Behind Closed Doors, Can I Love you More? - Shilpa Narang Chatwani

Behind Closed Doors, Can I Love you More? - Shilpa Narang Chatwani PDF

Author: Shilpa Narang Chatwani

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2023-09-21

Total Pages: 173

ISBN-13: 9355215096


Behind Closed Doors Can I Love You More?’ is a fictional murder thriller. It takes readers into the complicated world of modern relationships and the mix of conflicting emotions and desires that come with them. The book uncovers hidden truths and secrets that exist behind closed doors. As the plot unfolds, the characters experience intense emotions like love, betrayal, and the complexities of human nature. This engaging thriller offers a glimpse into the complexities of love and its darker aspects.

Rhetorics & Prosody

Rhetorics & Prosody PDF

Author: N.C. Sinha

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2019-02-18

Total Pages: 105

ISBN-13: 8184305249


whole theory of religion rests, for the Yogis. It seems the consensus of opinion of the great minds of the world, and it has been nearly demonstrated by researchers into physical nature, that we are the outcome and manifestation of an absolute condition, back of our present relative condition, and are going forward, to return again to that absolute. This being granted, the question is, which is better, the absolute or this state? There are not wanting people who think that this manifested state is the highest state of man. Thinkers of great calibre are of the opinion that we are manifested specimens of undifferentiated being, and this differentiated state is higher than the absolute. Because in the absolute there cannot be any quality they imagine that it must be insensate, dull, and lifeless, that only this life can be enjoyed, and therefore we must cling to it. First of all we want to inquire into other solutions of life. There was an old solution that man after death remained the same, that all his good sides, minus his evil sides, remained forever." -An excerpt

India's Glorious Scientific Tradition

India's Glorious Scientific Tradition PDF

Author: Suresh Soni

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2009-01-01

Total Pages: 254

ISBN-13: 9788184300284


Anthropology And the Classics' is a book consisted of six lectures delivered at the Oxford University by Andrew Lang, Gilbert Murray, W. Warde Fowler, F. B. Jevons, Sir Arthur Evans, and Sir John Linton Myres. These lectures are crucial to understand the way to access the primary sources of the classic tales and myths that were once told or recorded in various forms, and how does their predictions differ due to various uncertainities. India's Glorious Scientific Tradition by Suresh Soni: Delve into the rich tapestry of India's scientific heritage with Suresh Soni's illuminating exploration. This comprehensive book chronicles the remarkable contributions of Indian scholars across various disciplines throughout history. From ancient discoveries to modern innovations, Soni sheds light on the intellectual prowess that has shaped India's scientific legacy and its enduring impact on the world. Key Aspects of the Book "India's Glorious Scientific Tradition": Historical Insights: Soni meticulously traces the origins of scientific thought in India, showcasing the foundational concepts that paved the way for future advancements. Cross-Disciplinary Excellence: The book highlights achievements in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and other fields, showcasing the multidimensional nature of India's scientific contributions. Global Influence: "India's Glorious Scientific Tradition" emphasizes how Indian discoveries have resonated globally, fostering a deeper appreciation for the nation's role in shaping scientific knowledge. Suresh Soni is a distinguished scholar and historian with a passion for uncovering India's cultural and intellectual heritage. Drawing from extensive research and a deep love for knowledge, Soni's work celebrates the often-overlooked achievements of Indian scientists throughout the ages. Through India's Glorious Scientific Tradition, Soni showcases his dedication to preserving and sharing India's remarkable scientific history.

The Midnight Knock

The Midnight Knock PDF

Author: K.R. Malkani

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2021-11-29

Total Pages: 107

ISBN-13: 9390923859


As the author himself says, this is not a jail diary. Nor is it an account of the Emergency. It is rather a ‘side light’ on the Emergency. Malkani writes about his experience of it—of what he, as a detenu, ‘saw, heard, thought and felt’ in prison. He spent the twenty-one months in three prisons— Hissar, Rohtak and Tihar—where he met a variety of people, from criminals to top-notch politicians. This is a very human document about them—sometimes amusing, sometimes sad, sometimes traumatic. The many hours of solitude in prison gave the author the opportunity to deeply analyse the Hindu-Muslim problem, towards which he has offered new and hopeful insights. The book is sensitively written, full of intimate anecdotes, not without political insight, and makes very interesting reading. It offers not only a personal viewpoint, but a glimpse into the lives of all detenus.

The Sovereign: Sprouts Of Good Governance

The Sovereign: Sprouts Of Good Governance PDF

Author: Dr. Kislay Panday

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2022-02-10

Total Pages: 350

ISBN-13: 9355620381


An empirical manuscript encompassing diverse disciplines, The Sovereign is Dr Panday’s magnum opus: it is a carefully-wrought narrative that aims to concretise his aspiration to elevate Indian society and lead the country towards a better tomorrow. Traversing the domains of political theory, philosophy, sociology, and more, this book is a panoptic one-stop shop to help the common people of India arm themselves with the fundamentals of the discipline of politics. From an account of the ancient Egyptian civilisation, to an exposition of democracy in the contemporary era; from Plato’s The Republic and Aristotle’s Politics, to feminism and the geopolitical globalisation of the twenty-first century, The Sovereign by Dr Kislay Panday is an all-pervasive narrative that not only recounts the political history of the world, but helps one understand how to utilise these learnings to engender social progress in real-time.

Selected Poems

Selected Poems PDF

Author: Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2013-01-01

Total Pages: 132

ISBN-13: 9350484323


Shri Atal Bihari Vajapyee has been a patriotic social activist since early childhood, when the country was still under British colonial rule. He started writing poetry during school days. He has always been a poet at heart keeping social sensitivity. He develops intimate relationship with fellow human beings and the nation with intense feelings which find expression in his poetry. He is a critically acclaimed poet. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been an influence on the Indian society. He, as an illustrious parliamentarian and an intellectual with deep understanding on national and international affairs has been an active participant in shaping India’s post-Independence–domestic and foreign policies. He commands respect for his liberal worldview and commitment to democratic ideals. He was Prime Minister of India through three democratic mandates. Arvind Shah is a poet, translator and a children’s writer. His publications include children’s books, poems and translations. His translations represent the sentiments of the poet. Selected Poems by Atal Bihari Vajpayee: "Selected Poems: Captivating Verses by Atal Bihari Vajpayee" is a collection of poetry by the renowned statesman and poet Atal Bihari Vajpayee. This book showcases a selection of his most captivating and profound poems, encompassing a range of themes such as love, patriotism, nature, and introspection. Through his lyrical and expressive verses, Vajpayee takes readers on a poetic journey that evokes deep emotions and offers insightful reflections on life and the human experience. Key Aspects of the Book "Selected Poems: Captivating Verses by Atal Bihari Vajpayee": Poetic Mastery: "Selected Poems" showcases the poetic mastery of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a prominent political figure and revered poet. His poems exhibit a rich blend of imagery, symbolism, and profound insights, demonstrating his command over language and his ability to touch the hearts and minds of readers. Varied Themes and Emotions: The book encompasses a variety of themes and emotions, ranging from love and longing to social issues, patriotism, and spiritual introspection. Each poem carries its unique essence, allowing readers to connect with different facets of the human experience and engage with Vajpayee's thoughts and sentiments. Reflections on Life: Vajpayee's poems offer insightful reflections on life, society, and the world around us. They encourage contemplation, introspection, and a deeper understanding of our shared humanity, providing a source of inspiration, solace, and intellectual stimulation. "Selected Poems: Captivating Verses by Atal Bihari Vajpayee" features the remarkable poetic talent of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a distinguished statesman and poet. With his eloquence and sensitivity, Vajpayee weaves a tapestry of emotions and thoughts through his verses. His book serves as a testament to his literary prowess and his ability to convey complex ideas in a captivating and accessible manner. "Selected Poems" invites readers to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Vajpayee's poetry, allowing his words to resonate and leave a lasting impact on their hearts and minds.

Thoughts Gallery

Thoughts Gallery PDF

Author: Dr. Sunil Gupta

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2016-01-01

Total Pages: 550

ISBN-13: 9351866696


This book is about basic issues that define our country’s course of development. In a diverse cross-section of topics; the author discusses in his inimitable style the fundamental flaws that have beset the nation's inexorable march to progress and prosperity. He also elaborates how a shift in the positions of individual members of society on different issues could cause a qualitative difference in the course of events and thereby lead to a better tomorrow. The articles compiled in this book have already appeared in the social media on the author’s writing platform ( and won wide acclaim. Endowed with the right balance of insight and prowess owing to the extensive exposure and rich experience gained in his professional capacity in the corporate; economic and social sectors; the author has been able to do justice to the task at hand. Not written with any particular section or group of persons in mind; the book’s aim is to pique the interest; curiosity and conscience of the individual reader and thereby motivate him to think; and then inspire him to act for the inclusive and sustainable development of our nation. Being an inalienable and intricate part of the society; it is the individual’s thought pattern that will make all the difference in the final shaping of our country’s destiny. And that; dear reader; is the undercurrent of the brook of the author’s thoughts that this book tries to encapsulate.

The Flight of A Nightingale

The Flight of A Nightingale PDF

Author: Vijayalakshmi Banerjee

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2021-01-01

Total Pages: 85

ISBN-13: 818430546X


King Solomon's Mines' was published in 1885. It is a popular novel by the Victorian adventure writer and fabulist Sir H. Rider Haggard. It is about a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is the first English adventure novel set in Africa, and is considered to be the genesis of the Lost World literary genre.

Mk Gandhi : The Educationist Par Excellence

Mk Gandhi : The Educationist Par Excellence PDF

Author: Onkar Singh Dewal

Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan

Published: 2015-01-01

Total Pages: 151

ISBN-13: 8184303165


This book is a thick description of Gandhiji views on education which he referred as his; ‘Educational fads’ (Autobiography p. 185). His educational fads were based not on well designed educational principles and theory but on his own inner workings of ideas which were essentially ethical. He saw education as means to man-making which ought to have deep ethical potential. In criticizing education in 1919 and in 1937 he had expressed his shock wave of the then existing educational system which lacked teaching through mother tongue; value orientation; nationalism and dignity of labour. Gandhiji’s educational views are embedded in Indian culture; which promote simplicity; hard work; non-violence; truthfulness; mutuality and social cohesion.

When Fate Conspires

When Fate Conspires PDF

Author: Purvi Mehta

Publisher: Notion Press

Published: 2021-01-11

Total Pages: 348

ISBN-13: 1637147856


Neel, a young dynamic charmer, lives a life designed by the hands of luck. When he recruits a talented young designer, she walks not just into his office, but also into his heart. His own committed status and her disinterest in him rocks his life and sways his sanity. To top it all, life curates customized twists for each one of them along the path. Ruled by passion, dedication, manipulation and hatred, will their fates sink them in their own emotional tsunamis?