Learn From Scratch Backpropagation Neural Networks Using Python GUI & MariaDB

Learn From Scratch Backpropagation Neural Networks Using Python GUI & MariaDB PDF

Author: Hamzan Wadi

Publisher: Turida Publisher


Total Pages: 583



This book provides a practical explanation of the backpropagation neural networks and how it can be implemented for data prediction and data classification. The discussion in this book is presented in step by step so that it will help readers understand the fundamental of the backpropagation neural networks and its steps. This book is very suitable for students, researchers, and anyone who want to learn and implement the backpropagation neural networks for data prediction and data classification using PYTHON GUI and MariaDB. The discussion in this book will provide readers deep understanding about the backpropagation neural networks architecture and its parameters. The readers will be guided to understand the steps of the backpropagation neural networks for data prediction and data classification through case examples. In addition, readers are also guided step by step to implement the backpropagation neural networks for data prediction and data classification using PYTHON GUI and MariaDB. The readers will be guided to create their own backpropagation neural networks class and build their complete applications for data prediction and data classification. This book consists of three cases which are realized into complete projects using the Python GUI and MariaDB. The three cases that will be learned in this book are as follow. 1. Sales prediction using the backpropagation neural networks. 2. Earthquake data prediction using the backpropagation neural networks. 3. Fruit quality classification using the backpropagation neural networks. Each case in this book is equipped with a mathematical calculation that will help the reader understand each step that must be taken. The cases in this book are realized into three types of applications which are command window based application, GUI based application, and database application using Python GUI and MariaDB. The final result of this book is that the readers are able to realize each step of the backpropagation neural networks for data prediction and data classification. In Addition, the readers also are able to create the backpropagation neural networks applications which consists of three types of applications which are command window based application, GUI based application, and database application using Python GUI and MariaDB.

Step By Step Neural Networks for Image Classification using Python GUI

Step By Step Neural Networks for Image Classification using Python GUI PDF

Author: Hamzan Wadi

Publisher: Turida Publisher


Total Pages: 207



This book provides a practical explanation of the backpropagation neural networks algorithm and how it can be implemented for image classification. The discussion in this book is presented in step by step so that it will help readers understand the fundamental of the backpropagation neural networks and its steps. This book is very suitable for students, researchers, and anyone who want to learn and implement the backpropagation neural networks for image classification using PYTHON GUI. The discussion in this book will provide readers deep understanding about the backpropagation neural networks architecture and its parameters. The readers will be guided to understand the steps of the backpropagation neural networks for image classification through case example. The readers will be guided to create their own neural networks class and build their complete applications for data image classification. The final objective of this book is that the readers are able to realize each step of the multilayer perceptron neural networks for image classification. In Addition, the readers also are able to create the neural networks applications which consists of two types of applications which are command window based application and GUI based application. Here are the material that you will learn in this book. CHAPTER 1: This chapter will guide you in preparing what software are needed to realize the backpropagation neural networks using Python GUI. The discussion in this chapter will start from installing Python and the libraries that will be used, installing Qt Designer, understanding and using Qt Designer to design the application UI, and the last is about how to create a GUI program using Python and Qt Designer. CHAPTER 2: This chapter discusses the important parts in the backpropagation neural networks algorithm which includes the architecture of the backpropagation neural networks, the parameters contained in the backpropagation neural networks, the steps of the backpropagation neural networks algorithm, and the mathematical calculations of the backpropagation neural networks. CHAPTER 3: This chapter discusses in detail the mathematical calculations of fruit quality classification using the backpropagation neural networks which includes the feature extraction process of fruit images, data normalization, the training process, and the classification process. The feature extraction method used in this case is GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix). The image features that will be used in this case are energy, contrast, entropy, and homogeneity. CHAPTER 4: This chapter discusses how to implement the backpropagation neural networks algorithm for fruit quality classification using Python. This chapter will present the steps to create your backpropagation neural networks class and to define the functions that represent each process of the backpropagation neural networks. This chapter will also present the steps to create a class for image processing. And in final discussion you will be guided to create your backpropagation neural networks application from scratch to classify the quality of fruit. CHAPTER 5: This chapter will discuss how to create a GUI based application for fruit quality classification using the backpropagation neural networks algorithm. This chapter will discuss in detail the steps for designing the application UI by using Qt Designer, the steps for creating a class for the backpropagation neural networks GUI based application, and how to run the GUI based application to classify the fruit data.

Neural Network for Beginners

Neural Network for Beginners PDF

Author: Sebastian Klaas

Publisher: BPB Publications

Published: 2021-08-24

Total Pages: 300

ISBN-13: 9389423716


KEY FEATURES ● Understand applications like reinforcement learning, automatic driving and image generation. ● Understand neural networks accompanied with figures and charts. ● Learn about determining coefficients and initial values of weights. DESCRIPTION Deep learning helps you solve issues related to data problems as it has a vast array of mathematical algorithms and has capacity to detect patterns. This book starts with a quick view of deep learning in Python which would include definition, features and applications. You would be learning about perceptron, neural networks, Backpropagation. This book would also give you a clear insight of how to use Numpy and Matplotlin in deep learning models. By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge to apply the relevant technologies in deep learning. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ● To develop deep learning applications, use Python with few outside inputs. ● Study several ideas of profound learning and neural networks ● Learn how to determine coefficients of learning and weight values ● Explore applications such as automation, image generation and reinforcement learning ● Implement trends like batch Normalisation, dropout, and Adam WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Deep Learning from the Basics is for data scientists, data analysts and developers who wish to build efficient solutions by applying deep learning techniques. Individuals who would want a better grasp of technology and an overview. You should have a workable Python knowledge is a required. NumPy knowledge and pandas will be an advantage, but that’s completely optional. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Python Introduction 2. Perceptron in Depth 3. Neural Networks 4. Training Neural Network 5. Backpropagation 6. Neural Network Training Techniques 7. CNN 8. Deep Learning

Step by Step Tutorial IMAGE CLASSIFICATION Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, And TensorFlow with PYTHON GUI

Step by Step Tutorial IMAGE CLASSIFICATION Using Scikit-Learn, Keras, And TensorFlow with PYTHON GUI PDF

Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2023-06-21

Total Pages: 211



In this book, implement deep learning-based image classification on classifying monkey species, recognizing rock, paper, and scissor, and classify airplane, car, and ship using TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries. In chapter 1, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify monkey species using 10 Monkey Species dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/slothkong/10-monkey-species/download). Here's an overview of the steps involved in classifying monkey species using the 10 Monkey Species dataset: Dataset Preparation: Download the 10 Monkey Species dataset from Kaggle and extract the files. The dataset should consist of separate folders for each monkey species, with corresponding images.; Load and Preprocess Images: Use libraries such as OpenCV to load the images from the dataset. Resize the images to a consistent size (e.g., 224x224 pixels) to ensure uniformity.; Split the Dataset: Divide the dataset into training and testing sets. Typically, an 80:20 or 70:30 split is used, where the larger portion is used for training and the smaller portion for testing the model's performance.; Label Encoding: Encode the categorical labels (monkey species) into numeric form. This step is necessary to train a machine learning model, as most algorithms expect numerical inputs.; Feature Extraction: Extract meaningful features from the images using techniques like deep learning or image processing algorithms. This step helps in representing the images in a format that the machine learning model can understand.; Model Training: Use libraries like TensorFlow and Keras to train a machine learning model on the preprocessed data. Choose an appropriate model architecture, in this case, MobileNetV2.; Model Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model on the testing set to assess its performance. Metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score can be used to evaluate the model's classification performance.; Predictions: Use the trained model to make predictions on new, unseen images. Pass the images through the trained model and obtain the predicted labels for the monkey species. In chapter 2, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to recognize rock, paper, and scissor using dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/sanikamal/rock-paper-scissors-dataset/download). Here's the outline of the steps: Step 1: Dataset Preparation: Download the rock-paper-scissors dataset from Kaggle by visiting the provided link and clicking on the "Download" button. Save the dataset to a local directory on your machine. Extract the downloaded dataset to a suitable location. This will create a folder containing the images for rock, paper, and scissors.; Step 2: Data Preprocessing: Import the required libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, OpenCV, and Pandas. Load the dataset using OpenCV: Iterate through the image files in the dataset directory and use OpenCV's cv2.imread() function to load each image. You can specify the image's file extension (e.g., PNG) and directory path. Preprocess the images: Resize the loaded images to a consistent size using OpenCV's cv2.resize() function. You may choose a specific width and height suitable for your model. Prepare the labels: Create a list or array to store the corresponding labels for each image (rock, paper, or scissors). This can be done based on the file naming convention or by mapping images to their respective labels using a dictionary.; Step 3: Model Training: Create a convolutional neural network (CNN) model using Keras: Define a CNN architecture using Keras' Sequential model or functional API. This typically consists of convolutional layers, pooling layers, and dense layers. Compile the model: Specify the loss function (e.g., categorical cross-entropy) and optimizer (e.g., Adam) using Keras' compile() function. You can also define additional metrics to evaluate the model's performance. Train the model: Use Keras' fit() function to train the model on the preprocessed dataset. Specify the training data, labels, batch size, number of epochs, and validation data if available. This will optimize the model's weights based on the provided dataset. Save the trained model: Once the model training is complete, you can save the trained model to disk using Keras' save() or save_weights() function. This allows you to load the model later for predictions or further training.; Step 4: Model Evaluation: Evaluate the trained model: Use Keras' evaluate() function to assess the model's performance on a separate testing dataset. Provide the testing data and labels to calculate metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. This will help you understand how well the model generalizes to new, unseen data. Analyze the model's performance: Interpret the evaluation metrics and analyze any potential areas of improvement. You can also visualize the confusion matrix or classification report to gain more insights into the model's predictions.; Step 5: Prediction: Use the trained model for predictions: Load the saved model using Keras' load_model() function. Then, pass new, unseen images through the model to obtain predictions. Preprocess these images in the same way as the training images (resize, normalize, etc.). Visualize and interpret predictions: Display the predicted labels alongside the corresponding images to see how well the model performs. You can use libraries like Matplotlib or OpenCV to show the images and their predicted labels. Additionally, you can calculate the accuracy of the model's predictions on the new dataset. In chapter 3, you will learn how to use TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy and other libraries to perform how to classify airplane, car, and ship using Multiclass-image-dataset-airplane-car-ship dataset provided by Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/abtabm/multiclassimagedatasetairplanecar). Here are the outline steps: Import the required libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy. Load and preprocess the dataset: Read the images from the dataset folder. Resize the images to a fixed size. Store the images and corresponding labels.; Split the dataset into training and testing sets: Split the data and labels into training and testing sets using a specified ratio.; Encode the labels: Convert the categorical labels into numerical format. Perform one-hot encoding on the labels.; Build MobileNetV2 model using Keras: Create a sequential model. Add convolutional layers with activation functions. Add pooling layers for downsampling. Flatten the output and add dense layers. Set the output layer with softmax activation.; Compile and train the model: Compile the model with an optimizer and loss function. Train the model using the training data and labels. Specify the number of epochs and batch size.; Evaluate the model: Evaluate the trained model using the testing data and labels. Calculate the accuracy of the model.; Make predictions on new images: Load and preprocess a new image. Use the trained model to predict the label of the new image. Convert the predicted label from numerical format to categorical.

Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python PDF

Author: Francois Chollet

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2017-11-30

Total Pages: 597

ISBN-13: 1638352046


Summary Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Machine learning has made remarkable progress in recent years. We went from near-unusable speech and image recognition, to near-human accuracy. We went from machines that couldn't beat a serious Go player, to defeating a world champion. Behind this progress is deep learning—a combination of engineering advances, best practices, and theory that enables a wealth of previously impossible smart applications. About the Book Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. You'll explore challenging concepts and practice with applications in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models. By the time you finish, you'll have the knowledge and hands-on skills to apply deep learning in your own projects. What's Inside Deep learning from first principles Setting up your own deep-learning environment Image-classification models Deep learning for text and sequences Neural style transfer, text generation, and image generation About the Reader Readers need intermediate Python skills. No previous experience with Keras, TensorFlow, or machine learning is required. About the Author François Chollet works on deep learning at Google in Mountain View, CA. He is the creator of the Keras deep-learning library, as well as a contributor to the TensorFlow machine-learning framework. He also does deep-learning research, with a focus on computer vision and the application of machine learning to formal reasoning. His papers have been published at major conferences in the field, including the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), the Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), and others. Table of Contents PART 1 - FUNDAMENTALS OF DEEP LEARNING What is deep learning? Before we begin: the mathematical building blocks of neural networks Getting started with neural networks Fundamentals of machine learning PART 2 - DEEP LEARNING IN PRACTICE Deep learning for computer vision Deep learning for text and sequences Advanced deep-learning best practices Generative deep learning Conclusions appendix A - Installing Keras and its dependencies on Ubuntu appendix B - Running Jupyter notebooks on an EC2 GPU instance

Deep Learning with Structured Data

Deep Learning with Structured Data PDF

Author: Mark Ryan

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2020-12-08

Total Pages: 262

ISBN-13: 163835717X


Deep Learning with Structured Data teaches you powerful data analysis techniques for tabular data and relational databases. Summary Deep learning offers the potential to identify complex patterns and relationships hidden in data of all sorts. Deep Learning with Structured Data shows you how to apply powerful deep learning analysis techniques to the kind of structured, tabular data you'll find in the relational databases that real-world businesses depend on. Filled with practical, relevant applications, this book teaches you how deep learning can augment your existing machine learning and business intelligence systems. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology Here’s a dirty secret: Half of the time in most data science projects is spent cleaning and preparing data. But there’s a better way: Deep learning techniques optimized for tabular data and relational databases deliver insights and analysis without requiring intense feature engineering. Learn the skills to unlock deep learning performance with much less data filtering, validating, and scrubbing. About the book Deep Learning with Structured Data teaches you powerful data analysis techniques for tabular data and relational databases. Get started using a dataset based on the Toronto transit system. As you work through the book, you’ll learn how easy it is to set up tabular data for deep learning, while solving crucial production concerns like deployment and performance monitoring. What's inside When and where to use deep learning The architecture of a Keras deep learning model Training, deploying, and maintaining models Measuring performance About the reader For readers with intermediate Python and machine learning skills. About the author Mark Ryan is a Data Science Manager at Intact Insurance. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. Table of Contents 1 Why deep learning with structured data? 2 Introduction to the example problem and Pandas dataframes 3 Preparing the data, part 1: Exploring and cleansing the data 4 Preparing the data, part 2: Transforming the data 5 Preparing and building the model 6 Training the model and running experiments 7 More experiments with the trained model 8 Deploying the model 9 Recommended next steps

Autonomous Horizons

Autonomous Horizons PDF

Author: Greg Zacharias

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2019-04-05

Total Pages: 420

ISBN-13: 9781092834346


Dr. Greg Zacharias, former Chief Scientist of the United States Air Force (2015-18), explores next steps in autonomous systems (AS) development, fielding, and training. Rapid advances in AS development and artificial intelligence (AI) research will change how we think about machines, whether they are individual vehicle platforms or networked enterprises. The payoff will be considerable, affording the US military significant protection for aviators, greater effectiveness in employment, and unlimited opportunities for novel and disruptive concepts of operations. Autonomous Horizons: The Way Forward identifies issues and makes recommendations for the Air Force to take full advantage of this transformational technology.

Step By Step Database Programming using Python GUI & MySQL

Step By Step Database Programming using Python GUI & MySQL PDF

Author: Hamzan Wadi

Publisher: TURIDA Publisher


Total Pages: 384



This book provides a practical explanation of database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. The discussion in this book is presented in step by step so that it will help readers understand each material and also will make it easier for the readers to follow all of the instructions. This book is very suitable for students, programmers, and anyone who want to learn database programming using Python GUI & MySQL from scratch. This book is divided into two parts: The first part of this book will discuss about the fundamentals of database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. This part will discuss in detail about how to setup your working environment and how to understand GUI programming using Python. This part will also discuss in detail about how to start your database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. This part will discuss in detail about the basic of database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. The second part of this book will discuss about how to build database application using Python GUI & MySQL. This part will discuss in detail about how to build Multiple Document Interface (MDI) database application through real project-based example. This part will discuss in detail about how to design and create database for Library Management System application, and how to create all forms for the application. The final objective of this book is that the readers are able to create real database application using Python GUI & MySQL. Here are the materials that you will learn in this book. PART I: THE FUNDAMENTAL OF DATABASE PROGRAMMING USING PYTHON GUI & MySQL CHAPTER 1: The discussion in this chapter will guide you in preparing what software are needed to start your database programming using Python GUI. This chapter will guide you to install all software including Python, MySQL, and Qt Designer. In addition, this chapter also will discuss about how to understand and use Qt Designer for user interface design, and how to create a GUI application using Python and Qt Designer. CHAPTER 2: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to start your database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. This chapter will discuss in detail about the basic of database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. The discussion in this chapter will talk about how to create and drop database, how to create and drop table, how to insert data into table, how to display data from table, how to update data in table, and how to delete data in table. All discussions in this chapter will give you deep understanding of database programming using Python GUI & MySQL. PART II: BUILDING DATABASE APPLICATION USING PYTHON GUI & MySQL, CASE STUDY: LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM APPLICATION CHAPTER 3: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to design and create database for library management system application. This is the first step that must be taken to create database application using Python GUI & MySQL. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to design the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for library management system application. The discussion in this chapter will also talk about how to create database and its tables based on the ERD design using MySQL server. CHAPTER 4: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to create main form and login form for the application. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to create these two forms. These forms are the first two forms that we will create in building library management system application. This chapter will also discuss about how to run the application. CHAPTER 5: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to create user accounts form and members form for Library Management System application. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to create these two forms. This chapter will also discuss about how to add these two forms as MDI sub windows of the main form. And the final discussion of this chapter will guide you to use the forms to manage user accounts and members data of Library Management System application. CHAPTER 6: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to create authors form, genres form, and books form for Library Management System application. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to create these three forms. This chapter will also discuss about how to add books form as MDI sub window of the main form. And the final discussion of this chapter will guide you to use the forms to manage authors, genres, and books data in Library Management System application. CHAPTER 7: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to create member search form, book search form, and loan transaction form for Library Management System application. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to create these three forms. This chapter will also discuss about how to add loan transaction form as MDI sub window of the main form. And the final discussion of this chapter will guide you to use the forms to manage loan transactions in Library Management System application. CHAPTER 8: The discussion in this chapter will guide you to create members statistic form, books statistic form, and loan statistic form for Library Management System application. This chapter will discuss in detail about how to create these three forms. This chapter will also discuss about how to add all of the forms as MDI sub windows of the main form. And the final discussion of this chapter will guide you to use all of the forms to display the statistics in the library.

Python for Programmers

Python for Programmers PDF

Author: Paul Deitel

Publisher: Prentice Hall

Published: 2019-03-15

Total Pages: 1259

ISBN-13: 0135231345


The professional programmer’s Deitel® guide to Python® with introductory artificial intelligence case studies Written for programmers with a background in another high-level language, Python for Programmers uses hands-on instruction to teach today’s most compelling, leading-edge computing technologies and programming in Python–one of the world’s most popular and fastest-growing languages. Please read the Table of Contents diagram inside the front cover and the Preface for more details. In the context of 500+, real-world examples ranging from individual snippets to 40 large scripts and full implementation case studies, you’ll use the interactive IPython interpreter with code in Jupyter Notebooks to quickly master the latest Python coding idioms. After covering Python Chapters 1-5 and a few key parts of Chapters 6-7, you’ll be able to handle significant portions of the hands-on introductory AI case studies in Chapters 11-16, which are loaded with cool, powerful, contemporary examples. These include natural language processing, data mining Twitter® for sentiment analysis, cognitive computing with IBM® WatsonTM, supervised machine learning with classification and regression, unsupervised machine learning with clustering, computer vision through deep learning and convolutional neural networks, deep learning with recurrent neural networks, big data with Hadoop®, SparkTM and NoSQL databases, the Internet of Things and more. You’ll also work directly or indirectly with cloud-based services, including Twitter, Google TranslateTM, IBM Watson, Microsoft® Azure®, OpenMapQuest, PubNub and more. Features 500+ hands-on, real-world, live-code examples from snippets to case studies IPython + code in Jupyter® Notebooks Library-focused: Uses Python Standard Library and data science libraries to accomplish significant tasks with minimal code Rich Python coverage: Control statements, functions, strings, files, JSON serialization, CSV, exceptions Procedural, functional-style and object-oriented programming Collections: Lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, NumPy arrays, pandas Series & DataFrames Static, dynamic and interactive visualizations Data experiences with real-world datasets and data sources Intro to Data Science sections: AI, basic stats, simulation, animation, random variables, data wrangling, regression AI, big data and cloud data science case studies: NLP, data mining Twitter®, IBM® WatsonTM, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, Hadoop®, SparkTM, NoSQL, IoT Open-source libraries: NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, SciPy, NLTK, TextBlob, spaCy, Textatistic, Tweepy, scikit-learn®, Keras and more Accompanying code examples are available here: http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/imprint_downloads/informit/bookreg/9780135224335/9780135224335_examples.zip. Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for more information.

Intelligent System Design

Intelligent System Design PDF

Author: Suresh Chandra Satapathy

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2020-08-10

Total Pages: 865

ISBN-13: 9811554005


This book presents a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers from the 6th International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA 2019), held at Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, India, from 1 to 2 November 2019. It covers a wide range of topics in computer science and information technology, including data mining and data warehousing, high-performance computing, parallel and distributed computing, computational intelligence, soft computing, big data, cloud computing, grid computing and cognitive computing.