Converted on LSD Trip

Converted on LSD Trip PDF



Published: 2015-02-04

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781505279030


Foreword by Dr Philip Fleming MA. BA, Bch. FRCPsych. DPM "Converted on LSD Trip"This book, the personal testament of David Clarke, in an autobiographical style. It charts his life, which became one of criminality and drug taking though an experience in 1970 of finding God whilst under the influence of LSD. Cynics may say that this was just an effect of drugs, but it is clear that the experience changed his life. Later when in court facing charges he admitted to many other crimes and was fortunate in receiving three years conditional discharge and not a prison sentence.Since then David has combined his work as a lecturer in electronics with his mission of spreading the word of God. This is a scrupulously honest book recording both the difficulties he has faced as well as the successes in his life since 1970. A continuing worry is the fat of his brother, currently serving a long prison sentence in a Philippine jail who himself has recently found God. "This is an inspiring story of a life that has been turned from crime to a positive account and may be of help to others who find them selves directionless and involved in crime and drug misuse". Dr. Philip M. Fleming. MA. BA, Bch. FRCPsych. DPM.Consultant Psychiatrist with special responsibility for drugs and alcohol services. Kingsway House is the base for these services in Portsmouth. May 2001

Converted on LSD Trip

Converted on LSD Trip PDF

Author: David Clarke

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2017-12-23

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 9781981968367


1 This new publication seeks to bring attention to some of the many issues relating to Christian beliefs and practice that the author encountered on becoming a Christian. He relates his personal testimony of how he was converted from a life of Crime to follow the lord Jesus Christ, on 16th January 1970 and he clearly shows that Lord Jesus Christ is presented to us in the bible as the only saviour of sinful men. 2 He clearly identifies the bible teaching of God's predestination of all things. God knows all things, from the beginning to the end, for God predestined all things. In this work man is held responsible for his thoughts actions and deeds. Man has no excuse. 3 David shows how he learned that the word of God, contained in the Old and NewTestament scriptures, has been preserved in the text underlying the Authorised Version of the bible which is a good translation. 4 David points out that the true rest for the people of God is a rest from labour, or works we may do or think we can to to please God. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the true Sabbath which the Low of Moses pointed too. 5 David relates how he discovered that the departure from the Christian view and NewTestament teaching of the distinctive roles of men and women in the Church has brought about much confusion in the world and church. Having identified this issue he published his book Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, or alternatively does the Lord Jesus want women to rule as elders in his church. 6 David believes that Christian morals are taught in the bible and they often conflict with the men of the world and that Governments cannot change, alter or determine the rights and wrongs in moral values. The Christian must be governed by biblical morality and not secular men. 7 In seeking to teach the gospel to David has found that the only way to communicate gospel truth is by personal discussion, debate and keeping to the main tenets of the gospel. These tenets are the Person and work of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection and to reason from creation of the world and clear statement of truths taught in Genesis is the best way. Let God the Spirit do His work in bringing conviction to menand leading them to Christ. 8 David has come to an understanding that biblical prophecy, concerning the last days do not refer to the end of the material world but the end of the Jewish ages and rule by Moses brought about by the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 AD. 9 David also realises that adherence to the teachings of Roman and Anglicanism come short of New Testament Christianity. A man must be born and this is not effected by water baptism and that a clear distinction must be made between the two. The new birth is necessary to see spiritual things 10 David teaches and believes the importance to take the bible literally where is speaks on literal things, like the creation, Noahs flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for by this means we builds upon the revealed attributes and Character of God. As the Apostle Paul writes Rom 1.20. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: An alternative title is, The Gospel According to David Clarke, a saved sinn

Converted on LSD Trip, 4th Edition.

Converted on LSD Trip, 4th Edition. PDF

Author: David Clarke


Published: 2023-04-08

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781447755968


Originally published on the 11th, of February 2001 whilst I was a lecturer at Fareham Collage in the UK, and it has gone through various additions and formates, for various reasons. In the first edition the introduction started by stating, 'David Clarke is currently a lecturer at Fareham college teaching electronics, has taught there since 1989. However, since leaving Dover Borstal in 1968 he had a three-year career of undetected crime, until the 16th of January 1970 when he experienced a Christian conversion from crime to follow Christ, whilst suffering from the effects of LSD. Since his conversion he continued his education by learning to read as he was virtually illiterate, by using the bible and classical Christian literature. He then trained to be a lecturer, at Wolverhampton Polytechnic, and graduated with a Cert Ed awarded by Birmingham University, and commenced teaching at Luton college of higher education in 1978. Since that time, he has taught hundreds of students during his 21 years as a lecture at colleges and Higher and Further Education. In 1990 David turned away from God, for a short period of time, in unbelief and went through divorce and a remarriage. However, he returned to God in faith and repentance and since 1994 has spoken to many of his friends all about what Jesus had done for him. In this part of my life I tell of my recovery after a fall into open sin and written as a testimony for any who find themselves in that situation. David believes it is now time to complete student's education he now wishes to make known to all his former friends, and students, and their friends that his bad experience on LSD is nothing compared to what hell is like. He wants to tell them all about the salvation Jesus came to give men and that men may be saved by through faith in Jesus Christ and that like Oskar Schindler, and his list, all that were on that list were saved so to this David has a list of over 250 students and friends who he's seeking and will be contacting shortly as he wishes to persuade them to listen and hear, in full, of all what Jesus has done for him. He says many of his friends have found life difficult and gone through marriage breakups, been made redundant and without work, some are without hope some in drink dry out centres, some are ill and hopeless and some have died. David conducted the funeral of John Sawyer in Titchfield, in 1997 a student of his when he had no one left in the world to help him in his death.

Borstal Boys

Borstal Boys PDF

Author: David Clarke

Publisher: Abshott Publications

Published: 2023-09-06

Total Pages: 578



The book charts the life of two brothers, from the UK, who were young criminals in the 1960s, in England. They were both sent to prison for malicious wounding and served time in Dover Borstal and Maidstone Prison. On release from Dover Borstal, the younger brother had a three-year career of undetected crime until arrested, but not by the police. He had a bad trip on LSD and called out to God for help, saying Jesus. ''Please help me''. He turned his life around that night, and read the bible to find out who Jesus was and read classical Christian literature. Went on to higher education became a lecturer, and Baptist minister, and taught electronics for over 22 years in colleges of Further and Higher Education. His older brother was unaffected by his conversion from crime to Christ and carried on his flamboyant lifestyle. Twenty-five years later, he too was arrested in the Philippines and given a 16-year prison sentence, where he served his time in New Bilibid Prison. Five years into his prison sentence, he came to an end and felt suicidal and turned to the Lord for help and salvation. On hearing this news, his younger brother, with a Christian friend, went to the Philippines on a preaching mission to the Jails of the Philippines, called Trojan Horse International. They worked with Religious volunteers and many prison inmates within New Bilibid Prison and encouraged 66 inmates, who had turned their backs on their criminal past, to write their testimonies which they published in their book 'Trojan Warriors'.

LSD, My Problem Child

LSD, My Problem Child PDF

Author: Albert Hofmann

Publisher: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Published: 2017-09-27

Total Pages: 224

ISBN-13: 9780979862229


This is the story of LSD told by a concerned yet hopeful father, organic chemist Albert Hofmann, Ph.D. He traces LSD's path from a promising psychiatric research medicine to a recreational drug sparking hysteria and prohibition. In LSD: My Problem Child, we follow Dr. Hofmann's trek across Mexico to discover sacred plants related to LSD, and listen in as he corresponds with other notable figures about his remarkable discovery. Underlying it all is Dr. Hofmann's powerful conclusion that mystical experiences may be our planet's best hope for survival. Whether induced by LSD, meditation, or arising spontaneously, such experiences help us to comprehend "the wonder, the mystery of the divine, in the microcosm of the atom, in the macrocosm of the spiral nebula, in the seeds of plants, in the body and soul of people." More than sixty years after the birth of Albert Hofmann's problem child, his vision of its true potential is more relevant, and more needed, than ever.