Learn JDBC The Hard Way: A Hands-On Guide to PostgreSQL and SQL Server Driven Programming

Learn JDBC The Hard Way: A Hands-On Guide to PostgreSQL and SQL Server Driven Programming PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2019-11-23

Total Pages: 450



This book offers the straightforward, practical answers you need to help you do your job. This hands-on tutorial/reference/guide to PostgreSQL and SQL Server is not only perfect for students and beginners, but it also works for experienced developers who aren't getting the most from PostgreSQL and SQL Server. As you would expect, this book shows how to build from scratch two different databases: PostgreSQL and SQL Server using Java. In designing a GUI and as an IDE, you will make use of the NetBeans tool. In chapter one, you will learn: How to install NetBeans, JDK 11, and the PostgreSQL connector; How to integrate external libraries into projects; How the basic PostgreSQL commands are used; How to query statements to create databases, create tables, fill tables, and manipulate table contents is done. In chapter two, you will learn querying data from the postgresql using jdbc including establishing a database connection, creating a statement object, executing the query, processing the resultset object, querying data using a statement that returns multiple rows, querying data using a statement that has parameters, inserting data into a table using jdbc, updating data in postgresql database using jdbc, calling postgresql stored function using jdbc, deleting data from a postgresql table using jdbc, and postgresql jdbc transaction. In chapter three, you will learn the basics of cryptography using Java. Here, you will learn how to write a Java program to count Hash, MAC (Message Authentication Code), store keys in a KeyStore, generate PrivateKey and PublicKey, encrypt / decrypt data, and generate and verify digital prints. You will also learn how to create and store salt passwords and verify them. In chapter four, you will create a PostgreSQL database, named Bank, and its tables. In chapter five, you will create a Login table. In this case, you will see how to create a Java GUI using NetBeans to implement it. In addition to the Login table, in this chapter you will also create a Client table. In the case of the Client table, you will learn how to generate and save public and private keys into a database. You will also learn how to encrypt / decrypt data and save the results into a database. In chapter six, you will create an Account table. This account table has the following ten fields: account_id (primary key), client_id (primarykey), account_number, account_date, account_type, plain_balance, cipher_balance, decipher_balance, digital_signature, and signature_verification. In this case, you will learn how to implement generating and verifying digital prints and storing the results into a database. In chapter seven, you create a table named Client_Data, which has seven columns: client_data_id (primary key), account_id (primary_key), birth_date, address, mother_name, telephone, and photo_path. In chapter eight, you will be taught how to create a SQL Server database, named Crime, and its tables. In chapter nine, you will be taught how to extract image features, utilizing BufferedImage class, in Java GUI. In chapter ten, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Suspect table data. This table has eleven columns: suspect_id (primary key), suspect_name, birth_date, case_date, report_date, suspect_ status, arrest_date, mother_name, address, telephone, and photo. In chapter eleven, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Feature_Extraction table data. This table has eight columns: feature_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5, and feature6. In chapter twelve, you will add two tables: Police_Station and Investigator. These two tables will later be joined to Suspect table through another table, File_Case, which will be built in the seventh chapter. The Police_Station has six columns: police_station_id (primary key), location, city, province, telephone, and photo. The Investigator has eight columns: investigator_id (primary key), investigator_name, rank, birth_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. Here, you will design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. In chapter thirteen, you will add two tables: Victim and File_Case. The File_Case table will connect four other tables: Suspect, Police_Station, Investigator and Victim. The Victim table has nine columns: victim_id (primary key), victim_name, crime_type, birth_date, crime_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. The File_Case has seven columns: file_case_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), police_station_id (foreign key), investigator_id (foreign key), victim_id (foreign key), status, and description. Here, you will also design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. Finally, this book is hopefully useful and can improve database programming skills for every Java/PostgreSQL/SQL Server programmer.

Learn JDBC By Example: A Quick Start Guide to MariaDB and SQL Server Driven Programming

Learn JDBC By Example: A Quick Start Guide to MariaDB and SQL Server Driven Programming PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2019-11-24

Total Pages: 404



This book explains relational theory in practice, and demonstrates through two projects how you can apply it to your use of MariaDB and SQL Server databases. This book covers the important requirements of teaching databases with a practical and progressive perspective. This book offers the straightforward, practical answers you need to help you do your job. This hands-on tutorial/reference/guide to MariaDB and SQL Server is not only perfect for students and beginners, but it also works for experienced developers who aren't getting the most from MariaDB and SQL Server. As you would expect, this book shows how to build from scratch two different databases: MariaDB and SQL Server using Java. In designing a GUI and as an IDE, you will make use of the NetBeans tool. In chapter one, you will learn the basics of cryptography using Java. Here, you will learn how to write a Java program to count Hash, MAC (Message Authentication Code), store keys in a KeyStore, generate PrivateKey and PublicKey, encrypt / decrypt data, and generate and verify digital prints. You will also learn how to create and store salt passwords and verify them. In chapter two, you will create a PostgreSQL database, named Bank, and its tables. In chapter three, you will create a Login table. In this case, you will see how to create a Java GUI using NetBeans to implement it. In addition to the Login table, in this chapter you will also create a Client table. In the case of the Client table, you will learn how to generate and save public and private keys into a database. You will also learn how to encrypt / decrypt data and save the results into a database. In chapter four, you will create an Account table. This account table has the following ten fields: account_id (primary key), client_id (primarykey), account_number, account_date, account_type, plain_balance, cipher_balance, decipher_balance, digital_signature, and signature_verification. In this case, you will learn how to implement generating and verifying digital prints and storing the results into a database. In chapter five, you create a table named Client_Data, which has seven columns: client_data_id (primary key), account_id (primary_key), birth_date, address, mother_name, telephone, and photo_path. In chapter six, you will be taught how to create a SQL Server database, named Crime, and its tables. In chapter seven, you will be taught how to extract image features, utilizing BufferedImage class, in Java GUI. In chapter eight, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Suspect table data. This table has eleven columns: suspect_id (primary key), suspect_name, birth_date, case_date, report_date, suspect_ status, arrest_date, mother_name, address, telephone, and photo. In chapter nine, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Feature_Extraction table data. This table has eight columns: feature_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5, and feature6. In chapter ten, you will add two tables: Police_Station and Investigator. These two tables will later be joined to Suspect table through another table, File_Case, which will be built in the seventh chapter. The Police_Station has six columns: police_station_id (primary key), location, city, province, telephone, and photo. The Investigator has eight columns: investigator_id (primary key), investigator_name, rank, birth_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. Here, you will design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. In chapter eleven, you will add two tables: Victim and File_Case. The File_Case table will connect four other tables: Suspect, Police_Station, Investigator and Victim. The Victim table has nine columns: victim_id (primary key), victim_name, crime_type, birth_date, crime_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. The File_Case has seven columns: file_case_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), police_station_id (foreign key), investigator_id (foreign key), victim_id (foreign key), status, and description. Here, you will also design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. Finally, this book is hopefully useful and can improve database programming skills for every Java/MariaDB/SQL Server programmer.

Step By Step Database Programming with JDBC and PostgreSQL

Step By Step Database Programming with JDBC and PostgreSQL PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan

Publisher: SPARTA Publishing

Published: 2019-04-08

Total Pages: 221



PostgreSQL was designed to run on UNIX-like platforms. However, PostgreSQL was then also designed to be portable so that it could run on various platforms such as Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows. PostgreSQL is free and open source software. Its source code is available under PostgreSQL license, a liberal open source license. You are free to use, modify and distribute PostgreSQL in any form. PostgreSQL requires very minimum maintained efforts because of its stability. Therefore, if you develop applications based on PostgreSQL, the total cost of ownership is low in comparison with other database management systems. In Chapter 2, you will learn querying data from the postgresql using jdbc including establishing a database connection, creating a statement object, executing the query, processing the resultset object, querying data using a statement that returns multiple rows, querying data using a statement that has parameters, inserting data into a table using jdbc, updating data in postgresql database using jdbc, calling postgresql stored function using jdbc, deleting data from a postgresql table using jdbc, and postgresql jdbc transaction. In Chapter 3, you will learn managing table structure and views including postgresql data types, postgresql create table, postgresql select into statement, postgresql create table as, using postgresql serial to create auto-increment column, identity column, alter table, drop table, truncate table, check constraint, not-null constraint, foreign key, primary key, unique constraint, managing postgresql views, creating updatable views, materialized views, creating updatable views using the with check option clause, and recursive view. In Chapter 4, you will learn statements, operators, and clauses including select, order by, select distinct, limit, fetch, in, between, postgresql like, is null, alias, joins, inner join, postgresql left join, self-join, full outer join, cross join, natural join, group by, having, intersect operator, except operator, grouping sets, cube, and rollup. In Chapter 5, you will learn postgresql trigger, aggregate, and string functions including creating the first trigger in postgresql, managing postgresql trigger, aggregate functions, avg function, max function, min function, sum function, postgresql concat function, ascii function, trim function, length function, substring function, regexp_matches function, regexp_replace function, replace function, to_number function, and to_char function.

Java Programming For Developers: The Definitive Guide to Learn JDBC And Database Applications

Java Programming For Developers: The Definitive Guide to Learn JDBC And Database Applications PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2019-11-28

Total Pages: 440



This step-by-step guide to explore database programming using Java is ideal for people with little or no programming experience. The goal of this concise book is not just to teach you Java, but to help you think like a programmer. Each brief chapter covers the material for one week of a college course to help you practice what you've learned. As you would expect, this book shows how to build from scratch two different databases: MariaDB and SQLite using Java. In designing a GUI and as an IDE, you will make use of the NetBeans tool. In the first chapter, you will learn the basics of cryptography using Java. Here, you will learn how to write a Java program to count Hash, MAC (Message Authentication Code), store keys in a KeyStore, generate PrivateKey and PublicKey, encrypt / decrypt data, and generate and verify digital prints. In the second chapter, you will learn how to create and store salt passwords and verify them. You will create a Login table. In this case, you will see how to create a Java GUI using NetBeans to implement it. In addition to the Login table, in this chapter you will also create a Client table. In the case of the Client table, you will learn how to generate and save public and private keys into a database. You will also learn how to encrypt / decrypt data and save the results into a database. In the third chapter, you will create an Account table. This account table has the following ten fields: account_id (primary key), client_id (primarykey), account_number, account_date, account_type, plain_balance, cipher_balance, decipher_balance, digital_signature, and signature_verification. In this case, you will learn how to implement generating and verifying digital prints and storing the results into a database. In the fourth chapter, You create a table with the name of the Account, which has ten columns: account_id (primary key), client_id (primarykey), account_number, account_date, account_type, plain_balance, cipher_balance, decipher_balance, digital_signature, and signature_verification. In the fifth chapter, you will create a Client_Data table, which has the following seven fields: client_data_id (primary key), account_id (primary_key), birth_date, address, mother_name, telephone, and photo_path. In chapter six, you will be shown how to create SQLite database and tables with Java. In chapter seven, you will be taught how to extract image features, utilizing BufferedImage class, in Java GUI. Digital image techniques to extract image features used in this chapted are grascaling, sharpening, invertering, blurring, dilation, erosion, closing, opening, vertical prewitt, horizontal prewitt, Laplacian, horizontal sobel, and vertical sobel. For readers, you can develop it to store other advanced image features based on descriptors such as SIFT and others for developing descriptor based matching. In chapter eight, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Suspect table data. This table has eleven columns: suspect_id (primary key), suspect_name, birth_date, case_date, report_date, suspect_ status, arrest_date, mother_name, address, telephone, and photo. In chapter nine, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Feature_Extraction table data. This table has eight columns: feature_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5, and feature6. All six fields (except keys) will have a BLOB data type, so that the image of the feature will be directly saved into this table. In chapter ten, you will add two tables: Police_Station and Investigator. These two tables will later be joined to Suspect table through another table, File_Case, which will be built in the seventh chapter. The Police_Station has six columns: police_station_id (primary key), location, city, province, telephone, and photo. The Investigator has eight columns: investigator_id (primary key), investigator_name, rank, birth_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. Here, you will design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. In chapter eleven, you will add two tables: Victim and Case_File. The File_Case table will connect four other tables: Suspect, Police_Station, Investigator and Victim. The Victim table has nine columns: victim_id (primary key), victim_name, crime_type, birth_date, crime_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. The Case_File has seven columns: case_file_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), police_station_id (foreign key), investigator_id (foreign key), victim_id (foreign key), status, and description. Here, you will also design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. Finally, this book is hopefully useful and can improve database programming skills for every Java/MariaDB/SQLite pogrammer.

JDBC for SQL Server - Herong's Tutorial Examples

JDBC for SQL Server - Herong's Tutorial Examples PDF

Author: Herong Yang

Publisher: HerongYang.com

Published: 2019-01-01

Total Pages: 437



This JDBC tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JDBC technology himself. Topics include installing JDK and SQL Server; using SQL Server JDBC and JDBC-ODBC Bridge drivers; database connection URLs; introduction to Result Set, Meta Data, Prepared Statement, CLOB, and BLOB. Updated in 2024 (Version v3.13) with minor changes. For latest updates and free sample chapters, visit https://www.herongyang.com/JDBC-SQL-Server.

The Best Guide to Database Programming with Java GUI, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server

The Best Guide to Database Programming with Java GUI, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2020-01-13

Total Pages: 450



This book offers the straightforward, practical answers you need to help you do your job. This hands-on tutorial/reference/guide to PostgreSQL and SQL Server is not only perfect for students and beginners, but it also works for experienced developers who aren't getting the most from PostgreSQL and SQL Server. As you would expect, this book shows how to build from scratch two different databases: PostgreSQL and SQL Server using Java. In designing a GUI and as an IDE, you will make use of the NetBeans tool. In chapter one, you will learn: How to install NetBeans, JDK 11, and the PostgreSQL connector; How to integrate external libraries into projects; How the basic PostgreSQL commands are used; How to query statements to create databases, create tables, fill tables, and manipulate table contents is done. In chapter two, you will learn querying data from the postgresql using jdbc including establishing a database connection, creating a statement object, executing the query, processing the resultset object, querying data using a statement that returns multiple rows, querying data using a statement that has parameters, inserting data into a table using jdbc, updating data in postgresql database using jdbc, calling postgresql stored function using jdbc, deleting data from a postgresql table using jdbc, and postgresql jdbc transaction. In chapter three, you will learn the basics of cryptography using Java. Here, you will learn how to write a Java program to count Hash, MAC (Message Authentication Code), store keys in a KeyStore, generate PrivateKey and PublicKey, encrypt / decrypt data, and generate and verify digital prints. You will also learn how to create and store salt passwords and verify them. In chapter four, you will create a PostgreSQL database, named Bank, and its tables. In chapter five, you will create a Login table. In this case, you will see how to create a Java GUI using NetBeans to implement it. In addition to the Login table, in this chapter you will also create a Client table. In the case of the Client table, you will learn how to generate and save public and private keys into a database. You will also learn how to encrypt / decrypt data and save the results into a database. In chapter six, you will create an Account table. This account table has the following ten fields: account_id (primary key), client_id (primarykey), account_number, account_date, account_type, plain_balance, cipher_balance, decipher_balance, digital_signature, and signature_verification. In this case, you will learn how to implement generating and verifying digital prints and storing the results into a database. In chapter seven, you create a table named Client_Data, which has seven columns: client_data_id (primary key), account_id (primary_key), birth_date, address, mother_name, telephone, and photo_path. In chapter eight, you will be taught how to create a SQL Server database, named Crime, and its tables. In chapter nine, you will be taught how to extract image features, utilizing BufferedImage class, in Java GUI. In chapter ten, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Suspect table data. This table has eleven columns: suspect_id (primary key), suspect_name, birth_date, case_date, report_date, suspect_ status, arrest_date, mother_name, address, telephone, and photo. In chapter eleven, you will be taught to create Java GUI to view, edit, insert, and delete Feature_Extraction table data. This table has eight columns: feature_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5, and feature6. In chapter twelve, you will add two tables: Police_Station and Investigator. These two tables will later be joined to Suspect table through another table, File_Case, which will be built in the seventh chapter. The Police_Station has six columns: police_station_id (primary key), location, city, province, telephone, and photo. The Investigator has eight columns: investigator_id (primary key), investigator_name, rank, birth_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. Here, you will design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. In chapter thirteen, you will add two tables: Victim and File_Case. The File_Case table will connect four other tables: Suspect, Police_Station, Investigator and Victim. The Victim table has nine columns: victim_id (primary key), victim_name, crime_type, birth_date, crime_date, gender, address, telephone, and photo. The File_Case has seven columns: file_case_id (primary key), suspect_id (foreign key), police_station_id (foreign key), investigator_id (foreign key), victim_id (foreign key), status, and description. Here, you will also design a Java GUI to display, edit, fill, and delete data in both tables. Finally, this book is hopefully useful and can improve database programming skills for every Java/PostgreSQL/SQL Server programmer.

JDBC API Tutorial and Reference

JDBC API Tutorial and Reference PDF

Author: Maydene Fisher

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 1288

ISBN-13: 9780321173843


bull; A comprehensive tutorial AND useful rufescence in one volume bull; Includes multiple explanations and examples for the new features of the JDBC 3.0 specification bull; Written by the JDBC 3.0 architects, Maydene Fisher, Jon Ellis and Jonathan Bruce

Understanding SQL and Java Together

Understanding SQL and Java Together PDF

Author: Jim Melton

Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

Published: 2000

Total Pages: 552

ISBN-13: 9781558605626


Annotation With the growth of Java and the rise of database-powered Web applications, the need to use Java with SQL is clear. Until now, authoritative coverage of the techniques available to meet these challenges and reap their benefits-both programming and career benefits-didn't exist. Understanding SQL and Java Together examines all the standards for combining SQL and Java. It shows you exactly how to use their features to write efficient and effective code supporting Java access to SQL data in a variety of ways. You'll gain a thorough understanding of the relationship between SQL and Java, which will allow you to write static and dynamic SQL programs in Java, merge Java code with SQL databases and SQL code, and use other data management techniques wherever appropriate. * Covers all the technologies for using SQL and Java together, including JDBC, Java Blend, and SQLJ Parts 0, 1, and 2 * Explains how to embed SQL code in Java and take advantage of Java's ability to compile that code for aspecific DBMS * Explains how to store and invoke Java routines in an SQL database-and how to store Java objects in an SQL database for seamless interchange among application layers * Covers dynamic SQL access techniques using JDBC and advantageous ways to combine static and dynamic SQL * Comes with a CD-ROM containing Oracle's JDeveloper, Sybase's Adaptive Server Anywhere, Informix's Cloudscape, the complete database schema, and the complete text of most of the examples.

JDBC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

JDBC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples PDF

Author: Herong Yang

Publisher: HerongYang.com

Published: 2020-10-10

Total Pages: 150



This JDBC tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JDBC technology himself. Topics include installing JDK and Derby database server; using Derby JDBC driver; database connection URLs; introduction to Result Set; Meta Data, Prepared Statement, CLOB, and BLOB; connection pooling with DBCP and C3P0. Updated in 2024 (Version v3.13) with minor changes. For latest updates and free sample chapters, visit https://www.herongyang.com/JDBC.



Author: Gregory D. Speegle

Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

Published: 2002

Total Pages: 130

ISBN-13: 1558607366


1 -- Introduction to JDBC -- 2 -- Presenting Information to Users -- 3 -- Querying the Database -- 4 -- Updating the Database -- 5 -- Advanced JDBC Topics -- 6 -- An eCommerce Example -- 7 -- How to Stay Current with JDBC -- 8 -- Appendix.