Love in the 12th Dimension

Love in the 12th Dimension PDF

Author: Vicki Martin


Published: 2017-08-31

Total Pages: 111

ISBN-13: 9781549643088


A self help book to ease you into ascension, love and union for soulmates, twinflames and true loveFind out why you have not achieved union. Learn about the paradox of relationships as we ascend along our path. Tips and tricks to bring you into alignment with your true love. This is a time of great change for many Twin Souls, who are preparing to embark together upon a lifetime of great purpose, great love, great light and great influence upon our world. How many know how to have the perfect love in their lives? True twin soul love, not the kind to feed your ego mind or to validate your worthiness. A genuine sharing love; When two people complete and nourish each other souls. Know how to recognize it. Know how to bring this into our lives. We all deserve love. This guide you may read over and over again to keep you in alignment with what is truly yours.

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension PDF

Author: Kimberly Meredith

Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials

Published: 2021-12-07

Total Pages: 224

ISBN-13: 1250780233


Elevate your consciousness and heal your life. In Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, author Kimberly Meredith offers readers something truly revolutionary—a new dimension of healing. Discovering her healing gifts after two near death experiences in 2013, she is now one of the most in-demand medical intuitive healers in the nation, traveling the country to speak at events, appearing at major consciousness and global virtual events, and offering healing to those who so desperately in need. Here in these pages, Kimberly shares her gift for the first time with a wider audience, giving readers the tools to implement this healing in their own lives. Whether you are wrestling with chronic illness, seemingly untreatable symptoms, or other mental, emotional, or physical ailments, Kimberly’s gentle wisdom offers a way forward towards happiness and freedom. Filled with instruction, case studies, testimonials, nutritional advice, and practical methods to raise your consciousness Awakening to the Fifth Dimension will empower readers to confront their own health struggles and find true, lasting healing.

The Reality Revolution

The Reality Revolution PDF

Author: Brian Scott


Published: 2020-03-12

Total Pages: 402

ISBN-13: 9781544506203


Our world is undergoing a reality revolution. More and more people are discovering the power of their minds to shape the world around them faster than ever before. The question is: how do you create the reality of your design? Brian Scott wants to help you find the answer. After walking away unscathed from a near-fatal shooting in his home, Brian began a fanatical search for answers. He deepened his research into parallel realities, quantum mechanics, and consciousness to uncover what happened in his close call with death. Along the way, he developed a series of techniques capable of creating profound transformations. In The Reality Revolution: The Mind-Blowing Movement to Hack Your Reality, Brian introduces you to the techniques that have helped his clients find lasting love, create wealth, and revitalize health. You'll learn how to surf through parallel realities and unlock the power of your mind through a mix of researched and science-backed techniques like qi gong, meditation, quantum jumping, energy work, and reality transurfing. If you're ready to create an incredible reality for yourself, this book shows you the way.

Villa - and his friends in the 12th dimension

Villa - and his friends in the 12th dimension PDF

Author: La Nien

Publisher: Vior Webmedia

Published: 2023-11-08

Total Pages: 92

ISBN-13: 9083353559


Dit Engelstalige fantasie verhaaltje gaat over hoe drie sterke mannelijke 12dimenionals de mensheid helpen. Het verhaal is geschreven in makkelijk leesbaar Engels. Iedereen tussen 9 en 99 jaar en ouder kan het lezen. Onze hoofdrolspeler is Villa. Hij is een jonge machtige 12dimensional. Villa maakt zich zorgen over de ontwikkelingen tussen de mensen. Met zijn bijzondere vaardigheden en krachten, en met de hulp van zijn twee beste vrienden Shoro en Gardu, beïnvloedden zij de ontwikkelingen in onze dimensie. Hun doel is de weg te verlichten, zodat wij mensen kunnen leven in vrede en duurzaam omgaan met onze aarde. Het drietal kiest ieder hun eigen mens om te beïnvloeden. Shoro kiest George, een jonge man uit Florida; Villa kiest de wildebras Samlen, opgegroeid ergens in Europa; en Gardu kiest Kadir, een moslim jongen uit een rijke en verwende nest in het Midden Oosten. De drie uitgekozen jonge mannen ontmoeten elkaar, en vormen een onafscheidelijke groep aan de Technische Universiteit van Amsterdam. In het verhaal mogen wij een kijkje nemen achter de perfecte façade van deze drie succesrijke jonge mannen. Dit verhaaltje is de eerste van 4 delen. Hierin worden de twee verschillende werelden geïntroduceerd. De wereld van de 12dimensionals en de wereld van de drie jonge mannen. Villas verloofde: Winngadur is een bijzondere 12dimensional. Zij heeft het beheer over alle insecten in onze dimensie. In de laatste drie delen volgen wij hoe George, Samlen en Kadir min of meer bewust worden beïnvloed door de drie verschillende 12dimensionals. Samlen gaat woonbouwprojecten met sponge dorpen maken in hele Europa, George helpt Samlen en Georges vrouw wordt een vooraanstaande politicus. Kadir zal een nieuwe baanbrekende energievorm lanceren die het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen volledig overtollig maakt. Dus ja, het is echt een mooie droom. Maar niet te mooi om waar te zijn. Wij mensen zijn gewoon zo stoer. Wij mogen geloven in elkaar.

From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension

From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension PDF

Author: Rachel Otto

Publisher: Balboa Press

Published: 2024-02-01

Total Pages: 226



We are all true divine love—an unlimited energy that comprises our bodies, our mind, our souls, and our universe. Divine love is the purest form of self-love, devoid of ego. Rachel Otto, a seasoned healer and teacher, shares an in-depth look at her expedition of life and spirituality through the understanding of dimensions powered by divine love. Her narrative includes insight into her first experience with meditation in sixth grade, her journey to becoming an energy healer, and why letting go of the past and choosing divine love over fear will change not only our lives, but also the world. Through her personal story, wisdom, tools, and perspectives, Otto encourages others to experience and create their own beliefs and interpret each dimension in their own way. Included are channeled messages from her and others that remind us that we are truly divine beings, each with special gifts, that are connected to the world. From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension offers an inspiring glimpse into a healer’s spiritual journey while inviting others to accept the guidance of divine consciousness and love while living in future joy now.

The Next Dimension Is Love

The Next Dimension Is Love PDF

Author: Dorothy Roeder

Publisher: Light Technology Publishing

Published: 1996-12-12

Total Pages: 179

ISBN-13: 1622335821


A TIME FOR HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION Beings from another dimension, parallel to ours and yet far beyond it, give their view about what is happening on Earth now. They speak about what it means to be an unlimited spiritual consciousness immersed in a limited physical body. They describe how our fear of anyone different limits us and why that must change if we are to survive as a race. It is our fear of change that limits our ability to reach our full potential. The primary message is humanity's special ability to love in so many ways and how much we can teach the rest of the universe about creating with love. That is our special contribution to this cosmos. Are these beings, who resemble the praying mantis, really a part of us or our higher consciousness? Topics include: Are we masters of our own destiny? Do we control our own lives? Is there purpose in what we do on Earth? What is going on and what does it mean?

The Sacred Scriptures of Love

The Sacred Scriptures of Love PDF

Author: Victoria of Light

Publisher: Balboa Press

Published: 2014-05-13

Total Pages: 167

ISBN-13: 1452509654


The Sacred Scriptures of Love have been brought to me by God to deliver to You in this the divine time upon the Earth. These scriptures are all about the sacredity of who You are, where You have come from, that what it is all about and the reason for all. You are of the divine template here upon Earth to shine and illuminate Love and Light. Where there is Love there is Light and where there is Love and Light there is God. The time has come in the now to realize who we are. We are now allowed the totality of access to know the grand and Almighty plan of God. In this is the Becoming of the full expression of who we are and the awakening of the universal and multidimensional consciousness. In the greatest of moments of this cycle upon Earth we are, and in this is Celebration as we move unto that of the realm of the higher dimensionality vibration of pure love and all faith and joyousness. Here is the creation of heaven and the beyond essence on Earth and all Bliss in this. And whence our Holy mission is complete thereafter is the promise of returning home to all gloriousness and the Nirvanic Paradise.

Universal Life Force Series Featuring Antiquity Calais Vol. 1-3 Deluxe

Universal Life Force Series Featuring Antiquity Calais Vol. 1-3 Deluxe PDF

Author: Jim Henry


Published: 2013-10-20

Total Pages: 591

ISBN-13: 1304552810


Antiquity Calais is the Creator's Liberator, sworn to search out, battle and vanquish Satan's most prolific Destroyer, Leviathan Avalon. Join Antiquity and his friends Gillian, Sherman and the Mighty Mundoo as they battle Avalon and the Prince of Darkness himself in this three-volume set.

Life on the Cutting Edge

Life on the Cutting Edge PDF

Author: Sal Rachele

Publisher: Light Technology Publishing

Published: 2019-10-18

Total Pages: 362

ISBN-13: 1622338065


Are you tired of the same old stuff (S.O.S)? Have you heard enough about the “New Age”? Do you long for something fresh and exciting? Then perhaps this book is for you. It’s not about the same old tired reality that’s been talked about for decades. It’s not a sugar-coated, love and light routine. And it’s not another “feel-good” manual or “how to succeed without really trying” rehash. It’s not psycho babble, quick fix therapy, preaching or lamenting a cause. This book takes a no-nonsense look at what is really happening — behind the scenes, above the scenes and beyond the scenes. It addresses the issues you and I are facing right now and will be facing for a long time to come. It uses the past only as a springboard for stepping into the unknown, into the big picture. It exposes the lies, coverups, deceit, control and manipulation that have kept the people of Earth locked into rigid systems of dogma and despair. But it also offers real solutions that are timely, and yet, timeless. It gives you ideas that can help you put the pieces of the cosmic jigsaw together. And practical advice that can stimulate your creative juices. Get out your surfboard and ride the cutting edge!