Exodus and Advent Movements in Type and Antitype

Exodus and Advent Movements in Type and Antitype PDF

Author: Taylor G. Bunch

Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Published: 2019-11-19

Total Pages: 292

ISBN-13: 9781572581210


Ancient Israel under the Exodus movement was a type of modern Israel under the Advent movement. Modern spiritual Egypt and Babylon, symbolic of darkness and confusion, is being led through the wilderness of sin to the heavenly Canaan land.

Exodus Road to Health and Healing, The

Exodus Road to Health and Healing, The PDF

Author: Linda Clark

Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

Published: 2018-07-30

Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 1479607665


If God is so powerful and loving, why are so many people sick and dying? This question invariably exists in the backdrop of the heart-felt prayers of every hurting child of God. For the sick and suffering, the question is paramount--how does God decide who lives and who dies? Who is healed and who is not? The author, Linda Clark, relates the circumstances surrounding her own serious illness as she discovered answers to these difficult questions. Linda expounds on the recommendation of the Apostle Paul to find answers by exploring the story of the ancient Israelites: “Now these things happen to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” In The Exodus Road to Health and Healing, Linda makes a comparison between the promised blessing of Jesus for those who followed after Him when He said, “…He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” But this promise against the results of degeneration and pain mankind is experiencing today leaves many disillusioned with a God who seemingly does not hear or appears to heal arbitrarily without rhyme or reason. Conversely, the author reveals how we may turn this seeming curse around, removing the barriers between man and God's healing mercy. What stands between mankind and holding the keys of heaven? The author reveals the simple barriers of tradition that God is calling His people to come out of. She champions the will of a God who wants us to be healthy, happy, and whole, and who has entrusted us with a natural world as His abundant provision for healing. As the final days approach, it is the author's desire that God's people will be fit to come boldly before the throne of grace, claiming the promised blessings and training necessary to withstand the coming storms.

Of the Times and Seasons

Of the Times and Seasons PDF

Author: Kevin Straub

Publisher: Aspect Books

Published: 2017-07-31

Total Pages: 374

ISBN-13: 1479607428


Four forty-year generations have entirely passed since 1844. Each one has failed to take hold of the high calling of being in possession of the third angel's message—the “last message of mercy” for a dying world. The delay in the return of Christ must not be charged to God's account, as though He is waiting for some celestial time clock to reach a pre-determined mark. Although God knows the day and the hour, He has been waiting for us. As we look around us at the rapid deterioration of our planet and witness the increasing fulfilment of the signs of His appearing, we get a deep sense that we are getting very close to the end, perhaps even now entering into the time Jesus spoke of as “the beginning of sorrows.” Are we—the first generation of a new cycle of four—that generation that will see the close of probation, the time of trouble, and the return of Christ? Are there any Bible and Spirit of Prophecy evidences that point to it? Read the first section of this book! In the second section, we take a panoramic view of the history of the movement, giving an understanding of the causes of the long detour into the wilderness travelled by the professed people of God. The prophet Joel points to a story that must be told—a story of the wasting of four generations (Joel 1:2-4). It is important that we hear this story. If we do not know our history as it is, we will continue to perpetuate its mistakes. The message of this book is an alarm clock set to arouse God's people in the final moments of earth's history.It is sure to shake the reader. Accept it or reject it—you won’t be able to ignore it!

The Unknown Prophet

The Unknown Prophet PDF

Author: Delbert W Baker

Publisher: Review and Herald Pub Assoc

Published: 2013-09-10

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 0828027420


More than 25 years ago society was introduced to William Ellis Foy. Foy was an African-American minister of the nineteenth century whom historical records had generally overlooked. The popular book The Unknown Prophet demonstrated that Foy received powerful revelations from God about coming tribulation, judgment, and heaven awaiting those who were faithful to God. Foy’s message was straightforward—be faithful, because Jesus is coming again! The groundbreaking research in The Unknown Prophet did much to clear up misconceptions and set the record straight about William Foy. It told the largely unknown story of this sensitive young man of color. Furthermore, he faced incredible trials and struggles yet faithfully fulfilled his time-specific prophetic commission during the height of the Millerite movement and went on to maintain a quiet and productive ministry until his death in the late 1800s. William Foy’s story, his ministry and message, still speaks today. This second edition is the response to a desire for an updated version, providing hope and encouragement for the twenty-first-century reader. It contains new and valuable documents and images, including the only known photo of William Foy’s son. Your faith will be enriched as you read these pages.

God’s Final Answer to Job’s Controversy: the Leviathan

God’s Final Answer to Job’s Controversy: the Leviathan PDF

Author: Edem Ameyou

Publisher: WestBow Press

Published: 2018-12-13

Total Pages: 108

ISBN-13: 1973648040


Does the Leviathan have a single or clear-cut theological definition throughout the Bible? What does the Leviathan represent in Job 41? Why did God use such a strange creature to answer Job in his most difficult moments? Why is this creature God’s most important and last message for Job at the end of his trial? Enjoy the read!

The Great Second Advent Movement

The Great Second Advent Movement PDF

Author: John Norton Loughborough


Published: 1909

Total Pages: 510



There are already many useful books in the hands of the people, and my apology for adding another to the list, is that in these pages I state many things concerning Adventist, and especially Seventh-day Adventist, which have not heretofore been brought in this form before the people. Besides this, many who espoused the cause in later years, and who have not witnessed the things mentioned, have earnestly requested a narration of these facts and experiences from those earlier in the work. Having been familiar with the advent movement in 1843 and 1844, and having, since Jane. 2, 1849 proclaimed the doctrine, first as an Adventist, I esteem it a pleasure to "speak the things i have seen and heard."--Chapter I-- Introductory. Chapter II-- The Plan of Salvation Unfolded. Chapter III-- The Coming of the Promised Seed. Chapter IV-- The Time of the End. Chapter V-- The Second Advent Message. Chapter VI-- The Message and the Messangers. Chapter VII-- The Rapid Advancement of the Message. Chapter VIII- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Chapter IX-- The Tarrying Time. Chapter X-- The Midnight Cry. Chapter XI --The Second Angel's Message. Chapter XII--The Disappointment--The Bitter Book. Chapter XIII--Tokens of Divine Guidance. Chapter XIV--The Shut Door. Chapter XV-- Increasing Light and Greater Wonders. Chapter XVI--The Third Angel's Message. ChapterXVII--Truth Advanced Under Difficulties. Chapter XVIII--Providence of God in the Publishing Work. Chapter XIX-- "By Their Fruits Ve Shall Know Them". Chapter XX-- Sacrifices in the Early Work. Chapter XXI--The Guiding Hand in the Work. Chapter XXII-Organization. Chapter XXIII--Health Institutions. Chapter XXIV--Other Prediction Fulfilled. Chapter XXV--Educational Institutions. Chapter XXVI--Our Foreign Missions. Chapter XXVII--Other Testimonies Confirmed. Chapter XXVIII--A Door That No Man Can Shut

Laodicea, Her Authority, Organization, and Destiny

Laodicea, Her Authority, Organization, and Destiny PDF

Author: Vernon C. Sparks

Publisher: Digital Inspiration

Published: 2012-03-18

Total Pages: 306



—Protestant Reformation's Final Movement / God's End Time Church— In Revelation 3:14-21, God’s end time church is named Laodicea. In those verses, His remnant people are described as having the tendency to evaluate their spiritual condition, and work, at a much higher quality than is Christ’s judgment of it. He states that the Laodicean church, though entrusted with the knowledge of His last warning messages for the world are spiritually “wretched,” “miserable,” “poor,” “blind,” and “naked.” (verse 17). Matthew 25:1-13 is the parable of the ten virgins waiting to attend a wedding feast. In this account Jesus is also describing His remnant people. Christ’s story says that “while the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” (verse 5). This present volume is a Bible and Spirit of Prophecy study regarding the form of, and reasons why, Christ brought His end time people into a highly organized movement. It also describes how Christ’s ordained methods of operating His organization tend to be abused, and even ignored. It explains how His people tend to operate Christ’s publishing, educational, health, and even ministerial work more in harmony with the wisdom and wishes of man and the world than with the clear directives of the Lord whom we claim to be serving. But, all is not gloom and doom. There is counsel as to how to revive from the Laodicean condition. This present volume goes into detail as to what Christ will do to awaken His people. It presents the inspired explanations as to how His remnant will be “shaken” into the condition necessary for Him to be able to pour out upon them the Latter Rain to empower and equip them to give the Loud Cry and thus finish His work upon this earth. Entire chapters are dedicated to the divine instructions regarding the importance of not running ahead of, but cooperating with, Christ in these important dealings with His people. Table of Contents 1—The Church That Knowest Not 2—Messages to Laodicea 3—Lessons From the Apostolic Church 4—Lessons From Early Adventism 5—Purposes and Scope of Church Organization 6—Authority in God’s Church 7—God’s Plan Misused 8—God’s Plan Misused—Part 2 9—Supportive Ministries 10—Supportive Ministries—Part 2 11—Man’s Responses to Apostasy 12—The Remnant Church’s Response to Apostasy 13—The Role of Leadership in Revival and Reformation 14—The Shaking of Adventism—Phase One 15—The Shaking of Adventism—Phase Two 16—The Shaking of Adventism—Phase Three 17—When God’s Two Churches Become One 18—Running Ahead of the Lord 19—Holding Up the Hands of the Prophet 20—By Every Word 21—A Theocracy Still 22—When God Takes the Reins Appendix A—Should There Be a General Conference President? Appendix B—The Right Man in the Right Place Appendix C—Should There Be a World General Conference? Appendix D—The Laodicean Church Appendix E—Order and Organization Appendix F—How to Deal with Wrongs in the Church Appendix G—Apostasy Appendix H—Lessons From Josiah’s Reign Appendix I—Lessons From the Apostasy at Sinai Appendix J—Lessons From the Church in the Wilderness

The Chosen

The Chosen PDF

Author: Dwight K. Nelson

Publisher: Review and Herald Pub Assoc

Published: 2011

Total Pages: 766

ISBN-13: 082802541X


When you think of being chosen, does your mind go back to recess days on that schoolyard playground long ago, when Teacher asked the two biggest boys in the class to choose up teams? Remember how the rest of you lined up, dutifully waiting for your name to be called? And remember how you stood there, nervously holding your breath, shifting your weight from one sneaker to the other, hoping against hope that this time you'd be chosen? Good news. You have been chosen! Maybe not for the starting lineup on your school's basketball team or for the next promotion at work. But your calling is much more extraordinary For "you are a chosen people, . . . a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9, NIV). Who is this God who has chosen you? Why have you been chosen? And how are the chosen to live? Join Dwight K. Nelson in an experience with God that will revolutionize your life as you stand where the chosen of old once stood on the brink of the Promised Land