Law & Liberty: A Biblical Look at Legalism

Law & Liberty: A Biblical Look at Legalism PDF

Author: Don Kistler

Publisher: The Northampton Press

Published: 2015-03-16

Total Pages: 299

ISBN-13: 0984706259


The authors in this compilation address the issue of legalism from a variety of angles. John MacArthur shows, first that obedience to God is not an issue of legalism, but an issue of love. In his second chapter, he deals with the inevitable response of people who are confronted with Biblical standards, "Judge not that ye be not judged." Here MacArthur shows what our Lord meant when He said that, and shows what biblical discernment really is, that there is a vast difference between judgmental and holding people accountable to God's standards. Phil Johnson, in his first chapter, deals with Christian liberty. In his second chapter, he takes a critical look at two kinds of legalism, then explores the relationship of Christian love and Christian liberty. Joel Beeke shows that enthusiasm for God's law is not necessarily legalism. One can be zealous without being legalistic. As David wrote: "Oh, how I love Thy Law!" Bruce Bickel explains that legalism is due to a weak understanding of what Christ accomplished on the cross. Jim Elliff makes clear that legalism is an attack on unity within the Body of Christ, particularly local congregations. Ken Talbot helps us to see that legalism is inconsistent with and incompatible with the doctrine of justification by faith alone. He points out that the doctrine of "free will" leads to this dangerous position. Rick Phillips explores the relationship to loving God and obeying His law. Some today believe that love is all that matters, and that the law as a guideline to love is extinct. Then this author shows that Biblical sanctification is the antidote to and the opposite of legalism. Steven J. Lawson shows that legalism is the result of holding to man-made traditions over the truth of God's Word. Second, he points out how dangerous and deadly a thing legalism is and why. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: What Legalism Is, What Legalism Does - Don Kistler 2. Truth Vs. Tradition - Stephen J. Lawson 3. Love and God's Law - Richard D. Philips 4. The Cross Is Enough - Bruce Bickel 5. The Danger of Legalism - Steven J. Lawson 6. Obedience: Love or Legalism? - John MacArthur 7. Zealous But not Legalistic - Joel Beeke 8. The Plague of Free-Will Moralism - Kenneth Talbot 9. Judging Vs. Biblical Discernment - John MacArthur 10. Stand Fast in Liberty - Phil Johnson 11. Real Love and Real Liberty - Phil Johnson 12. What Freedom From the Law Accomplishes For the Local Church - Jim Elliff 13. Biblical Sanctification: The Antidote to Legalism - Richard D. Philips

Law and Liberty

Law and Liberty PDF

Author: Don Kistler


Published: 2013

Total Pages: 197

ISBN-13: 9780984706211


There are two deadly extremes Christians must avoid: legalism and antinomianism. Both are antithetical to the gospel. One raises God's standards and the other lowers them. This book addresses the first of those deadly traps, that of legalism. It is a term that is often thrown about, but is seldom defined. In this helpful book, several noted preachers and theologians show what legalism is and how destructive it can be to a right understanding of both justification and sanctification. Legalism is "a yoke that neither we nor our fathers could bear." Fortunately, that "yoke" was borne by Christ at the cross, and He alone is able to bear it. He has "fulfilled all righteousness" for us, and that is a reason for rejoicing. - Publisher.

The Royal Law of Liberty

The Royal Law of Liberty PDF

Author: Darwin Chandler

Publisher: Trafford Publishing

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 512

ISBN-13: 141200134X


This book is a frontal assault on all law based, obedience oriented religion. Most Christians carry a load of spiritual bondage, condemnation, guilt and shame. Some are deeply despondent and depressed because this load is too heavy for them to bear. Few Christians are truly confident in their personal relationship with God. This situation exists because: 1) Christians are generally unable to distinguish between actual sin versus mere human opinion about sin; 2) Christians do not understand that Jesus set them free from obedience based religion; 3) Christians do not know how to decide for themselves what is truly moral; 4) Christians have no real experience of "Christian Liberty." These issues are examined in sufficient detail to enable one to understand the radical nature of the "freedom for which Christ set us free," (Gal. 5:1). The author's goal is to destroy the roots of religious legalism so Christian believers can live the life of freedom which is their spiritual "blood-right." Beginning with a development of the "Master Key" to Biblical morality, the nature and implications of Christ's "Law of Love" are thoroughly explored. Next, the author discusses the true nature of morality, answering the question, "What exactly makes a thing sinful?" Careful attention is given to the concept of "defilement" or "uncleanness," with a bold look at Paul's revolutionary statement that "nothing is unclean of itself," (Rom. 14:14, 20). In Part Three, Legalism is exposed in all its ugliness. This section details the Biblical method for determining what is truly sin, and what is merely human opinion. Part Four destroys the bitter root of Legalism with persistent emphasis on the fact that Jesus Christ ended the rule of law by His life, death and resurrection. Part Five looks at the theology of Galatians, the Christian's "Emancipation Proclamation," closing with pointed illustration of how this all affects a Christian's liberty to exercise personal choice in what (s)he will or won't do. Five appendices explore several specific issues raised by the preceding study. These include: Conclusions About Christian Liberty "Contradictory" Scriptures? Christian Liberty and Sexual Issues The Necessity Of Experiencing Freedom The Non-Negotiables of Bible Study This is the only book on Christian Freedom written by an ex Fundamentalist. The author was raised in an atmosphere of extreme legalism. The first half of his Christian ministry was spent preaching, defending and even debating the concepts that he now seeks to destroy. The author lived in legalism forty years. He understands legalism. He therefore knows how to attack its vulnerable spots. His goal was not to write a book, but to give to anyone who is interested, information that will set them free from bondage to legalism and open the pathway to self-government under the rule of love. For more information on spiritual freedom visit the author's website,

Escaping Legalism

Escaping Legalism PDF

Author: Chris Brown

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2014-03-09

Total Pages: 210

ISBN-13: 9781505400281


Is a Christian supposed to keep the Old Testament Jewish law? Is it even possible? So much confusion abounds among believers about the Old Testament Jewish law and it's place in our lives today. And there may be even more confusion regarding the ideal of Christian liberty. The apostle Paul faced the same issues and explained in clear detail to the Galatian Christians what the answers were. In Escaping Legalism you will be able to learn for yourself how the Jewish law relates to you and what it means to have liberty in Christ. After reading this study of Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia, you will not have to be confused about the Law or Christian liberty ever again.

Delighting in the Law of the Lord

Delighting in the Law of the Lord PDF

Author: Jerram Barrs

Publisher: Crossway

Published: 2013-09-30

Total Pages: 354

ISBN-13: 1433537168


Our culture has a few catch phrases: Be who you want to be; Do what makes you happy. We are told to do our own thing and follow our own rules, which often makes the Bible appear to be oppressively restrictive and hopelessly outdated, even to Christians! Responding to the misdirection of our society and misperceptions the church has of God's law, Professor Jerram Barrs helps readers recognize the beauty in and purpose of God's rules for living healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives. From the Old Testament to the New, Barrs demonstrates how God's commands to his people were intended to protect them from sin and direct them in godliness. Rejecting the idea that we can earn God's favor through good works, Barrs nevertheless highlights how God's commands should spur us to obedience and ultimately remind us of grace.

Liberty: Freedom Not to Sin

Liberty: Freedom Not to Sin PDF

Author: David Pawson

Publisher: Anchor Recordings Limited

Published: 2021-11

Total Pages: 50

ISBN-13: 9781913472443


No one is able to keep all of the laws of the Old Testament - all of the time, not even the holy men of the Old Testament - Moses, King David and others. Jesus himself said that even if you only look at a woman lustfully you have already committed adultery in your heart. Priests and those in leadership within the Church have often been guilty of misusing the laws of Moses by teaching and demanding strict, literal or even excessive conformity to the Old Testament Law. Such practice puts one under the law, and even places the law above the gospel. In his letter to the Galatians Paul teaches that to be a Christian you do not need to be circumcised and that an over emphasis on keeping the laws, including keeping the Sabbath results in legalism and ultimately brings God's Wrath. The opposite of legalism is license - doing whatever you want whenever you want and that you are only responsible to yourself rather than a higher authority. This also brings God's wrath. In this book David Pawson explains how through Christ's death and resurrection, we have been released from the legalism of the Old Testament Laws (which no one is able to keep all of the time), not to do the opposite which will result in sin by doing whatever we please, whenever we want, but through Christ we have been given true liberty ...the liberty to choose not to sin, by walking in the Spirit.

Strange Fire

Strange Fire PDF

Author: John MacArthur

Publisher: HarperChristian + ORM

Published: 2013-11-19

Total Pages: 353

ISBN-13: 1400205182


In Strange Fire, bestselling author and pastor John MacArthur chronicles the unsavory history behind the modern Charismatic movement. What would God say about those who blatantly misrepresent His Holy Spirit; who exchange true worship for chaotic fits of mindless ecstasy; who replace the biblical gospel with vain illusions of health and wealth; who claim to prophesy in His name yet speak errors; and who sell false hope to desperate people for millions of dollars? The charismatic movement has always been a breeding-ground for scandal, greed, bad doctrine, and all kinds of spiritual chicanery. As a movement, it is clearly headed the wrong direction. And it is growing at an unprecedented rate. From the Word of Faith to the New Apostolic Reformation, the Charismatic movement is being consumed by the empty promises of the prosperity gospel. Too many charismatic celebrities promote a “Christianity” without Christ, a Holy Spirit without holiness. And their teaching is having a disastrous influence on a grand scale, as large television networks broadcast their heresies to every part of the world. In Strange Fire, MacArthur lays out a chilling case against the modern Charismatic movement that includes: Rejecting its false prophets. Speaking out against their errors. Showing true reverence to the Holy Spirit. Clinging to the Bible as the inerrant, authoritative Word of God and the one true standard by which all truth claims must be tested.

The Perils of Global Legalism

The Perils of Global Legalism PDF

Author: Eric A. Posner

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: 2009-10-15

Total Pages: 286

ISBN-13: 0226675920


The first months of the Obama administration have led to expectations, both in the United States and abroad, that in the coming years America will increasingly promote the international rule of law—a position that many believe is both ethically necessary and in the nation’s best interests. With The Perils of Global Legalism, Eric A. Posner explains that such views demonstrate a dangerously naive tendency toward legalism—an idealistic belief that law can be effective even in the absence of legitimate institutions of governance. After tracing the historical roots of the concept, Posner carefully lays out the many illusions—such as universalism, sovereign equality, and the possibility of disinterested judgment by politically unaccountable officials—on which the legalistic view is founded. Drawing on such examples as NATO’s invasion of Serbia, attempts to ban the use of land mines, and the free-trade provisions of the WTO, Posner demonstrates throughout that the weaknesses of international law confound legalist ambitions—and that whatever their professed commitments, all nations stand ready to dispense with international agreements when it suits their short- or long-term interests. Provocative and sure to be controversial, The Perils of Global Legalism will serve as a wake-up call for those who view global legalism as a panacea—and a reminder that international relations in a brutal world allow no room for illusions.



Author: Rob Primeau

Publisher: Word Publishing Company, LLC

Published: 2019-07-17

Total Pages: 294

ISBN-13: 9780578542188


GK Chesterton said; anyone who takes down a piece of a fence should always first pause as to why it was put up in the first place." I give Chesterton credit for coming to the truth that we do, indeed, need a fence, but he missed the mark in not pausing long enough to question the fence itself. When Roman Catholicism dejudiazed the traditions written in The Bible, they ripped down a wall that can never be replaced, and in its place erected a fence that merely resembles the wall. Ever since that time Christians have been tearing down and rebuilding this fence, and implicit in this ridiculous action lies the fact that the entire fence is inadequate. A fence cannot contain what a wall was meant to contain, and no matter how hard man tries he cannot rebuild or improve upon what God has already built, he can only yield to it. Until men consider how best to re-erect the original wall, they will always find themselves in the ridiculous position of patching and re-patching an old tattered fence- like an old shepherd who is too proud, attached, and blind to admit that his little fence is obsolete and unable to protect his flock from the wolves. The Christmas tree is rather symbolic of modern day Christendom. The danger in adding new customs and laws into a society is not in the customs themselves; it is that they trivialize the true Laws and customs which had real moral meaning in them. Jesus, when holding the "traditions of the Pharisees" in contempt, for this very reason; ended the conversation with decisiveness, stating, "every tree that my Heavenly Father has not planted must be uprooted". The Christmas tree is symbolic, in that it is a tree without roots; and we know what happened to the seed that sprang up quickly but had no root; it withered quickly. Christendom has been as a swinging pendulum; swinging from one extreme to the other; from piety one generation to profanity to the next-- because it has no root. Both the pastor and the politician have warned us of these things. The politician feared that the truth would be concealed from us. The pastor feared that the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevant nonsense. The politician feared the systematic dismantling of the bonds in our local communities. The pastor feared that no such bonds would exist. The politician believed we would become a captive culture. The pastor feared that we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with vacation time, reality television, and drunken games. In short, the politician feared that inflicting pain would oppress us; the pastor feared that inflicting pleasure would oppress us. We are starting to now realize is that the fears of the politician, are quickly becoming a reality, because the pastor's fears have long been our reality. The obvious shortcomings of our modern system of law and government give reason to call them into consideration. This treatise not only calls into consideration the current systems of Law--both religious and civil, but also proposes a new Government that encompasses both. This is a political treatise on the genesis of a civil society. It takes man in his state in nature, and then illustrates how a civil society spontaneously arises from his action. Composed of many short essays compiled into three books, it outlines the genesis of society, the need for Absolutes in that society, and the third is on the unfolding of Scripture which brings together the first two together, in a coherent worldview.

From Legalism to Freedom

From Legalism to Freedom PDF

Author: Dallas R. Burdette

Publisher: Xulon Press

Published: 2008-08

Total Pages: 498

ISBN-13: 1606477374


In 1517, Martin Luther took a stand for justification by faith alone in the finished work of Christ upon Calvary. As a result of his position, he suffered persecution for adhering to the Scriptures alone and not to traditions. This book traces my spiritual journey from legalism to freedom in Christ. In sixteen chapters, I map out my heritage within the Churches of Christ and the motivations that eventually led me out of bondage to liberty. One of the lengthiest chapters in this book is "Where the Scriptures Speak." One objective of this chapter is to help individuals to understand that one may speak where the Bible speaks and not necessarily speak as the Bible speaks. Chapters 11, 12, and 13 represent the very heart of my escape from authoritarianism to my dependence upon God's righteousness, a righteousness from God through faith in Jesus. Chapter 14 focuses on preaching in the early church. Without an understanding of the Gospel that the apostles proclaimed, Christians will never learn the spirit of toleration for differences within the Christian community. Chapters 8, 15, and 16 give attention to the Last Supper. The communion should be a constant reminder of the Cross and true unity among God's children. Chapter 1, 2, and 3 outline my original journey of faith. Dallas Burdette has been a serious student, teacher and preacher of the Bible for fifty-eight years, supporting himself for many years as an agent for AFLAC. He has written numerous articles for religious journals, as well as many essays and sermons which are available on his website. He has developed a keen interest in promoting unity among God's people through a more accurate reading of the Word. He has degrees from Amridge University (formerly Southern Christian University) where he also was Director of Extended Learning for five years. He holds the Doctor of Ministry degree (1999) from Erskine Theological Seminary.