Annuaire Europeen

Annuaire Europeen PDF

Author: B. Lamdheer

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 729

ISBN-13: 9401538859


Avec ce quatrieme volume, I' Annuaire europeen entre dans 1a seconde phase de son existance. A l'origine, la pUblication de' cet Annuaire avait ete, a titre d'experience, prevue pour trois ans. Cette periode est deja depassee, et Ie succes de l'experience est demontre par de nombreuses critiques elogieuses comme par l'accueil tres favorable que lui ont reserve les milieux inte resses aux affaires europeennes. En consequence, Ie Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Euro pe decida, en mars 1957, que l'Annuaire europeen continuerait a paraitre sans limitation de duree. Ainsi les assises de notre oeuvre sont, pour ainsi dire, devenues permanentes, et ce fait meme prouve les progres realises dans la voie de I'integration europeenne. En effet l'annee 1957 a ete extremement fructueuse en ce qui concerne l'integration europeenne et, alors que, dans l'ensemble, ce volume IV devait etre consacre a I' evolution des faits en 1956, nous avons dll egalement porter notre attention, aussi bien dans les articles que dans la partie documentaire, sur les nouvelles institutions, dont l'impQrtance est capitale. C'est pourquoi Ie Traite instituant la Communaute Economique Euro peenne figure parmi les textes documentaires du present volume; toutefois, en raison du manque de place, Ia publication du Trait6 instituant I'Euratom a ete differee jusqu'au prochain volume. Etant donne l'importance de ces deux nouveaux traites pour l'integration europeenne, Ie Comite de redaction demanda a M.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Right/Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Right/Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme PDF

Author: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1968-01-31

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9789024709533


This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights," prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2001. Its presentation follows that of previous volumes. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A bibliography and index are included.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme PDF

Author: Council of Europe Staff

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1971-07-01

Total Pages: 610

ISBN-13: 9789024711161


This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights," prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2001. Its presentation follows that of previous volumes. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A bibliography and index are included.

Japan and Enlarged Europe

Japan and Enlarged Europe PDF

Author: Takako Ueta

Publisher: Peter Lang

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 296

ISBN-13: 9789052012599


Japan and the European Union are two «civilian powers» that have dramatically extended and diversified their role on the world stage and that have launched together an Action Plan dealing with peace and stability, economic, environmental, commercial and financial governance, and cultural exchanges and cooperation. Their bilateral cooperation has been intensified as well as their cross contribution to the G8 and multilateral organisations like the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation. In parallel, their respective domestic and international positions have changed. The EU has integrated ten new members, adopted a Constitution and developed a security and defence policy. Japan has widened its international and security role and reorganised most of its economic policies. Therefore, Japan and the enlarged European Union are actors and partners in the process of global governance. This book addresses the cooperation between Japan and the enlarged European Union for a more secure world, sustainable development and global governance. It gathers contributions from European and Japanese experts who have established a permanent network on this topic and meet every year for seminars in Brussels under the aegis of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and its Belgian member organisation Study Group on European Policies (SEP-GEPE), with the support of the Japan Foundation. The book is a joint Japanese-European contribution to the Year of Japan-European Union People-to-People Exchanges declared in 2005.

Annuaire Europeen 2000/European Yearbook 2000

Annuaire Europeen 2000/European Yearbook 2000 PDF

Author: Francis Rosensteil

Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

Published: 2001-07-01

Total Pages: 1154

ISBN-13: 9789041118448


The year 2000's most significant international event was, almost certainly, neither political nor military, but scientific - the announcement, in June, that the human genome had been almost totally decoded. Future generations may well see this as a major turning point, opening the way to radical changes in diagnosis, prognosis, and medical treatment. Often compared with the space programme, this vast enterprise still generates misgivings: this new power, which human beings now have, to modify the genetic heritage of living creatures raises fundamentally new ethical questions - and society as a whole will have to find the answers. In fact, the accelerating pace of scientific and technical progress seems to be reviving atavistic anxieties, some rational, others less so. Recent public-health crises, including the mad cow disease' scare, which lasted into 2000, have fuelled these fears. The public's rejection of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - verging on a crusade in some countries - tells its own story. As regards conflict, 2000 saw the Middle East peace process grind to a halt, and the Intifada resume. In Europe, the situation in Kosovo and Chechnya, both the scenes of fighting in 1999, stayed precarious. Peace and democracy did score some successes, however, particularly in Europe: the centre-left's victory in Croatia, sweeping former President Tudjman's party off the scene, the democratic party's triumph in Bosnia, and the fall of the Milosevic regime in Serbia.

A Common Law for Europe

A Common Law for Europe PDF

Author: Gian Antonio Benacchio

Publisher: Central European University Press

Published: 2005-09-15

Total Pages: 328

ISBN-13: 6155053804


An essential guide for lawmakers, scholars, and students of law, this work takes on the formidable task of providing a detailed overview of the harmonization of law in the European Union. Skillfully researched, the authors seek to approach this topic with an eye to the recent enlargement process. In highlighting the most recent actions of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, the book seeks to analyze the future strengths and pitfalls of EU Common Law. Court rulings are quoted at length, and work in conjunction with text inserts in providing a format that breaks down complex information. This open style of the book gives researchers the ability to quickly locate useful information and cite statements from EU institutions. In outlining the sources and institutions of Community Law, and the challenges in harmonizing national and supra-national law-books, 'A Common Law for Europe' has done a tremendous service for academics and future leaders of the European Union.

The Council of Europe

The Council of Europe PDF

Author: Stefanie Schmahl

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2017-03-09

Total Pages: 1080

ISBN-13: 0191653136


The Council of Europe, of which all European States are members, plays a pivotal role in the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Europe. Bringing together specialist scholars and practitioners, The Council of Europe: Its Laws and Policies offers profound insights into the functioning of the organization. The organization's primary and secondary law, its institutional structure, and its far-reaching fields of activities are comprehensively and systematically analysed. This volume investigates the impact of the Council's activities within the national legal systems of the Member States and the dense web of relationships between the Council of Europe and other international organisations. An important reference work on one of the most influential organizations in Europe, the book concludes that the Council of Europe has played a considerable role in the constitutionalization process of regional public international law.