Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra & Annual Horoscopy

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra & Annual Horoscopy PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 209



Tajik is an important aspect in the journey of our understanding various aspects of Astrology. This is the endeavor of the encyclopedia. In this book the author has divided the study primarily in two parts. The first part dealing with various factors like the yoga, aspects and so on with an explanation of factors that makes Tajik different and unique. The second part dwells in the predictive aspects with illustrations. This book will surely evince the interest of the beginners as well as others who are in research or predictive astrology.

Varshphal (Annual Predication)

Varshphal (Annual Predication) PDF

Author: S.P. Gour

Publisher: All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies


Total Pages: 161



Parashari Jaimini and Tajik are the three most popular systems of Vedic Astrology. Parashar gives more importance to the planets while Jaimini considers the rashis to be more important. Tajik is mainly used in Prashna Shastra and in Varshaphal. Tajik diverts slightly always from the main stream of the traditional methods and employs newer techniques of Astrology. 'Tajik Neelakanthi', of Acharya Neelakantha, which was composed in the 16th century AD, is the base of Taik Jyotish. This does not mean that Varshaphal and Prashna techniques were not practised in vedic Astrology before this. 'Uttar Kalamrit' of Kalidas mentions and describes the computation of Varshaphal dasha which is different from the 'Mudda dasha' of Varshaphal. Apart from this, 'Shat Panchashikha' of Prithyushyas is the established classic of Prashna Shastra, which was composed centuries before 'Tajik Neelakanthi'. Ancient Kairaleeya Jyotish is also well known for considering Prashna to be their main technique. The influence of Greek and Arab culture is clearly seen on the word 'Tajik'. Arrival of the invaders from Western Asia initiated the exchange of culture between India and West Asia. This exchange introduced some newer techniques to our Vedic Astrology. One of these techniques was Tajik. This has been marked as the beginning of Tajik jyotish. Tajik word does not belong to Sanskrit. There are different opinions regarding this issue. Some scholars consider it to be a distorted from of the word 'Jatak'. Another view is that meaning of Tajik is a horse in Turkish and Persian language. The speed of this technique has been compared to that of a horse and for this reason it has been named Tajik. In any case the influence of Mohammedans on this knowledge is very clear. This is also confirmed by the other words of Tajik, namely mudda, muntha, sahams and the names of the Tajik yogas like Ithasal, Ikkabal, Ishraf, nakta, radda and khallasar etc. Moving at the average speed of 1° per day, Sun completes one round of the Zodiac in one year. For casting the annual horoscope we select the time when Sun reaches the longitude of the natal Sun. The horoscope cast for that date and time becomes the annual horoscope and the Varshaphal is decided on the basis of this horoscope. In a similar manner prediction for any year of the person's life can be given on the basis of the annual horoscope. In other words the annual horoscope is based on the longitude of the natal Sun and not on the date and time of birth. This also means that the date, day and time of the annual horoscope is generally different from that of the birth horoscope.

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planets, Signs & Houses

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planets, Signs & Houses PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 544



The notion that astrologers can unfold lives and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought that comes to all and populist claims have inspired the author to come up with a series of books that will discuss the various aspects in astrology, putting together the research and findings by various groups and the experience gained during his journey. The purpose of the encyclopedia is an attempt to put a clear understanding of the process of astrology, taking into account the first basic principles and dealing with different topics. The encyclopedia which would consist of over eighteen books, is intended to be brought out over a period of two years. These would cover the basics in astrology and then go on to the predictive techniques, the nadi astrology, tajik, yogas, nakshatras, rectification of birth time, vargas, dashas, mundane prashna, muhurta, remedy and other aspects of interest. The advantage of this would be that both students and those who want to pursue research can progress the understanding of this science in a systematic manner. Also the complete set will be of great value to those in India and abroad who want to understand various levels and will give them the flexibility of dwelling into the complexities in a coherent manner. With the growing interest to learn this science in various countries, the readers there will find this series of books very useful. This is the first book in the series and is the most important. The foundation is based on the principles of basic astrology propounded by various schools of thought. The book covers signs, their impact, the planetary impact in each sign, the role of depositors, details on each planet and their relationship when in aspect and in the divisional charts as also the complexities they can pose. This book attempts at conveying that the basic importance has to be given to the planets, their placement and various relationship as a result of the same. The yogas, dasha, nakshatras etc. will be dealt in the other books that follow, but all have to be applied keeping in mind the first basic principles that are being enumerated in this book.

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 22



There are large number of books available in the public domain which talks about various remedial methods that could be followed. Also there are groups of people who talk about the benefits of yoga, mantra, yantra and allied topics, each of which has a scientific logic as is the case with the manuscripts left behind by the Rishis. As we all are aware, there are planets which by their interaction, govern our destiny. My belief, developed during the study of this science, is that destiny depends on four major things in equal proportion. These are; our previous karma, the place where we are staying, the people with whom we interact and our own efforts. These are the four parameters and within each comes the important of a large gamut of activities. There is a complex equation that is a matter of study and research which, like any other science, gets deciphered and known. I therefore believe that chart at the time of birth, coupled with the year’s horoscope and the time at which the query is being asked, have to be co-related and a vector from them gives the correct analysis of the query. Similarly, as each planet is associated with a colour and the colours are in turn related to vibrations – a complex phenomenon by itself; the various mantras, colour therapy and other remedies have relevance.

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Your Profession (Ups & Downs with Remedial Measures)

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Your Profession (Ups & Downs with Remedial Measures) PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 568



The word ‘Profession’ brings into the horizon a belief of a person in his capabilities or inherent potention which a native has but also symbolizes specialization on a knowledge and academic preparations and finally it also brings forth the needs of livelihood and vocation. In the current environment, it is seen that a profession followed by an individual may not be akin to his inherent potential and with the number of fields increasing it is also very common to have individuals who have specialized in one field but are earning by engaging and adopting entirely different skill sets. It is common to have people in the Administrative Services who are Medical Graduates and Entrepreneurs with no specific knowledge skill but robust common sense. In this context, profession, determination and analyzing means a look at various aspects of the Horoscope. It means an analysis of education, knowledge, inherent nature, means of earning income and more complexed is determining the course and the graph of his professional achievement.

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas PDF

Author: Shanker Adawal

Publisher: Sagar Publications


Total Pages: 400



In Vedic astrology, the associations the planets form or variations of how they are placed in a horoscope are referred to as yogas. Yoga literally means union or that which adds, joins or yokes. Astrologically, Yoga refers to planetary combinations or configurations and their special results, which affect the life of an individual. In traditional Indian ephemeris, known as Panchang, Yoga is also a particular division of time, arrived at by adding longitudes of the Sun and the Moon at birth. These are 27 in number, starting from Viskumbha to Vaidhriti, each governed by a different constellation or lunar-mansion, which are also 27 in number. In spiritual field, the word “Yoga” means training, taming and stimulating the body and mind with universal soul. In Ayurveda, the yoga of two or more medicines gives specific results. Yogas are one of the unique features of Vedic astrology. There are hundreds of yogas mentioned in various classical texts. Most of the yogas are formed of more than one planet, but all combinations do not mean a yoga formation. The idea behind these yogas is to equate the planets’ strength in a chart, and how & when they will produce their effects in a native’s life.

A Textbook of Varshaphala

A Textbook of Varshaphala PDF

Author: K. S. Charak

Publisher: Institute of Vedic Astrology

Published: 1996

Total Pages: 244



The First Book On Annuasl Horoscopy Or Varshaphala (The Tajika System) Which Id Fully Illustrate.