
Kasinomics PDF

Author: GG Alcock

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2015-10-01

Total Pages: 213

ISBN-13: 0620651660


Kasinomi is a book as eclectic, mysterious and colourful as the places and people it explores. eKasi, the lokasie, the South African township, once an apartheid ghetto, is today an amazingly transformed place. This township today is an eclectic mix of mansions, shacks, spaza shops, rocking taverns, hawkers, taxis and hot wheels. In this kasi there are vibrant businesses, energetic people, a tightly networked social community and abundant hope. That is not to say there isn't extreme poverty, suffering and dissatisfaction, particularly on the peripheries in the huge shack settlements, but to paint the place as a slum is a massive mistake. Kasinomi attempts to cast a light on the invisible matrix at the heart of South Africa's informal economies and the people who live in them. Living and doing business in African marketplaces requires an ethos uniquely suited to the informal, to the invisible, to the intangible. Kasinomi will take you down those rural pathways, weave between claustrophobic mazes of shacks, browse a muti market, visit a spirit returning ceremony and save money with gogo in a stokvel among many more people and places. After almost twenty years of focusing on marketing to the informal sector, GG Alcock, CEO of specialist marketing company Minanawe, showcases a number of groundbreaking and very successful case studies in this invisible informal world. His vivid anecdotes and life experiences and how they link to understanding and inspiration for business ideas will make you gasp, laugh and shake your head in wonder.

KasiNomic Revolution

KasiNomic Revolution PDF

Author: GG Alcock

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2018-10-22

Total Pages: 236

ISBN-13: 0639926487


The informal business sector is the next great frontier of Africa and it is undergoing an economic revolution, a new world of small people doing big things, transforming the continent. Prepare for this new generation, prepare for the Afripolitan Generation. A revolution is taking place in the great marketplaces of the informal sector and it contains an unquantified scale and power as an economic engine and a way of life for the majority of our low income populations. The KasiNomic Revolution may still be a murmur in the streets, a grassroots economic groundswell, but it is the future of African economic activity. Kasi is the South African term for the township, a teeming conurbation of homes and businesses, entertainment venues and social meeting places. GG Alcock uses the term KasiNomics to describe the informal sectors of Africa, whether they are in the township, a rural marketplace, at a taxi rank or on a pavement in the shadow of skyscrapers. Brought up in a rural Zulu community, GG has learnt and shares the lessons of African culture, language, stick fighting, lifestyle and tribal politics, along with shared poverty and community, which have prepared him for accessing the great informal marketplaces of Africa. He is uniquely placed to uncover the extraordinary stories of kasi businesses which not only survive but excel, revealing a revolutionary entrepreneurship which is mostly invisible to the formal sector. KasiNomic Revolution is a story of kasi entrepreneurs on one side and, on the other, of great corporate successes and failures in the informal community. KasiNomic Revolution is at once a business book, and at the same time a deeply human book about the people and lives of rural and urban informal societies. KasiNomic Revolution is about the lessons of marketing, distribution, culture and modernity in an informal African world. Prepare for a KasiNomic Revolution.

Born White Zulu Bred

Born White Zulu Bred PDF

Author: GG Alcock

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2023-04-10

Total Pages: 302

ISBN-13: 1998958701


You may have read GG Alcock's books about the kasi economy; now follow his journey to the dynamic world of KasiNomics and learn about the tribal forces that shaped him. Born White Zulu Bred is the story of a white child and his brother raised in poverty in a Zulu community in rural South Africa during the apartheid era. His extraordinary parents, Creina and Neil Alcock, gave up lives of comfort and privilege to live and work among the destitute people of Msinga, whose material and social well-being became their mission. But more than that, this is a story about life in South Africa today which, through GG's unique perspective, explores the huge diversity of the country's people – from tribal Zulu warriors to sophisticated urban black township entrepreneurs. A journey from the arid wastes of Msinga into the thriving informal economies of urban townships. GG's view is that we do not live in a black and white world but in a world of contrast and diversity, one which he wants South Africans, and a world audience, to see for what it is without descending into racial and historical clichés. He takes us through the mazes of township marketplaces, shacks and crowded streets to reveal the proud and dignified world of township entrepreneurs who are transforming South Africa's economy. This is the world that he moves in today as a successful businessman, still walking those spaces and celebrating the vibrant informal economies that are taking part in the KasiNomic Revolution. GG's story is about being truly African, even as a white person, and it draws on the adventures, the cultural challenges, the informal spaces and the future possibilities of South Africa.

The Economy On Your Doorstep

The Economy On Your Doorstep PDF

Author: Ayabonga Cawe

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2021-05-12

Total Pages: 216

ISBN-13: 1776260953


We must look beyond the now, the current economy on our doorstep, and ... reach out to a humanity that lies dormant in all of us. While the depth and sophistication of South Africa's financial and capital markets are lauded by indices the world over, South Africa is also considered to be the most unequal society in the world. The Economy On Your Doorstep probes the reasons for this tragic paradox of South African life and tries to go through and beyond the graphs, margin calls, trading updates, indices and earnings reports to explain how economic 'actions' frame the lives of South Africans in a transitional society faced with the challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. The economy is and always has been primarily about people. How they live, what they produce, under what conditions and what social, political and environmental factors influence decisions of consumption, investment and distribution, and how they act under conditions of uncertainty, scarcity, need and crisis. After all, economies are about people coming together to produce, exchange, distribute and consume goods and services that emerge from their communities and those of others. How and under what conditions can we ensure the expansion of our productive forces, while expanding access to the base of assets, services and support that allow for the social reproduction of our entire society and workforce? Ayabonga Cawe outlines some key areas that can and should define a policy agenda towards a 'people's economy' in South Africa and the long-term objectives of such a policy programme, and engages with the political economy of 21st century South Africa through an analysis of a few selected areas of the economy and the implications of this for policy action. This is what this book is about, an exposition of what we see around us and an explanation and discussion of possible ways beyond it. In this well-researched book, Ayabonga Cawe, a development economist, columnist and broadcaster, makes sense of the post-apartheid political economy through the lives of the many people who live and survive in it every day.

I Don't Want to Die Unknown

I Don't Want to Die Unknown PDF

Author: Dan Moyane

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2021-10-22

Total Pages: 263

ISBN-13: 1920707263


Dan Moyane was 10 years old when he lay on his back on a patch of grass at his parents' home in White City Jabavu, Soweto, looking at the moon and thinking, 'I don't want to die unknown.' The year was 1969, and Neil Armstrong and his team had recently achieved immortality by completing the first moon landing. It was the knowledge that the astronauts would be remembered as long as the world turned that made Dan realise that he, too, would like to be remembered by people outside of his immediate community, just as he would like to find out more about what lay beyond his horizon. Dan's insatiable curiosity and love of learning have ensured that his name has, indeed, become known throughout South Africa. This is the story of how he achieved his goal – from his days as a student at the apex of South Africa's political turmoil, to his years in exile in Mozambique and his first job in media, and the trajectory of a career that would see him become one of South Africa's most highly regarded and influential broadcasters. It is a career that led Dan to interview prominent leaders in Mozambique and South Africa and become acquainted with the likes of Nelson Mandela and Graça Machel, and saw him cover the country's birth into democracy, and help shape South Africans' understanding of the changed world around them. I Don't Want to Die Unknown delves into these experiences, giving a glimpse into the inquisitiveness and desire to know more, do more and be more that has driven Dan Moyane. It offers a rare insight into the man behind the microphone – his ambitions, trials, and motivations. Part memoir, part legacy, this book bears testimony to the fact that far from dying unknown, Dan is one of South Africa's most important, high profile media players and his story provides the framework for his next significant question: How best to use his public profile to benefit his countrymen.

The Best Dick

The Best Dick PDF

Author: Mike Sharman

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2017-10-30

Total Pages: 258

ISBN-13: 0620760680


Mike Sharman invites you to share in the hustle, in this business book The Best Dick. From the enthusiastic, entrepreneurial beginnings of a bootstrapped startup founder - a relatively inexperienced 26 year old - to a seasoned, professional, storyteller, who has built a boutique social media advertising agency that has made more brands go viral, globally, than any other studio in Africa. Mike seamlessly and hypnotically entwines business insights and universal premises of first hires, cash flow challenges, brand building, networking and pitches, with his humorous storyselling approach to deliver a page-turner complete with armed robberies, fancy-dress competitions and partnering with some of the planet's most coveted brands. The Best Dick is the catalyst you've been waiting for, your entire life, to encourage your emancipation from the payroll hamster wheel, in order to just start your own business. And, for the existing entrepreneur to find solace in the fact that founding your own company is the best, damn decision you ever made. Life is short. Play naked!


Scarred PDF

Author: Kim McCusker

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2016-11-10

Total Pages: 281

ISBN-13: 0620711035


Brutally dragged 780 metres beneath a taxi, a young woman's inspiring story of survival, courage, and the will to live. 13 September 2011. The story would shock thousands and be remembered by many for years to come. It would be plastered all over the papers and continue to attract interest well after the shock factor of what happened had passed. Reports and articles would be written, and "facts", as given to reporters by some of those involved and willing to be interviewed, would be recounted and repeated in all forms of public media over the months and even years that followed. And although these versions would generate widespread outrage, none was entirely accurate. The stories were about me. I was there. I am Kim McCusker, "the girl who was dragged by a taxi". This, as I experienced it, is the true version of events.

20 Habits That Break Habits

20 Habits That Break Habits PDF

Author: Pepe Marais

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2020-11-09

Total Pages: 174

ISBN-13: 1990931723


After hitting a brick wall in both his business and personal life in 2006, Pepe Marais discovered his purpose on which he rebuilt all aspects of his life over the course of the next fourteen years. The results of his purposeful approach to life have been nothing short of spectacular and in this, his second book, Pepe once again sets out to deliver on his personal purpose: to bring out the best in those around him. The life lessons that Pepe provides in 20 Habits That Break Habits are based on Aristotle's insight that we are what we repeatedly do, and that excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit. Through his own experience, Pepe has learnt that there are two kinds of habits: those that limit us and those that liberate us. And in order to eradicate a limiting habit, you simply have to replace it with a liberating one. Throughout this book, Pepe shares some of his own most limiting habits that held him back over the course of his journey, and the liberating habits he replaced each of them with in order to create a significant breakthrough in his own life. From turning wine into water, to replacing television with the kitchen table, if a book could come with a warning sign, then this one should. Because ... it may just change your life! 20 Habits That Break Habits reflects a deep concern for developing human potential and is in service of your journey towards discovering your own inner greatness.

Leo's Guide to Not Becoming a Statistic

Leo's Guide to Not Becoming a Statistic PDF

Author: Leo Prinsloo

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2021-09-27

Total Pages: 142

ISBN-13: 1920707301


If this book saves just one person's life, Leo Prinsloo will be happy. Leo became a worldwide internet sensation after footage of his reaction to an attempted high-value goods-in-transit heist went viral. Stunned by his cool attitude and focused action in a crisis situation, South Africans had an example of what can happen when good people take a stand. With decades of experience in security – first as a policeman, then in the South African Police Service's Special Task Force, and now providing arms handling and security training in the private sector – Leo has a wealth of knowledge on how to manage life-threatening incidents. Driven by a desire to empower South Africans and help them claim back their sense of safety, he offers advice for dealing with every risky situation, from how to handle hijackings and road rage, to how to keep your children safe, to the best way to secure your home and business. He also provides comprehensive information about handling firearms and basic first aid. Leo's Guide to Not Becoming a Statistic is a guide to living your safest life in South Africa – something which has become increasingly important as our crime statistics continue to rise. Straight-talking and honest – much like Leo himself – it is an easy to use manual that makes keeping safe accessible, with relatable information and easy to implement tips. Leo says that taking the first step towards securing your safety is the most important, and his book will help you take that step.

Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon

Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon PDF

Author: Tracy Todd

Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers

Published: 2017-01-25

Total Pages: 265

ISBN-13: 0620725982


Why walk when you can soar... These are the opening words on Tracy Todd's website and they are a powerful affirmation of the person Tracy is today - a sought-after inspirational speaker whose uplifting presentations have inspired and given hope to many people. But it is difficult to imagine what she has overcome in a tough and often lonely journey. At the age of twenty-eight her life was turned upside down when a horrific road accident left her a quadriplegic, paralysed from the neck down. Her life as an athletic, marathon-running young mother and teacher was abruptly shattered. Despite months of rehabilitation, Tracy often found herself wondering if her life was worth living. Everything she had taken for granted was now beyond her reach and frustration at her helplessness threatened to overwhelm her. Against the odds, Tracy chose to live. Her strength of character and determination prevailed and, sustained by the support of her son, family and friends, her care assistants, and an unbelievably caring community, she set about gaining the independence to rebuild her life and reclaim her identity - which she has done, with dignity and grace. Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon is an honest, inspiring and engaging memoir in which Tracy's natural warmth and humour are tangible and, most importantly, she embodies what the human spirit can achieve.