Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism

Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism PDF

Author: Singh M Parashar

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2016-11-04

Total Pages: 433

ISBN-13: 152459539X


Buddhas concept of no self is correct and superior to the old Hindu concept of a permanent, eternal, and unchanging self. God, freedom of will, immortality, and the law of karma (moral retribution) are the things-in-themselves. These things-in-themselves belong to the transcendent realm of noumena. These things are not governed by the causal chain of the world of senses. The outer meanings of many concepts of Buddhism are different from their inner meanings. Mind is a physical thing like mercury, and human body is like a glass tube containing mercury. Mind is active as well as passive. Existence is prior to essence. There is no transcendent aesthetic. There is only a phenomenal aesthetic. The sense of space is created by the inverse square law. The light of the absolute goes on decreasing as we move from a mother to the family, from the family to the society, and from the society to the state. According to the inner meanings, the twelve links of the dependent origination are actually made of three separate and independent chains. Nirvana and many other concepts of Buddhism are unknowable and inconceivable. An attempt has been made to make the inconceivable concepts as conceivable.

From Chaos To Rose

From Chaos To Rose PDF

Author: Inder Arora

Publisher: Inder Arora

Published: 2020-05-20

Total Pages: 67



When you read this book you’ll come to know how in the lack of one right direction, all the potential and capabilities remain dormant and waste. You’ll also come to know: Never give up! Doesn’t matter how crooked are the ways; And how sharp are the sun rays!!! With how much PaC each crisis enters in your life? How to change a crisis into an opportunity? How to change sufferings into gold or diamond ‘ring’? How one can fetch ‘Rose’ from ‘Chaos’? How sweet the ‘best’ tastes after undergoing the ‘worst’? How can you change your world without changing others? How can you make the platform of your success from the stones thrown at you? How can you develop utilize your latent abilities? What are the four magical words and how do they work? How to overcome the fear, stress, anxiety and boredom? How to channelize our energy? How to let go your comfort zone? How to forgive others for your welfare? How to avoid negativity and execute sheer positive attitude? How not to contaminate yourself with negativity and outer consequences? How your desires manifest? How to gain confidence and develop your personality? How to visualize your dreams? How to deal with your ordeals: anger, agony, despair and upheavals of life? How a lock can be unlocked with the same key with which it was locked? How can you fall again in love to retrieve endless in life? How our positive attitude bends the mountain of hindrances and hurdles? How you can create; whatever you wish? How can you take risks and snatch initiative? How success possibilities are equal for everyone? How to put a rope of hope and create your own scope? Etc., etc……

The Outer World of Man

The Outer World of Man PDF

Author: John Brokaar

Publisher: Digital on Demand

Published: 2022-07-18

Total Pages: 497

ISBN-13: 0639704352


THE WORLD THAT SHAPES US, WAS FIRST SHAPED BY US. THUS, TO UNDERSTAND THE WORLD, WE MUST STUDY IT FROM THE BASIS OF KNOWING OUR SELF, OUR ORIGIN AND OUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE. The Inner Evolution of Man aimed at assisting the Seeker of Truth in finding this Gnosis. Having become aware of the Self, and embraced the flow of Time, we can now begin to look upon humanity, to try and understand, the perceived reality of others that they live, sacrifice, or do harm and die for. To understand, we must apply an unbiased and open-minded focus, and choose to follow not the words and claims of a selected few, but to understand the reason and logic, in their structures and history. From the source and the firm-ground of knowing our Self, we can learn to understand The Outer World of Man, and enter the mind of the technocrat, politician, elitist and scientist, the atheist and dogmatic priest, but also that of a contemporary man. In order to accomplish this, and not lose track of the ‘greater whole’, we must also zoom out, in scope and time, as far back as we can – to the beginning of all things. This book addresses these observations, by looking at who did what, and then contemplates the WHY and HOW. Ultimately, we may believe we know ourselves, but to understand the worlds of form and formless, we must realize the constant influence their multiple dimensions have, on the physical and sensory body, our thinking-mind and psyche, and learn how our civilized order’s ever-expanding and evolving tentacles, reach for the heart to drain the soul. The contemplations in The Way of the Pilgrim, Book II: The Outer World of Man offer seeds for the truth-seeking contemplative-mind, and to guide its journey.

Beyond the Inner and the Outer

Beyond the Inner and the Outer PDF

Author: M. ter Hark

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 223

ISBN-13: 940092089X


Wittgenstein's aphoristic style holds great charm, but also a great danger: the reader is apt to glean too much from a single fragment and too little from the fragments as a whole. In my first confron tations with the Philosophical Investigations I was such a reader, and so, it turned out, were most of the writers on Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Wittgenstein's remarkable ability to bring together many facets of his thought in one fragment is fully exploited in the critical literature; but hardly any attention is paid to the connection with other fragments, let alone to the many hitherto unpublished manuscripts of which the Philosophical Investigations is the final product. The result of this fragmentary and ahistorical approach to Wittgenstein's later work is a host of contradictory interpretations. What Wittgenstein really wanted to say remains insufficiently clear. Opinions are also strongly divided about the value of his work. Some authors have been encouraged by his aphorisms and rhetorical questions to dismiss the whole Cartesian tradition or to halt new movements in linguistics or psychology; others, exasperated, reject his philo sophy as anti-scientific conceptual conservatism. After consulting unpublished notebooks and manuscripts which Wittgenstein wrote between 1929 and 1951, I became a very different reader. Wittgenstein turned out to be a kind of Leonardo da Vinci, who pursued a form from which every sign of chisel ling, every attempt at improvement, had been effaced.