Buddha's Principle of Relativity

Buddha's Principle of Relativity PDF

Author: Don G. Athukorala

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2012-12-01

Total Pages: 204

ISBN-13: 1479731773


Buddhas Principle of Relativity (Mind - Body Stress) You will undoubtedly be bumping into the most philosophical of Buddhas teachings. The Principle of Relativity (Paticcasamuppada) was His first set of guidelines for freedom from suffering. Buddha found a cure for mental disorder and decided to pass on the therapy to others. He was far ahead of the times. The theory remained puzzling for the past 1500 years or even more. However, after years of study, I think I have an answer a scientific explanation. Eureka I have found it. Buddhas philosophy is scientific, analytical and stands to reason. It reveals that we are the architects of our own problems we created them. Find out how they can be destroyed. What is Paticcasamuppada (PS)? As I see it, Paticcasamuppada describes a biological process that takes place when a disturbance agitates a balanced state within the body. This doctrine specifically deals with an internal sensation (ignorance) causing the brain to generate effects, both mentally and physically. This process, however, applies to almost all instances in our daily life. Read it. You can see for yourself. Ven Buddhaghosa misjudged the significance of PS Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) is regarded among Theravada Buddhists as the authority and a classic textbook on the Buddhas teachings dealing on abstract psychological concepts. Ven Buddhaghosas interpretation of the PS is regarded as standard. It obscures the truth but nevertheless, it has been accepted for the last 1500 years, for in yet another commentary Sammohavinodani (Dispeller of Delusion) he describes PS as occurring in brief moments of time described as mind moments, but had nothing to say about it. Both commentaries are from the Tripitaka. Referring to this doctrine Ven Buddhaghosa says: it is inherently difficult to comment on PS as the ancients did (page 599 Visuddhimagga)). The truth, a being, rebirth linking, and Paticcasamuppada, are four things very hard to see and difficult to teach. I find no footing for support and seem to founder in a sea. Whoever learns alertly this PS, will go from excellence to excellence and when perfected, he will then escape beyond the vision of the King of Death Heres another confusing quote: (page 600) Buddhas teaching of PS is four fold (1) From the beginning to the end (2) From the middle, up to the end (3) From the end, or (4) From the middle, down and to the beginning And yet another; (page 671) Explaining his interpretation of PS on a lifetime to lifetime basis, he quotes: There is re-birth linking, which is consciousness There is descent into the womb, which is mentality materiality There is sensitivity which is sense base There is which is touched, which is contact There is what is felt, which is feeling This is a clear misconception of Buddhas most insightful teaching proclaimed by Him soon after Enlightenment related to mind moments, for workings of the mind are Buddhas area of specialty. Recent interpretations in his book by P.A. Payutto tilted Dependent Origination published by Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand and by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, also of Thailand, titled Dependent Origination shed doubts on to the validity of Ven Buddhaghosas interpretation, on a lifetime - to lifetime basis. They think that this may not be the case. So why continue?

Einstein and Buddha

Einstein and Buddha PDF

Author: Thomas J. McFarlane

Publisher: Ulysses Press

Published: 2002-12-20

Total Pages: 196

ISBN-13: 1569753377


Einstein and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings includes introductory remarks that illuminate the quotes, but the focus of the book is the parallel sayings themselves. The parallels are presented side by side on facing pages, inviting the reader to read the quotes, meditate on their meaning and discover the lessons they offer. The parallels are grouped thematically and draw from a wide range of physicists including Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, David Bohm and Richard Feynman, as well as ancient and contemporary teachers from the East including Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Sri Aurobindo and the Dalai Lama. Topics include time and space, subject and object, and the true nature of reality. The parallels bring science and religion closer together than ever before.

Buddhism and Jainism

Buddhism and Jainism PDF

Author: K.T.S Sarao

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2017-03-31

Total Pages: 1423

ISBN-13: 9789402408539


This volume focuses on Buddhism and Jainism, two religions which, together with Hinduism, constitute the three pillars of Indic religious tradition in its classical formulation. It explores their history and relates how the Vedic period in the history of Hinduism drew to a close around the sixth century BCE and how its gradual etiolation gave rise to a number of religious movements. While some of these remained within the fold of the Vedic traditions, others arose in a context of a more ambiguous relationship between the two. Two of these have survived to the present day as Buddhism and Jainism. The volume describes the major role Buddhism played in the history not only of India but of Asia, and now the world as well, and the more confined role of Jainism in India until relatively recent times. It examines the followers of these religions and their influence on the Indian religious landscape. In addition, it depicts the transformative effect on existing traditions of the encounter of Hinduism with these two religions, as well as the fertile interaction between the three. The book shows how Buddhism and Jainism share the basic concepts of karma, rebirth, and liberation with Hinduism while giving them their own hue, and how they differ from the Hindu tradition in their understanding of the role of the Vedas, the “caste system,” and ritualism in religious life. The volume contributes to the debate on whether the proper way of describing the relationship between the three major components of the classical Indic tradition is to treat them as siblings (sometimes as even exhibiting sibling rivalry), or as friends (sometimes even exhibiting schadenfreude), or as radical alternatives to one another, or all of these at different points in time.

God, Science, and the Buddha

God, Science, and the Buddha PDF

Author: Wijeratne Weerakkody

Publisher: Lulu.com

Published: 2010-07-30

Total Pages: 357

ISBN-13: 0557506824


Here in this book "God, Science, and the Buddha" my genuine effort is to present the reader with some insight into the existence of life and matter within the concept of universal space-time in order to understand how and why mind is declared by the Buddha as the forerunner of all existence in eternity and infinity of the concept of space-time.Learning to understand the culmination of all the energies contained within the concept of space-time would unify theology, science and the nature in the noble name of God without division into mind based diverse theological images. The rare opportunity in human form of life is too precious to be neglected and wasted within the short span of existence in this sensual realm of life. In order to be comfortable with this understanding the author seeks to discuss scientific revelations in cosmology, physics, and physiology along with theology, religions, philosophy and Buddhism, which explains the existence of the nature in its true form.

Buddha and the Quantum

Buddha and the Quantum PDF

Author: Samuel Avery

Publisher: Sentient Publications

Published: 2011

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 1591811066


Hundreds of books since the Tao of Physics have discussed a connection between meditation and modern physics; this one clarifies what it is in both spiritual and scientific terms. Avery's brilliant model of consciousness makes difficult and subtle ideas understandable, surprising you with the implications. He shows that light is visual consciousness: the experience of cells in the retina. Light is not in space; space is in light. Knowing this, relativity and the quanta suddenly make sense.

Buddha's Möbius Strip

Buddha's Möbius Strip PDF

Author: Ja-Sung Oh

Publisher: Green Frog Academy

Published: 2021-01-30

Total Pages: 496

ISBN-13: 8996279226


1. Now mankind is fighting against the Corona virus. Everyday a lot of people are dying, dead, and suffering by the Corona virus circulating the world. Heavier suffering and burden are given to the economical weak. This is a very serious problem to be solved soon. However, it is only a small tip of big problem we are facing today. The more serious and hard-to-solve problem like Gordian knot is the environmental problems of earth revealing the symptoms such as the marine pollution, destruction of forest, desertification, climatic change, and so on, accelerated by the financial capitalism and tribal egoism. As philosopher Nietzsche said, mankind becomes the disease of earth. At this rate, Homo sapiens will disappear before the great flower of Earth-Democracy begins to bloom. This terrible result is the product of ego-centric small reason, dichotomous reason, namely, instrumental reason. Such selfish exclusive reason constructs the vertical system of knowledge, vertical relationship of possession, and vertical ruling relationship at any cost. We can not avoid greed, opposition, deception, distrust, conflict, violence, and war. It is because the self is the genius of the lie and deception, so confabulates endlessly to justify and rationalize himself or herself in order to maximize his or her benefits and pleasures. We can not avoid the conflict between two monadic selves, conflict between two logoi, conflict between two benefits, and conflict between two justifications. So we can make a long list of cases of tragedic violences and wars caused by the political leaders who was just a greedy liar, swindler, intellectual dwarf, and sly hypocrite. However, the direction and way for the collective intelligence are clear and distinct. It is inevitable to solve the pains of mankind and all living bodies of earth. 2. The collective intelligence of mankind has explored and tried to discover the ultimate truth and to actualize the democracy incessantly. Science and philosophy are the tracks of hard fighting of brave men in order to make the good world where the universal truth is alive in the justice and democracy. The collective intelligence of mankind has achieved the incessant progress through the Copernican changes in scientific truth. Science has escalated the status of human beings continuously in the universe. All human beings are equal, extremely precious and solemn. Being allowed to parody Wittgenstein, now it is time to keep silent about the affairs which are not coincident with the truth of science, in order to keep the infinite value and dignity of human beings. It is because the substantialization of false concepts allows all kinds of liars and swindlers to win the games pleasantly, while justice keeps silent and human happy life and peace of earth are destroyed in the white screamings. Contemporary great philosopher Deleuze overturns such false concepts decisively and opens new metaphysics and ethics based on the contemporary sciences. Deleuze's philosophy of multiplicity and event is very close to Buddha's philosophy of Dharma and Middle Way which is also very scientific and practical. Middle Way is the ultimate truth and it is the single unique solution to solve the problem of earth ultimately. It is time we need to pay attention seriously on Deleuze and Buddha if we wish to live in justice, democray, freedom, peace, and happiness. 3. This book compares the same points and different points with selected several keywords in the epistemology, ontology, and practical theory between Deleuze and Buddhism. Both will go forward together for the democracy, peace, and happiness of earth. Michel Foucault predicted that the 20th century will be considered as that of Deleuze, which will never be a joke or an exaggeration. We can enter into the Buddhism and come out of Deleuze, and vise versa.

Tsongkhapa's Praise for Dependent Relativity

Tsongkhapa's Praise for Dependent Relativity PDF

Author: Je Tsongkhapa

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2012-01-01

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 086171721X


Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), the author of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment and the teacher of the First Dalai Lama, is renowned as one of the greatest scholar-saints that Tibet has ever produced. He composed his poetic Praise for Dependent Relativity the very morning that he abandoned confusion and attained the final view, the clear realization of emptiness that is the essence of wisdom. English monk Graham Woodhouse, a longtime student of Buddhism, was living near the Dalai Lama's residence in northern India when he translated Tsongkhapa's celebrated text, and he conveys for modern readers the explanation of it he received from his teacher, the late Venerable Lobsang Gyatso.

Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics

Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics PDF

Author: Vic Mansfield

Publisher: Templeton Foundation Press

Published: 2009-07-27

Total Pages: 193

ISBN-13: 1599472325


Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics: Toward a Union of Love and Knowledge addresses the complex issues of dialogue and collaboration between Buddhism and science, revealing connections and differences between the two. While assuming no technical background in Buddhism or physics, this book strongly responds to the Dalai Lama’s “heartfelt plea” for genuine collaboration between science and Buddhism. The Dalai Lama has written a foreword to the book and the Office of His Holiness will translate it into both Chinese and Tibetan. In a clear and engaging way, this book shows how the principle of emptiness, the philosophic heart of Tibetan Buddhism, connects intimately to quantum nonlocality and other foundational features of quantum mechanics. Detailed connections between emptiness, modern relativity, and the nature of time are also explored. For Tibetan Buddhists, the profound interconnectedness implied by emptiness demands the practice of universal compassion. Because of the powerful connections between emptiness and modern physics, the book argues that the interconnected worldview of modern physics also encourages universal compassion. Along with these harmonies, the book explores a significant conflict between quantum mechanics and Tibetan Buddhism concerning the role of causality. The book concludes with a response to the question: "How does this expedition through the heart of modern physics and Tibetan Buddhism—from quantum mechanics, relativity, and cosmology, to emptiness, compassion, and disintegratedness—apply to today's painfully polarized world?" Despite differences and questions raised, the book's central message is that there is a solid basis for uniting these worldviews. From this basis, the message of universal compassion can accompany the spread of the scientific worldview, stimulating compassionate action in the light of deep understanding—a true union of love and knowledge. Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Physics will appeal to a broad audience that includes general readers and undergraduate and graduate students in science and religion courses.