The Study of Ambition

The Study of Ambition PDF

Author: Cometan

Publisher: Astral Publishing

Published: 2019-11-26

Total Pages: 26



The Study of Ambition is the eighty-sixth instalment in the Little Blue Book Series and comprises the first and second discourses of the Pentadoxy, which is itself the fifth disquisition of the Omnidoxy, Astronism’s founding book. This publication firstly introduces the inclusive discipline of xentology which encompasses both the study and philosophisation of ambition and enlightenment. This is followed by an exploration of the concept of ambition from the perspective of Astronism, particularly highlighting the importance of ambition in the Astronist belief system. The Little Blue Book Series was created and first published by Cometan himself as a way to simplify and commercialise the immensity of the two million word length of the Omnidoxy into smaller, more bite-size publications. A successful series from its very first published entry, the Little Blue Book Series has gone on to become a symbol of Astronist commercial literature and a way for Cometan’s words to reach readers of all ages and abilities who remain daunted by the beauty and yet the sheer extensiveness of the Omnidoxy as the longest religious text in history.


Omnidoxy PDF

Author: Cometan

Publisher: Astronist Institution

Published: 2019-02-11

Total Pages: 3357



The Omnidoxy is the founding treatise of the Astronist religion and was solely authored by the philosopher and religious founder, Cometan. Partitioned into twelve disquisitions, each of which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, which are themselves titled by those which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy has been codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence. The Omnidoxy not only forms the foundations of Astronism, but it remains the primary modern contributor and the book that ignited the establishment of the Astronic tradition of religion which encompasses the philosophy of Astronism. Introducing brand new philosophical concepts such as cosmocentricity, reascensionism, transcensionism, and sentientism amongst many others, The Omnidoxy remains the principal signifier of a new era in philosophy. The Omnidoxy births hundreds of new belief orientations, schools of thought, neologisms, disciplines of study, theories, and concepts which, when combined and considered collectively, have formed the basis of Astronism. The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests with the single individual philosopher, Cometan who began writing The Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen driven by what he terms as personal inspiration. The historical origination of The Omnidoxy rests in its authorship by Brandon Taylorian during early 21st century England, specifically in the northern county of Lancashire. Like in all textual criticism, the timing and location of the codification of The Omnidoxy is integral to understanding why and how it was written, especially by considering the influential factors impacting Taylorian during his construction of the text, particularly the cultural, political, religious, and social contexts of Taylorian's personal life and of wider society at the time. This forms an important branch of study within omnidoxicology known as omnidoxical criticism, or omnidoxical exegesis in which scholars study and investigate The Omnidoxy in order to discern conclusive judgements inspired by how, where, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances The Omnidoxy was written.

Core Omnidoxy

Core Omnidoxy PDF

Author: Cometan

Publisher: Astral Publishing

Published: 2019-12-01

Total Pages: 5687



Immerse yourself into the most famous writings of Cometan; The Twelve Grand Disquisitions. This is where Astronism and the philosophership of Cometan truly began. The Core Omnidoxy publication compiles together the twelve disquisitions that form the "core" of the Omnidoxy. These disquisitions are the text's beating heart and they have held an incomparable impact on the development of Astronism. Buy your copy of Core Omnidoxy today and get all twelve disquisitions in just one book! Here's what is included in this publication: The Monodoxy: The Principles of The Aesthetic Cosmos The Duodoxy: The Principles of The Logical Cosmos The Tridoxy: The Principles of Aid & Stewardship The Tetradoxy: The Principles of Justice & Patience The Pentadoxy: The Principles of Ambition & Enlightenment The Hexadoxy: The Principles of Ontology & Perception The Septidoxy: The Principles of Cosmic Exploration The Octadoxy: The Principles of Advancement & Eschatology The Nonodoxy: The Principles of Epistemology & Ethics The Decadoxy: The Principles of Space & Time The Hendecadoxy: The Principles of Peace & Acceptance The Dodecadoxy: The Principles of Imagination & Freedom

The Pentadoxy

The Pentadoxy PDF

Author: Cometan

Publisher: Astronist Institution

Published: 2019-04-18

Total Pages: 270



The Pentadoxy is a 45,000 word long philosophical disquisition that is organised as the fifth instalment of twelve disquisitions forming The Omnidoxy. The Omnidoxy is a philosophical treatise which singularly founded the philosophy of Astronism and was solely authored by the mononymous philosopher Cometan. The Pentadoxy is assigned with the inclusive discipline of xentology which encompasses the studies of both the nature of ambition and enlightenment. The Pentadoxy is preceded by The Tetradoxy and followed by The Hexadoxy and compared to the other disquisitions of The Omnidoxy, it is of medium length as it far trails behind both The Monodoxy and The Duodoxy in length yet exceeds both The Tridoxy and The Tetradoxy.

Isaiah: 1-39

Isaiah: 1-39 PDF

Author: Walter Brueggemann

Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press

Published: 1998-01-01

Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 9780664255244


Enthält: Vol. 1: Isaiah 1-39; Vol. 2: Isaiah 40-66.

The Eternal War: Devas vs. Asuras

The Eternal War: Devas vs. Asuras PDF


Publisher: AQEEL AHMED

Published: 2023-09-25

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1998240134


Introduction: A timeless narrative has fascinated centuries with its profound symbolism and moral precepts in the enormous tapestry of Hindu mythology, where gods and mortals interact in an intricate dance of destiny. It is the story of the Devas and Asuras, an eternal conflict that serves as a profound allegory for existence's fundamental dichotomies, repeating the cosmic fight between light and darkness, good and evil. In Hindu cosmology, the Devas and Asuras, celestial entities of enormous power and intricacy, represent conflicting forces. While their titles may simply translate to "gods" and "demons," the richness of their characterization and the depth of their responsibilities in Hindu philosophy much outweigh such crude classifications. Understanding the Devas and Asuras is to dig into the heart of Hindu spirituality, where the divine and the human, the ethereal and the earthly, intersect in a complex tale that has fashioned one of the world's oldest religions' moral and ethical fabric. The Devas of the Divine Pantheon: The Devas, often known as gods or celestial creatures, live in the heavenly region of Svarga. They are the personification of virtues, the keepers of cosmic order, and the keepers of the virtuous path, dharma. They control the cosmos and maintain the equilibrium of creation, led by the great Indra, king of the Devas. Each Deva has distinct characteristics and responsibilities that contribute to the cosmic balance. The universe is sustained by Vishnu, the preserver; Brahma, the creator, brings out life; and Shiva, the destroyer, clears the way for fresh beginnings. In Hinduism, these Devas are respected, and their stories explain the holy characteristics they personify. The Devas are the forces of light, wisdom, and goodness. Their brilliant presence in the sky inspires and guides mortals, providing hope in times of darkness and uncertainty. The Devas' stories teach excellent lessons about morals, ethics, and the search for higher knowledge. Asuras' Shadowy Realm In contrast to the Devas, the Asuras are frequently seen as demons or wicked beings. Their home is the Patala netherworld, which is shrouded in darkness and mystery. The Asuras, led by the ambitious and cunning Mahabali, are motivated by cravings, ego, and a constant pursuit of power. The Asuras' stories are full of defiance, deceit, and rebellion against the cosmic order. Figures like Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, and Vritra exemplify the Asura archetype's arrogance and ambition. Within this complication, however, there is a deeper examination of the human condition, where the defects and fallacies of the Asuras mirror the struggles and temptations experienced by mortals. Despite their frequently evil image, the Asuras have redeeming traits. They represent the dark parts of the human psyche, urging people to confront their own inner demons and transcend the constraints of ego and want. In this way, the Asuras reflect humanity's struggle with its own darker inclinations. The Eternal Battle of the Cosmic Dichotomy The eternal conflict between these two cosmic powers is at the heart of the Devas and Asuras story. It is a war that spans time and space, symbolizing the ongoing clash between opposing principles that exists within each human and across the universe. The Devas and Asuras are always at odds over sovereignty, power, and the very nature of the cosmic order. This is a philosophical and spiritual war in which the forces of virtue combat the attraction of material aspirations and the dangers of unrestrained ambition. This dichotomy is a comprehensive investigation of the dualities inherent in reality, rather than a simplified presentation of good versus evil. The Devas and Asuras depict the eternal effort to create balance and harmony in a world full of paradoxes. Mortals' Lessons As enthralling as the stories of Devas and Asuras are, their relevance stretches beyond mythology. These stories serve as allegories for human life, providing vital lessons and insights for navigating life's complexity. The Devas motivate us to practice virtues like compassion, wisdom, and selflessness. They teach us that the route to enlightenment is to live a dharmic life, preserve moral ideals, and strive for spiritual growth. The Asuras, on the other hand, warn against the dangers of ego, desire, and unrestrained ambition. They challenge us to confront our inner demons, to identify our destructive inclinations, and to seek the higher path of self-transformation and self-realization. We find a mirror reflecting our own problems and goals in this magnificent story of the Devas and Asuras. It reminds us that the war between light and darkness does not take place only in the celestial regions, but also within our own hearts and minds. It exhorts us to achieve harmony in the midst of life's duality and to strive for the heavenly attributes symbolized by the Devas. In the pages that follow, we will travel through the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, delving into the stories, symbolism, and profound knowledge encompassed in the eternal conflict between the Devas and Asuras. It is a trip that encourages introspection, thought, and a greater understanding of the timeless truths that govern human existence. This story's summary: The epic tale of the Devas and Asuras unfolds in the mysterious realm of Hindu mythology, where gods and mortals mix, and cosmic plays influence the fate of the universe. This timeless story is a drama of endless conflict and transformation, a story that speaks to the very core of human experience. When the universe was just a cosmic womb, two unique cosmic energies emerged: the Devas and the Asuras. These strong beings were more than mortal, embodying existence's duality. The Devas symbolized justice, virtue, and harmony, whereas the Asuras represented ambition, pride, and disorder. The Devas lived in the heavenly realm of Svarga, a land of magnificent beauty and divine majesty, led by their strong monarch, Indra. They ruled the universe, guaranteeing the harmony and balance of all creation, and were revered as protectors and benefactors by mortals. The Asuras, on the other hand, established their dominion in Patala's netherworld, a region cloaked in shadows and mystery. The Asuras aspired to challenge the Devas' supremacy, led by the fearsome Mahabali, a charismatic and ambitious king, driven by their insatiable wants and greed for power. When the Devas and Asuras collaborated on a huge endeavor—the churning of the cosmic ocean—their unending war reached a climax. Their goal was to find the elixir of immortality known as Amrita, which was concealed deep within the ocean. The churning process, however, was not without its difficulties. As the story progressed, a lethal toxin known as Halahala erupted from the depths, threatening to swallow all of creation. Lord Shiva, the cosmic destroyer, ingested the poison in a frantic attempt to preserve the universe, staining his neck blue in the process. Despite their short cooperation, the Devas and Asuras' fundamental hatred could not be overcome. Mahabali, the astute strategist, disguised himself as a poor Brahmin and addressed Lord Vishnu as Vamana, a dwarf, during one of his incarnations. Mahabali pledged to provide Vamana with three steps of land in a selfless act. Vamana miraculously grew to include the entire cosmos, claiming the earth and sky before asking Mahabali where he may place his third foot. When Mahabali realized the deception, he offered his own skull, which pushed him deep into the netherworld. Because of his humility and dedication, Lord Vishnu granted him permission to visit his people during the Onam festival. The Devas believed they had achieved perpetual dominion after obtaining Amrita, but the Asuras were tenacious in their pursuit of immortality. They performed rigorous penance, practiced formidable austerities, and called powerful godly boons. Ravana and Hiranyakashipu, for example, developed great power and near-invulnerability. The cosmic struggle spilled over into the mortal realm from the celestial realms. According to the epic Mahabharata, the Kurukshetra War was fought between the Pandavas, who were supported by the Devas, and the Kauravas, who were supported by the Asuras. Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, was crucial in leading the Pandavas to victory and restoring balance and justice. The Devas and Asuras continued their unending conflict as the ages passed, their fates linked in a cosmic dance of creation and destruction. They guided mortals down the road of dharma (righteousness), acting as catalysts for the evolution of the universe and its souls. Some Asuras, such as Shukracharya, eventually saw the destructive nature of their goals and pursued a path of peace. They began teaching fellow Asuras wisdom, compassion, and self-realization, developing a faction that turned away from harmful ways. This transition was not lost on the Devas, who watched the changes with cautious optimism. The Devas saw that a universe in which all beings strived for spiritual development and harmony would be more stable and pleasant. When the cosmic energies of the Devas and Asuras converged as the universe grew and contracted, it was a moment of immense significance. Both sides went on a quest to understand their existence, aided by sages and enlightened beings. They experimented with meditation, introspection, and self-realization, realizing the interconnection of all beings and the underlying duality that exists within every soul. The Devas and Asuras joined together in a vast assembly in a moment of profound revelation, establishing a truce that transcended their endless hostility. They vowed to work together to keep the universe in balance, realizing that unity and understanding were the ultimate paths to enlightenment. This merger signaled the beginning of a new era in which the Devas and Asuras ceased to be antagonistic forces and became co-creators of a harmonious universe. They combined their knowledge and strength to guide humanity toward righteousness, knowledge, and spiritual progress. The cosmos thrived in a condition of balance and harmony because the Devas and Asuras were unified in purpose. Mortals, inspired by the newfound harmony of the angelic realms, adopted the virtues of compassion, love, and wisdom. The Devas and Asuras continued to inspire mortals through stories, myths, and teachings as cosmic teachers rather than antagonistic factions. They led humanity to see that the eternal conflict between light and darkness existed not just on the outside, but also within the human soul. The Devas and Asuras taught the universe in the great finale that the route to enlightenment lay not in the annihilation of conflicting forces, but in their integration and transcendence. They revealed that existence was a great tapestry woven of light and darkness, good and evil, and that the cosmic dance would continue indefinitely, calling all beings to join the quest for unification and enlightenment. As a result, this epic story, which began with war and hatred, evolved into one of redemption, forgiveness, and the eternal search for cosmic harmony. It is a timeless reminder that even the most profound schisms can be bridged through understanding, compassion, and acknowledgement of our connected cosmic history. The story concludes with profound insights into the essence of existence, the value of unity, and the unending quest for enlightenment. A heavenly drama is unfolding in the endless vastness of the cosmos, where the lines between gods and mortals blur. This is the story of the Devas and Asuras, the eons-long struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, that has formed the fate of the cosmos. The Devas and Asuras are the main characters in this cosmic play, their roles representing the fundamental duality that defines existence. It is a drama that transcends time and location because it is a story that is woven into the very fabric of Hindu mythology, philosophy, and spirituality. The Devas represent the luminous energies of righteousness, virtue, and heavenly harmony in this timeless epic, residing in the brilliant region of Svarga. They are celestial beings of radiant beauty and limitless compassion, cosmic order keepers, and guides to the path of dharma—the virtuous path. The Asuras, who came from the gloomy depths of Patala, represent ambition, pride, and the instability that exists within the human psyche. They are driven by insatiable cravings, always challenging the authority of the Devas, and testing the bounds of cosmic balance. This eternal tug-of-war between these two opposing forces serves as a profound allegory for the universal battle between light and evil, a topic that resonates with human experience throughout nations and civilizations. It is a story that invites us to contemplate the nature of good and evil, to go into the depths of our own souls, and to seek the elusive balance that reconciles these opposing sides of our life. We begin on a trip that transcends myth and enters the world of spiritual contemplation as we dig into the epic storylines, teachings, and symbols associated with the Devas and Asuras. It is a trip that continues to shape millions of people's collective consciousness, providing significant insights into the intricate fabric of life, death, and reincarnation that defines the cosmic order. The stories of these celestial beings serve as mirrors to our own struggles and aspirations, from the churning of the cosmic ocean to the benevolent direction of Devas like Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva, to the crafty schemes of Asuras like Mahabali and Ravana. They remind us that the conflict between light and darkness is not limited to the worlds of gods and demons but is a universal theme that manifests itself within each of us. This story has survived millennia because it addresses timeless issues that have preoccupied human minds since the start of civilization: What is the nature of good and evil? How do we achieve equilibrium in the face of chaos? Can virtue's light win over the shadows of temptation and desire? The Devas and Asuras provide deep insights into these questions, asking us to go into the depths of our own moral compass and spiritual path. We develop a deeper understanding for Hindu philosophy and the rich tapestry of Indian mythology as we navigate the heavenly battles, cosmic machinations, and moral quandaries that enrich the stories of these divine beings.

The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism

The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism PDF

Author: Cometan

Publisher: Astral Publishing

Published: 2021-03-21

Total Pages: 882



The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism is the cumulation of receptions between Cometan and the astronomical world during the Founding era (2013-2021). The publication of this very first full-length Institutional Dictionary of Astronism represents eight years of the development of Astronism from its inception to how it stands today in 2021. The publication of this dictionary also encapsulates Astronism exactly as it exists now and how Cometan conceives it by the end of the Founding era. This dictionary and its contents capture what Astronism is now for posterity to look back on how this astronomical belief system will change as time progresses. Many of the words and definitions of this dictionary will alter as we enter the Establishment era and Astronism continues its progression in becoming world religion. However, what will not ever change is Cometan’s absolute devotion to the stars of the night sky and his discovery of their secrets through his receptions, personal inspirations, and his overall relationship with The Great Cosmos. Covering all the major Astronist beliefs, practices, cultural elements, theories, branches of study, and historical events, A Dictionary of Astronism, also known as the Institutional Dictionary of Astronism, is published by the Astronist Institution through its subsidiary, Astral Publishing, to commemorate the end of the era of The Founding of Astronism. The Founding of Astronism began exactly eight years on 1st July 2013 which sparked Cometan's ideations and indrucies and which afforded him the insight, knowledge, and vision to found a new religious movement, philosophy, spirituality and political ideology. As The Founding of Astronism, also simply known as the Founding era, comes to an end, the Astronist Institution wants to acknowledge the fundamental importance of this year period of the history of Astronism and to the wider history of religion, philosophy and spirituality as a whole. The Dictionary of Astronism immortalises that commemorative spirit by providing thousands of definition entries of Astronist terms that have been authorised by Astronist Institution scholars for dissemination worldwide. This dictionary captures the most up-to-date understanding of what Astronism is and how it as a whole and its component parts should be defined. Enjoy this dictionary that emblematises Astronism and how this new religion has so far developed.

CNN互動英語年度特別企劃 看CNN科技新聞 上一堂職場必修英語課

CNN互動英語年度特別企劃 看CNN科技新聞 上一堂職場必修英語課 PDF

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2021-02-18

Total Pages:



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Spiritual Democracy

Spiritual Democracy PDF

Author: Steven B. Herrmann

Publisher: North Atlantic Books

Published: 2014-10-14

Total Pages: 425

ISBN-13: 1583948333


Exploring what the author calls the "shaman-poets"—Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, and Emily Dickinson—this book demonstrates how far ahead of their times these writers were in forecasting developments of our current time. It was Whitman who first wrote of "Spiritual Democracy" as a vision of transformation and global equality. Steven Herrmann delves deep into the visionary expressions of this idea of Spiritual Democracy—"the realization of the oneness of humanity with the universe and all its forces"—in these early American writers, showing the influence the groundbreaking work of the geologist and thinker Alexander Von Humboldt had on Whitman and others. Writing that every member of the global community regardless of color, gender, or sexual orientation can realize these freedoms, the author explores how one can tap into the vitalizing source of equalizing, vocational energy to bring a sense of purpose and peace. Although the book shines as a work of literary criticism, the author's insights as a Jungian psychotherapist take the reader ever deeper into the creative impulses of Whitman, Melville, Dickinson, and other poets in their crafting of the seminal notion of Spiritual Democracy. In addition, Herrmann offers practical methodologies for personal and global transformation in the section, "Ten Ways to Practice Spiritual Democracy." Table of Contents Visions of Spiritual Democracy - Introduction 1. Cosmos 2. Spiritual Democracy as a Science of God 3. From Humboldt to Jung 4. Jung on Spiritual Democracy 5. Healing the National Complex 6. Whitman's "New Bible": The Foundation of a Religious Vision 7. Walt Whitman's Global Vision 8. The Bi-Erotic as Transcendent Sexuality 9. Shamanism and Spiritual Democracy: A Post-Humboldtian Notion of the Cosmos 10. Whitman as a Preserver of the Psychic Integrity of the Community 11. Moby Dick: The Evolution of a New Myth for our Times 12. Herman Melville: The Quest for Yillah 13. Towards a Hypothesis of the Bi-erotic 14. Moby Dick and the Trickster 15. The Marriage of Sames: "A Bosom Friend" 16. Moby Dick: The Characters Behind the Names 17. The Fall of the Dictatorships as Portrayed in Moby Dick 18. Metamorphosis of the Gods 19. The Re-emergence of the Feminine 20. Afterward: A Bi-Erotic Model for The Way Forward a) Ten Ways to Practice Spiritual Democracy

Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament

Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament PDF

Author: Thomas Nagel

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 182

ISBN-13: 0195394119


This volume collects essays and reviews by Thomas Nagel in three controversial subject areas: first, religious belief and its relation to science and philosophy; second, the interpretation of liberal political theory, especially in an international context; third, the question of what it is to be human--the form of human consciousness and the source of human values.