A von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics/Quantum Relations

A von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics/Quantum Relations PDF

Author: Greg Kuperberg

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 153

ISBN-13: 0821853414


In A von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics, Kuperberg and Weaver propose a new definition of quantum metric spaces, or W*-metric spaces, in the setting of von Neumann algebras. Their definition effectively reduces to the classical notion in the atomic abelian case, has both concrete and intrinsic characterizations, and admits a wide variety of tractable examples. A natural application and motivation of their theory is a mutual generalization of the standard models of classical and quantum error correction. In Quantum Relations Weaver defines a ``quantum relation'' on a von Neumann algebra $\mathcal{M}\subseteq\mathcal{B}(H)$ to be a weak* closed operator bimodule over its commutant $\mathcal{M}'$. Although this definition is framed in terms of a particular representation of $\mathcal{M}$, it is effectively representation independent. Quantum relations on $l^\infty(X)$ exactly correspond to subsets of $X^2$, i.e., relations on $X$. There is also a good definition of a ``measurable relation'' on a measure space, to which quantum relations partially reduce in the general abelian case. By analogy with the classical setting, Weaver can identify structures such as quantum equivalence relations, quantum partial orders, and quantum graphs, and he can generalize Arveson's fundamental work on weak* closed operator algebras containing a masa to these cases. He is also able to intrinsically characterize the quantum relations on $\mathcal{M}$ in terms of families of projections in $\mathcal{M}{\overline{\otimes}} \mathcal{B}(l^2)$.

A Von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics

A Von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics PDF

Author: Greg Kuperberg


Published: 2012

Total Pages: 140

ISBN-13: 9780821885123


We define a "quantum relation" on a von Neumann algebra M⊆B(H) to be a weak* closed operator bimodule over its commutant M′. Although this definition is framed in terms of a particular representation of M, it is effectively representation independent. Quantum relations on l∞(X) exactly correspond to subsets of X2, i.e., relations on X. There is also a good definition of a "measurable relation" on a measure space, to which quantum relations partially reduce in the general abelian case. By analogy with the classical setting, we can identify structures such as quantum equivalence relations, quantum partial orders, and quantum graphs, and we can generalize Arveson's fundamental work on weak* closed operator algebras containing a masa to these cases. We are also able to intrinsically characterize the quantum relations on M in terms of families of projections in M⊗ ̄B(l2).

Extended Graphical Calculus for Categorified Quantum Sl(2)

Extended Graphical Calculus for Categorified Quantum Sl(2) PDF

Author: Mikhail Khovanov

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 87

ISBN-13: 082188977X


A categorification of the Beilinson-Lusztig-MacPherson form of the quantum sl(2) was constructed in a paper (arXiv:0803.3652) by Aaron D. Lauda. Here the authors enhance the graphical calculus introduced and developed in that paper to include two-morphisms between divided powers one-morphisms and their compositions. They obtain explicit diagrammatical formulas for the decomposition of products of divided powers one-morphisms as direct sums of indecomposable one-morphisms; the latter are in a bijection with the Lusztig canonical basis elements.

These formulas have integral coefficients and imply that one of the main results of Lauda's paper--identification of the Grothendieck ring of his 2-category with the idempotented quantum sl(2)--also holds when the 2-category is defined over the ring of integers rather than over a field. A new diagrammatic description of Schur functions is also given and it is shown that the the Jacobi-Trudy formulas for the decomposition of Schur functions into elementary or complete symmetric functions follows from the diagrammatic relations for categorified quantum sl(2).

Hopf Algebras and Congruence Subgroups

Hopf Algebras and Congruence Subgroups PDF

Author: Yorck Sommerhäuser

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 134

ISBN-13: 0821869132


The authors prove that the kernel of the action of the modular group on the center of a semisimple factorizable Hopf algebra is a congruence subgroup whenever this action is linear. If the action is only projective, they show that the projective kernel is a congruence subgroup. To do this, they introduce a class of generalized Frobenius-Schur indicators and endow it with an action of the modular group that is compatible with the original one.

Finite Order Automorphisms and Real Forms of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras in the Smooth and Algebraic Category

Finite Order Automorphisms and Real Forms of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras in the Smooth and Algebraic Category PDF

Author: Ernst Heintze

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 66

ISBN-13: 0821869183


Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a real or complex (finite dimensional) simple Lie algebra and $\sigma\in\mathrm{Aut}\mathfrak{g}$. The authors study automorphisms of the twisted loop algebra $L(\mathfrak{g},\sigma)$ of smooth $\sigma$-periodic maps from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathfrak{g}$ as well as of the ``smooth'' affine Kac-Moody algebra $\hat L(\mathfrak{g},\sigma)$, which is a $2$-dimensional extension of $L(\mathfrak{g},\sigma)$. It turns out that these automorphisms which either preserve or reverse the orientation of loops, and are correspondingly called to be of first and second kind, can be described essentially by curves of automorphisms of $\mathfrak{g}$. If the order of the automorphisms is finite, then the corresponding curves in $\mathrm{Aut}\mathfrak{g}$ allow us to define certain invariants and these turn out to parametrize the conjugacy classes of the automorphisms. If their order is $2$ the authors carry this out in detail and deduce a complete classification of involutions and real forms (which correspond to conjugate linear involutions) of smooth affine Kac-Moody algebras.

The resulting classification can be seen as an extension of Cartan's classification of symmetric spaces, i.e. of involutions on $\mathfrak{g}$. If $\mathfrak{g}$ is compact, then conjugate linear extensions of involutions from $\hat L(\mathfrak{g},\sigma)$ to conjugate linear involutions on $\hat L(\mathfrak{g}_{\mathbb{C}},\sigma_{\mathbb{C}})$ yield a bijection between their conjugacy classes and this gives existence and uniqueness of Cartan decompositions of real forms of complex smooth affine Kac-Moody algebras.

The authors show that their methods work equally well also in the algebraic case where the loops are assumed to have finite Fourier expansions.

Tensor Categories and Endomorphisms of von Neumann Algebras

Tensor Categories and Endomorphisms of von Neumann Algebras PDF

Author: Marcel Bischoff

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2015-01-13

Total Pages: 94

ISBN-13: 3319143018


C* tensor categories are a point of contact where Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory meet. They are the underlying unifying concept for homomorphisms of (properly infinite) von Neumann algebras and representations of quantum observables. The present introductory text reviews the basic notions and their cross-relations in different contexts. The focus is on Q-systems that serve as complete invariants, both for subfactors and for extensions of quantum field theory models. It proceeds with various operations on Q-systems (several decompositions, the mirror Q-system, braided product, centre and full centre of Q-systems) some of which are defined only in the presence of a braiding. The last chapter gives a brief exposition of the relevance of the mathematical structures presented in the main body for applications in Quantum Field Theory (in particular two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory, also with boundaries or defects).

Character Identities in the Twisted Endoscopy of Real Reductive Groups

Character Identities in the Twisted Endoscopy of Real Reductive Groups PDF

Author: Paul Mezo

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2013-02-26

Total Pages: 94

ISBN-13: 0821875655


Suppose $G$ is a real reductive algebraic group, $\theta$ is an automorphism of $G$, and $\omega$ is a quasicharacter of the group of real points $G(\mathbf{R})$. Under some additional assumptions, the theory of twisted endoscopy associates to this triple real reductive groups $H$. The Local Langlands Correspondence partitions the admissible representations of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ into $L$-packets. The author proves twisted character identities between $L$-packets of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ comprised of essential discrete series or limits of discrete series.

Elliptic Integrable Systems

Elliptic Integrable Systems PDF

Author: Idrisse Khemar

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 217

ISBN-13: 0821869256


In this paper, the author studies all the elliptic integrable systems, in the sense of C, that is to say, the family of all the $m$-th elliptic integrable systems associated to a $k^\prime$-symmetric space $N=G/G_0$. The author describes the geometry behind this family of integrable systems for which we know how to construct (at least locally) all the solutions. The introduction gives an overview of all the main results, as well as some related subjects and works, and some additional motivations.