On Running for the Consulship

On Running for the Consulship PDF

Author: Quintus Tullius Cicero

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2015-08-31

Total Pages: 34

ISBN-13: 9781517146832


Quintus Tullius Cicero (102 BC - 43 BC) was the younger brother of the celebrated orator, philosopher and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero. He was born into a family of the equestrian order, as the son of a wealthy landowner in Arpinum, some 100 kilometres south-east of Rome. Cicero's well-to-do father arranged for him to be educated with his brother in Rome, Athens and probably Rhodes in 79-77 BC. He married about 70 BC Pomponia (sister of his brother's friend Atticus), a dominant woman of strong personality. He divorced her after a long disharmonious marriage with much bickering between the spouses in late 45 BC. His brother, Marcus, tried several times to reconcile the spouses, but to no avail. The couple had a son born in 66 BC named Quintus Tullius Cicero after his father. Quintus was Aedile in 66 BC, Praetor in 62 BC, and Propraetor of the Province of Asia for three years 61-59 BC. Under Caesar during the Gallic Wars, he was Legatus (accompanying Caesar on his second expedition to Britain in 54 BC and surviving a Nervian siege of his camp during Ambiorix's revolt), and under his brother in Cilicia in 51 BC. During the civil wars he supported the Pompeian faction, obtaining the pardon of Caesar later. During the Second Triumvirate when the Roman Republic was again in civil war, Quintus, his son, and his famous brother, were all proscribed. He fled from Tusculum with his brother. Later Quintus went home to bring back money for travelling expenses. His son, Quintus minor, hid his father, and did not reveal the hiding place although he was tortured. When Quintus heard this, he gave himself up to try and save his son; however, both father and son, and his famous brother, were all killed in 43 BC, as proscribed persons.

How to Win an Election

How to Win an Election PDF

Author: Quintus Tullius Cicero

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Published: 2012-02-13

Total Pages: 126

ISBN-13: 140084164X


A primer on campaigning in ancient Rome that reads like a strategy memo from a modern political consultant How to Win an Election is an ancient Roman guide for campaigning that is as up-to-date as tomorrow's headlines. In 64 BC when idealist Marcus Cicero, Rome's greatest orator, ran for consul (the highest office in the Republic), his practical brother Quintus decided he needed some no-nonsense advice on running a successful campaign. What follows in his short letter are timeless bits of political wisdom, from the importance of promising everything to everybody and reminding voters about the sexual scandals of your opponents to being a chameleon, putting on a good show for the masses, and constantly surrounding yourself with rabid supporters. Presented here in a lively and colorful new translation, with the Latin text on facing pages, this unashamedly pragmatic primer on the humble art of personal politicking is dead-on (Cicero won)—and as relevant today as when it was written. A little-known classic in the spirit of Machiavelli's Prince, How to Win an Election is required reading for politicians and everyone who enjoys watching them try to manipulate their way into office.

How to Win An Election

How to Win An Election PDF

Author: Quintus Tullius Cicero

Publisher: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia

Published: 2023-08-02

Total Pages: 108

ISBN-13: 6231340333


Marcus adalah seorang orator berbakat dan punya pikiran cemerlang yang setara dengan lidah emasnya. Dia mengemban tugasnya dengan mengesankan sebagai pejabat rendah tetapi penting. Reputasinya semakin gemilang seiring kesuksesannya menjadi kuasa hukum banyak orang terkemuka. Namun, Marcus tak punya keberuntungan terlahir sebagai bangsawan. Ketika mencalonkan diri menjadi konsul, dia harus menjalani masa kampanye yang panjang dan sulit. Alasannya, masyarakat Romawi kuno sangat memandang kelas dan meremehkan orang macam Marcus Cicero sebagai golongan yang tidak cocok untuk memimpin republik. Pemilihan konsul selalu dikawal ketat oleh kaum bangsawan Roma, sebab jabatan tertinggi ini memberi pemegangnya dan keturunannya status bangsawan yang diidam-idamkan. Buku ini berisi sepilihan risalah pendek yang memberikan nasihat tak lekang waktu dan terus terang bagi siapa saja yang hendak memenangkan pemilihan umum. Risalah tersebut diambil dari teks Latin yang telah bertahan berabad-abad, disebut Commentariolum Petitionis, yang ditulis sebagai surat kepada Marcus Cicero oleh seorang yang sangat akrab dengan politik Romawi pada abad pertama sebelum Masehi dan punya tilikan tajam tentang bagaimana pemilu dimenangkan pada segala zaman. Memahami dasar-dasar sistem elektoral Romawi pada abad pertama sebelum Masehi sangatlah bermanfaat untuk memahami nasihat yang diterima oleh Marcus Cicero dalam surat itu, tapi yang sungguh menyenangkan bagi kita para pembaca modern adalah nasihatnya yang pragmatis tanpa tedeng aling-aling tentang bagaimana memanipulasi para pemilih dan memenangkan jabatan politik.