Life is... Liberation from Ignorance and Finding true Enlightenment

Life is... Liberation from Ignorance and Finding true Enlightenment PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2020-05-22

Total Pages: 146



What is life all about? Are we meant to just live and die? Is there a larger purpose or deeper meaning to life? Life is Liberation from Ignorance and Finding true Enlightenment is an interesting dialogue between a seeker and his Guru that can help you on your own spiritual quest towards liberation, freedom from all misery and suffering; the realization of the Truth and God-realization.

Poems for Life Peace, Love, Bliss, Enlightenment and Happiness

Poems for Life Peace, Love, Bliss, Enlightenment and Happiness PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2022-01-19

Total Pages: 199



Do you want to read poems that can transform your Life? Poems that can lead you to everlasting peace and bliss? Poems that can light up your life and eradicate the darkness of ignorance that most of us live in? These beautiful poems can help you Realize the Truth about life, about God, about your true self. They can motivate you to remain positive and strong, eliminate all negativity in life. You can read a poem every day and be inspired to move closer to the ultimate goal of life. A true treasure, these poems will see you through the hardest of times as they will help you Realize what life is all about.

Enlightened Ego!

Enlightened Ego! PDF

Author: AiR - Atman in Ravi

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization


Total Pages: 133

ISBN-13: 9334076690


Our Ego makes us suffer. It creates anger, hate, jealousy and vengeance. It screams, ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘mine’. People often say, 'Kill your Ego!' While we cannot annihilate the Ego, we can transcend it and have an Enlightened Ego. And an Enlightened Ego is free from all misery, agony and anguish. This book will help you understand what an Enlightened Ego is and show you how to Enlighten your Ego.

I am a Soul. Soul is SIP. I am SIP. SIP is in all.

I am a Soul. Soul is SIP. I am SIP. SIP is in all. PDF

Author: AiR - Atman in Ravi

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2023-05-27

Total Pages: 123

ISBN-13: 935891694X


I am a SOUL. Soul is SIP. I am SIP. SIP is in all. We live in ignorance thinking that we are the body that we appear to be but we don't realize the truth that we are neither the body nor the Mind and Ego, in reality, we are the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life. The SOUL is also nothing but SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that is everywhere, in everything. These four phrases are identical to the 4 Mahavakyas of the Vedas and the Upanishads which are as follows: Tat Twam Asi; Ayam Atma Brahma; Aham Brahmasmi; Prajnanam Brahma. These 4 phrases will lead us to Self-Realization and then to God-Realization. This book can help us attain the ultimate goal of life — Moksha.

Enlightenment! The Myth and the Truth!

Enlightenment! The Myth and the Truth! PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2022-01-18

Total Pages: 164



Are you seeking Enlightenment? Can you be Enlightened? Is Enlightenment a gift for a select few - for intellectual saints and sages? No, we have been gifted with a human birth so that we all can attain Enlightenment. Unfortunately we are not able to be enlightened because we are living with the myth and we do not Realize the Truth. To Realize the Truth, to be Enlightened, we have to unlearn the lies and bust the myth that we have lived with. This book will help you be enlightened with the Truth as it discriminates the Truth from the Myth associated with life, religion, God and spirituality.

How to Overcome Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

How to Overcome Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression PDF

Author: AiR - Atman in Ravi

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization


Total Pages: 141

ISBN-13: 9359968250


We all struggle with these five monsters and suffer because of them. Is there a way to overcome them? There is. All we have to do is to still the Mind and be in the state of Consciousness. This book will show you how to flip over from Mind to Consciousness and eliminate Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression from your life.

From Yoga to Moksha

From Yoga to Moksha PDF

Author: AiR - Atman in Ravi

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization


Total Pages: 137

ISBN-13: 9334070897


What is the journey from Yoga to Moksha? Yoga is Yuj or union with the Divine. And Moksha is the ultimate goal of life. It is liberation from all suffering on earth and from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is unification with the Divine. Only a true Yogi is qualified to embark on the journey to Nirvana or Moksha. So, how can we be in Yoga? And what after that? This book will take you from Yoga to Moksha, on a life-transforming journey as you discover, ‘Who am I and why am I here?’

The 4 Quarters of Life

The 4 Quarters of Life PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2021-10-20

Total Pages: 166



Life has a purpose. To discover this purpose, we must divide our life into 4 Quarters. The First Quarter is all about Learning while the Second Quarter focuses on Earning. The Third Quarter is meant for us to start our journey towards the ultimate goal of life, Enlightenment, and in our final Quarter, we must attain this final goal of Enlightenment. Enlightenment liberates us from all suffering and from the Karmic cycle of death and rebirth. Unfortunately, today, man only focuses on the first two Quarters of life. As a result, he suffers. This book will inspire you to live a complete life, Quarter by Quarter, so that you can live with bliss and everlasting happiness.

Mukti - Freedom

Mukti - Freedom PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2022-06-10

Total Pages: 180



What is Mukti? Is it just Freedom? Yes, it is Freedom, Freedom not only from all misery on earth but also Freedom from Rebirth. This book reveals that all misery on earth is because we are prisoners, we are slaves, we are imprisoned in our ignorance, in the myth that we have grown up with. If we want to be free from all misery and sorrow, we need Mukti, we need Freedom. Freedom not just from fear, worry, stress, and anxiety, or from all joy stealers, but also from the continuous cycle of death and Rebirth. Discover Mukti and be free from all misery.

Life Manual- How to Live Life

Life Manual- How to Live Life PDF

Author: AiR

Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Published: 2020-10-21

Total Pages: 235



We all know how to use and make the most of our gadgets and gizmos because we read the Operating Manual of each device or appliance that we buy. Unfortunately, we have not read the Operating Manual of Life. We don’t realize what Life is all about, and before we know it, life is over. We are left with regrets that we did not do what we wanted to do. Instead of living a life of Joy and Peace, we suffer in misery and sorrow. This book can change all that. It is a Life Manual that has guidelines on how to make the best of our life. It inspires us with 'the do's and the don'ts,' as it discloses what this product called ‘Life’ is all about. Each chapter investigates an important aspect of life that will help us, and lead us to enjoying every moment that we live. The ‘Troubleshooting Guide’ and ‘FAQs, Frequently Asked Questions’ at the end of the book not only make for an interesting read, but also comprehensively address challenges we all face. We have read so many Manuals, and we have become experts in operating the gadgets in our life. Now, it's time to read a Manual about Life itself. Discover how to live Life!