The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh

The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris

Publisher: Arthur Jay Harris

Published: 2016-03-01

Total Pages: 205

ISBN-13: 1439236275


Disputing the police, investigative author and journalist Arthur Jay Harris shows why the 1981 kidnapper and murderer of 6-year-old Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh, is serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh

The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris

Publisher: Arthur Jay Harris

Published: 2014-02-19

Total Pages: 80

ISBN-13: 1484163109


THIS SPECIAL SINGLE EDITION IS A CONDENSED VERSION OF BOOKS ONE AND TWO, FOR BRIEFER READING: Also available on Google Play are the full-length Books One and Two The Adam Walsh story you know: After 6-year-old Adam was found murdered, his father, John Walsh, channeled his unbearable grief into becoming an angry crime-fighting TV host. Yet this is the story you don’t know: For decades, officials had never revealed the file proving the child was Adam. Astonishingly, it showed that the dead child had never been legally ID’d as him. Why? Was it because the evidence was either inconclusive—or showed that the child likely actually wasn’t Adam? INVESTIGATIVE TRUE CRIME: Never intended to be publicly seen, the key to Adam Walsh’s murder mystery was hidden in an autopsy file 40 years ago. The key wasn’t what was in it; it’s what wasn’t in it. Possibly only one man, maybe two, had seemed to know that—not even the detectives because it meant that decades of their work had not only been wrong and wasted, but couldn’t possibly have been right. On the moment of its discovery by a reporter, the prevailing narrative of the case was about to be shattered. And that was the least of it. A famous old crime. No linking physical evidence. For decades, the murder of Adam Walsh, the iconic face of Missing Children, the boy on the milk carton, was an unsolved mystery. Suddenly police declared a solution resurrected on a theory of theirs they’d long discredited. At a live nationally-televised police press conference, the victim’s family was tearful and grateful. The national media bought it. The local press, however, recognized it as a convenient fiction. On July 30, 2021, days after the 40th anniversary of Adam’s disappearance, Fred Grimm wrote in the South Florida Sun Sentinel: “A sensational alternate theory blamed serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who was living in Miami in 1981. But in 2008, despite no new evidence, Hollywood police hung the crime on long-dead Ottis Toole. “The only mystery left unsolved was how any cop could have possibly believed Ottis Toole.” While Toole was still alive and in state custody, and could have been charged with Adam’s murder on the same information, John Walsh had belittled the idea: “A lot of people still think Ottis Elwood Toole did it. But he and [his partner] Henry Lee Lucas confessed to a lot of murders they didn’t do. It’s a great ploy for convicts: They read about a murder and they’re in solitary. They call the police, desperate to clear a murder, and they say, ‘Fly me there and buy me a pizza,’ and they get out of their cells for two days!” —South Florida magazine, July 1992 Police had statements from six separate witnesses at the mall who said they saw Dahmer when Adam disappeared, but police couldn’t confirm that Dahmer had been in town then. Then reporter Art Harris, working with ABC Primetime, found a Miami police report with Dahmer’s name dated 20 days before Adam was taken. Still they weren’t interested. But by 2008, both Dahmer and Toole were dead, so did it matter? Although the police’s conclusion was eye-rolling, it seemed harmless. Grimm was wrong only in that police’s belief in Toole was the only mystery left. Probably without realizing it, by closing the case police unlatched a door locked nearly 30 years before to a guarded secret. Inside Harris discovered a much larger convenient fiction, but this one not at all harmless. In looking back it explained everything irregular in the investigation that had followed. As long as the secret was kept, the case could never be truly solved. Harris was then working with The Miami Herald, but even when they confronted them, the chief medical examiner who’d hidden it, the police—and most surprisingly, even the Walshes all turned blind eyes. What was the never-meant-to-be-seen or spoken-of truth in Adam Walsh’s murder? It starts with, there was an autopsy but no one wrote an autopsy report. That never happens...

The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh

The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris

Publisher: Arthur Jay Harris

Published: 2016-03-01

Total Pages: 439

ISBN-13: 1484167627


THE UNSOLVED MURDER OF ADAM WALSH IS A TWO-BOOK SERIES ALSO READ BOOK ONE: FINDING THE KILLER Six-year-old Adam Walsh disappeared from the toy department of a Sears in Hollywood, Florida, in 1981. Two weeks later and 125 miles away, a child’s severed head was found and identified as Adam. His parents, Reve and John Walsh, deeply grieved and dedicated their lives going forward to helping find other parents’ children who had gone missing. In 2008, 27 years later, police announced at a live televised press conference that they’d finally solved the case, blaming the kidnapping and murder on a by-then dead man. Because of that there could never be a trial. All of that is true. But virtually everything else that you think you know about this famous case is wrong. In 1983, 25 years earlier, that suspect had volunteered a confession that he’d killed Adam Walsh. But the police then had deeply investigated his story and couldn’t verify anything he’d said, not even that he’d been within 400 miles of the area. In 2008, when a new Hollywood Police chief closed the case, he admitted they had no new evidence. What the new chief didn’t mention was that by then he had six separate police witnesses who’d been at the shopping mall on that day in 1981, and had since spoken up. Most had seen Adam; all had seen a much more likely suspect -- Jeffrey Dahmer. A microfilmed Miami police report the author found and had previously shown to the Walsh detectives proved that Dahmer was then living just a few miles from the Sears. Dahmer’s boss told the author that the prompt for the report was that Dahmer had told him he’d just found the body of a homeless man behind the store. Yes, bad luck, Jeffrey Dahmer found a dead body. 1981 was 10 years before Milwaukee police found severed heads in Dahmer’s refrigerator and arrested him as a serial killer. He said he’d killed his first victim in 1978. Even worse, it turned out that the identification of the child as Adam had been slapdash and suspect. The Walsh parents weren’t present for it; John Walsh wrote years later that he’d never viewed even photographs of the remains. A family friend had been present for the ID, and Walsh wrote that his first impression had been that it wasn’t Adam. Because the remains were only a severed head, there were no fingerprints, and forensic DNA was still years away. The pathologist making the identification did it strictly by teeth, but he admitted he wasn’t a dental expert. Dental X-rays, when available, are a standard for comparison, but he didn’t have them. He also had a forensic dentist available but never consulted him. A medical examiner in another regional office performed the autopsy, but he also never consulted a forensic dentist. Worse again, that medical examiner never wrote and submitted an autopsy report, as state laws and guidelines require. That perhaps never happens. Had police ever charged any live defendant with murder in this case, prosecutors in court would have been handcuffed to prove that the dead child was Adam. The case likely then would have ended. Why all the misdirection? Did Dahmer take Adam? Is Adam even dead, is that someone else’s child? Could Adam be… alive? Fifteen years of continuing research. Author’s story appeared in 2007 on ABC Primetime, and in 2010 on a Sunday front page of The Miami Herald. “I never, and to my knowledge no one in the office, prepared a report on the head of Adam Walsh.” -- 2010 email from Dr. Ronald K. Wright, in 1981 the Chief Broward County Medical Examiner, who performed the autopsy on the remains of the child previously identified as Adam Walsh, when asked if he had a personal copy of Adam Walsh’s autopsy report that neither the Medical Examiner’s Office nor the police had. “There’s no way in hell.” -- A Florida forensic dentist, viewing the teeth in both the last picture of Adam Walsh and the remains of the child identified as him, responding to the question of whether they could be the same child. Other forensic dentists shown the same material agreed.

Jeffrey Dahmer's Dirty Secret

Jeffrey Dahmer's Dirty Secret PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris


Published: 2012

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9781476369839


The 1981 murder of 6-year-old Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh, is one of the most shocking crime stories of the era. But why has there never been a "Trial of the Century" for it? Not for lack of suspects ... In fact, it's never been clearly established that the child who was found and officially identified as Adam -- was really him. After twenty years of following the case, including a deep investigation into the now-public record files of the police in Hollywood, Florida, and the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office, investigative author Arthur Jay Harris now has the definitive proof:All of the essential evidence and documentation, regularly collected and kept in every other case involving a found and initially unidentified body, which would forensically prove an identification -- is stunningly missing from the files of the Adam Walsh case. A report of an investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement confirms it: It's not there. What is missing includes:There is no signed autopsy report, although an autopsy was performed; there are no photos of the autopsy; there is no forensic dental report, although the identification was made only by teeth; and there are no X-rays of the teeth of the found child, nor of Adam, from his dentist. As a prominent Miami forensic dentist told Harris, and other forensic dentists said as well, without a dental X-ray comparison he wouldn't be able to testify in court affirming the ID. That is how you make dental IDs, he said. And without a clear identification of the victim as Adam Walsh, a murder case against any defendant would fail. Why is all this evidence missing? Why is this case different from all other similar cases? Does this explain why the murder case of Adam Walsh has never come to trial -- and never will?Someone got away with the most heinous of murders -- and you might think, did more, afterwards. But was the child in fact Adam Walsh?Adam was missing two weeks when a child's brutally severed head was found in a remote roadside canal 125 miles away from the Hollywood shopping mall where Adam's mother said she'd left him alone in the toy department for just five minutes. None of the rest of the body was ever found. That child was quickly identified as Adam. The Walsh parents were not present at the morgue. But as Harris shows with photo comparisons, including public record police photos, it is very unlikely that the found child is actually Adam. The child is much more likely some other child, never properly identified, its parents never told. In a close-up of his famous "Missing" photo, Adam clearly and endearingly has neither top front tooth. John Walsh, in his book Tears of Rage, wrote that the photo was taken about a week before he disappeared. Adam's best friend said he last saw him a week or two before he disappeared and he still had neither top front tooth. Adam was gone two weeks when the child was found; the medical examiner who did the autopsy told the newspapers he thought the child may have been dead for all of that time. But a police photo of the found child clearly shows a buck tooth -- a top left adult central incisor. It was in "almost all the way," said a forensic anthropologist who for police took his own photos of the found child's skull. Could a child have grown in a top front tooth in anywhere close to only that little amount of time? Pediatric dentists say no. There is much, much more to the likely misidentification -- and the police's closing of the case on a likely wrong suspect. Harris has already presented much of the earlier part of the story on ABC Primetime, in The Miami Herald, and elsewhere. Now, read the full story that's been kept from public view until ...

Jeffrey Dahmer's Dirty Secret

Jeffrey Dahmer's Dirty Secret PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris


Published: 2013

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9781301857449


The 1981 murder of 6-year-old Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh, is one of the most shocking crime stories of the era. But why has there never been a "Trial of the Century" for it? Not for lack of suspects ... In fact, it's never been clearly established that the child who was found and officially identified as Adam -- was really him. After twenty years of following the case, including a deep investigation into the now-public record files of the police in Hollywood, Florida, and the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office, investigative author Arthur Jay Harris now has the definitive proof:All of the essential evidence and documentation, regularly collected and kept in every other case involving a found and initially unidentified body, which would forensically prove an identification -- is stunningly missing from the files of the Adam Walsh case. A report of an investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement confirms it: It's not there. What is missing includes:There is no signed autopsy report, although an autopsy was performed; there are no photos of the autopsy; there is no forensic dental report, although the identification was made only by teeth; and there are no X-rays of the teeth of the found child, nor of Adam, from his dentist. As a prominent Miami forensic dentist told Harris, and other forensic dentists said as well, without a dental X-ray comparison he wouldn't be able to testify in court affirming the ID. That is how you make dental IDs, he said. And without a clear identification of the victim as Adam Walsh, a murder case against any defendant would fail. Why is all this evidence missing? Why is this case different from all other similar cases? Does this explain why the murder case of Adam Walsh has never come to trial -- and never will?Someone got away with the most heinous of murders -- and you might think, did more, afterwards. But was the child in fact Adam Walsh?Adam was missing two weeks when a child's brutally severed head was found in a remote roadside canal 125 miles away from the Hollywood shopping mall where Adam's mother said she'd left him alone in the toy department for just five minutes. None of the rest of the body was ever found. That child was quickly identified as Adam. The Walsh parents were not present at the morgue. But as Harris shows with photo comparisons, including public record police photos, it is very unlikely that the found child is actually Adam. The child is much more likely some other child, never properly identified, its parents never told. In a close-up of his famous "Missing" photo, Adam clearly and endearingly has neither top front tooth. John Walsh, in his book Tears of Rage, wrote that the photo was taken about a week before he disappeared. Adam's best friend said he last saw him a week or two before he disappeared and he still had neither top front tooth. Adam was gone two weeks when the child was found; the medical examiner who did the autopsy told the newspapers he thought the child may have been dead for all of that time. But a police photo of the found child clearly shows a buck tooth -- a top left adult central incisor. It was in "almost all the way," said a forensic anthropologist who for police took his own photos of the found child's skull. Could a child have grown in a top front tooth in anywhere close to only that little amount of time? Pediatric dentists say no. There is much, much more to the likely misidentification -- and the police's closing of the case on a likely wrong suspect. Harris has already presented much of the earlier part of the story on ABC Primetime, in The Miami Herald, and elsewhere. Now, read the full story that's been kept from public view until ...

Box Set: Speed Kills and The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh Books One and Two

Box Set: Speed Kills and The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh Books One and Two PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris

Publisher: Arthur Jay Harris

Published: 2016-06-09

Total Pages: 723



SPEED KILLS: He built the fastest boats -- for royalty, the rich, spies, smugglers, Feds and a former U.S. President. Then came six shots. THE UNSOLVED MURDER OF ADAM WALSH BOOK 1: It was the crime of the decade -- and the perpetrator may have been the most notorious serial killer in history BOOK 2: 30 years after he was reported as dead, could the Walshes' little boy, Adam, actually be alive?

Investigative True Crime Starter by Arthur Jay Harris

Investigative True Crime Starter by Arthur Jay Harris PDF

Author: Arthur Jay Harris

Publisher: Arthur Jay Harris

Published: 2016-05-31

Total Pages: 116



This Investigative True Crime Sampler by Arthur Jay Harris includes cliffhanger samples from his books Flowers for Mrs. Luskin, Speed Kills, Until Proven Innocent, and The Unsolved Murder of Adam Walsh.

Frustrated Witness!

Frustrated Witness! PDF

Author: Willis Morgan


Published: 2015-07-27

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780692376256


Two unforgettable names, one tragic case: My goal is justice for little Adam Walsh. A wall of evidence points to America's most notorious serial killer and pedophile Jeffrey Dahmer murdering and decapitating Adam. Accordingly, I want the Hollywood Police Department (HPD) to reopen the case and close it correctly. This will finally bring proper closure for the Walsh family, which includes Adam's father, John, host of the popular TV show America's Most Wanted. Any true crime reader will love Frustrated Witness! The Real Untold Story of the Adam Walsh Case, complete at about 132,000 words. This book is a case for Dahmer being Adam's murderer--and a study of how the HPD bungled and covered up the investigation, becoming the greatest ally and defender of America's most notorious serial killer. I present many witnesses who know they saw Dahmer--and many who know it wasn't who police say did. Packed with diagrams, photos, and letters, my manuscript and website are the most accurate collection of records to date of the Adam Walsh case. In the book, I describe how I encountered Dahmer at length near the time and place Adam was abducted. I rebuffed Dahmer, and he followed me home, engaging me in a cold conversation while he sat in a blue van like the one a witness saw Adam thrown into. When I entered my home, Dahmer sat on a neighbor's car, staring at my house and finally disappearing. This book has consumed well over three decades of my life, with at least one decade investigating and writing it. I've appeared on many TV shows and in numerous publications as a witness. I filed a lawsuit against the HPD, State Attorney's Office, and a detective involved in Adam's case.

The Man Who Could Not Kill Enough

The Man Who Could Not Kill Enough PDF

Author: Anne E. Schwartz


Published: 2011-12

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781462062690


The Milwaukee Journal reporter who broke the Dahmer story spans the entire case, describing the dramatic scene when police first entered Dahmer's apartment; the fascinating science of forensics and how it was used to identify 16 victims; Dahmer's childhood; the personal stories of the victims' families; and much more. 16 pages of photographs.