Prashna: a Vedic Approach

Prashna: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 312



The author has discussed the following points in the book: 1) Vedic approach to prashna, need & utility of prashna 2) Basic concepts of signs, Nakshatras, Houses & Significators 3) General concepts of horary & time of fructification 4) Mook or secret queries 5) Queries related to Education, success in admission/ competition 6) Marriage & related problems 7) Children & related queries 8) Queries related to property & vehicles 9) Queries related to disease & health 10) Queries related to Theft & Recovery 11) Queries related to litigation & Conflicts 12) Travels & Missing person related queries 13) Queries related to jobs & career 14) Queries related to Business & Finance 15) Some frequently asked Questions 16) 93 Illustrations covering various aspects of above queries 17) Miscellaneous Techniques used in Prashna

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Prashna

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Prashna PDF

Author: Dr. Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 325



Prashna or Horary that has been dealt in this book is the most important branch of Astrology. In Prashna which primarily deals with the query of a native, the whole method is simple and not dependent on time accuracy nor on the assumptions. The rules of Prashna are simple. The only thing that has to be understood is there applicability with a sound judgment methodology. The book deals with Prashna or queries like marriage, divorce, love, theft, conflicts, litigations disease, career, foreign travel & other issues that are common issues / queries. Endeavor has been to be more aligned to issues that are relevant today. The book contains chapters, examples and explanations that are logical & scientific. Readers will find this book simple and easy to understand and open avenue to do more research in the horary branch of astrology.

Longevity: a Vedic Approach

Longevity: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 302



The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longeity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar. Any prediction made without considering it may make the prediction a laughing stock of both the astrologer and astrology. The time span between birth and death of a native is called his longevity. Longevity and death are not the same but are closely related. However it is not yet clear what death is. Our scriptures have at various places equated death with different types of Mrityu Tulya agonies which are different from physical death. Again the destiny of each one of us is interlinked with our close kith and kin and our relationship with them is pre-determined, predestined and irrevocable. Death is severing of final link of a native with them. Hence a native’s death must get corroborated / confirmed in the horoscopes of his close relations. An attempt is made in this book to address all such issues. The book is a study of about 225 natives who had lived and died in different countries at different time, at different age and of different causes, applying known tools of astrology. The book is an attempt to help clear some mist and enable to have a better judgement of longevity.

Education and Astrology

Education and Astrology PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 172



The evolution of human race to its present state is due to constant endeavour of each parent to see that even at the cost of their own discomfort, their children move ahead and achieve, what even they could not for any reason. The aim of education has been to awaken the consciousness of a person. The education liberates a soul from darkness of ignorance to the glory of true knowledge and bliss. To acquire knowledge is a natural trait of all human beings. However these days the stream/ branches of education are so many and varied and to get admission therein is so competitive and difficult that the task of the young students and their parents have become difficult. Hence there is a definite need to have astrological/ psychological counseling for specific educational fields. There are number of astrological yogas, combinations, Arishtas (to be countered) as tools for astrologers; yet the astrologer have to invoke his knowledge and intuition to the maximum to be able to provide the correct and timely counsel. Hope the book will help one and all in pursuit of the same.



Author: Dr. Jayasree Saranathan

Publisher: Jayasree Saranathan

Published: 2021-07-15

Total Pages: 331



This book serves as a guide in medical astrology not just for the astrologers and astrology enthusiasts, but also for those who have no previous knowledge of astrology. This book is the first of its kind in detecting oral cancer in the horoscope. It also offers techniques of predicting different types of cancer, diseases of the mouth and the face including various kinds of eye problems, speech disorders, cleft palate and five types of non-cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth. A section on palm lines related to prediction of diseases is added. More importantly the book offers simple astrological remedial measures, the scientific rationale behind them and the methods to derive remedies from the horoscope. For print copy, write to [email protected]

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 400



In Vedic astrology, the associations the planets form or variations of how they are placed in a horoscope are referred to as yogas. Yoga literally means union or that which adds, joins or yokes. Astrologically, Yoga refers to planetary combinations or configurations and their special results, which affect the life of an individual. In traditional Indian ephemeris, known as Panchang, Yoga is also a particular division of time, arrived at by adding longitudes of the Sun and the Moon at birth. These are 27 in number, starting from Viskumbha to Vaidhriti, each governed by a different constellation or lunar-mansion, which are also 27 in number. In spiritual field, the word “Yoga” means training, taming and stimulating the body and mind with universal soul. In Ayurveda, the yoga of two or more medicines gives specific results. Yogas are one of the unique features of Vedic astrology. There are hundreds of yogas mentioned in various classical texts. Most of the yogas are formed of more than one planet, but all combinations do not mean a yoga formation. The idea behind these yogas is to equate the planets’ strength in a chart, and how & when they will produce their effects in a native’s life.

Delineating a Horoscope

Delineating a Horoscope PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 264



Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth. A horoscope is basically a map of zodiac indicating position of planets in various signs/ Nakshatra at the time and place of birth. The delineation of a chart is the science and art of deciphering it as per the knowledge, intuition of the astrologer and divine help available to him. Therefore the first requisite is to have sound knowledge of nature and characteristics of houses, signs, Nakshatra and planets and their inter-relation. Next comes the basic tools like dasha, transit, yoga and divisional chart and their application in delineating a horoscope. Lagna is the single most important factor in delineating a horoscope. It is the very being of the native, his élan vital & basic potential. Unless the seed of a specific quality or event is contained in this basic potential, other planetary indications will not find suitable opportunities for manifestation. Lagna also determines the numbering of houses with lagna being the first. With the change in lagna, the significations of any planet will change drastically, as his house & lordship changes, although the sign & constellation of the planet remain unchanged.

Astro Remedies: a Vedic Approach

Astro Remedies: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 336



A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great strides have been taken and wonderful results obtained regarding influence of planets, both benefic & malefic, on human beings, the same can not be said about finding out the remedies for their malefic results. Each remedy is basically a prayer to the Almighty to bail the native out of a difficult situation. It is our Kartvya Karma as part of Prarbdha/Kiryaman Karma to observe remedial actions to keep our body and mind healthy. In a horoscope, destiny/luck is indicated by 9th house and 3rd house represents Purshartha, the free will or Kiryaman Karma, done with a strong will & belief to smoothen the path of destiny. The life or the path of human development is a story of constant struggle between the destiny and Purshartha/remedies, with dices heavily decked against the later. The success of the remedies rests upon the strong will, belief & faith one has in the remedy and one’s total unconditional surrender before the relevant deity. There are various modes of remedies, one can chose from depending on his faith/belief, like colour therapy & Gems, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra & Rudraksh, bath, fast & charity, propitiation of curses and age old folk treatments of Lal Kitab.All these have been covered in this book as an aide-memoire to a native in his fight against misfortune.

Vargas: a Vedic Approach

Vargas: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 297



The Vargas are the unique feature of Vedic astrology which has given it a definite edge over any other system in vogue. The primary aim of studying a Varga is two folds- to study a particular aspect of human life pertaining to a specific house and to find out the true strength of planets related with the house. A horoscope takes into account linear time and vertical declinations of the planets. Every division of zodiac has a corresponding division of time. Hence a Varga gives projections representing possibilities which might occur in different time frames. Each chart gives a microscopic view of a particular facet of life seen in the light of Dasha sequence. There are many tools available to assess the true strength of a planet. One set of rules rely on PAC of planets, their awasthas and yogas formed by them. The other, Nadi system, studies the effects of lords of sign, Nakshatra and Sub under which a planet is placed. At times these influences change the characteristics of a planet completely. In this book an attempt is made to unite the two systems to get the true strength of planets. In order to understand a planet and its significations in a better way, a comparative study of planets in birth and divisional charts has also been made. This book shall add to precision and accuracy of probable events and their qualitative effects on various aspects related to a native and as such will be of great use to serious students of astrology.

Jamakkol Prasanam

Jamakkol Prasanam PDF

Author: Tirupur S. GopalaKrishnan (GK)

Publisher: Notion Press

Published: 2021-05-25

Total Pages: 228

ISBN-13: 1648288642


The Jamakkol prasanam is a distinguished technique of horary method of prediction. It is widely practiced in Tamilnadu and for the first time, this procedure is made available in English through this Book. By crossing this language barrier, the Jamakkol prasanam system offers a novel and simple method of astrological divination. This will benefit the astrological community residing in other parts of India and the world. This method is not alien to the conventional and traditional system of astrology. It encompasses all the rules, procedures and the practices of the Parasara system only. It differs in the approach with specific and special rules. The Jamakkol prasanam uses the three vital factors namely the Udhaya, the Aaruda and the Kavippu. These three fundamentals join the Jama planets and their interaction paves the way for the astrological predictions. This book teaches from the basis of the calculations involved in finding the Udhaya, the Aaruda and the Kavippu and also the procedure to fix the Jama planets. The Kaarakathuvas of the planets, the bhavas and the signs are important to arrive at exact results. So they are dealt exhaustively and exclusively. This will be helpful not only to the practitioners of the Jamakkol prasanam, but also to the astrologers in general. Case studies have been included to facilitate the easy comprehension of the Jamakkol system.