Palaeohistoria 47/48 (2005/2006)

Palaeohistoria 47/48 (2005/2006) PDF

Author: P. A. J. Attema

Publisher: Barkhuis

Published: 2006-12-31

Total Pages: 560

ISBN-13: 9077922180


The annual journal Palaeohistoria is edited by the staff of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology, and carries detailed articles on material culture, analysis of radiocarbon data and the results of excavations, surveys and coring campaigns.

Palaeohistoria 53/54 (2011/2012)

Palaeohistoria 53/54 (2011/2012) PDF

Author: P. A. J. Attema

Publisher: Barkhuis

Published: 2012-12-31

Total Pages: 429

ISBN-13: 9491431145


The annual journal Palaeohistoria is edited by the staff of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology, and carries detailed articles on material culture, analysis of radiocarbon data and the results of excavations, surveys and coring campaigns.

Regional Pathways to Complexity

Regional Pathways to Complexity PDF

Author: P. A. J. Attema

Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 247

ISBN-13: 9089642765


Deze bundel is een mijlpaal in het onderzoek naar de Oude Middellandse Zee. Met behulp van een vergelijkende aanpak, zijn drie verschillende regionale landschappen van Italièe uitvoerig onderzocht door archeologen. Om een zeer gedetailleerd beeld te krijgen van de ontwikkeling van menselijke activiteiten van de late Bronstijd tot de opkomst van het Romeinse Rijk, is er minutieus onderzoek gedaan naar nederzettingen, heiligdommen en begraafplaatsen. De milieugeschiedenis van deze gebieden en de geschiedenis van het door mensen gebruikte land zijn parallel geanalyseerd door gespecialiseerde projecten. Wat ontstaat, is een ongeèevenaarde reeks van inzichten in hoe regionale samenlevingen zich intern ontwikkelen en reageren op externe interventies zoals het kolonialisme, imperialisme en internationale handel.

A Mind Set on Flint

A Mind Set on Flint PDF

Author: Dick Stapert

Publisher: Barkhuis

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 541

ISBN-13: 9491431013


This volume comprises papers presented to Dick Stapert on the occasion of his retirement from the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (University of Groningen) in 2011 and celebrates his scientific career. The contributions cover nearly 300,000 years of Human History and were written by colleagues, former students and friends. Topics include the making and use of fire, children in the Stone Age, spatial analysis, and other themes related to the study of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and beyond.

Preserved in the Peat

Preserved in the Peat PDF

Author: Andy M. Jones

Publisher: Oxbow Books Limited

Published: 2016-11-30

Total Pages: 328

ISBN-13: 1785702637


Excavation of a Scheduled burial mound on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor revealed an unexpected, intact burial deposit of Early Bronze Age date associated with an unparalleled range of artefacts. The cremated remains of a young person had been placed within a bearskin pelt and provided with a basketry container, from which a braided band with tin studs had spilled out. Within the container were beads of shale, amber, clay and tin; two pairs of turned wooden studs and a worked flint flake. A unique item, possibly a sash or band, made from textile and animal skin was found beneath the container. Beneath this, the basal stone of the cist had been covered by a layer purple moor grass which had been collected in summer. Analysis of environmental material from the site has revealed important insights into the pyre material used to burn the body, as well as providing important information about the environment in which the cist was constructed. The unparalleled assemblage of organic objects has yielded insights into a range of materials which have not survived from the earlier Bronze Age elsewhere in southern Britain.

Dealing with biases

Dealing with biases PDF

Author: Hendrik Feiken

Publisher: Barkhuis

Published: 2014-09-18

Total Pages: 362

ISBN-13: 9492444380


This books explores the bias that is introduced by erosion and sedimentation on the distribution of archaeological materials in Mediterranean landscapes. It describes innovative and interdisciplinary work that led to the formulation of a broad range of geo-archeological approaches that are applied to two Italian areas, studied intensively by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology: the Pontine Region in South Lazio, and the Raganello Basin in North Calabria. The approaches deal with geological biases affecting the study of protohistoric remains in the sedimentary part of the Pontine plain; the development of a detailed landscape classification approach to predict and test site location preferences and survey biases in the uplands of both study areas; and the development and evaluation of an innovative computerised landscape evolution model for a test area in the Raganello Basin uplands. In addition to the presented case study, this book also shows how the three geo-archaeological approaches can be applied in a wider context to quantitatively understand how erosion and sedimentation bias our understanding of archaeological records.

Bronze Age Connections

Bronze Age Connections PDF

Author: Peter Clark

Publisher: Oxbow Books

Published: 2009-09-03

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 1782973168


New and exciting discoveries on either side of the English Channel in recent years have begun to show that people living in the coastal zones of Belgium, southern Britain, northern France and the Netherlands shared a common material culture during the Bronze Age, between three and four thousand years ago. They used similar styles of pottery and metalwork, lived in the same kind of houses and buried their dead in the same kind of tombs, often quite different to those used by their neighbours further inland. The sea did not appear to be a barrier to these people but rather a highway, connecting communities in a unique cultural identity; the 'People of La Manche'. Symbolic of these maritime Bronze Age Connections is the iconic Dover Bronze Age boat, one of Europe's greatest prehistoric discoveries and testament to the skill and technical sophistication of our Bronze Age ancestors. This monograph presents papers from a conference held in Dover in 2006 organised by the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust, which brought together scholars from many different countries to explore and celebrate these ancient seaborne contacts. Twelve wide-ranging chapters explore themes of travel, exchange, production, magic and ritual that throw new light on our understanding of the seafaring peoples of the second millennium BC.

Transformation Through Destruction

Transformation Through Destruction PDF

Author: David R. Fontijn

Publisher: Sidestone Press

Published: 2013

Total Pages: 352

ISBN-13: 9088901023


Over a 1000 tiny bronze artefacts were found alongside the remains of a man in a Dutch barrow that was excavated in laboratory conditions. The objects had been dismantled and taken apart, all to be destroyed by fire in what appears to have been a pars pro toto burial. In essence, a person and a place were being transformed through destruction. Based on the meticulous excavation and a range of specialist and comprehensive studies of finds, a prehistoric burial ritual now can be brought to life in surprising detail. This Iron Age community used extraordinary objects that find their closest counterpart in the elite graves of the Hallstatt culture in Central Europe.

Salt in Prehistoric Europe

Salt in Prehistoric Europe PDF

Author: Anthony Harding

Publisher: Sidestone Press

Published: 2013-11-01

Total Pages: 168

ISBN-13: 9088902011


Salt was a commodity of great importance in the ancient past, just as it is today. Its roles in promoting human health and in making food more palatable are well-known; in peasant societies it also plays a very important role in the preservation of foodstuffs and in a range of industries. Uncovering the evidence for the ancient production and use of salt has been a concern for historians over many years, but interest in the archaeology of salt has been a particular focus of research in recent times. This book charts the history of research on archaeological salt and traces the story of its production in Europe from earliest times down to the Iron Age. It presents the results of recent research, which has shown how much new evidence is now available from the different countries of Europe. The book considers new approaches to the archaeology of salt, including a GIS analysis of the oft-cited association between Bronze Age hoards and salt sources, and investigates the possibility of a new narrative of salt production in prehistoric Europe based on the role of salt in society, including issues of gender and the control of sources. The book is intended for both academics and the general reader interested in the prehistory of a fundamental but often under-appreciated commodity in the ancient past. It includes the results of the author’s own research as well as an up-to-date survey of current work.

A Fragmented History

A Fragmented History PDF

Author: Gijs Willem Tol

Publisher: Barkhuis

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 423

ISBN-13: 949143103X


This dissertation presents four methodological case studies that elaborate on the results of two field survey projects (the Astura and Nettuno surveys) that were carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA). The case studies aim at investigating biasing factors that limit the analytical and comparative value of data from archaeological survey in general using these two projects as a suitable testing ground. Both surveys, carried out between 2003 and 2005, fell within the ambit of the Pontine Region Project (PRP), a long-term research program aimed at the diachronic archaeological investigation of the various landscape units forming this region. They covered two contiguous areas, situated on the Tyrrhenian seaboard, approximately 60 kilometres south of Rome. The study area comprises the communal area of the modern town of Nettuno, as well as the lower valleys of the Astura and Moscarello rivers (see fig. 0.1).2 As such it incorporates parts of the hinterland of the ancient towns of Antium and Satricum. In chronological terms this dissertation considers a time-span of 1300 years, from the 6th century BC to the 7th century AD.