IMF Staff papers, Volume 42 No. 3

IMF Staff papers, Volume 42 No. 3 PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1995-01-01

Total Pages: 280

ISBN-13: 145197339X


This paper analyzes long-term exchange rate modeling. The paper reviews the literature that tests for a unit root in real exchange rates and the closely related work on testing for a unit root in the residual from a regression of the nominal exchange rate on relative prices. It argues that the balance of evidence is supportive of the existence of some form of long-term exchange rate relationship. The paper highlights that the form of this relationship, however, does not accord exactly with a traditional representation of the long-term exchange rate.

IMF Staff papers, Volume 42 No. 4

IMF Staff papers, Volume 42 No. 4 PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1995-01-01

Total Pages: 224

ISBN-13: 1451930909


This paper describes early contributions of Staff Papers to international economics. The paper highlights that Staff Papers has, since its inception in 1950, been an important vehicle for the dissemination of research done by the IMF staff. This paper discusses three areas in which articles published in Staff Papers up until the 1970s made major contributions to the literature in international economics. The areas covered are: the absorption approach and the monetary theory of the balance of payments; the Mundell-Fleming model; and foreign trade modeling.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1995-01-01

Total Pages: 244

ISBN-13: 1451957068


This paper provides a critical survey of the literature on politico-institutional determinants of the government budget. We organize our discussion around two questions: Why did certain OECD countries, but not others, accumulate large public debts? Why did these fiscal imbalances appear in the last twenty years rather than sooner? We begin by discussing the “tax smoothing” model and conclude that this approach alone cannot provide complete answers to these questions. We then proceed to a discussion of political economy models, which we organize into six groups: (1) models based upon opportunistic policy makers and naive voters with “fiscal illusion”; (2) models of intergenerational redistributions; (3) models of debt as a strategic variable, linking the current government with the next one; (4) models of coalition governments; (5) models of geographically dispersed interests; and (6) models emphasizing the effects of budgetary institutions. We conclude by briefly discussing policy implications.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1995-01-01

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 1451947208


This paper develops an endogenous growth model of the influence of public investment, public transfers, and distortionary taxation on the rate of economic growth. The growth–enhancing effects of investment in public capital and transfer payments are modeled, as is the growth–inhibiting influence of the levying of distortionary taxes that are used to fund such expenditure. The theoretical implications of the model are then tested with data from 23 developed countries between 1971 and 1988, and time series cross sectional results are obtained that support the proposed influence of the public finance variables on economic growth.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1965-01-01

Total Pages: 203

ISBN-13: 1451969066


Selections from this paper were delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 8, 1965.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1966-01-01

Total Pages: 169

ISBN-13: 1451969104


This paper explores trends in payment imbalances between 1952 and 1964. When desired reserves deviate appreciably from actual holdings, the authorities will sooner or later readjust their economic policies to reduce the magnitude of the deviation. On the assumption that the priorities given in individual countries to domestic and external objectives of economic policy and the attitudes toward the use of various policy instruments remain unchanged, desired reserves would tend to rise chiefly as a result of the increase in the size of expected payments fluctuations. International reserves of all 65 countries of the study rose over the period studied by 2.5 per cent a year. This low rate of increase reflects, however, the large reduction in US reserves. For all countries of the study excluding the United States, the reserves grew by 6.0 per cent a year. Leaving aside the loss of reserves by the United States, reserves of all countries appear, therefore, to have grown roughly in proportion to the value of trade and to the size of payments imbalances.

IMF Staff Papers

IMF Staff Papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1951-01-01

Total Pages: 187

ISBN-13: 1451949324


This paper discusses that the governments of forty-nine countries have accepted the Articles of Agreement of the IMF. They have accepted the Agreement on their own behalf and in respect of all their colonies, overseas territories, all territories under their protection, suzerainty, or authority and all territories in respect of which they exercise a mandate. Although the concept of a fixed par value and of rates of exchange based on it is of fundamental importance under the Articles of Agreement, provision is also made for the retention, adaptation and introduction of multiple currency practices in certain circumstances. Courts are frequently called upon to decide at what rate of exchange one currency shall be translated into another. The courts of many countries have been faced, both before and after the coming into force of the IMF Agreement, with the problem whether they should recognize the effect of the exchange control regulations of other countries.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund


Total Pages: 199

ISBN-13: 1451969163


This paper focuses on problems of economic policy in terms of targets and instruments. Both the fixed-targets approach and the welfare-economics approach tend to favor a multiplication of policy instruments, the former so as to increase the number of targets that can be attained and the latter so as to permit all objectives to be more closely approximated. It is necessary that policies be centrally coordinated, and in each country, there is a limit to the number of policies that can be successfully coordinated by the political and administrative machine. For this reason, the costs of applying any given policy instrument will depend not only on the degree of its use but also on the number and nature of the instruments already in use. The existence of both kinds of cost, and particularly the latter, will set a limit on the number of policy instruments that can appropriately be brought into operation.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1988-01-01

Total Pages: 148

ISBN-13: 1451972989


The proposal to set up an international debt facility to buy the debt of developing countries at a discount and then mark down its contractual value is analyzed. The paper considers the central question of how the debtor countries, creditor banks, and owners of the facility would be affected; in particular, what redistribution of gains and losses there would be among them. The “market price effect” and the “ceiling effect” are distinguished. A crucial consideration is whether debt retained by banks is subordinated to debt bought by the facility.

IMF Staff papers

IMF Staff papers PDF

Author: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

Publisher: International Monetary Fund

Published: 1966-01-01

Total Pages: 223

ISBN-13: 1451947232


From the Foreword to the first issue: “Among the responsibilities of the International Monetary Fund, as set forth in the Articles of Agreement, is the obligation to fact as a center for the collection and exchange of information on monetary and financial problems,’ and thereby to facilitate ‘the preparation of studies designed to assist members in developing policies which further the purposes of the Fund.’ The publications of the Fund are one way in which this responsibility is discharged. “Through the publication of Staff Papers, the Fund is making available some of the work of members of its staff. The Fund believes that these papers will be found helpful by government officials, by professional economists, and by others concerned with monetary and financial problems. Much of what is now presented is quite provisional. On some international monetary problems, final and definitive views are scarcely to be expected in the near future, and several alternative, or even conflicting, approaches may profitably be explored. The views presented in these papers are not, therefore, to be interpreted as necessarily indicating the position of the Executive Board or of the officials of the Fund.”