Publisher: Calvary Rock Resources

Published: 2015-01-22

Total Pages: 144



A poor widow tearfully warned her son, Richard against joining the bad wagon when he got an admission into the University. He did all he could not to join any group of students until he had an encounter with a member of The Black Skulls - a deadly and ruthless secret cult in the campus. Before Richard knew what he was up against, arrangement had been made to initiate him into the cult. While resisting the initiation, he ran to the Campus Christian Fellowship for help. The Christians dragged The President of Students Union Government (S.U.G) into the conflict. With the involvement of the S.U.G President, another formidable cult called The Red Eyes felt obliged to team up against the Black Skulls. Then the campus turned into a battlefield and BLOODSHED became the order of the black day.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 162

ISBN-13: 9783779710


A lot of battles and struggles for survival are taking place in many parts of the world. Most of those who are in power often use the Judiciary as a weapon against their political opponents. The unprecedented crimes and violations of human rights are due to the arrogance of many leaders who want to be in power by all means, negligence, ignorance of most members of the society, indifference and silence of well-informed citizens. Although the determinations of some patriotic citizens to secure the future of their countries are indicated through their battles against oppressive Governments but the compromised Judicial System is bringing evil days closer to the people. Thus fighting for Justice and to preserve the National Value System, Law and Order is causing more bloodshed of those who are ready to die for freedom. Through presentations of papers with cases that are treated in various dramas in this book, the author highlights the origins and causes of political and other problems that defy solutions in most parts of the world, indicating that the consequences of not fighting for Justice in any nation would be catastrophic.


Aftermath PDF

Author: Nir Rosen

Publisher: Bold Type Books

Published: 2010-10-26

Total Pages: 610

ISBN-13: 1568584016


Examines the effects of the Iraq War on the Middle East as a whole, looking at refugees displaced by the violence; the radicalization of the Sunni Muslims of Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere; and more. By the author of In the Belly of the Green Bird.

Calvary Rock Resource Booklet Volume One

Calvary Rock Resource Booklet Volume One PDF

Author: Calvary Rock Resource Writers

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 2015-01-20

Total Pages: 28



This volume contains children, youth and adult world with stories, cartoons, poems, plays, messages, articles, Bible studies, seminars and Christian education materials. The headings include "The Child Atheist", "A Critical Debate Between An Atheist Professor And His Christian Student", "Going Haywire", "The Belief In Reincarnation", "The Game", "The Children Of God And The Slaves", "A Product Of Evangelism", "Cheap And Expensive Lies", "The Woman With Four Lovers", "Encounter With A Demon From The Grave", "The Life That Saves All" and a host of others.

The New Generation Value Story Book

The New Generation Value Story Book PDF

Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 114

ISBN-13: 9780599363


According to results of various research works; the causes of social vices and crimes are attributed to the erosion of family, traditional, moral, religious and national values which are usually designed to make people responsible and reasonable. Invariably, people are not born to become responsible or irresponsible. They are actually taught to become what they are right from childhood. Unless adults man up to their responsibilities, especially towards young generations by giving them Value Education, vices and crimes are likely going to be on the increase. In order to equip parents; teachers and other children handlers with resource materials, the author introduces Value Education to them in this and other books. He blends Moral Instructions with Academics through the use of stories, nursery rhymes, class activities and other study items which are designed to impact children of all ages with moral and other values.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 1991

Total Pages: 156

ISBN-13: 9781251115


The main story is about the beast which had been producing its own kind right from eternity. It is identified as the one making beasts out of humanity through catastrophes and technologies, including human cloning. Because of its tremendous impact on mankind, it is perceived as the god of the universe which is capable of playing both bad and good roles. When it is angry, it inflicts the world with wars and terrorism. If it is obeyed, it gives people gifts like knowledge on how to shackle human beings through the use of computer network and microchips. The Bible, however, reveals this beast in the book of Revelation 12: 7-12 as the dragon that caused the war in heaven, engaging all souls in decisive battles that will determine their eternal destinations. The other short plays which depict how family; traditional; religious and national values are eroded include: “Irresponsible Leadership Of Responsible Generations”, “Youths With Crazy Ideas”, “The Breeding Of Wild Animals”, “Hate Speech Is The Language Of Violence”, “The Love Of Money Is Destructive Tendency”, “The Worst The Old Generations Can Do To The Young Ones”, “Three Tools Of Destructions Of Present And Future Generations”, “The Problems All Over The World Are The People Of The World”, “Number One Enemy Of The Nation Is On The Loose”, “Education Without Value Orientation Is Indoctrination”, “The Making Of Irresponsible Generations”, “Authority To Divide; Rule And Destroy The Society”, “Live And Let Others Live”, “The Three Destructive Things About Every Generation”, “The Enemies Of Progress Of Any Nation”, “Causes Of Social Vices And Crimes All Over The World”, “The Global Generations That Are Prepared For World War Three” and “Building Citizens Is Building The Nation”.

The Power Behind All The Thrones In The World

The Power Behind All The Thrones In The World PDF

Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 164

ISBN-13: 9783720333


According to the main drama paper presentation in this book, truths about economic and political catastrophes in most nations are not something someone can randomly stumble upon. This is because the activities of Globalists like the Illuminati and Freemasons are always shrouded in secrecies and mysteries. There are lots of documentary and circumstantial evidences that reveal the Globalists as the power behind all the thrones in the world, including the United States and United Kingdom. Because of their hidden agendas, the Globalists and most of the Governments in the world use lies and deceptions as their official languages. Invariably, it becomes impossible to discover the truth without thorough research works on their activities right from the time they started making history. Aside from the papers like: “The Sources Of Major Influence In The Society” and “Game Of Politics”, other short plays that depict either the game of dirty politics or how family; traditional; religious and national values are compromised include: “The Evil Generation Of Globalists”, “The Quest For Excellence At The Expense Of Values Is Rat Race”, “People Who Benefit From Bad Systems Are Threats To The Future Of The Nation”, “The Game Of Money Politics”, The Great Enemies Of The Nation”, “Corrupt People Always Corrupt Others”, “The Deeds That Corrupt Good People”, “Selfishness Is The Mother Of Regression”, “Three Things That Can Destroy Any Nation”, “Conscience Is The Best Role Model”, “The Leadership Of Intelligent Crooks”, “Hypocrisy At Every Level”, “The Costs Of Noble Course Of The Nation”, “The Riches Of Poor People”, “Education Alone Does Not Make Anyone Reasonable And Responsible”, “The Means Of Putting An End To Everything”, “The Seeds That Grow Are In Human Hearts”, “The Life Of Crisis”, “Mammon Makes Men Monsters”, “Irresponsible Generations Are A Step Ahead Of Responsible Ones”, “Disregard Of Law And Order Amounts To Crime”, “The Deadly Things In Any Nation Are Ignorance And Silence”, “The Future Of People Begins With What They Do Everyday”, “The Lessons Of Life Experience”, “The End Of All Bad Choices”, “Erosions Of Value Systems”, “The Generation Of Every Man To Himself”, “Corruption Of School Teacher In The Name Of Valentine” and “Political Cancer In The Society”.



Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource


Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 9783601830


While some historical accounts are distorted, so many parts were written long before they eventually become history. This is because a clique sees the need to destroy the old order and pave the way for the New World Order. The quest to dominate the world and fuse all nations together as one entity is an age-long battle which becomes more profound and pronounced in the modern days with the use of chemical, biological, psychological, spiritual and other weapons. With presentations of documentary, circumstantial and pictorial evidences most of which are made available by ancient and modern researchers and writers, this book shed light on what actually characterized global events like the French revolution, world wars, civil wars, virus pandemic like COVID-19 and other catastrophes that plague humanity. These research works address the question that was raised in the book, titled “Pawn In The Game” by William Guy Carr who asked, “why the Human Race can't live in peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance?” This book also serves as a warning that when the New World Order emerges, human beings will be shackled with Computer Network and turned into semi-robots that are controlled by a Clique of Globalists.

ANGEL ON MISSIONS OF JUSTICE: A Story About A Conflict Between A Powerful Syndicate And Its Member Who Defected

ANGEL ON MISSIONS OF JUSTICE: A Story About A Conflict Between A Powerful Syndicate And Its Member Who Defected PDF

Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 2022-04-05

Total Pages: 142

ISBN-13: 9780559132


The involvements of Toyosi Babs in a deadly syndicate caused the death of his mother, making him to be at loggerheads with his younger sister who reminded him that he was supposed to be a servant of God instead of a criminal. The syndicate which disguised as a legitimate business organization was actually into human-traffiking, drugs, contract killings of political figures and other diabolical jobs. It was so monstrously powerful that it would take at least the cooperation of the US and Nigerian governments to bring it down. When Toyosi’s mother and sister discovered that the syndicate caused the deaths of thousands of Nigerians, they fled the town to another place out of shame that a member of their family was involved in such atrocities. Toyosi’s sister was later forced to relate with him during the burial of their mother, making him to understand that she prayed for him till the last day of her life. She then seized the opportunity to reach out to him for Jesus Christ. When he eventually decided to be a Christian, he defected but, because he knew too much, the syndicate perceived him as a serious threat. This made him to be declared wanted - dead or alive. He was forced to play hide and seek with the syndicate until an angel in the form of a US citizen was sent by God on a mission to deliver him.

The Quests For New World Order

The Quests For New World Order PDF

Author: Dipo Toby Alakija

Publisher: Calvary Rock Resource

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 105

ISBN-13: 9780490388


While some historical accounts are distorted, so many parts were written long before they eventually become history. This is because a clique sees the need to destroy the old order and pave the way for the New World Order. The quest to dominate the world and fuse all nations together as one entity is an age-long battle which becomes more profound and pronounced in the modern days with the use of chemical, biological, psychological, spiritual and other weapons. With presentations of documentary, circumstantial and other evidences most of which are made available by ancient and modern researchers and writers, this book attempts to shed light on what actually characterized global events like the French revolution, world wars, civil wars, virus pandemic and other catastrophes that plague humanity. These research works address the question that was raised in the book, titled “Pawn In The Game” by William Guy Carr who asked, “why the Human Race can't live in peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance?” This book also serves as a warning that when the New World Order emerges, humans will become semi-robots that are shackled into Computer Network through the use of Artificial Intelligence (IA), as opposed to Natural Intelligence.