Cry of the Tomahawk

Cry of the Tomahawk PDF

Author: James B. Miller

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: 2007-07

Total Pages: 495

ISBN-13: 0595453007


The Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania is an area rich in history, none of which is more fascinating than in its origin. Settled not by the people of Pennsylvania, but rather of Connecticut due to conflicting land grants, it produced a titanic struggle between the Yankee settlers and Indians, British, Tories, and Pennamites, which stretched from the French and Indian War to well past the Revolutionary War. In these years many battles were fought, much blood was spilled; some say no area in America suffered more in proportion to population. Brother did turn against brother, and father did turn against son. Still, the settler stood fast, possessed by a spirit which in turn would conquer the American west. The Wyoming Valley did not sit on the fringes of the frontier but some sixty miles beyond it. These early pioneers carved out a settlement in the heart of a wilderness staunchly contested by people on all sides. Not only did they have to contend with the Indian threat, but with Pennsylvanians wishing to rid their northern borders of the Yankee intruders, and latter on when their firm support of the revolution became known, with the British Empire. Burned out, attacked from all sides, racked with betrayal from within their own numbers they stood fast in the face of impossible odds. Their spirit is a testament to the indomitable spirit of America. Their story is one of America. Read and discover within their struggle against the scalping knife and British Empire a great story, one that should never be forgotten, one that defines the American spirit.

Black Robe and Tomahawk

Black Robe and Tomahawk PDF

Author: George Bishop

Publisher: Gracewing Publishing

Published: 2003

Total Pages: 334

ISBN-13: 9780852445761


Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet, SJ is one of the most remarkable among the great missionary figures of the Society of Jesus. Born in Belgium, he emigrated to the United States to enter the Jesuit novitiate and was ordained in Missouri in 1837. He founded St Joseph's Mission at Council Bluffs for the Potawatomies in 1838, and visited the Sioux to arrange a peace between that nation and the Potawatomies, the first of his many peace missions. In 1840 he set out for the territory of the Flatheads in the far Northwest, and established St Mary's Mission on the Bitter Root River in Montana, and three years later on the Williamette River in Oregon he opened the most important of a chain of missions covering the Northwest. In 1846 he made peace between the Blackfeet and the Crows. Fr De Smet repeatedly crossed and recrossed the North American Continent, travelling by paddle steamer, raft, and canoe, dogsled and snowshoe, on horseback and in wagons, and for the greater part on foot. His growing influence among the Native American peoples and their leaders induced the United States Government to solicit his help in its dealings with them, and the rest of his life was devoted to promoting their cause in America and in Europe. Fr De Smet assisted at the great Indian Council of 1851 near Fort Laramie, and in 1886, after entering alone into the Sioux camp of warriors led by Sitting Bull, his enthusiastic reception led to a treaty of peace signed by all the chiefs.