
Publisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti

Published: 1961-04-20

Total Pages: 76



TABLE DE MATIÈRES 1. M. DAVIDOVIĆ, D. POPESKOVIĆ, LJUBINKA IGIĆ, SAVA BODRO- ŽIĆ et VERA LENARTIĆ - Sur la durée de l’activité fonctionnelle du coeur isolé des animaux poïkilothermes> homeothermes et hibernants dans le Ringer .......... 1 2. I. BARIĆ — Postnatal Changes of Chemical Composition of the Ground- Squirrel (Citellus citellus)J.......... 3 3. I. BARIĆ — Tolerance to Starvation in Rats During the First Weeks of Their Postnatal Life .................. 9 4. M. M. DUDIĆ — Development of Progeny of Exceptionally High Gum- Yielding Trees of Pinus Nigra^ Whose Seed Have Been Treated with Radioactive Cobalt Co60................ 15 5. ДЖ. СТЕФАНОВИЧ, ДРАГИЦА ОБРЕНОВИЧ, В. ВАЙГАНД и Я. ЖИВКОВИЧ -— Электролитическая экстракция меди из серебряных сплавов '..................................... 21 6. В. D. MILOJEVIĆ — Basic Problem and Evolutionary Mechanism of the Animal Social Life. Contribution to the Experimental Evolutionism . . 41 7. M. RADOVANOVIĆ — Résultats des recherches faites dans les îles Adri- atiques sous le jour de l’évolutionnisme 59 8. Z. MAKSIMOVIĆ — Regional Metamorphism and Metasomatism of Ultra- mafic Rocks in the Region of Crna... Trava (East Serbia) 91 9. П. САВИЧ — О происхождении вращения системы и отдельных не­ бесных тел .......................... 107 10. V. М. MIĆOVIĆ and VL. DJ. STEPANOVIĆ — Studies on the Chemi­ cal Composition of Yugoslav Lichens. I. Parallel Studies on the Chemi­cal Composition of the Ash of Some Yugoslav Lichens and of the Ash of Oak Bark...................... 113 11. GJ. STEFANOVIĆ, LJUBINKA LORENC and M. LJ. MIHAILOVIĆ— Condensations of Isatic Acid with Ureas, Ethyl Carbamate and Guanidine 119 12. R. KAŠANIN — The Earth’s Layers and Their Characteristics .... 127 Ово дело је лиценцирано под условима лиценце Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/rs/deed.en