Longevity: a Vedic Approach

Longevity: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 302



The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longeity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar. Any prediction made without considering it may make the prediction a laughing stock of both the astrologer and astrology. The time span between birth and death of a native is called his longevity. Longevity and death are not the same but are closely related. However it is not yet clear what death is. Our scriptures have at various places equated death with different types of Mrityu Tulya agonies which are different from physical death. Again the destiny of each one of us is interlinked with our close kith and kin and our relationship with them is pre-determined, predestined and irrevocable. Death is severing of final link of a native with them. Hence a native’s death must get corroborated / confirmed in the horoscopes of his close relations. An attempt is made in this book to address all such issues. The book is a study of about 225 natives who had lived and died in different countries at different time, at different age and of different causes, applying known tools of astrology. The book is an attempt to help clear some mist and enable to have a better judgement of longevity.

An Analysis of Longevity

An Analysis of Longevity PDF

Author: Shalini Dhasmana

Publisher: All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies


Total Pages: 81



Analysis of Longevity - An Astrologer can only give an Indication of what promise the future holds. Only Brahma, the creator, can say with certainty what will definitely happen. This applies most appropriately to Longevity determination. Matters like longevity cannot be decided by us mortals. They are in the hands of the supreme power and an Astrologer who wishes indulge in longevity determination, needs help of this super power to make the correct judgement. Ayu Nirnay is a very serious and a deep subject ¼xw<+ o xEHkhj fo"k;½ and it involves much more than just the mathematical calculation. Even after checking longevity by many methods, the Astrologer is almost forbidden to disclose the person's death to him. At the most he can give a very subtle hint. There are about 32 methods of calculation of longevity, but there is no one method which gives perfect result. After calculating it by a number of methods, if similar Ayu is found, then it can be relied upon, to a certain extent. There are many stories in our religion like those of Savitri and Satyavan and Markandeya Rishi, in which people whose life span has come to an end, have been granted more life by God himself. This shows that the length of life can be increased by Gods blessings. Length of life can also be increased or decreased by the persons own karmas in this life. People who lead a good regulated life from childhood, who follow good moral conduct, who eat less, and who respect god and the learned men, live up to their mathematically estimated life span or even longer. The people who do just the opposite have an untimely end. This shows that a person can reduce his life-span by his own kukarmas. Till a child is of twelve years of age his ayu nirnay should not be done. The first four years of his life and governed by the poorva karmas of his mother, the next four years are governed by the karmas of his father and the next four years are governed by his own karmas. Till twelve years, even prediction of his horoscope should not be done, because whatever the horoscope shows, can get altered because of these super imposing factors. For this reason till that age, every child should be protected through propitiation of planets, medical help and proper care. Only after he has crossed this age, his Ayu Nirnay should be done. This book contains all methods of determination of longevity of a native. Calculation of the longevity of a native is not an easy task. All expert astrologers believe that before interpreting a horoscope it is essential to determine the longevity of native. There are different methods of determining longevity but none of them can be termed as very accurate so it shall be better to follow various methods. In the field of astrology and especially in determining the longevity of a native the role of intuition is most important. Astrologer can develop intuition by continuous meditation and other spiritual practices. One should remember it always that nobody can control life and death. There is only one method of giving shape to our future and that is to bring improvement in our deeds. The summary of our scriptures is embedded in two words- Punya(holy/sacred/meritorious action) and Paap(sin). Our whole existence revolves around these two words only. It is the proposal of the author to keep it in the background of this book. This book contains all important methods of determination of longevity of a native.

Prashna: a Vedic Approach

Prashna: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 312



The author has discussed the following points in the book: 1) Vedic approach to prashna, need & utility of prashna 2) Basic concepts of signs, Nakshatras, Houses & Significators 3) General concepts of horary & time of fructification 4) Mook or secret queries 5) Queries related to Education, success in admission/ competition 6) Marriage & related problems 7) Children & related queries 8) Queries related to property & vehicles 9) Queries related to disease & health 10) Queries related to Theft & Recovery 11) Queries related to litigation & Conflicts 12) Travels & Missing person related queries 13) Queries related to jobs & career 14) Queries related to Business & Finance 15) Some frequently asked Questions 16) 93 Illustrations covering various aspects of above queries 17) Miscellaneous Techniques used in Prashna


Ayurveda PDF

Author: Robert Svoboda

Publisher: Penguin Books India

Published: 1992

Total Pages: 344

ISBN-13: 9780140193220


Ayurveda, The Universal Healing Art. More Than A Medical System. Developed From The Vedas, India&Rsquo;S Ancient Books Of Wisdom, Ayurveda Combines Physical, Psychological And Spiritual Therapies In An Approach To Health That Is As Relevant To The Modern World As It Was To The Ancient World When It First Became Part Of India&Rsquo;S Collective Consciousness. Here Is A Definitive Handbook Of A Health Care Both Sensible And Sublime, That Is Still Alive And Well Itself&Mdash;The Author Is The First Westerner To Graduate From An Indian Ayurvedic College. Utilizing Herbs And Minerals, Proper Nutrition And Purification And, Above All, Affirmative Ways Of Living, Ayurveda Treats Not Just The Ailment But The Whole Person And Emphasizes Prevention Of Disease To Avoid The Need For Cure. Its Ancient Message Has Helped Spread The New Holistic Thinking In The West, Encouraging Us To Become &Lsquo;Stewards Of Life&Rsquo; In Order, Now, To Give Civilization Itself A Chance To Heal.

Astro Remedies: a Vedic Approach

Astro Remedies: a Vedic Approach PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 336



A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great strides have been taken and wonderful results obtained regarding influence of planets, both benefic & malefic, on human beings, the same can not be said about finding out the remedies for their malefic results. Each remedy is basically a prayer to the Almighty to bail the native out of a difficult situation. It is our Kartvya Karma as part of Prarbdha/Kiryaman Karma to observe remedial actions to keep our body and mind healthy. In a horoscope, destiny/luck is indicated by 9th house and 3rd house represents Purshartha, the free will or Kiryaman Karma, done with a strong will & belief to smoothen the path of destiny. The life or the path of human development is a story of constant struggle between the destiny and Purshartha/remedies, with dices heavily decked against the later. The success of the remedies rests upon the strong will, belief & faith one has in the remedy and one’s total unconditional surrender before the relevant deity. There are various modes of remedies, one can chose from depending on his faith/belief, like colour therapy & Gems, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra & Rudraksh, bath, fast & charity, propitiation of curses and age old folk treatments of Lal Kitab.All these have been covered in this book as an aide-memoire to a native in his fight against misfortune.

Delineating a Horoscope

Delineating a Horoscope PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 264



Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth. A horoscope is basically a map of zodiac indicating position of planets in various signs/ Nakshatra at the time and place of birth. The delineation of a chart is the science and art of deciphering it as per the knowledge, intuition of the astrologer and divine help available to him. Therefore the first requisite is to have sound knowledge of nature and characteristics of houses, signs, Nakshatra and planets and their inter-relation. Next comes the basic tools like dasha, transit, yoga and divisional chart and their application in delineating a horoscope. Lagna is the single most important factor in delineating a horoscope. It is the very being of the native, his élan vital & basic potential. Unless the seed of a specific quality or event is contained in this basic potential, other planetary indications will not find suitable opportunities for manifestation. Lagna also determines the numbering of houses with lagna being the first. With the change in lagna, the significations of any planet will change drastically, as his house & lordship changes, although the sign & constellation of the planet remain unchanged.

Role of Nakshatra in Astrology

Role of Nakshatra in Astrology PDF

Author: Raj Kumar

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 284



The stars or Nakshtras have fascinated most of us during our childhood. During hurly-burly of adulthood, they seemed to be put in background, but come back to centre stage again once we settle down in life and concept of Almighty/ destiny dawns on us. Nakshtras are said to be the abodes into which the fruits of our past labour or Karma is transferred and stored. Thus, Nakshtras distribute the outgrowth of Karma according to the theory of cause and effect. We should look more and more into them and try and identify ourselves with our own Nakshtra to understand ourselves and people around us better. The deity, nature, working style, caste, sex, Yoni, Gunas, Tatwa, Tridosh, body parts, lord of Nakshtra and its Pada, Muhurats, longevity, profession, diseases/ health, marriage, children & relationships and remedial measures for afflicted/ ill placed Nakshtra are unique for each individual and his Nakshtra. This book takes us through a sojourn of cosmic path of 27 Nakshtras. The author hopes this journey is interesting, knowledgeable and satisfying.


Synastry PDF

Author: Rod Suskin

Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 265

ISBN-13: 0738712558


Synastry puts relationships under the cosmic microscope of astrology—offering an insightful perspective on the dynamics that drive all personal interactions. Rod Suskin, the author of "Cycles of Life, " blends traditional methods with modern techniques in this introduction to synastry. His step-by-step approach begins with interpreting an individual's birth chart to pinpoint relationship needs and behaviors. Next, you'll learn chart comparison techniques—involving the elements, inter-chart aspects, planets in aspect, the fifth house, dignities, and other astrological factors—to determine the compatibility and longevity of a relationship. "Synastry" will help you explore many critical issues that affect relationships: communication habits, values, feelings of self-worth, sex drive, life goals, attitudes toward money and children, karma, and more. For the professional astrologer, there is also advice for conducting client consultations with sensitivity and objectivity.