comprehensive multidisciplinary experiment designed to evaluate the costs and ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction treatments in seasonally dry forests of the United States. The FFS has a common experimental design across the 12-site network, with each site a fully replicated experiment that compares four treatments: prescribed fire, mechanical treatments, mechanical and prescribed fire, and an unmanipulated control. We measured treatment cost and variables within several components of the ecosystem, including vegetation, the fuel bed, soils, bark beetles, tree diseases, and wildlife in the same 10-ha experimental units. This design allowed us to assemble a fairly comprehensive picture of ecosystem response to treatment at the site scale, and to compare treatment response across a wide variety of conditions. Results of 206 technical articles on short-term findings are summarized here, with the following general conclusions: (1) For most sites, treatments modified stand structures and fuels to the point where post treatment stands would be expected to be much more resistant to moderate wildfire. (2) For the great majority of ecosystem components, including the vegetation, soils, and animal species, short-term responses to treatments were subtle and transient. (3) Comparison of fire risk reduction and ecological effects between 1-year and several years post-treatment suggests that while effects tend to dampen with time, fire risk increases, owing to treatment-induced collapse of burned portions of stands. (4) Each multivariate analysis conducted has demonstrated that critical components of these ecosystems are strongly linked, suggesting that managers would be prudent to conduct fuel reduction work with the entire ecosystem in mind. (5) Multisite analyses generally show strong site-specific effects for many ecosystem components, which reduces the broad applicability of findings, and suggests that practitioners might do well to employ adaptive management at the local or regional scale. (6) Mechanical treatments do not serve as surrogates for fire for the great majority of ecosystem components, suggesting that fire could be introduced and maintained as a process in these systems whenever possible. (7) For research to best inform management on fuel reduction strategies through time, longer measurement times posttreatment are needed, as well as repeated applications of treatments; short-term results of the FFS are insufficient to comment on long-term ecosystem trajectories.

Making Fire and Fire Surrogate Science Available

Making Fire and Fire Surrogate Science Available PDF



Published: 2007

Total Pages: 68



Operational-scale experiments that evaluate the consequences of fire and mechanical S2surrogatesS3 for natural disturbance events are essential to better understand strategies for reducing the incidence and severity of wildfire. The national Fire and Fire Surrogate (FFS) study was initiated in 1999 to establish an integrated network of long-term studies designed to evaluate the consequences of using fire and fire surrogate treatments for fuel reduction and forest restoration. Beginning in September 2005, four regional workshops were conducted with selected clients to identify effective and efficient means of communicating FFS study findings to users. We used participatory evaluation to design the workshops, collect responses to focused questions and impressions, and summarize the results. We asked four overarching questions: (1) Who needs fuel reduction information? (2) What information do they need? (3) Why do they need it?(4) How can it best be delivered to them? Participants identified key users of FFS science and technology, specific pieces of information that users most desired, and how this information might be applied to resolve fuel reduction and restoration issues. They offered recommendations for improving overall science delivery and specific ideas for improving delivery of FFS study results and information. User groups identified by workshop participants and recommendations for science delivery are then combined in a matrix to form the foundation of a strategic plan for conducting science delivery of FFS study results and information. These potential users, their information needs, and preferred science delivery processes likely have wide applicability to other fire science research.

Soils Under Fire

Soils Under Fire PDF

Author: Heather E. Erickson


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 24



Soils are fundamental to a healthy and functioning ecosystem. Therefore, forest land managers can greatly benefit from a more thorough understanding of the ecological impacts of fire and fuel management activities on the vital services soils provide. We present a summary of new research on fire effects and soils made possible through the Joint Fire Science Program and highlight management implications where applicable. Some responses were consistent across sites, whereas others were unique and may not easily be extrapolated to other sites. Selected findings include (1) postfire soil water repellency is most likely to occur in areas of high burn severity and is closely related to surface vegetation; (2) although wildfire has the potential to decrease the amount of carbon stored in soils, major changes in land use, such as conversion from forest to grasslands, present a much greater threat to carbon storage; (3) prescribed fires, which tend to burn less severely than wildfires and oftentimes have minor effects on soils, may nonetheless decrease species richness of certain types of fungi; and (4) early season prescribed burns tend to have less impact than late season burns on soil organisms, soil carbon, and other soil properties.

Balancing Ecosystem Values

Balancing Ecosystem Values PDF



Published: 2005

Total Pages: 406



Balancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sustainable Forestry is a compendium of more than 40 contributions from Asia, Europe, and North America. The theme encompasses experiments implemented at an operational scale to test ecological, social, or economic responses to silvicultural treatments designed to balance the complex set of objectives currently targeted in sustainable forest management. Several invited and plenary papers emphasize the variety of outcomes demanded by the public, as well as the essential role that these long-term studies will play in allowing natural resource managers to make better-informed, science-based decisions. A broad spectrum of silvicultural treatments and systems are covered, as are simulation runs with different types of models and discussion about design challenges for scaling up from stands to landscapes. Diverse forest ecosystems, stand structures and plant, animal, and fungal species are also considered. The conference included 2 days in the field where participants saw several types of the comprehensive field experiments firsthand. The conference concluded with a critique from state, private, and public land managers.