Morning Cup of Joe

Morning Cup of Joe PDF

Author: Joe Paul

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-08-11

Total Pages: 142

ISBN-13: 9781985719187


The following are a collection of anecdotes intentionally written to communicate with my 13-year-old self to encourage him not to take his own life. To also help him understand that life has so much to offer if you simply don't give up. Included are lessons learned along the way wrapped in motivational and inspirational passages designed to help you get the most out of each day.

The Devil's Cup: A History of the World According to Coffee

The Devil's Cup: A History of the World According to Coffee PDF

Author: Stewart Lee Allen

Publisher: Soho Press

Published: 2018-11-13

Total Pages: 241

ISBN-13: 1641290102


"Absolutely riveting . . . Essential reading for foodies, java-junkies, anthropologists, and anyone else interested in funny, sardonically told adventure stories." —Anthony Bourdain, author of Kitchen Confidential Full of humor and historical insights, The Devil’s Cup is not only ahistory of coffee, but a travelogue of a risk-taking brew-seeker. In this captivating book, Stewart Lee Allen treks three-quarters of the way around the world on a caffeinated quest to answer these profound questions: Did the advent of coffee give birth to an enlightened western civilization? Is coffee the substance that drives history? From the cliffhanging villages of Southern Yemen, where coffee beans were first cultivated eight hundred years ago, to a cavernous coffeehouse in Calcutta, the drinking spot for two of India’s Nobel Prize winners . . . from Parisian salons and cafés where the French Revolution was born, to the roadside diners and chain restaurants of the good ol’ USA, where something resembling brown water passes for coffee, Allen wittily proves that the world was wired long before the Internet. And those who deny the power of coffee (namely tea drinkers) do so at their own peril.

Thanks A Thousand

Thanks A Thousand PDF

Author: A. J. Jacobs

Publisher: Simon & Schuster/ TED

Published: 2018-11-13

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781501119927


The idea was deceptively simple: New York Times bestselling author A.J. Jacobs decided to thank every single person involved in producing his morning cup of coffee. The resulting journey takes him across the globe, transforms his life, and reveals secrets about how gratitude can make us all happier, more generous, and more connected. Author A.J. Jacobs discovers that his coffee—and every other item in our lives—would not be possible without hundreds of people we usually take for granted: farmers, chemists, artists, presidents, truckers, mechanics, biologists, miners, smugglers, and goatherds. By thanking these people face to face, Jacobs finds some much-needed brightness in his life. Gratitude does not come naturally to Jacobs—his disposition is more Larry David than Tom Hanks—but he sets off on the journey on a dare from his son. And by the end, it’s clear to him that scientific research on gratitude is true. Gratitude’s benefits are legion: It improves compassion, heals your body, and helps battle depression. Jacobs gleans wisdom from vivid characters all over the globe, including the Minnesota miners who extract the iron that makes the steel used in coffee roasters, to the Madison Avenue marketers who captured his wandering attention for a moment, to the farmers in Colombia. Along the way, Jacobs provides wonderful insights and useful tips, from how to focus on the hundreds of things that go right every day instead of the few that go wrong. And how our culture overemphasizes the individual over the team. And how to practice the art of “savoring meditation” and fall asleep at night. Thanks a Thousand is a reminder of the amazing interconnectedness of our world. It shows us how much we take for granted. It teaches us how gratitude can make our lives happier, kinder, and more impactful. And it will inspire us to follow our own “Gratitude Trails.”

Forever 22

Forever 22 PDF

Author: Carson George

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2014-07-11

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 1499048696


Walk with me while God connects the dots of my life, bringing those dots collectively to the point where He wants them to be. Walk with me as I learn to listen to my heart as instructed by the Spirit within as I learn to trust the voice of God. Walk with me after many morning cups of joe to help me ponder the day ahead, seeking answers to questions and problems that only Gods wisdom could provide. Experience the joy the heart gains from doing it Gods way. It cannot fail. I tried it my way, and it did not work so well. Walk with me through all the good, and then into the valley of the shadow of death. Walk with me out of that valley into the light by the grace of God. Learn with me that when I lay my head down and pray in earnest for Gods wisdom, it is given. Learn the power in a simple phrase when taken from the heart, how Not a problem really works. Walk with me and learn how when I have purpose in my heart strengthens the resolve to do what we should be doing.

Coconut Oil for Health

Coconut Oil for Health PDF

Author: Britt Brandon

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2015-01-02

Total Pages: 128

ISBN-13: 1440585911


Discusses the benefits of coconut oil and presents one hundred health and beauty products which use coconut oil as the main ingredient.

A Minute of Vision for Men

A Minute of Vision for Men PDF

Author: Roger Patterson

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Published: 2016

Total Pages: 393

ISBN-13: 1496417771


"Today, so many [men] are living on autopilot instead of engaging the battle of living up to our God-given potential. We lack a vision for life. Too often, we settle for less than what is best for us, our families, and our careers. We struggle with pinpointing our purpose in life. [This book provides] an investment in a different sort of life--one with vision, purpose, and integrity, [helping] you connect with your purpose. It's written so that you can start your day on the right foot, focused on what matters the most"

英語會話必背500句【 有聲MP3版 】

英語會話必背500句【 有聲MP3版 】 PDF

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2020-11-19

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9864414135


四大實用單元,一次學會生活必備英語! 生活職場必備英語:購物、叫外送、閒聊、旅遊、道謝、發牢騷、低頭族… 社交哈啦好用句:寒暄、打招呼、讚美、鼓勵、邀約、婉拒…… 各種情緒表達會話:喜悅、訝異、憤怒、尷尬、不在乎、不耐煩…… 這句英語這樣說:你落伍了、你好潮啊、有圖有真相、問倒我了…… 本書能讓你 < 在各種場景正確地用英語表達想法 < 用英語完成日常生活中的意見溝通 < 能把心中的想法用正確英語說出 拯救破英語,每天只要5分鐘,讓你立刻走進會話場合,臨場實戰說對英語! 心中預演千百遍,正式要說英語卻開不了口! 每個人心中,都有一句開不了口的英語!擔心用錯字、害怕發音不好,更令人恐懼的是因為聽不懂你說甚麼,而瞬間急凍又尷尬的氣氛。但是你是否每年的新年新希望都有一項是「把英語學好」的期許,卻老是找不到時間坐下來好好學英語嗎?現代人的生活忙碌,學習語言乍看之下是一件很耗時間的大工程,但其實每天只要五分鐘,把英文學好根本就如「一塊蛋糕」(a piece of cake)一樣簡單! 各種情境演給你看,英語開口說的精準又到位! 本書分為四大單元:「生活職場 必備實用句」、「社交英語 哈啦好用句」、「喜怒哀樂 表達情緒必備句」以及「即學即用 這句英語這樣說」。內容集結了各種最生活化、最實用的主題:涵蓋從購物、叫外送、寒暄聊天、人際溝通,到表達自我情緒、鼓勵讚美他人,以及一些讓你一時很難從中文轉換成英文的說法,如「超瞎」、「搞砸」、「落伍」、「廢到笑」、「低頭族」等。每天利用五分鐘的時間看一個單元,輕鬆活潑的版面設計,讓你自然而然就把這些英文學起來了。 目錄介紹 Section 1 生活職場 必備實用句 1-1 超市購物五個實用句 1-2 超市購物結帳的相關英文句 1-3 用英文叫外送餐點 1-4 如何用英文殺價? 1-5 到旅遊資訊中心詢問景點,怎麼說? 1-6 旅行遇到緊急狀況的四句實用句 1-7 保持鎮定求助的四個實用句 1-8 過海關時,被問到的英文句 1-9 出入境時一定要會的英文句 1-10 機場櫃檯會用到的五個實用句 1-11 推薦行程的五個實用句 1-12 在青年旅館交朋友的好用句 1-13 工作中遇到擺爛的同事 五句表達不滿的實用句 1-14 承認自己錯誤的五句實用句 1-15 用英文鼓勵工作受挫的同事 1-16 有關職場上婉拒他人的五個實用句 1-17 茶水間相遇問候的相關英文實用句 1-18 教你如何用英文形容懶惰鬼 1-19 用英文形容忙碌的生活 1-20 職場閒聊工作內容的相關英文 1-21 工作不順心嗎?教你用英文發牢騷 1-22 討論報告時,超實用的五句英文 1-23 五個讓你看完時裝秀不詞窮的英文詞彙 1-24 用英文表達你的個人影評 1-25 聊電影劇情你會用到的英文 1-26 用英文聊音樂 1-27 萬聖節裡的英文實用句 1-28 感恩節裡跟你最親愛的人說聲謝謝吧! 1-29 關於睡……的英文用句 1-30 各種表示飢餓口渴的說法 1-31 你說說看啊!!這樣說有哪裡不一樣 1-32 四個流行混成詞 1-33 你不可不知的英文流行用語 1-34 用英文形容學霸 1-35 網路相關的英文用語 1-36 關於低頭族的三個實用句 Give It a Try Section 2 社交英語 哈啦好用句 2-1 寒暄打招呼的完美起手式 2-2 教你用英文一開口就變好朋友的破冰實用句 2-3 路上偶遇的五句必備句 2-4 四句說再見的英文句 2-5 讓你獲得好人緣的讚美英文句 2-6 讓你有好人緣的英文句 2-7 飯局裡會用到的英文實用句 2-8 派對邀約的問法與回應 2-9 提出邀約的六個實用句 2-10 婉拒他人的說法有哪些? 2-11 直接拒絕別人的五個實用句 2-12 表達再聯絡或提議改期的英文說法 2-13 「算我一份」的實用句 2-14 不想跟對方繼續爭論的英文實用句 2-15 表達冷落他人的英文有哪些? 2-16 關於撇清的英文句子 2-17 不喜歡對方的提議時,可以用英文怎麼說呢? 2-18 表達「不客氣」,你還只會說You are welcome.嗎? 2-19 鼓勵他人的實用英文錦囊 2-20 「加油,好嗎?」五句打氣英文實用句 2-21 勸別人往好處想的英文 2-22 表達關心詢問的英文實用句 2-23 表達祝你一路順風的英文實用句 2-24 祝你好運,除了Good luck.還有哪些實用句? 2-25 安撫他人的好用英文句 2-26 要如何用英文表達「嘿!!別緊張,放輕鬆!」 Give It a Try Section 3 喜怒哀樂 表達情緒必備句 3-1 表達高興的英文俚語 3-2 表達喜悅的英文怎麼說 3-3 英文裡表現訝異的實用句 3-4 英文也有表現已到達憤怒臨界點的實用句 3-5 表達挫折情緒的英文實用句 3-6 忍耐是有極限的,表達不耐情緒的英文實用句 3-7 表達不耐煩的英文句子 3-8 我再也無法忍受!英文怎麼表達 3-9 我快氣死了!表達憤怒程度的英文實用句 3-10 表達尷尬的詞彙 3-11 用英文表達滿不在乎的態度 3-12 表達哭的英文有哪些? 3-13 表達諸事不順的英文實用句 3-14 用英文表達失望情緒 3-15 表達憤怒的英文句 3-16 表達嚇到吃手手的英文 3-17 容易讓人誤會成不耐煩的英文句 3-18 用英文描述不安的心情 3-19 如何表達遇到挫折而心情低落的英文 3-20 表達不耐煩的英文實用句 3-21 表示客氣的四句實用句 3-22 「你說的很對!」英文怎麼說 3-23 表示不同意的英文說法 3-24 讓我考慮一下的五個實用句 3-25 解釋說明時你會用到的英文實用句 3-26 吐槽人的英文 3-27 英文裡表達「可惡!」的語助詞 3-28 英文裡有哪些感嘆詞或狀聲詞 3-29 六個英文裡的正能量句給你滿滿好心情 3-30 關於錢的英文用語 3-31 表達發大財啦!!英文實用句 3-32 英文裡的免費有哪些說法 3-33 表達個人想法的英文實用句 3-34 用英文表達「不是我的菜」 3-35 用英文表達用膝蓋想也知道 3-36 用英文表達「好險喔!」 3-37 表達「超酷的!!」五個英文 3-38 表達我要放空的英文實用句 3-39 英文裡的「反話」有哪些? 3-40 禮貌地用英文說「我知道了。」 Give It a Try Section 4 即學即用 這句英語這樣說 4-1 好「麻吉」英文怎麼說 4-2 不會吧! 英文怎麼說 4-3 這就怪了! 英文怎麼說 4-4 你在急什麼?英文怎麼說 4-5 把事情搞砸的英文怎麼說 4-6 你好摳門啊!!英文怎麼說 4-7 哇!你好潮啊!的英文怎麼表達 4-8 嘿!不要跟我頂嘴喔!這個英文怎麼表達? 4-9 吼!我講的是真的啦!怎麼用英文表達 4-10 我們常說有圖有真相啦 英文怎麼表達 4-11 台灣人常掛在口中的「不好意思」英文有哪些? 4-12 台灣人超愛用的口頭禪,換成英文該怎麼說? 4-13 表達你「落伍」了嗎?英文怎麼說? 4-14 關於「梗」的英文 4-15 這……問倒我了的英文實用句 4-16 說人很狗屎運的實用句 4-17 熬夜的相關英文句 4-18 差一點就沒命了啊!好險的英文句子 4-19 用英文表達「這很簡單」 4-20 「亂七八糟」的英文怎麼說 4-21 「你表達得很到位!」英文怎麼說 4-22 真是笑死我了!英文怎麼說 4-23 四種「不可能!」的英文說法 4-24 表達「這是不是哪裡怪怪的?」英文怎麼說? 4-25 四句表達搞清楚狀況的英文說法 4-26 「聽不懂,可以再說一遍嗎?」英文怎麼說? Give It a Try


Coffee PDF

Author: Jonathan Morris

Publisher: Reaktion Books

Published: 2018-10-15

Total Pages: 214

ISBN-13: 1789140269


Most of us can’t make it through morning without our cup (or cups) of joe, and we’re not alone. Coffee is a global beverage: it’s grown commercially on four continents and consumed enthusiastically on all seven—and there is even an Italian espresso machine on the International Space Station. Coffee’s journey has taken it from the forests of Ethiopia to the fincas of Latin America, from Ottoman coffee houses to “Third Wave” cafés, and from the simple coffee pot to the capsule machine. In Coffee: A Global History, Jonathan Morris explains both how the world acquired a taste for this humble bean, and why the beverage tastes so differently throughout the world. Sifting through the grounds of coffee history, Morris discusses the diverse cast of caffeinated characters who drank coffee, why and where they did so, as well as how it was prepared and what it tasted like. He identifies the regions and ways in which coffee has been grown, who worked the farms and who owned them, and how the beans were processed, traded, and transported. Morris also explores the businesses behind coffee—the brokers, roasters, and machine manufacturers—and dissects the geopolitics linking producers to consumers. Written in a style as invigorating as that first cup of Java, and featuring fantastic recipes, images, stories, and surprising facts, Coffee will fascinate foodies, food historians, baristas, and the many people who regard this ancient brew as a staple of modern life.

For Health Bundle

For Health Bundle PDF

Author: Britt Brandon

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2017-12-05

Total Pages: 512

ISBN-13: 1507206852


Discover the amazing benefits of the most affordable and natural ingredients available! Inside you’ll find: *Apple Cider Vinegar for Health *Coconut Oil for Health *Essential Oils for Health *Ginger for Health From first aid to weight loss, illness prevention to beauty applications, the For Health Collection is a one-stop shop for wellness.

Know Your Value

Know Your Value PDF

Author: Mika Brzezinski

Publisher: Hachette Books

Published: 2018-09-25

Total Pages: 256

ISBN-13: 1602865957


The bestselling motivational guide that calls "a rallying cry for women to get the money they deserve." Why are women so often overlooked and underpaid? What are the real reasons men get raises more often than women? How can women ask for--and actually get--the money, the job, the recognition they deserve? Prompted by her own experience as cohost of Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski asked a wide range of successful women to share the critical lessons they learned while moving up in their fields. Power players such as Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Harvard's Victoria Budson, comedian Susie Essman, and many more shared their surprising personal stories. They spoke candidly about why women are paid less and the pitfalls women face--and play into. Now expanded to address gender dynamics in the #MeToo era, Know Your Value blends compelling personal stories with the latest research on why many women don't negotiate their compensation, why negotiating aggressively usually backfires, and what can be done about it. For any woman who has ever wondered if her desire to be liked can be a liability (yes), if there is a way to reclaim her contribution after it's been co-opted in a meeting (yes), and if there are strategies men use to get ahead that women should too (yes!), Know Your Value provides vital advice to help women be their own best advocates.